Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Game.json/BuffDescription

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
ObsidianSkin Immune to lava 对熔岩免疫
Regeneration Provides life regeneration 提供生命再生
Swiftness 25% increased movement speed 移动速度提高25%
Gills Breathe water instead of air 可在水中而非空气中呼吸
Ironskin Increase defense by 8 防御力增加8点 防御力增加8
ManaRegeneration Increased mana regeneration 魔力再生增加 提高魔力再生速度
MagicPower 20% increased magic damage 魔法伤害增加20% 魔法伤害提高20%
Featherfall Press UP or DOWN to control speed of descent 按UP或DOWN来控制下降速度 按向上键或向下键来控制下降速度
Spelunker Shows the location of treasure and ore 显示宝藏和矿石的位置
Invisibility Grants invisibility 可隐身 隐身
Shine Emitting light 发光
NightOwl Increased night vision 夜视力提升 提升夜视能力
Battle Increased enemy spawn rate 敌人生成速度提高 提高敌人生成速度
Thorns Attackers also take damage 攻击者也会受伤 攻击者也会受到伤害
WaterWalking Press DOWN to enter water 按DOWN进入水中 按向下键进入水中
Archery 10% increased bow damage and 20% increased arrow speed 弓伤害增加10%,箭速度增加20% 弓伤害提高10%,箭速度提高20%
Hunter Shows the location of enemies 显示敌人位置
Gravitation Press UP to reverse gravity 按UP可逆转重力 按向上键可逆转重力
ShadowOrb A magical orb that provides light 可提供照明的魔法球 提供照明的魔法珠
Poisoned Slowly losing life 缓慢损失生命值
PotionSickness Cannot consume anymore healing items 不能再消耗治疗物品 不能再使用治疗物品
Darkness Decreased light vision 光视能力下降 光视力下降
Cursed Cannot use any items 无法使用任何物品
OnFire Slowly losing life 缓慢损失生命值
Tipsy Increased melee abilities, lowered defense 近战能力提高,防御力降低 提高近战能力,降低防御力
FairyBlue A fairy is following you 仙灵将跟着你 仙灵正跟着你
Werewolf Physical abilities are increased 物理能力提高 体能提高
Clairvoyance Magic powers are increased 魔能增加 魔法能力提高
Bleeding Cannot regenerate life 无法再生生命
Confused Movement is reversed 移动方向逆转
Slow Movement speed is reduced 移动速度降低
Weak Physical abilities are decreased 物理能力下降 体能降低
Merfolk Can breathe and move easily underwater 可在水下呼吸和轻松移动 可在水下顺畅呼吸和移动
Silenced Cannot use items that require mana 无法使用需要魔力的物品
BrokenArmor Defense is cut in half 防御力减半
Horrified You have seen something nasty, there is no escape. 你已经看到一些令人讨厌的东西,而且无路可逃。 你已看到污秽之物,无可逃脱。
TheTongue You are being sucked into the mouth 你被吸入嘴中
CursedInferno Losing life 正在损失生命值
PetBunny I think it wants your carrot 我想它想要你的胡萝卜
BabyPenguin I think it wants your fish 我想它想要你的鱼
PetTurtle Happy turtle time! 欢乐乌龟时光!
PaladinsShield 25% of damage taken will be redirected to another player 所受伤害的25%将被重新定向到其他玩家 所受伤害的25%将被转移到另一名玩家身上
Frostburn It's either really hot or really cold. Either way it REALLY hurts 要么特别热,要么特别冷。无论哪种方式都带来极大伤害 不是特别烫就是特别冻。反正都是特别特别痛
BabyEater A baby Eater of Souls is following you 噬魂怪宝宝将跟着你 噬魂怪宝宝正跟着你
Chilled Your movement speed has been reduced 你的移动速度已降低
Frozen You can't move! 你不能动!
Honey Life regeneration is increased 生命再生速度提高
Pygmies The pygmies will fight for you 矮人将为你而战
BabySkeletronHead Don't even ask... 别问了... 别问了……
BabyHornet It thinks you are its mother 它认为你是它的妈妈
TikiSpirit A friendly spirit is following you 友好幽魂将跟着你 友好幽魂正跟着你
PetLizard Chillin' like a reptilian 像爬行动物一样冷漠 像爬行动物一样冰凉
PetParrot Polly wants the cracker 波利想要饼干
BabyTruffle Isn't this just soooo cute? 这简直太可爱了! 这简直太太太可爱了!
PetSapling A little sapling is following you 小树苗将跟着你 小树苗正跟着你
Wisp A wisp is following you 妖灵将跟着你 妖灵正跟着你
RapidHealing Life regeneration is greatly increased 生命再生速度大幅提高
ShadowDodge You will dodge the next attack 你将躲避下一次攻击
LeafCrystal Shoots crystal leaves at nearby enemies 朝附近的敌人射出水晶叶
BabyDinosaur A baby dinosaur is following you 恐龙宝宝将跟着你 恐龙宝宝正跟着你
IceBarrier Damage taken is reduced by 25% 所受伤害减少25% 所受伤害降低25%
Panic Movement speed is increased 移动速度提高
BabySlime The baby slime will fight for you 史莱姆宝宝将为你而战
EyeballSpring An eyeball spring is following you 弹簧眼将跟着你 弹簧眼正跟着你
BabySnowman A baby snowman is following you 雪人宝宝将跟着你 雪人宝宝正跟着你
Burning Losing life and slowed movement 正在损失生命值且移动已放缓
Suffocation Losing life 正在损失生命值
Ichor Reduced defense 防御力减少 降低防御力
Venom Losing life 正在损失生命值
Midas Drop more money on death 死亡时掉落更多钱
Blackout Light vision severely reduced 光视能力严重下降
PetSpider A spider is following you 蜘蛛将跟着你 蜘蛛正跟着你
Squashling A squashling is following you 南瓜娃娃将跟着你 南瓜娃娃正跟着你
Ravens The ravens will attack your enemies 乌鸦将攻击你的敌人
BlackCat A black kitty is following you 黑猫将跟着你 黑猫正跟着你
CursedSapling A cursed sapling is following you 诅咒树苗将跟着你 诅咒树苗正跟着你
WaterCandle Increased monster spawn rate 怪物生成速度提高 提高怪物生成速度
PeaceCandle Decreased monster spawn rate 怪物生成速度降低
ShadowCandle Dispels the peace of towns 驱散城镇的宁静
Campfire Life regen is slightly increased 生命再生速度略有提高
ChaosState Using the Rod of Discord will take life 使用混沌传送杖将消耗生命值 使用混沌传送杖会夺走生命值
HeartLamp Life regen is increased 生命再生速度提高
Rudolph Riding the red nosed reindeer 骑乘红鼻子驯鹿 骑上红鼻子驯鹿
Puppy A puppy is following you 小狗将跟着你 小狗正跟着你
BabyGrinch A baby grinch is following you 格林奇宝宝将跟着你 格林奇宝宝正跟着你
AmmoBox 20% chance to save ammo 20%的几率节省弹药 20%几率省下弹药
ManaSickness Magic damage reduced by 魔法伤害减少 魔法伤害降低
BeetleEndurance1 Damage taken reduced by 15% 所受伤害减少15% 所受伤害降低15%
BeetleEndurance2 Damage taken reduced by 30% 所受伤害减少30% 所受伤害降低30%
BeetleEndurance3 Damage taken reduced by 45% 所受伤害减少45% 所受伤害降低45%
BeetleMight1 Melee damage and speed increase by 10% 近战伤害和速度各增加10% 近战伤害和近战速度各提高10%
BeetleMight2 Melee damage and speed increase by 20% 近战伤害和速度各增加20% 近战伤害和近战速度各提高20%
BeetleMight3 Melee damage and speed increase by 30% 近战伤害和速度各增加30% 近战伤害和近战速度各提高30%
FairyRed A fairy is following you 仙灵将跟着你 仙灵正跟着你
FairyGreen A fairy is following you 仙灵将跟着你 仙灵正跟着你
Wet You are dripping water 你在滴水
Mining 25% increased mining speed 挖矿速度增加25% 采矿速度提高25%
Heartreach Increased heart pickup range 心拾取范围扩大 扩大心的拾取范围
Calm Decreased enemy spawn rate 敌人生成速度降低
Builder Increased placement speed and range 放置速度和范围增加 提高放置速度、扩大放置范围
Titan Increased knockback 击退力提高 提高击退力
Flipper Move like normal in water 在水中正常移动 在水中移动如常
Summoning Increased max number of minions 仆从数量上限提高 提高仆从数量上限
Dangersense You can see nearby hazards 你可以看到附近的危险
AmmoReservation 20% chance to save ammo 20%的几率节省弹药 20%几率省下弹药
Lifeforce 20% increased max life 最大生命值增加20% 最大生命提高20%
Endurance 10% reduced damage 伤害减少10% 所受伤害降低10%
Rage 10% increased critical chance 暴击率增加10% 暴击率提高10%
Inferno Nearby enemies are ignited 附近的敌人被点燃
Wrath 10% increased damage 伤害增加10% 伤害提高10%
MinecartLeft Riding in a minecart 驾驶矿车
MinecartRight Riding in a minecart 驾驶矿车
Lovestruck You are in love! 你已坠入爱河!
Stinky You smell terrible 你的味道真难闻
Fishing Increased fishing power 渔力提高 提高渔力
Sonar You can see what's biting your hook 你能看到是什么在咬你的鱼钩
Crate Greater chance of fishing up a crate 钓上宝匣的几率更大
Warmth Reduced damage from cold sources 冷系伤害减少 降低所受冷系伤害
HornetMinion The hornet will fight for you 黄蜂将为你而战
ImpMinion The imp will fight for you 小鬼将为你而战
ZephyrFish It likes swimming around you 它喜欢在你周围游泳
BunnyMount You are craving carrots 你渴望胡萝卜
PigronMount Now you see me... 你现在看到我了……
SlimeMount BOOOIIINNNG! 啵嘤!
TurtleMount Slow if by land, zoom if by sea 陆地上速度缓慢,海上则可急速疾行
BeeMount BzzzBzzBZZZZBzzz 嗡嗡嗡嗡
SpiderMinion The spider will fight for you 蜘蛛将为你而战
TwinEyesMinion The twins will fight for you 双子魔眼将为你而战
PirateMinion The pirate will fight for you 海盗将为你而战
MiniMinotaur How do you defeat a mini Minotaur? 你如何打败迷你牛头怪? 你是怎么打败迷你牛头怪的?
Slimed You are slimy and sticky 你粘糊糊的 你黏糊糊的
SharknadoMinion The sharknado will fight for you 鲨鱼旋风将为你而战
UFOMinion The UFO will fight for you UFO将为你而战
UFOMount It's a good thing you had a MAC 你拥有MAC真是太好了 幸好你有MAC
DrillMount Riding in a flying drill 骑乘飞钻头 骑上飞行钻头
ScutlixMount Pew Pew 劈劈啪啪 piu piu
Electrified Moving hurts! 一动就痛!
MoonLeech You are unable to absorb healing effects 你无法吸收治疗效果
Sunflower Movement speed increased and monster spawns reduced 移动速度提高,怪物生成减少
MonsterBanner Increased damage and defense from the following: 伤害和防御力因下列原因增加: 提高对以下怪的伤害和防御力:
Rabies Increased damage, Decreased life regen, Causes status effects 伤害增加,生命再生速度降低,对状态造成影响 提高伤害,降低生命再生速度,对状态造成影响
Webbed You are stuck 你被卡住了 你动不了
Bewitched Increased max number of minions 仆从数量上限提高 提高仆从数量上限
SoulDrain Increased life regeneration 生命再生速度提高 提高生命再生速度
MagicLantern An enchanted lantern is lighting your way 附魔灯笼将为你照亮前路 附魔灯笼照亮前路
ShadowFlame Losing life 正在损失生命值
CrimsonHeart A magical heart that provides light 可提供照明的魔法心 提供照明的魔法心
BabyFaceMonster A baby face monster is following you 脸怪宝宝将跟着你 脸怪宝宝正跟着你
BoneJavelin Bleeding Out 血流不止
StardustMinion The stardust cell will fight for you 星尘细胞将为你而战
StardustMinionBleed being eaten by cells being eaten by cells 被细胞吞噬
DryadsWardDebuff The power of nature compells you 自然的力量强迫你 自然的力量逼迫你
StardustGuardianMinion The stardust guardian will protect you 星尘守卫将保护你 星尘守卫会保护你
StardustDragonMinion The stardust dragon will protect you 星尘之龙将保护你 星尘之龙会保护你
Daybreak Incinerated by solar rays 已被太阳光线焚化 被日耀射线焚烧
SuspiciousTentacle A suspicious looking eye that provides light 可提供照明的可疑眼球 提供照明的可疑眼球
CompanionCube Will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak 永远不会威胁刺伤你,而且事实上也无法讲话 永远不会威胁要刺伤你,而且,其实,不会说话
PetDD2Gato A propeller gato is following you 飞翔Gato将跟着你 飞翔Gato正跟着你
PetDD2Ghost A flickerwick is following you 闪烁灯芯将跟着你 闪烁灯芯正跟着你
PetDD2Dragon A hoardagron is following you Hoardagron将跟着你 Hoardagron正跟着你
BetsysCurse Defense is lowered 防御力降低
Oiled Taking more damage from being on fire 因着火受到更多伤害 提高因着火而受到的伤害
Stoned You are completely petrified! 你已完全石化! 你彻底石化了!
StarInBottle Increased mana regeneration 魔力再生增加 提高魔力再生速度
Sharpened Melee weapons have armor penetration 近战武器具有盔甲穿透力
Dazed Movement is greatly slowed 移动大大放缓 移动大大减慢
DeadlySphere The Deadly Sphere will fight for you 致命球将为你而战
Obstructed You can't see! 你看不到! 你看不见了!
VortexDebuff Gravity around you is distorted 你周围的重力是扭曲的
DryadsWard The power of nature protects you 自然的力量保护你
WindPushed The wind moves you around! 风带着你四处移动! 风将你吹动!
WitheredArmor Your armor is lowered! 你的盔甲降级了!
WitheredWeapon Your attacks are weaker! 你的攻击变弱了!
OgreSpit Movement is significantly reduced 移动速度显著降低
ParryDamageBuff 400% increased damage for next melee strike 下次近战暴击伤害增加400% 下次近战攻击伤害提高400%
BallistaPanic Your ballistas rapidly shoot in panic! 你的弩车在惊慌之下快速射击! 你的弩车在恐慌之中快速射击!
MinecartRightMech Riding in a minecart 驾驶矿车
MinecartLeftMech Riding in a minecart 驾驶矿车
MinecartRightWood Riding in a minecart 驾驶矿车
MinecartLeftWood Riding in a minecart 驾驶矿车
SolarShield1 Damage taken reduced by 30%, repel enemies when taking damage 所受伤害减少30%,受伤时驱除敌人 所受伤害降低30%,受到伤害时推开敌人
SolarShield2 Damage taken reduced by 30%, repel enemies when taking damage 所受伤害减少30%,受伤时驱除敌人 所受伤害降低30%,受到伤害时推开敌人
SolarShield3 Damage taken reduced by 30%, repel enemies when taking damage 所受伤害减少30%,受伤时驱除敌人 所受伤害降低30%,受到伤害时推开敌人
NebulaUpDmg1 15% increased damage 伤害增加15% 伤害提高15%
NebulaUpDmg2 30% increased damage 伤害增加30% 伤害提高30%
NebulaUpDmg3 45% increased damage 伤害增加45% 伤害提高45%
NebulaUpLife1 Increased life regeneration 生命再生速度提高 提高生命再生速度
NebulaUpLife2 Increased life regeneration 生命再生速度提高 提高生命再生速度
NebulaUpLife3 Increased life regeneration 生命再生速度提高 提高生命再生速度
NebulaUpMana1 Increased mana regeneration 魔力再生增加 提高魔力再生速度
NebulaUpMana2 Increased mana regeneration 魔力再生增加 提高魔力再生速度
NebulaUpMana3 Increased mana regeneration 魔力再生增加 提高魔力再生速度
UnicornMount Charge ahead... fabulously! 向前冲...太棒了! 向前冲……太棒了!
CuteFishronMount Just don't make it crawl. 不要让它爬行。
BasiliskMount Crash into anyone... and EVERYONE! 撞向任何人...每个人! 谁都敢撞……谁都要撞!
NoBuilding You have lost the power of creation! 你已失去创造能力!
WeaponImbueVenom Melee attacks inflict acid venom on your targets 近战攻击会对你的目标施放酸性毒液
WeaponImbueCursedFlames Melee attacks inflict enemies with cursed flames 近战攻击会对敌人施放诅咒焰
WeaponImbueFire Melee attacks set enemies on fire 近战攻击会点燃敌人 近战攻击会使敌人着火
WeaponImbueGold Melee attacks make enemies drop more gold 近战攻击会使敌人掉落更多金子
WeaponImbueIchor Melee attacks decrease enemies defense 近战攻击会降低敌人防御力
WeaponImbueNanites Melee attacks confuse enemies 近战攻击会迷惑敌人 近战攻击会使敌人困惑
WeaponImbueConfetti Melee attacks cause confetti to appear 近战攻击会喷撒彩纸
WeaponImbuePoison Melee attacks poison enemies 近战攻击会使敌人中毒
WellFed Minor improvements to all stats 所有属性小幅提升
WellFed2 Medium improvements to all stats 所有属性中幅提升
WellFed3 Major improvements to all stats 所有属性大幅提升
DesertMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
DesertMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
FishMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
FishMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
BabyBird The baby finch will fight for you 雀宝宝将为你而战
CatBast Defense is increased by 5 防御力增加5点
SugarGlider A sugar glider is following you 蜜袋鼯将跟着你 蜜袋鼯正跟着你
VampireFrog The vampire frog will fight for you 吸血鬼青蛙将为你而战
UpbeatStar Estee is following you 埃斯蒂将跟着你 埃斯蒂正跟着你
BatOfLight The sanguine bat will fight for you 血红蝙蝠将为你而战
BeeMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
BeeMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
LadybugMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
LadybugMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
PigronMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
PigronMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
SunflowerMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
SunflowerMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
HellMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
HellMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
ShroomMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
ShroomMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
AmethystMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
AmethystMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
TopazMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
TopazMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
SapphireMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
SapphireMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
EmeraldMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
EmeraldMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
RubyMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
RubyMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
DiamondMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
DiamondMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
AmberMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
AmberMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
BeetleMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
BeetleMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
MeowmereMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
MeowmereMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
PartyMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
PartyMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
PirateMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
PirateMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
SteampunkMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
SteampunkMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
CoffinMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
CoffinMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
Lucky You are feeling pretty lucky 你觉得自己很幸运
LilHarpy Cuteness from above 来自天上的可爱 从天而降的可爱
FennecFox What does the fox say? Better yet, what does the fox HEAR?! 狐狸说了什么?更重要的是,狐狸听到了什么?! 狐狸说了什么?更进一步,狐狸听到了什么?!
GlitteryButterfly Truly, truly outrageous 真的真的反常 真的真的荒唐
BabyImp Just wait till his terrible twos! 等到他两岁的时候走着瞧吧!
BabyRedPanda A baby red panda is following you 小熊猫宝宝将跟着你 小熊猫宝宝正跟着你
WitchBroom It flies! WITCHCRAFT! 它飞起来了!有巫术! 它飞起来了!这是巫术!
SharkPup Doo doo doo doo doo doo 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟
GolfCartMount A fair way to cross the fairway 穿过平坦球道的好方法 穿过球道的好方法
Plantero Little Plantero is following you 小植物将跟着你 小小世纪之花正跟着你
Flamingo Flamingogogo 火烈鸟加油 火烈鸟冲冲冲
DynamiteKitten Not for use in cannons 不可用于大炮
BabyWerewolf A baby werewolf is following you 狼人宝宝将跟着你 狼人宝宝正跟着你
ShadowMimic A shadow mimic is following you 暗影宝箱怪将跟着你 暗影宝箱怪正跟着你
VoltBunny A volt bunny is ecstatic about you 伏特兔迷上你了
KingSlimePet He answers to a higher authority 他听命于上级
EyeOfCthulhuPet Just keepin' an eye out... 眼珠子机灵点…… 盯着点……
EaterOfWorldsPet May ruin several backyards 会毁掉几个后院 可能会毁掉几个后院
BrainOfCthulhuPet It's crawling around... icky 它爬来爬去的……真恶心 它在爬来爬去……真恶心
SkeletronPet Skeletron Jr. Is following you 小骷髅王将跟着你 小骷髅王正跟着你
QueenBeePet A honey bee is following you 蜜蜂将跟着你 宝贝蜜蜂正跟着你
DestroyerPet For destruction on the go 用于随时进行摧毁 随时随地准备摧毁
TwinsPet You have special eyes! 你有一双特别的眼睛!
SkeletronPrimePet Each tool can commit murder 每一种武器都致命
PlanteraPet What exactly does it eat, anyway? 它到底吃什么呢?
GolemPet Got myself a crying, talking, sleeping, walking, living idol! 给自己一个会哭、会说话、会睡觉、会走路的活神像!
DukeFishronPet A sea-green marquess of the abyss 海绿色的深渊侯爵
LunaticCultistPet It keeps looking at the Moon 它一直看着月亮
MoonLordPet A friend from beyond 来自远方的朋友 有朋自远方来
FairyQueenPet The light of the fair folk illuminates all 美人之光普照众生 仙灵之光普照众生
PumpkingPet A small Jack 'O Lantern is fiendishly lighting the way 一盏小杰克南瓜灯像恶魔似地照亮道路 一盏小杰克南瓜灯恶魔似地照亮道路
EverscreamPet Taking the tree for a walk! 带着树去散步! 带着这棵树散步!
IceQueenPet Ice Queen has been reborn as your companion 冰雪女王已经重生为你的同伴
MartianPet How do you do, fellow humans? 你们好,人类同胞们?
DD2OgrePet He's got a big stick and he doesn't know how to use it 他有一根大棒,但不知道怎么用它
DD2BetsyPet Itsy Betsy is following you 小双足翼龙将跟着你 小双足翼龙正跟着你
PirateShipMount You're the captain now 你现在是船长了
SpookyWoodMount Run, forest, run! 向前跑,小树林,别回头! 向前跑,小树,别回头!
SantankMount Crossing off the naughty list... 从淘气名单上划掉……
WallOfFleshGoatMount This ride is totally metal! 这完全是金属摇滚范儿!
DarkMageBookMount The Book is now helping in your guidance 这本书现在对你的指导有帮助 这本书在你的指引下现在有点用了
PaintedHorseMount Riding a Painted Horse 骑上一匹彩马 骑上一匹花马
MajesticHorseMount Riding a Majestic Horse 骑上一匹壮马 骑上一匹骏马
DarkHorseMount Riding a Dark Horse 骑上一匹黑马
LavaSharkMount Surfing the molten seas! 在融化的海洋中冲浪! 在熔岩海中冲浪!
PogoStickMount Kss-shik! Kss-shik! Kss-shik! 咔咝唏嗑!咔咝唏嗑!咔咝唏嗑!
TitaniumStorm Defensive shards surround you 防御碎片包围着你 防御碎片环绕着你
QueenSlimePet She is the higher authority 她就是上级
ThornWhipPlayerBuff Whip speed is increased 鞭子速度增加 鞭的速度提高
SwordWhipPlayerBuff Whip speed is increased 鞭子速度增加 鞭的速度提高
ScytheWhipPlayerBuff Whip speed is increased 鞭子速度增加 鞭的速度提高
CoolWhipPlayerBuff Summons a snowflake to fight for you 召唤雪花可让它为你作战 召唤雪花来为你战斗
Smolstar Death by a thousand cuts 千刀万剐
QueenSlimeMount BOING FLAP BOING! 啵嘤扑扑啵嘤!
GelBalloonBuff You are slimy and sparkly 你黏糊糊的,还发着光 你黏糊糊的,还闪光
BrainOfConfusionBuff Increased critical chance 暴击率增加 提高暴击率
SugarRush 20% increased movement and mining speed 移动和采矿速度各提高20% 移动速度和采矿速度各提高20%
DiggingMoleMinecartRight The Molecart will dig for you 鼹鼠矿车将为你挖掘
DiggingMoleMinecartLeft The Molecart will dig for you 鼹鼠矿车将为你挖掘
StormTiger The desert tiger will fight beside you 沙漠虎将与你并肩作战
EmpressBlade The Blades of the Empress will fight for you 刃之女皇将为你而战 女皇之刃将为你而战
Frostburn2 It's either really hot or really cold. Either way it REALLY hurts 要么特别热,要么特别冷。无论哪种方式都带来极大伤害 不是特别烫就是特别冻。反正都是特别特别痛
OnFire3 Slowly losing life 缓慢损失生命值
FlinxMinion The snow flinx will fight for you 小雪怪将为你而战
NeutralHunger You could eat, but it's not so bad. 你可以吃东西,但情况没那么糟。 你可以吃东西,但情况并没那么糟。
Hunger You are quite hungry and feeling weak. 你很饿,而且感觉很虚弱。
Starving You are starving to death! Eat immediately! 你快饿死了!马上吃东西吧! 你快饿死了!马上吃点东西!
BerniePet You're always there for me, Bernie 伯尼,你总是陪在我身边
GlommerPet It's fuzzy! And slimy... 它长有绒毛!还黏糊糊的…… 毛茸茸!还黏糊糊……
DeerclopsPet Holy crap! 天哪! 我的天啊!
PigPet Walking back bacon! 行走的培根!
ChesterPet Otto von Chesterfield, Esquire 奥特·冯·切斯特菲尔德先生
AbigailMinion Abigail will fight to protect you 阿比盖尔将为了保护你而战 阿比盖尔会为了保护你而战
HeartyMeal Increased Life Regeneration 提高生命再生速度
DualSlimePet The final authority, they will unite the kingdoms! 最终权威,他们将统一王国! 最终的权威,他们将统一王国!
FartMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
FartMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
BiomeSight Shows the location of infected blocks 显示感染物块的位置
BloodButcherer Bleeding out rapidly 迅速出血
JunimoPet Keeper of the Forest 森林守护者
TerraFartMinecartRight {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight} {$BuffDescription.MinecartRight}
TerraFartMinecartLeft {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft} {$BuffDescription.MinecartLeft}
WarTable Increased max number of sentries 哨兵数量上限增加 提高哨兵数量上限
BlueChickenPet The nametag says 'Shane' 名牌上写着“谢恩” 名牌上写着“Shane”
WolfMount You turned into a wolf! 你变成了狼!
Spiffo 'This is how you died' “你就是这样没命的”
CavelingGardener Huk arrr gruk tu! 哈嘿啊忒!
Shimmer You've gone insubstantial! 你虚化了!
DirtiestBlock You can tell by all the extra dirt 你可以从多余的泥土看出来 你可以从这些额外的土看出来
WellFed_Expert Minor improvements to all stats and increased life regeneration 所有属性小幅提升,生命再生速度提高
WellFed2_Expert Medium improvements to all stats and increased life regeneration 所有属性中幅提升,生命再生速度提高
WellFed3_Expert Major improvements to all stats and increased life regeneration 所有属性大幅提升,生命再生速度提高