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1 Other players can loot your chests! If you don't trust them, use a Safe or Piggy Bank; those items have storage that is exclusive to each player. 其他玩家可以掠夺你的宝箱!如果你不信任他们,可以使用保险箱或猪猪存钱罐;这些物品可以储存专属于每个玩家的物品。 其他玩家可以搜刮你的宝箱!如果你不信任他们,可以使用保险箱或猪猪存钱罐;这些物品拥有独属于每个玩家的收纳空间。
2 Info accessories don't need to be equipped to provide you and nearby friends with useful information; you can just leave them in your Inventory. 信息配饰无需装备即可为你和附近的好友提供有用的信息;只需要将其放在物品栏中即可。
3 Rope can really help you get around while exploring caves. You can even craft it into a Rope Coil which can be thrown and automatically unfolds! 在探索洞穴时绳真的很有帮助。你甚至可以将绳制作成绳圈,将它抛出,它会自动展开! 在探索洞穴时绳索确实有助于移动。你甚至可以将它制作成绳圈,抛出后它会自动展开!
4 Mushroom Biomes can be grown above ground as well as below. Friendly Truffles will sometimes make themselves at home in Surface Mushroom Biomes. 蘑菇生物群落既可以生长在地表,也可以生长在地下。友好的松露人有时与地表蘑菇生物群落相处得也很融洽。 蘑菇生物群系既可以生长在地表,也可以生长在地下。友好的松露人有时会在地表蘑菇生物群系安家。
5 You can change your spawn point by placing and using a bed. 你可以通过放置一张床并使用它来改变生成位置。 你可以通过放置一张床并使用它来变更出生点。
6 If you find a Magic Mirror, you can use it to teleport back to your spawn point. 如果你找到魔镜,可以用它传送回你的生成位置。 如果你找到魔镜,可以用它传送回你的出生点。
7 There are Floating Islands in the sky. 天空中有漂浮岛。
8 Sometimes you can find NPCs hidden around the World. 有时你会在世界各地发现隐藏的NPC。
9 During a Blood Moon, Zombies can open doors. 在血月期间,僵尸能开门。
10 Water will break your fall. 水会减轻你掉下来时受到的冲击。 水会打断你的掉落。
11 Torches and Glowsticks can be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out. Torches won't work underwater, but Glowsticks will. 火把和荧光棒可以为你在一片漆黑的地方照明。但火把不能在水下使用,荧光棒可以。 火把和荧光棒可以为你在一片漆黑的地方照明。火把不能在水下使用,但荧光棒可以。
12 Don't fall into lava without drinking an Obsidian Skin Potion first! 在没有喝黑曜石皮药水的情况下不要掉进熔岩中! 没喝黑曜石皮药水可别掉进熔岩中!
13 You won't take falling damage if you have a Lucky Horseshoe. Look for them in chests found on Floating Islands. 如果你有幸运马掌,就不会受到坠落伤害。在漂浮岛上找到的宝箱中寻找幸运马掌。 如果有幸运马掌,你就不会受到掉落伤害。在漂浮岛上的宝箱中寻找幸运马掌。
14 Walking on Hellstone and Meteorite can burn you! Protect yourself by equipping an Obsidian Skull or similar accessory. 走在狱石和陨石上会灼伤你!装备上黑曜石骷髅头或类似配饰来保护好你自己。 走在狱石和陨石上会灼伤你!装备上黑曜石骷髅头或类似配饰来保护你自己。
15 Life Crystals are hidden around the World. Use them to increase your health. 生命水晶藏在世界各地。利用生命水晶来增加你的生命值。 生命水晶藏在世界各地。使用生命水晶来增加你的生命值。
16 Torches require Wood and Gel to craft. Gel can be obtained by defeating slimes. 制作火把需要木头和凝胶。凝胶可以通过打败史莱姆获得。
17 Some ores require better pickaxes to mine. 开采某些矿石需要更好的镐。 有些矿石需要更好的镐才能开采。
18 Bosses are easier to defeat with friends. 和好友一起更容易打败boss。 和好友一起更容易打败Boss。
19 Bows and guns require the proper ammo in your Ammo Slots. 使用弓和枪需要你的弹药槽里有适当的弹药。 使用弓和枪需要你的弹药栏里有适当的弹药。
20 The Old Man at the Dungeon is a Clothier. If only someone could lift his curse... 地牢里的那个老人是个服装商。只要有人能解除他的诅咒… 地牢里的那个老人是个服装商。如果有人能解除他的诅咒……
21 Merchants love money. If you save up enough, one might move in! 商人爱财。如果你攒够了钱,可能会有商人搬进来。 商人爱财。如果你攒够了钱,可能会有商人搬进来!
22 Keep an explosive in your inventory or a storage container to attract a Demolitionist to your house. 在你的物品栏或储存箱中放一个炸药,吸引爆破专家来你家。 在物品栏或收纳容器中放个爆炸物可以吸引爆破专家前来入住。
23 Make sure you have valid housing with empty rooms, and you may attract new inhabitants to your World. 确保你有有效的空房间,也许你能吸引新的居民来你的世界。 确保有空闲的有效房屋,也许能吸引新居民来到你的世界。
24 When exploring, it helps to keep some Platforms on hand. They can be crafted from numerous materials such as Wood, Glass, or even Bones. 在探索时,准备一些平台总是有帮助的。这些平台可以由各种材料制成,例如木材、玻璃,甚至是骨头。 在探索时,手头准备些平台总是有帮助的。这些平台可以用各种材料制成,例如木材、玻璃、甚至是骨头。
25 Slay a boss to attract a Dryad to your house. She can tell you the state of Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow in your World. 杀死一个boss来吸引树妖来你家。她会告诉你所在世界的腐化之地、猩红之地和神圣之地的现状。 杀死一个Boss来吸引树妖入住。她可以告诉你所在世界中腐化、猩红和神圣的状态。
26 Advanced players may wish to remap their buttons; you can do this from the Controls Menu in Settings. 高级玩家可能希望重新映射按钮;你可以通过“设置”中的“控制菜单”执行此操作。 高级玩家可能想要重新定义按钮映射;你可以通过“设置”中的“控制”菜单执行此操作。
27 Wear a Mining Helmet if you don't want to use Torches. 如果你不想使用火把,那就佩戴一顶挖矿头盔吧。 如果你不想使用火把,那就戴上挖矿头盔吧。
28 You can wear Buckets on your head! 你可以将水桶套在头上! 你可以将桶套在头上!
29 Defeat the boss in The Underworld to change the World forever. Find a Guide Voodoo Doll and hurl it into the infernal lava to summon him. 打败地狱中的boss来永远地改变世界。找一个向导巫毒娃娃并将其丢到地狱的熔岩中来召唤他。 打败地狱中的Boss来永远地改变世界。找到一个向导巫毒娃娃并将其丢到地狱的熔岩中来召唤Boss。
30 Demon Altars and Crimson Altars can't be destroyed with a normal hammer. You have to pwn them. 用普通的锤子无法摧毁恶魔祭坛和猩红祭坛。你得用神锤。
31 Killing Bunnies is cruel. Period. 杀兔兔太残忍了。住手。 杀兔兔是残忍的。句号。
32 Falling Stars sometimes appear at night. Collect 5 of them to craft a Mana Crystal you can use to increase your Mana. 有时夜晚会出现陨星。收集5颗陨星即可制作魔力水晶,你可以用它增加魔力值。 有时夜晚会出现陨星。收集5颗陨星即可制作魔力水晶,可以用它增加魔力值。
33 Watch out for Meteorites! 小心陨石!
34 A pet can be your best friend. 宠物可以成为你最好的朋友。
35 If you dig deep enough, you'll end up in The Underworld! 如果你挖得够深,你最终会到达地狱! 如果挖得够深,你最终会到达地狱!
36 Santa Claus is real. He comes to town after the Frost Legion is defeated (and 'tis the season). 圣诞老人是真实存在的!打败雪人军团后(正是这个季节中),他会搬进城镇。 圣诞老人是真实存在的!打败雪人军团后(还得时节合适),他会搬进城镇。
37 Don't shake a Snow Globe unless you want to summon the Frost Legion. 不要摇晃雪球,除非你想召唤雪人军团。 不要摇晃水晶雪球,除非你想召唤雪人军团。
38 You can use Hallowed Seeds, Holy Water, or Pearlstone to make Hallow spread. 你可以使用圣种、圣水或珍珠石来蔓延神圣之地。 你可以使用神圣种子、圣水或珍珠石来让神圣之地蔓延。
39 The Hallow is the only place where Corruption and Crimson cannot spread. 神圣之地是腐化和猩红唯一不能蔓延的地方。
40 The Corruption is full of chasms. Mind the gaps. 腐化之地遍布裂隙。注意脚下。
41 Time heals all wounds. 时间能治愈一切创伤。
42 You can plant Acorns to grow new trees. 你可以种下橡实来培植新树。
43 Rocket science gave us Rocket Boots. 火箭可续给我们带来了火箭靴。 火箭科学给我们带来了火箭靴。
44 The Cloud in a Bottle and Shiny Red Balloon accessories both improve your ability to jump. Combine them to make a Cloud in a Balloon. 云朵瓶和闪亮红气球配饰都能提高跳跃能力。将它们组合在一起来制作云朵气球。
45 If you store your Coins in a Chest or Piggy Bank, you will be less likely to lose them. 如果你将钱币放在宝箱或猪猪存钱罐中,你就不太可能丢失它们。 如果把钱币放在宝箱或猪猪存钱罐中,你就不太可能失去它们了。
46 To craft potions, place a Bottle on a Table to make an Alchemy Station. Double, double, toil and trouble! 要制作药水,请将一个玻璃瓶放在桌子上来作为炼药站。不惮辛劳不惮烦! 要制作药水,请将一个玻璃瓶放在桌子上做成炼药站。不惮辛劳不惮烦!
47 If your house doesn't have background walls, monsters will be able to spawn inside. 如果你的房屋没有背景墙,里面就会生成怪物。 如果你的房屋没有背景墙,怪物就可以在里面生成。
48 Wearing a full set of armor crafted from the same material gives you an extra bonus. 穿一整套由同种材料制成的盔甲会给你带来额外奖励。
49 Build a Furnace to craft metal bars out of ore. 造个熔炉来将矿石制作成金属锭。
50 You can harvest Cobwebs and turn them into Silk. You can use Silk to craft beds, sofas, and more! 可以收割蛛网并将其变成丝绸。然后用丝绸来制作床、沙发等等! 可以收割蛛网并将其变成丝绸。你可以用丝绸来制作床、沙发等等!
51 You can buy Wires from the Mechanic and use them to create traps, pumping systems, or other elaborate devices. 你可以从机械师那里购买电线,用它们来制作机关、泵系统或其他复杂的设备。
52 The Housing section of the Equipment Menu allows you to decide what rooms you want your NPCs to live in. 通过“设备菜单”的“房屋”部分,你可以决定你的NPC住在哪些房间。 你可以通过“装备”菜单的“房屋”部分来决定让NPC住在哪个房间。
53 If you're sick of getting knocked around, try equipping a Cobalt Shield. You can find one in the Dungeon. 如果你受够了被人撞来撞去,试着装备一个钴护盾。你可以在地牢里找到这样的护盾。 如果你受够了被人撞来撞去,可以试着装备钴护盾。你可以在地牢里找到这护盾。
54 Grappling Hooks are invaluable tools for exploration. Try crafting them with Hooks or gems. 抓钩是非常宝贵的探险工具。试着用爪钩或宝石来制作它们。
55 A room in a house can have Wood Platforms as a floor or ceiling, but NPCs need at least one solid block to stand on. 房屋中的房间可以用木平台作地板或天花板,但NPC的脚下需要至少一块实心块。 房屋中的房间可以用木平台作地板或天花板,但NPC的脚下需要有至少一块实心块来立足。
56 You can destroy Shadow Orbs and Crimson Hearts with a hammer or explosives, but prepare yourself for the forces they unleash. 你可以用锤子或炸药来摧毁暗影珠和猩红之心,但要准备应对它们释放的力量。 你可以用锤子或爆炸物来摧毁暗影珠和猩红之心,但要准备应对它们释放的力量。
57 When dealing with a Goblin Army, crowd control is key. 对付哥布林军队时,群体控制是关键。
58 The best wizards around use Mana Flowers. 周围最强大的巫师会使用魔力花。 世上最好的巫师会使用魔力花。
59 Use "suspicious looking items" at your own risk! 使用“可疑物品”,风险自负! 使用“可疑物品”风险自负!
60 Sand is overpowered. 沙子被制服了。 沙子太强了。
61 The Goblin Tinkerer found in Underground Caverns will sell you many useful items, including a Tinkerer's Workshop. 出现在地下洞穴中的哥布林工匠会卖给你很多有用的物品,包括工匠作坊。
62 You can check if a room is valid housing from the Housing section of the Inventory Menu. 你可以从“物品栏菜单”的“房屋”部分检查某个房间是否是有效房屋。 你可以在“物品栏”菜单的“房屋”部分检查某个房间是否是有效房屋。
63 Seeds can be used to grow a variety of useful ingredients for crafting potions. 可以种植各种有用材料的种子来制作药水。 可以用种子培植各种有用的材料来制作药水。
65 If you get lost or need to find another player, open the World Map. 如果你迷路了,或者需要找另一位玩家,请打开世界地图。
66 If you need to remove background walls, craft a hammer! 如果你需要移除背景墙,请先制作一把锤子! 如果你需要移除背景墙,请制作锤子!
67 Got some extra walls or platforms? You can turn them back into their original materials! 有多余的墙或平台?你可以把它们拆下来! 有多余的墙或平台?你可以把它们还原成原始材料!
68 Fishing is a fantastic source of crafting ingredients, accessories, and loot crates! 钓鱼是制作材料、配饰和战利品匣的绝佳来源! 钓鱼是制作材料、配饰和宝匣的绝佳来源!
69 Nothing improves your mobility like Wings. Who wouldn't want to fly? 没有什么东西能像翅膀那样提高移动能力。谁不想飞呢?
70 Riding Minecarts is one of the best ways of getting around. You can build your own tracks, or find them Underground. 坐矿车是最佳出行方式之一。你可以自己建设轨道,也可以在地下找到现成的。
71 Life Crystals not enough for you? Eventually, Life Fruit will grow in the Jungle, and can give you an extra boost to your health. 生命水晶对你来说不够吗?最终,生命果会在丛林里生长,可以额外增加你的生命值。 生命水晶对你来说还不够?终于,丛林里长出了生命果,可以额外增加生命值。
72 Change your clothes in game at a Dresser or talk to the Stylist for a new hairdo. 游戏里,可以在梳妆台前换衣服,或者和发型师交谈来做个新发型。
73 Mounts grant the player increased mobility and a variety of useful abilities. Each one is unique! 坐骑可以提高玩家的移动能力,带来各种有用的能力。每种能力都是独一无二的! 坐骑可以提高玩家的移动能力并带来各种有用的能力。每种能力都是独一无二的!
74 Looking for a challenge? Try Expert mode! 在寻求挑战吗?试试专家模式吧!
75 Be careful around Martian Probes. If they scan you, they'll summon a Martian Invasion! 经过火星探测器周围时小心点。如果它们扫描你,它们就会召唤火星入侵部队! 小心火星探测器。如果它们扫描你,它们就会召唤来火星入侵!
76 During a Solar Eclipse, be on the lookout for tons of strange and creepy monsters. 日食期间,小心大量涌出的奇异恐怖怪物。
77 Sometimes, enemies may even invade from other dimensions . . . 有时,敌人甚至会从其他维度入侵… 有时,敌人甚至会从其他次元入侵……
78 A Pumpkin Medallion can be used to summon the Pumpkin Moon. Spooky! 南瓜勋章可用来召唤南瓜月。恐怖来袭!
79 Feeling up for the chill of winter? Use a Naughty Present to summon the Frost Moon! 准备好迎接寒冬了吗?使用调皮礼物来召唤霜月吧! 感受到冬天的寒冷了吗?使用调皮礼物来召唤霜月吧!
80 When a Sandstorm hits, deserts can be very dangerous. New enemies, reduced visibility, and it can even be hard to move! 当沙尘暴来袭时,沙漠是很危险的地方。新的敌人涌出,能见度降低,甚至还很难移动! 当沙尘暴来袭时,沙漠会非常危险。新的敌人出现,能见度降低,甚至还很难移动!
81 The Arms Dealer knows more about guns than anyone. If you find one, he might move in. 军火商比任何人都更了解枪支。如果你找到了枪支,他可能会搬进来。
82 The Mechanic got lost in the Dungeon. You'll have to help her out if you want her to move in. 机械师在地牢里迷路了。如果你想要她搬进来,你就得去帮她走出来。 机械师在地牢里迷路了。如果你想要她搬进来,就得去救她出来。
83 Once you use a Life Crystal, a Nurse might move in! Speak to her for healing at any time . . . for a price, of course. 一旦你使用生命水晶,可能就会有一名护士搬进来!如果需要治疗,可以随时跟她说…当然,是收费的。 一旦你使用了生命水晶,护士就可能会搬进来!如果需要治疗,可以随时跟她说……当然,是收费的。
84 If you ever want to get stylish, try dyes! The Dye Trader can help you turn some materials into new dye colors. 如果你想变得时尚,那就试试染料吧!染料商可以帮你把一些材料染成新的颜色。 如果你想变得时髦,那就试试染料吧!染料商可以帮你把某些材料变成新的染料颜色。
85 The Tavernkeep is a guest from a faraway land called Etheria. 酒馆老板是从埃特尼亚远道而来的客人。
86 If you need a new haircut, go check out a nearby Spider Biome. Stylists always end up lost in them! 如果你需要换新发型,去附近的蜘蛛生物群落看看吧。发型师最终都在那里不见了! 如果你需要换新发型,去附近的蜘蛛生物群系看看吧。发型师总是会迷失其中!
87 Regular Wood and Stone not vibrant enough for you? A Painter will move in and sell paints if enough townsfolk move in. 普通的树林和石头对你来说还不够有生机?如果有足够多的居民搬进来,油漆工就会搬进来,并售卖油漆。 普通的木材和石头对你来说色彩不够鲜艳?如果有足够多的居民搬进来,油漆工就会搬进来并售卖油漆。
88 It's worth it to explore your Oceans. You can find treasure, dyes, and even sleeping fishermen. 探索海洋不会让你后悔的。你会发现宝藏、染料,甚至是沉睡的渔夫。
89 You could get a Witch Doctor to come to your World if you defeat the Queen Bee. 如果你打败了蜂王,巫医就会来到你的世界。
90 The Party Girl won't move in unless your World is full of other townsfolk. Afterall, what's a party without lots of guests? 只有当你的世界住满了居民,派对女孩才会搬进来。毕竟,客人太少,那叫什么派对?
91 The Wizard sells some useful magic artifacts, but he has a tendency to wander off Underground. 巫师售卖一些有用的魔法道具,但他喜欢在地下游荡。 巫师售卖一些有用的魔法造物,但他喜欢在地下游荡。
92 The Tax Collector spends his days wandering the Underworld as a Tortured Soul. If only there were a way to purify him . . . 税收官是一个痛苦亡魂,终日游荡在地狱里。要是有办法净化他就好了… 税收官成为痛苦亡魂,终日在地狱中徘徊。要是有办法净化他就好了……
93 Pirates are so unpredictable. First they invade your world, and then they move into your houses! 海盗是难以捉摸的。他们先入侵你的世界,然后住进你的房屋! 海盗真是难以捉摸。他们先入侵你的世界,然后又住进你的房屋!
94 If you ever defeat any giant robots, a Steampunker might move in to your World. 如果你能打败任何巨型机器人,蒸汽朋克人可能就会搬进你的世界。 如果你能打败任何一个巨型机械造物,蒸汽朋克人可能就会搬进你的世界。
95 If you like rockets, the Cyborg may have some for sale. 如果你喜欢火箭,机器侠可能有出售的。
96 The Traveling Merchant never stays in one place for long, but he always brings different wares when he visits! 旅商永远不会在一个地方待太久,但是他每次都会带来不一样的商品! 旅商永远不会在一个地方待太久,但是他每次到访都会带来不一样的商品!
97 Not all Skeletons are evil. Some are even known to sell unique items to those that can find them. 并非所有骷髅都是邪恶的。有些骷髅甚至会把独特的物品卖给那些能找到它们的人。 并非所有骷髅都是邪恶的。有些骷髅甚至以出售独特物品给那些可以找到它们的人而闻名。
98 Not sure what to do next? Take a look at the Achievement Guide for a clue! 不知道接下来做什么?看看成就指南来寻找线索吧!
99 If an enemy steals your money after you die in Expert Mode, hunt it down! If you defeat it, you can get your money back. 在专家模式下,如果敌人在你死后偷你的钱,就去追捕它!打败它,你就能夺回你的钱。 在专家模式下,如果敌人在你死后偷了你的钱,那就去追杀它!打败它,就能拿回你的钱。
100 With the Block Swap mechanic enabled, you can replace one block with another directly, rather than having to mine it first. 启用物块交换机制后,你可以直接用一个物块取代另一个,而无需先开采。 启用物块交换机制后,你不用挖掉物块就可以直接用一个物块取代另一个。
101 Keep an eye out for Goodie Bags around Halloween. If you open them, you can find all sorts of spooky items. Trick or Treat! 留意万圣节前后的礼袋。打开这些礼袋,你会发现各种各样的恐怖物品。不给糖就捣乱!
102 Clouds are nice and soft, and you won't get hurt falling on them no matter how far you fall. 云上面既舒服又柔软,不管你跌多远,都不会受伤。 云朵舒适又柔软,不管下落距离多长,掉到云上都不会受伤。
103 Did you know you can order your Summons to attack a specific target? While holding a Summoning Weapon, Right Click an enemy! 你知道吗?你可以命令你的召唤物攻击特定目标。只需按住召唤武器,同时右键点击敌人即可! 你知道吗?你可以命令你的召唤物攻击特定目标。手持召唤武器时,右键点击敌人即可!
104 Press the + and - keys to zoom in & out! Focus on what matters! 按+或-键可放大和缩小!将焦点放在重要对象上! 按 + 和 - 键可放大和缩小!要聚焦于重要的事情!
105 Have something on the Map to show a friend? Double click on the Map to ping a location for everyone to see! 要与好友分享地图上的东西?双击地图,即可将位置发送给所有人看! 要将地图上的东西展示给朋友?在地图上双击,即可将位置发送给所有人看!
106 The Void Bag is a magical artifact that will store items for you when your inventory is full. 虚空袋是一个魔法道具,当你的物品栏全满时,它可以用来储存你的物品。 虚空袋是一个魔法造物,在你的物品栏全满时,它会为你收纳物品。
107 Enemies aren't the only danger when exploring Underground. Watch out for traps too! 探索地下时,敌人并非唯一的危险。还要小心机关!
108 Find a cool new Material? Want to know what you can make? Check with your friendly neighborhood Guide! 找到酷炫的新材料了?想知道可以用来做什么吗?问问你附近友好的向导吧! 找到酷炫的新材料了?想知道可以用来做什么吗?问问友好的邻居向导吧!
109 Have some NPCs perished? Don't worry, they'll be back in the morning. 一些NPC消失了吗?别担心,他们明天早上就会回来。 有NPC挂了?别担心,他们明天早上就会回来。
110 Explosives are dangerous!
...and effective...