Template:Exclusive versions

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See Template:Exclusive versions/l10n for the localization of this template.
Template-info.svg 文档 以下文档来自Template:Exclusive versions/doc。(编辑 | 历史

This template displays the versions on which an entity is available. See Template:Exclusive for an explanation of the system. To display version icons or a link with icons, see {{exclusive icons}} and {{exclusive icon link}}, respectively.


{{ exclusive versions | <entity name> | invert = y/yes/1/true | not = <entity name> | short = y/yes/1/true | raw = y/yes/1/true | delimit = <delimiter> | upper3ds/upper3DS = y/yes/1/true | nl/nolink = y/yes/1/true | nlicons = y/yes/1/true | noicons = y/yes/1/true | <version parameters> = y/yes/1/true/n/no/0/false | version = <versions>}}

First unnamed parameter

Name of the entity (wiki page name) to display the exclusive versions for. Appending a section to the page name is supported, the exclusivity information for the page name will still be gathered (see examples below).


Inverts the exclusivity, i.e. displays the opposite versions. For instance, the opposite of the Moon Lord's exclusivity, which is currently desktop/console/mobile, would be old-gen/3ds. This is useful to refer to versions that do not feature a certain entity, the Moon Lord in this case.

Important note: this disables the 日本主机版 日本主机版 sensor, i.e. a Japanese Console version will never be displayed if $invert is used. This is because exclusivity to this version is separate – all entities that are exclusive to the Japanese Console version are truly exclusive to that version only.


Name of a page whose exclusivity information is to be subtracted from the main exclusivity information from the first unnamed parameter. This is useful to refer to versions where the first entity is available, but the second is not. For instance, it could be used when mentioning a feature that was removed from the Slimy Saddle (which was introduced in 1.2.4) in The Slimy Saddle's general exclusivity information is desktop/console/old-gen/mobile, but only old-gen remains when subtracting's exclusivity information (which is desktop/console/mobile) from it.

Note that this is evaluated after $invert, i.e. the exclusivity information of the main page is inverted first, and then the exclusivity information of the page from this parameter is subtracted from that.


Shortens the version names, e.g. just "电脑版 电脑版" instead of "电脑版 电脑版".

raw, delimit, upper3ds

All formatting is prevented if $raw is used; the output will consist of merely the "raw" version names instead. If multiple versions are included in the output, they are separated by slashes (/), but this delimiter can be changed via $delimit. If the 任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版 is included in the output, the ds part will be lower-cased, unless $upper3ds or $upper3DS is used.

$delimit and $upper3ds have no effect if $raw is not used. There is an alias for $raw, $code, but it is deprecated and should not be used. Similarly, $replace is an alias for $delimit, but it is deprecated as well.


Removes links and icons from the output.


Re-adds the icons if used with $nl. Has no effect otherwise.


Removes icons from the output.

Version parameters

Override versions from the first unnamed parameter (after $invert and $not are evaluated), or set versions manually if no first unnamed parameter is provided. Values for all of the following parameters can be y, yes, 1, true, n, no, 0, or false. $version (see below) can be used alternatively.

电脑版 dsk
主机版 cns
前代主机版 old
old-gen console
移动版 mbl
任天堂3DS版 3DS
日本主机版 jas

Alternative method to manually override certain versions. The expected format is <platform>-<platform>-<platform>, e.g. desktop-console. Can also be set to all to set all versions. The manual parameters above take precedence over this parameter.


Code Result
{{eversions|Traveling Merchant}} 电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版前代主机版 前代主机版、和移动版 移动版
{{eversions|Traveling Merchant|invert=y}} 任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版
{{eversions|Traveling Merchant|not=Moon Lord}} 前代主机版 前代主机版
{{eversions|Traveling Merchant|short=y}} 电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版前代主机版 前代主机版、和移动版 移动版
{{eversions|Traveling Merchant|raw=y}} desktop/console/old-gen/mobile
{{eversions|Traveling Merchant|raw=y|delimit=__&__}} desktop__&__console__&__old-gen__&__mobile
{{eversions|Ocram}} 前代主机版 前代主机版任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版
{{eversions|Ocram|nl=y}} 前代主机版和任天堂3DS版
{{eversions|Ocram|nl=y|nlicons=y}} 前代主机版 前代主机版和任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版
{{eversions|Ocram|noicons=y}} 前代主机版任天堂3DS版
{{eversions|Monokuma set#History}} 日本主机版 日本主机版
{{eversions|Torch}} 没有平台版本