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biome_Goblins A ragtag army of crude, barbaric goblins set out to conquer and destroy. Some wield dark, evil magic. 一群散漫、野蛮、粗暴的哥布林开始了征服和毁灭的征程。有些人使用黑暗邪恶的魔法。 一群野蛮、粗暴的哥布林组成了散漫的军队,开始了征服和毁灭的征程。其中一些使用黑暗邪恶的魔法。
biome_Pirates A seafaring horde of armed bandits that lust after the riches of the land, collecting treasures and taking no prisoners. 一群贪恋这片富饶土地的武装海盗,他们只搜刮宝藏,不囚禁人。 一群贪恋这片富饶土地的武装劫匪组成的海上队伍,他们只爱财,不留人。
biome_Martian Technologically advanced beings from another world who want to eradicate all primitive life with their superior weaponry. 来自另一个世界的生物掌握了先进技术,他们想用高级武器消灭所有原始生物。 来自另一个世界的生物掌握了先进技术,他们想用其卓越的武器消灭所有原始生物。
biome_OldOnesArmy Minions from Etheria - they may have mistakenly invaded this world, but they wish to rule it nonetheless! 埃特尼亚的仆从 - 他们可能无意中入侵了这个世界,但他们还是希望统治这里! 来自埃特尼亚的仆从——他们可能是错误地入侵了这个世界,但他们依然希望统治这里!
biome_PumpkinMoon A bitter harvest rises in the dead of night. Creatures of evil and darkness spook the lands, killing everything in their path. 夜深人静时掀起的一场苦涩收获。邪恶和黑暗生物惊扰了大地,他们所到之处,无一幸免。
biome_FrostMoon Ho Ho Ho! On this not-so-silent night, festive beings wish to shower the world with gifts of blood and carnage. 嚯嚯嚯!在这个不那么寂静的夜晚,喜庆生物希望掀起一场血腥屠杀。 嚯嚯嚯!在这个不那么寂静的夜晚,喜庆生物希望掀起一场血腥屠杀来给世界洗礼。
biome_FrostLegion This organized family of cold-hearted killers wish to ice any who cross them, and they don't like snitches... capisce? 这是一个有组织的冷血杀手家族,他们希望对任何与自己作对的人实施冰刑,他们不喜欢告密者…明白吗? 这是一个有组织的冷血杀手家族,他们希望冰封任何与自己作对的人,他们不喜欢告密者……明白吗?
biome_SlimeRain For reasons beyond any meteorological explanation, slimy things are raining down from above by the buckets! 从天上倾泻而下的黏糊糊的东西!但这跟气象原因无关。 出于某种非气象学解释的原因,黏糊糊的东西正从天上倾泻而下!
biome_WindyDay Don't get carried away! Nature is throwing a party and wishes to sweep everybody - and everything - off their feet! 别被大风吹跑了!大自然正在举办一场派对,想要狂卷世间万物! 别被吹跑了!大自然正在举办一场派对,想要席卷世间万物!
biome_BloodMoon When the moon rises drenched in blood, the dead rise with it! These macabre creatures seek to add fresh meat to their dripping ranks. 当猩红的月亮升起时,亡灵也随之出没!这些骇人的生物想出来给自己添添荤。 当月亮沾满鲜血升起时,死亡也随之而来!这些骇人的生物想给他们滴血的队伍添添荤。
biome_Halloween Pumpkins grow wildly across the land, and certain creatures masquerade in unusual costumes. Trick or treat! 南瓜在这片土地上疯狂地生长着,某些生物会穿上不同寻常的服装来伪装自己。不给糖就捣蛋! 南瓜在这片土地上疯狂地生长着,某些生物会穿上不同寻常的服装来给自己化装。不给糖就捣蛋!
biome_Rain When it rains, it pours. Creatures which normally thrive in water may roam the land and sky. Beware the angered clouds. 不雨则已,一雨如柱。平常生活在水中的生物会游荡在陆地和天空中。小心愤怒的云。 不雨则已,一雨如注。平常生活在水中的生物会游荡在陆地和天空中。小心愤怒的云。
biome_Christmas Winter is here! Time to celebrate with twinkling lights, ugly sweaters, and a fat old fellow wearing a bright red suit. 冬天来了!是时候庆祝了,让我们挂起闪亮的彩灯,穿上丑毛衣,等着穿红衣服的胖老头发礼物吧。 冬天来了!是时候庆祝了,让我们挂起闪亮的彩灯,穿上丑毛衣,等着穿大红衣服的胖老头发礼物吧。
biome_Eclipse Familiar creatures of horror rapidly grip the lands this day, for no mere mortal can resist the evil of the blackened sun. 这一天,常见的恐怖生物迅速占领大地,因为没有凡灵能抵挡住日食带来的邪恶力量。 这一天,熟悉的恐怖生物迅速占领大地,因为没有凡灵能抵挡住日食带来的邪恶力量。
biome_Party This day, for no particular reason, everyone decided to throw a party. There's always time for a celebration! 今天,没有什么特别原因,就是大家都想举办一场派对。再忙也要进行庆祝! 今天,没有什么特别原因,大家就是都想举办一场派对。再忙也要进行庆祝!
biome_Blizzard The most vile, stone-cold entities emerge in the blinding chaos of bone-piercing icy wind and snow. Every step is cold and dangerous. 刺骨的冰天雪地里,最邪恶、最冰冷的生命体。每一步都寒气逼人、危险重重。 寒风刺骨的冰天雪地里,有最邪恶、最冰冷的生命体自目不能视的混沌中生出。每一步都寒气逼人、危险重重。
biome_Sandstorm The sands of the desert rage like a stormy sea, with deadly creatures swimming among them. 沙漠中的沙子像波涛汹涌的海面一样疯狂肆虐,致命的生物游荡其中。 沙漠中的沙子像波涛汹涌的海面一样疯狂肆虐,致命的生物在其中游动。
biome_Surface Anywhere where one can see the trees, the mountains, and the sky. Not all creatures are powerful or even hostile. 在这里,到处都能看到大树、高山和晴空。并不是所有生物都很强大甚至充满敌意。 在这里,到处都能看到大树、高山和晴空。并非所有生物都很强大或者充满敌意。
biome_Graveyard When areas of death become littered with graves, a thick mist of concentrated eeriness blankets the land. 当死区遍布墓穴时,浓厚的阴森气息笼罩着大地。 当死亡区域中遍布坟墓时,浓厚的阴森雾气笼罩着大地。
biome_UndergroundJungle The tangled world beneath the muddy jungle proves perilous to any adventurer. Within, be on guard for voracious plants and bugs. 对于任何冒险家来说,泥泞丛林下的混乱世界危险重重。在这里,要提防贪食的植物和虫子。 泥泞丛林下的混乱世界对于任何冒险家来说都是危险重重的。在这里,要提防贪食的植物和虫子。
biome_TheUnderworld A doomed haven of fire and brimstone - run rampant with demons and devils - offers no sanctuary for the living. 一个充斥着火舌和硫磺的厄运之地 - 到处都是恶魔和魔鬼 - 让生者无处可逃。 火焰与硫磺的宿命港湾——到处都是恶魔和魔鬼——生者无处托庇。
biome_TheDungeon Constructed long ago as a once thriving city, this dark and evil place now serves as the home for its cursed former inhabitants. 在很久以前,这个黑暗邪恶的地方曾是一座繁荣的城市,现在却成了其被诅咒的先住民的聚居地。 这个黑暗邪恶的地方在很久以前曾是一座繁荣的城市,现在却成了其被诅咒的原住民的聚居地。
biome_TheCorruption A cancerous Corruption thriving off the sins of the living. Its sole desire is to consume all things, leaving behind only a lifeless void. 从活人的罪恶中滋生的一种恶性腐化。它的唯一目的就是吞噬一切,只留下毫无生机的虚空。 从生灵的罪恶中滋生的恶性腐化。它唯一的渴望就是吞噬一切,只留下毫无生机的虚空。
biome_Underground Just below the surface, there's no shortage of dirt. Basic ore, mundane treasure, and weak monsters live down there. 就在地表之下,那里遍布泥土。只有一些基础矿石、普通宝藏,还有苟延残喘的怪物。 地表之下,不乏尘土。有基础矿石、普通宝藏,还住着些较弱的怪物。
biome_TheHallow A divine and overzealous force, 'The Hallow', serves as a cure to combat evil with its majestic, powerful creatures of light. 一股神圣而过于热情的力量,“神圣之地”拥有伟岸而强大的光明生物,是对抗邪恶势力的有力武器。 神圣而狂热的力量,“神圣之地”拥有伟岸而强大的光明生物,是与邪恶斗争的有力武器。
biome_UndergroundMushroom A curious deviation of nature, large mushrooms grow densely from glowing blue grass. Tough 'mycanoids' defend the area. 大蘑菇密集地生长在发光的蓝草上,这是一种奇怪的自然变异。强硬的“菌人族”保卫着这片区域。 大蘑菇密集地生长在发光的蓝草上,这是自然的奇景。坚强的“菌族”保卫着这片区域。
biome_StardustPillar A blue lunar seal protected by powerful guardians. This one representing a glittering celestial remnant known as 'stardust'. 一种由强大守卫保护的蓝色月亮封印。它代表一种叫作“星尘”的闪耀天界残骸。 由强大守卫保护的蓝色月亮封印。它代表一种叫作“星尘”的闪亮天界残骸。
biome_Jungle Thick trees, brambled vines, and relentless beasts of nature inhabit this dense canopy of lush growth, sprouted from seemingly limitless mud. 从看似无限的泥土里萌芽后,迅速发展成郁郁葱葱的丛林,这里现生长着旺盛的树木、带刺的藤蔓和大自然孕育的无情野兽。 从似乎无穷无尽的泥土中萌芽后,迅速发展成郁郁葱葱的丛林,这里现生长着旺盛的树木、带刺的藤蔓和大自然孕育的无情野兽。
biome_Caverns Tough monsters, abandoned cabins, and golden treasure adorn the dark, vacant caverns tunneled beneath the underground. 地下挖崛的黑暗、空旷的洞穴,里面有高大的怪物、废弃的小屋和黄金宝藏。 地下挖崛的黑暗空旷的洞穴,里面有高大的怪物、废弃的小屋和黄金宝藏。
biome_UndergroundSnow Tunnels carved throughout frigid ice result in slippery pitfalls and freezing pools - all patrolled by the sub-zero denizens of the deep. 在寒冰上凿出的通道导致出现了滑溜的陷阱和结冰的池塘 - 所有这些都是由零度以下的地下栖息者进行巡逻。 在寒冰上凿出的通道导致出现了滑溜的陷阱和结冰的池塘——所有这些都由零下深渊居民巡逻。
biome_Ocean An endless ocean stretched to the horizon awaits at the world's edge, filled with infinitely hungry creatures from the watery depths. 无边无际的海洋一直延伸到地平线,最终汇集到世界的边缘,这里遍布来自海洋深处的饥渴生物。 无边无际的海洋一直延伸到地平线,守候在世界的边缘,这里遍布着来自海水深处的无限饥渴生物。
biome_SurfaceMushroom Surface mushroom patches must be cultivated by hand, but doing so may draw attention from strong mycanoids. 地表蘑菇地块必须用手培育,但这样会引来强大菌人族的注意。 地表蘑菇地块必须手工培育,但这样会引来强大菌族的注意。
biome_UndergroundDesert Beneath the sandy surface lies weathered, hard sandstone. Massive nests of deadly insects and more infest these ancient burrows. 沙漠表面之下是风化的坚硬沙岩。这些古老的洞穴里藏着大量致命的昆虫和更多寄生虫。 沙漠表面之下是风化的硬质沙岩。这些古老的洞穴里藏着大量致命的昆虫和更多寄生虫。
biome_Snow A persistent arctic jet stream left a part of the world permanently cold. Only the hardiest of beasts can survive this harsh region. 一股持续的北极急流使世界的一部分永久性地变成冰天雪地。只有最顽强的野兽才能在这个严酷的地区存活下来。 一股持续的北极急流使世界的一部分永远寒冷。只有最顽强的野兽才能在这个严酷的地区存活下来。
biome_Desert Endless dunes of sand reside here, scorched by the never-ending sun. Few things have adapted to survive in this environment. 这里有漫无边际的沙丘,被终日不落的太阳炙烤着。很少有生物能在这样的环境中存活下来。
biome_Meteor The fragments left behind from plummeting meteorites burn endlessly with astrological energy, some of which appears to be alive. 坠落的陨石留下的碎片不断燃烧,释放出占星能量,其中一些似乎还有活力。 坠落的陨石留下的碎片靠着占星能量不断燃烧,其中一些碎片似乎还是活的。
biome_Oasis This is no mirage! The clandestine pools of water glittering in the desert sun are the only source of life in these desolate sands. 这不是幻象!在烈日照射下闪闪发光的神秘水池,是荒凉沙漠中唯一的生命来源。 这不是海市蜃楼!在烈日照射下闪闪发光的神秘水池,是荒凉沙漠中唯一的生命来源。
biome_SpiderNest In this deadly place, there lurk arachnids with many legs, many eyes, and a thirst for blood. They sow thick webs threaded with malice. 在这个致命的地方,潜伏着天外魔蛛,它们长有许多条腿,许多只眼睛,嗜血成性,还撒下了邪恶的天罗地网。 在这个致命的地方,潜伏着长有许多条腿、许多只眼睛、嗜血成性的蜘蛛。它们还撒下了交织着恶意的天罗地网。
biome_Crimson A hive mind of grotesque, biological infections which aim to consume all life whilst feeling absolutely nothing. 一种会在生物之间相互传染的怪诞蜂巢思维,目的是在不知不觉中蚕食所有生命。 会在生物之间相互传染的怪异群体意识,目的是在不知不觉中蚕食所有生命。
biome_SolarPillar A red lunar seal protected by powerful guardians. This one representing a flaming celestial event known as 'solar flares'. 一种由强大守卫保护的红色月亮封印。它代表一种叫作“耀斑”的烈焰天界事件。 由强大守卫保护的红色月亮封印。它代表一种叫作“耀斑”的燃烧天界事件。
biome_VortexPillar A green lunar seal protected by powerful guardians. This one representing a deep celestial void known as 'vortex'. 一种由强大守卫保护的绿色月亮封印。它代表一种叫作“星旋”的天界深处虚空。 由强大守卫保护的绿色月亮封印。它代表一种叫作“星旋”的深渊天界虚空。
biome_TheTemple Stone-crafted with an ancient mineral alloy, this indomitable temple houses the Lihzahrd; a crude, yet advanced reptilian race. 这座坚不可摧的神庙由古老的矿物合金和石头制成,里面住着丛林蜥蜴,一种原始而先进的爬行动物。 这座坚不可摧的石制神庙用上了古老的矿物合金,里面住着丛林蜥蜴,这是种原始而又先进的爬行动物种族。
biome_UndergroundCorruption With the ancient spirits of light and dark released, the Corruption's reach drastically increased and its minions greatly empowered. 随着古老的光明与黑暗之魂的释放,腐化之地的势力范围显著扩大,它的仆从也获得了极大的权力。 随着古老的光明与黑暗之魂的释放,腐化之地的影响范围急剧扩大,它的仆从们能力也大大提升了。
biome_NebulaPillar A purple lunar seal protected by powerful guardians. This one representing a stormy celestial body known as 'nebula'. 一种由强大守卫保护的紫色月亮封印。它代表一种叫作“星云”的狂暴天体。 由强大守卫保护的紫色月亮封印。它代表一种叫作“星云”的狂暴天界天体。
biome_CorruptUndergroundDesert The Corruption's hold in the sandstone weakened the seals that held an assortment of ancient magicked beings at bay. 建在沙岩上的腐化之地削弱了用来阻止各种远古魔法生物入侵的封印。 侵入沙岩的腐化之地削弱了用来阻止各种远古魔法生物入侵的封印。
biome_CrimsonUndergroundDesert The Crimson's bloody veins broke up the tombs that once held magicked beings, which are now released to commit mayhem. 猩红之地的血色岩脉冲破了曾住着魔法生物的坟墓,现在这些生物被释放出来制造混乱。 猩红之地的血脉冲破了封着魔法生物的坟墓,现在这些生物被释放出来制造混乱。
biome_HallowUndergroundDesert The blessing swept through the ancient sands, awakening dangerous creatures once forgotten to time. 福佑传遍古老的沙漠地带,唤醒了曾经被时间遗忘的危险生物。 福佑席卷了古老的沙漠,唤醒了曾经被时间遗忘的危险生物。
biome_CorruptDesert When the Corruption grows through the desert, vile things long since buried in the sand awaken with pure malice. 当腐化之地蔓延到沙漠之后,长久以来深埋在沙漠里的邪恶之物被纯粹的恶意唤醒。
biome_HallowDesert As the Hallow responds to the encroaching evils, it inadvertently awakens things that have slept beneath the sands for centuries. 当神圣之地反击入侵的恶魔时,它无意中唤醒了沙漠之下沉睡了几个世纪的怪物。 当神圣之地反击入侵的邪恶时,它无意中唤醒了在沙子之下沉睡了几个世纪的怪物。
biome_CrimsonDesert With the Crimson seeping through the sands, dark things long forgotten rise again to seek out and destroy life. 随着猩红渗入沙漠,被遗忘已久的黑暗之物再次出现,试图摧毁生命。 随着猩红渗入沙漠,被遗忘已久的黑暗事物再次出现,试图摧毁生命。
biome_Granite A glistening, dark material adorns the caverns here. Granite paves the way for progress in architectural fashion and durable monsters. 这里的洞穴装饰着一种闪亮的黑色物质。通道上按照经典的怪物建筑风格铺设着花岗岩。 这里的洞穴点缀着一种闪亮的深色材料。花岗岩让建筑风尚得以发展,但也给坚韧的怪物铺平了道路。
biome_UndergroundCrimson With the ancient spirit of darkness released, the Crimson's veiny growth reaches new depths, and its macabre fiends gain strength. 随着古老的黑暗之魂的释放,猩红之地的岩脉伸向了更深处,它的骇人恶魔也汲取了力量。 随着古老的黑暗之魂的释放,猩红之地的脉络生长到达了更深处,它的骇人恶魔也汲取了力量。
biome_UndergroundHallow With the evils now unleashed into the depths of the world, the Hallow fights back with powerful minions of light. 随着恶灵现在被释放到世界的深处,神圣之地利用强大的光明仆从进行反击。 现在,随着邪恶被释放到世界的深处,神圣之地利用强大的光明仆从进行反击。
biome_Marble A smooth material wrought with pleasing veins of color coat the walls of this cavern. An ancient civilization of monsters dwell here. 这个洞穴的墙壁上覆盖着一种光滑的材料,上面有令人赏心悦目的彩色纹理。一种古老的怪物文明在这里存续了下来。
biome_CorruptIce Cold ice infused with even colder Corruption results in bitterly-frozen terrors lurking beneath the treacherous icy caverns. 寒冰注入更寒冷的腐化之地后,导致危险的冰冷洞穴下潜伏着极端恐怖力量。 更阴寒的腐化注入到寒冰中导致危险的冰冷洞穴下潜伏着极端冰寒的恐怖力量。
biome_HallowIce Ice serves as a catalyst for the blessing, the Hallow's luminous source of power. Strong entities take advantage of this light. 寒冰是福佑的催化剂,神圣之地的力量光源。强大的生命体会利用这种光。
biome_CrimsonIce These bitterly cold caverns of ice, saturated with the blood of Crimson, host a new variety of menacing frozen fiends. 这些极其严寒的冰洞,渗透着猩红之血,里面住着各种凶险的冰冻恶魔。 这些极其严寒的冰洞中渗透着猩红之血,里面住着各种凶险的冰冻恶魔。
biome_Sky It is rumored that there is a land far above the clouds, where ancient treasures are guarded by powerful winged creatures. 传说在云层之上有一片土地,那里的古老宝藏由强大的有翼生物守护着。
biome_DayTime After 4:30am, the sun rises in the sky and the most dangerous of beings flee from the light. It's a great time to explore! 凌晨4:30过后,太阳升起,最危险的生物逃离光明。这是探索的好时机!
biome_NightTime After 7:30pm, the moon rises in the sky. All manner of evil things, living and dead, roam the lands in the dark. 晚上7:30过后,月亮升起。各种各样的邪恶力量,无论是活物还是亡灵,都会在黑暗中游荡。 晚上7:30过后,月亮升起。各种各样的邪恶事物,无论是活物还是亡灵,都会在黑暗中游荡在大地上。