模板:Npc names

来自Terraria Wiki
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This template is i18n-ready, which means it is easy to localize for different languages. Please see I18n & l10n for templates to learn more.
See Template:Npc names/l10n for the localization of this template.
Template-info.svg 文档 以下文档来自Template:Npc names/doc。(编辑 | 历史

This template displays the list of possible names of an NPC. The data is taken from Terraria's source code via {{gameText}}. {{Npc names}} contains a few manual adjustments.

For displaying a list in the style of this template with completely manual input, see {{names list}}.


All parameters are optional.

{{ npc names | <name of the NPC> (optional) | npc = <displayed name of the NPC> (optional) | id = <ID of the NPC> (optional) | iName = <internal name of the NPC> (optional) | lang = <language> (optional) | notext = y/yes (optional) | article = <custom article> (optional) | width = <CSS column-width> (optional) }}

First unnamed parameter

Name of the NPC of whom to display the names. Defaults to page name.


NPC ID of the NPC of whom to display the names. Will be filled in automatically as well, but can be used as an alternative to the first unnamed parameter for manually specifying the NPC, e.g. when using the ID instead of the name is more convenient.


Internal name of the NPC of whom to display the names. It will be filled automatically from the first parameter.


Language of the output table.


By default, the list of names will be preceded by a short sentence. Set this parameter to suppress display of that text.


Custom article for the NPC; only relevant for languages with different grammatical genders. Has no effect if $notext is set.


CSS column-width of the underlying {{names list}} used to display the names.