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內部名稱 英文文本 遊戲內置中文文本 本語言包文本
1 I hope a scrawny kid like you isn't all that is standing between us and Cthulhu's Eye. 我希望在我們和克蘇魯之眼的對抗中,不只有你這麼個瘦弱的孩子保護我們。
10 Check out my dirt blocks; they are extra dirty. 看看我的土塊;髒死了。 看看我的土塊;它們特別土。
100 Why purify the world when you can just blow it up? 如果這個世界可以炸得一乾二淨,何須再淨化它?
101 If you throw this one in the bathtub and close all the windows, it'll clear your sinuses and pop your ears! 如果你把這個扔到浴缸後關上所有的窗戶,你的鼻子和耳朵就都通了! 如果你把這個扔到浴缸並關上所有窗戶,鼻子和耳朵就都通了!
102 Wanna play Fuse Chicken? 想玩爆炸試膽嗎?
103 Hey, could you sign this Griefing Waiver? 喂,你能簽了這份不惡意搗亂的承諾書嗎?
104 NO SMOKING IN HERE!! 此處禁止吸煙!!
105 Explosives are da' bomb these days. Buy some now! 炸藥如今十分火爆。馬上買一些!
106 It's a good day to die! 今天是個找死的好日子!
107 I wonder what happens if I... (BOOM!)... Oh, sorry, did you need that leg? 如果我...會發生什麼...(砰!)...哦,對不起,你還要那條腿嗎? 讓我看看這樣會怎……(轟!)……哦,對不起,你還要那條腿嗎?
108 Dynamite, my own special cure-all for what ails ya. 雷管,這是我特別為你準備的靈丹妙藥,包治百病。
109 Check out my goods; they have explosive prices! 看看我的商品;都是驚爆價!
11 Boy, that sun is hot! I do have some perfectly ventilated armor. 老兄,這太陽真曬啊!我確實擁有一款很通風的盔甲。
110 I keep having vague memories of tying up a woman and throwing her in a dungeon. 我依稀記得把一個女人捆了起來,然後扔到了地牢裏。
111 ... we have a problem! It's a Blood Moon out there! ...我們遇到麻煩了!那有個血月! ……我們遇到麻煩了!那有個血月!
112 T'were I younger, I would ask {Nurse} out. I used to be quite the lady killer. 如果我更年輕點,我一定會約{Nurse}出來。我以前可迷倒了許多女人。
113 That Red Hat of yours looks familiar... 你的小紅帽看上去很熟悉... 你的紅帽看上去很熟悉……
114 Thanks again for freeing me from my curse. Felt like something jumped up and bit me. 再次感謝你幫我解了詛咒。感覺像是什麼東西跳起來咬了我一口。
115 Mama always said I would make a great tailor. 媽媽總是說我會成為一位偉大的裁縫。
116 Life's like a box of clothes; you never know what you are gonna wear! 生活就像一箱衣服;你永遠也不知道自己要穿什麼!
117 Of course embroidery is hard! If it wasn't hard, no one would do it! That's what makes it great. 刺繡當然難了!如果不難,就沒人繡了!所以刺繡是件難能可貴的事。
118 I know everything they is to know about the clothierin' business. 他們想了解服裝行業,而我無所不知。
119 Being cursed was lonely, so I once made a friend out of leather. I named him Wilson. 遭到詛咒時很孤獨,於是我用皮革製作了一個朋友。我叫他威爾森。 被詛咒後很孤獨,於是我用皮革製作了一個朋友。我叫他威爾森。
12 The sun is high, but my prices are not. 太陽很高,但我的價格可不高。
120 Thank you for freeing me, human. I was tied up and left here by the other goblins. You could say that we didn't get along very well. 謝謝你解救我,人類。其他哥布林把我捆了起來,然後扔在這裏。可以說,我們關係不太好。
121 I can't believe they tied me up and left me here just for pointing out that they weren't going east! 我說他們走的方向不是東邊,我們就把我捆起來扔在這裏了!
122 Now that I'm an outcast, can I throw away the spiked balls? My pockets hurt. 我無家可歸了,那我能扔掉這些尖刺球嗎?我的口袋扎得疼。
123 Looking for a gadgets expert? I'm your goblin! 想找一個工具大師?我是你要找的人! 想找工具大師?我就是啊!
124 Thanks for your help. Now, I have to finish pacing around aimlessly here. I'm sure we'll meet again. 謝謝你的幫助。現在,我不想再這些無緣無故地走來走去了。我相信我們會再見面的。
125 I thought you'd be taller. 你沒我想像中的那麼高。
126 Hey...what's {Mechanic} up to? Have you...have you talked to her, by chance? 嗨...{Mechanic}在做什麼?你有沒有...你有沒有和她談過? 嗨……{Mechanic}在做什麼?你有沒有……你有沒有和她談過?
127 Hey, does your hat need a motor? I think I have a motor that would fit exactly in that hat. 嗨,需要為你那頂帽子配個馬達嗎?我想我有一個馬達和那頂帽子很配。
128 Yo, I heard you like rockets and running boots, so I put some rockets in your running boots. 唷,我聽說你喜歡火箭和跑鞋,所以我在你的跑鞋上加了一些火箭。
129 Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver. 沉默是金。導管膠布是銀。
13 Oh, great. I can hear {Mechanic} and {Nurse} arguing from here. 哦,太好了。我在這兒就能聽到{Mechanic}和{Nurse}的爭吵聲。
130 YES, gold is stronger than iron. What are they teaching these humans nowadays? 是的,黃金比鐵堅硬。如今的人類都在學些什麼知識? 是的,黃金比鐵堅硬。如今的人類都在學些什麼玩意?
131 You know, that mining helmet-flipper combination was a much better idea on paper. 你知道吧,理論上,潛水帽和腳蹼應該配套使用。 你知道吧,理論上,把潛水帽和腳蹼組合成一件會更好。
132 Goblins are surprisingly easy to anger. In fact, they could start a war over cloth! 哥布林太容易生氣了。事實上,他們能為了一些破布發動戰爭!
133 To be honest, most goblins aren't exactly rocket scientists. Well, some are. 老實說,大部分哥布林都不是真正的火箭科學家。而有一些是。 老實說,大部分哥布林都不是真正的火箭科學家。好吧,有一些是。
134 Do you know why we all carry around these spiked balls? Because I don't. 你知不知道為什麼大家到哪兒都帶着這些尖刺球?因為我不知道。
135 I just finished my newest creation! This version doesn't explode violently if you breathe on it too hard. 我剛剛完成了最新的作品!如果你用力對着它吸氣,這個新作品也不會猛烈爆炸。 我剛剛完成了最新的作品!這個版本就算你對着它猛力吹吸也不會猛烈爆炸。
136 Goblin thieves aren't very good at their job. They can't even steal from an unlocked chest! 哥布林盜賊不太擅長偷東西。沒上鎖的箱子都不會偷!
137 Thanks for saving me, friend! This bondage was starting to chafe. 謝謝你救了我,朋友!這個奴僕開始生氣了。 謝謝你救了我,朋友!這捆綁要磨破我的皮膚了。
138 Ohh, my hero! 哦,我的英雄!
139 Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young lady! 哦,多麼英勇!謝謝你救了我,年輕的女士! 哦,多麼英勇!謝謝你救了我,小姑娘!
14 Have you seen Chith...Shith.. Chat... The big eye? 你有沒有看到克斯...克史...克賽...那個大眼睛? 你有沒有看到克斯……克史……克賽……那個大眼睛?
140 Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young man! 哦,多麼英勇!謝謝你救了我,年輕人! 哦,多麼英勇!謝謝你救了我,小伙子!
141 Now that we know each other, I can move in with you, right? 現在我們已經認識了,我可以搬給你那裏去了吧? 現在我們已經彼此了解了,我可以搬給你那裏去了吧?
142 Well, hi there, {Guide}! What can I do for you today? 你好,{Guide}!今天有什麼可以為你效勞?
143 Well, hi there, {Demolitionist}! What can I do for you today? 你好,{Demolitionist}!今天有什麼可以為你效勞?
144 Well, hi there, {GoblinTinkerer}! What can I do for you today? 你好,{GoblinTinkerer}!今天有什麼可以為你效勞?
145 Well, hi there, {Nurse}! What can I do for you today? 你好,{Nurse}!今天有什麼可以為你效勞?
146 Well, hi there, {Mechanic}! What can I do for you today? 你好,{Mechanic}!今天有什麼可以為你效勞?
147 Well, hi there, {Dryad}! What can I do for you today? 你好,{Dryad}!今天有什麼可以為你效勞?
148 Want me to pull a coin from behind your ear? No? Ok. 想讓我從你耳朵後面變出一個錢幣嗎?不想?好吧。 想讓我從你耳朵後面掏出一個錢幣嗎?不想?好吧。
149 Do you want some magic candy? No? Ok. 想要一些魔法糖果嗎?不想?好吧。
15 Hey, this house is secure, right? Right? {PlayerName}? 這個房屋安全吧?對不對?{PlayerName}? 嘿,這個房屋安全的吧?安全的吧?{PlayerName}?
150 I make a rather enchanting hot chocolate if you'd be inter...No? Ok. 我做了一杯誘人的熱巧克力,你感不感...不感興趣?好吧。 我做了一杯誘人的熱巧克力,你感不感……不感興趣?好吧。
151 Are you here for a peek at my crystal ball? 你來這裏是不是想看看我的水晶球?
152 Ever wanted an enchanted ring that turns rocks into slimes? Well neither did I. 想不想要一枚魔戒,可以把石頭變成史萊姆?好吧,我也沒不想要。 想不想要可以把石頭變成史萊姆的魔戒?好吧,我也不想要。
153 Someone once told me friendship is magic. That's ridiculous. You can't turn people into frogs with friendship. 有人告訴我友誼是神奇的。太荒謬了。友誼不可能把人變成青蛙。 有人曾告訴我友誼是魔法。太荒謬了。用友誼無法把人變成青蛙。
154 I can see your future now... You will buy a lot of items from me! 我現在能看到你的未來...你會從我這裏買很多物品! 我現在能看到你的未來……你會從我這裏買很多物品!
155 I once tried to bring an Angel Statue to life. It didn't do anything. 我曾經試過復活一座天使雕像。然並卵。 我曾經試過復活一座天使雕像。它啥都不干。
156 Thanks! It was just a matter of time before I ended up like the rest of the skeletons down here. 謝謝!遲早有一天,我的結局也會和這裏的其他骷髏一樣。
157 Hey, watch where you're going! I was over there a little while ago! 嗨,當心腳下!我剛剛走過! 嗨,當心腳下!我剛就在那!
158 Hold on, I've almost got wifi going down here. 等一下,我在這下面快要接收到wifi了。
159 But I was almost done putting blinking lights up here! 但我快要把閃光燈放到上面了! 但我快要把閃光信號燈放到上面了!
16 Not even a Blood Moon can stop capitalism. Let's do some business. 即便是血月也無法阻擋資本主義。做點生意吧。
160 DON'T MOVE. I DROPPED MY CONTACT. 別動。我的隱形眼鏡掉了。
161 All I want is for the switch to make the... What?! 我要做的就是找個開關...幹嘛?! 我要做的就是找個開關……幹嘛?!
162 Oh, let me guess. Didn't buy enough wire. Idiot. 哦,讓我猜猜。買的電線不夠。白痴。
163 Just-could you just... Please? Ok? Ok. Ugh. 你能不能...求你了?好嗎?好吧。唉。 你能不能……求你了?好嗎?好吧。唉。
164 I don't appreciate the way you're looking at me. I am WORKING right now. 我不喜歡你這樣看着我。我在工作呢。
165 Hey, {PlayerName}, did you just come from {GoblinTinkerer}'s? Did he say anything about me by chance? 嗨,{PlayerName},你是不是剛剛從{GoblinTinkerer}家過來?他有沒有提到過我?
166 {ArmsDealer} keeps talking about pressing my pressure plate. I told him it was for stepping on. {ArmsDealer}一直在說怎麼按我的壓力板。我告訴他,這是用腳踩的。
167 Always buy more wire than you need! 一定要多買些電線!
168 Did you make sure your device was plugged in? 你確定你的設備插好電源了?
169 Oh, you know what this house needs? More blinking lights. 哦,你知道這個房屋需要什麼?需要更多的閃光燈。 哦,你知道這個房屋需要什麼?需要更多的閃光信號燈。
17 Keep your eye on the prize, buy a lens! 注意盯着獎勵,買個晶狀體吧!
170 You can tell a Blood Moon is out when the sky turns red. There is something about it that causes monsters to swarm. 天空變紅的時候,你就知道血月升起來了。血月有一種魔力,能吸引怪物蜂擁而來。
171 Hey, buddy, do you know where any deathweed is? Oh, no reason; just wondering, is all. 嗨,兄弟,你知道哪兒有死亡草嗎?哦,沒有原因,問問而已。
172 If you were to look up, you'd see that the moon is red right now. 如果你向上看,你就能看到此刻月亮是紅色的。
173 You should stay indoors at night. It is very dangerous to be wandering around in the dark. 晚上你應該呆在家裏。黑夜在外面轉悠非常危險。
174 Greetings, {PlayerName}. Is there something I can help you with? 嗨,{PlayerName}。有什麼可以幫你?
175 I am here to give you advice on what to do next. It is recommended that you talk with me anytime you get stuck. 我的工作是為你接下來的任務提供建議。如果遇到困難,建議你隨時問我。 我的工作是為你接下來的任務提供建議。建議你遇到任何困難時都來和我談談。
176 They say there is a person who will tell you how to survive in this land... oh wait. That's me. 他們說,有個人會告訴你如何在這個地方生存...打住。那個人就是我。 他們說,有個人會告訴你如何在這地方上生存……哦等下。那個人就是我。
177 You can use your pickaxe to dig through dirt, and your axe to chop down trees. Just place your cursor over the tile and click! 你可以用鎬子挖土,用斧子砍樹。只需把光標放到圖格上並點擊!
178 If you want to survive, you will need to create weapons and shelter. Start by chopping down trees and gathering wood. 如果你想活下來,你需要製造武器和建造房屋。先開始砍樹和收集木材。 如果你想活下來,你需要製造武器和建造房屋。首先要砍樹並收集木材。
179 Press {InventoryKey} to access your crafting menu. When you have enough wood, create a workbench. This will allow you to create more complicated things, as long as you are standing close to it. 按{InventoryKey}訪問製作菜單。擁有足夠的木材時,製作工作枱。這將讓你能夠製作更為複雜的東西,但必須接近工作枱。 按{InventoryKey}進入製作菜單。擁有足夠的木材後造個工作枱。只要站在它旁邊,就能製作更為複雜的東西。
18 Kosh, kapleck Mog. Oh sorry, that's klingon for 'Buy something or die.' Kosh, kapleck Mog。哦,對不起,這是克林貢語,意思是「要麼買,要麼死。」
180 You can build a shelter by placing wood or other blocks in the world. Don't forget to create and place walls. 你可以建造房屋,方法是將木材和其他磚塊放在是世界裏。別忘了建造和放置牆。 你可以通過在世界中放置木材和其他物塊來建造房屋。別忘了製作及放置牆。
181 Once you have a wooden sword, you might try to gather some gel from the slimes. Combine wood and gel to make a torch! 擁有一把木劍後,你可以試試從史萊姆身上收集一些凝膠。用木材和凝膠製作一個火把! 擁有一把木劍後,你可以試試從史萊姆身上收集一些凝膠。用木材和凝膠製作火把!
182 To interact with backgrounds, use a hammer! 要執行背景設置,使用錘子! 要與背景互動,請使用錘子!
183 You should do some mining to find metal ore. You can craft very useful things with it. 你應該挖礦,找到金屬礦石。你可以用它來製作非常有用的物品。 你應該挖礦來找金屬礦石。可以用它來製作非常有用的物品。
184 Now that you have some ore, you will need to turn it into a bar in order to make items with it. This requires a furnace! 現在你擁有了一些礦石,你需要將它鑄成礦錠,才能用來製作物品。這需要熔爐!
185 You can create a furnace out of torches, wood, and stone. Make sure you are standing near a work bench. 你可以用火把、木材和石頭製作熔爐。請務必站在工作枱旁邊。
186 You will need an anvil to make most things out of metal bars. 你需要一個砧子才能充分錘鍊金屬錠。 你需要砧才能製作大部分用金屬錠製作的物品。
187 Anvils can be crafted out of iron or lead, or purchased from a merchant. 砧子可以用鐵或鉛製作,或者從商人那裏購買。
188 Underground are crystal hearts which can be used to increase your max life. You can smash them with a pickaxe. 地下有水晶之心,可以用來提高你的最大生命值。你可以用鎬子來打碎它們。 地下有水晶之心,可以用來提高你的最大生命值。你可以用鎬來打碎它們。
189 If you gather 5 fallen stars, they can be combined to create an item that will increase your magic capacity. 如果你收集5顆墜落之星,就可以合製成一個物品,以提升你的魔法能力。 如果你收集5顆墜落之星,就可以組合製作成一個能提升魔法能力的物品。
19 {PlayerName} is it? I've heard good things, friend! 是{PlayerName}嗎?我聽到過有人說好話,朋友!
190 Stars fall all over the world at night. They can be used for all sorts of useful things. If you see one, be sure to grab it because they disappear after sunrise. 夜晚,星星在墜落,灑滿全世界。它們的用途極為廣泛。如果你看到一顆,一定要拿到手,因為星星在日出後就會消失。 夜晚,星星在墜落,灑滿全世界。它們的用途極為廣泛。如果你看到了,一定要拿到手,因為星星在日出後就會消失。
191 There are many different ways you can attract people to move in to our town. They will of course need a home to live in. 吸引他人搬進鎮子的方法有很多種。他們當然需要有個家。 吸引他人搬進鎮子的方法有很多種。他們顯然需要有個家來安頓。
192 In order for a room to be considered a home, it needs to have a door, a chair, a table, and a light source. Make sure the house has walls as well. 要將房間打造成家,則需要門、椅子、桌子和光源。記得房屋還要有牆。 要將房間打造成家,則需要有門、椅子、桌子和光源。記得房屋還要有牆。
193 Two people will not live in the same home. Also, if their home is destroyed, they will look for a new place to live. 兩個人不能住一個家。還有,如果家被摧毀了,就要找個新的住處。 一家不能住兩人。還有,如果家被摧毀了,他們就會另尋住處。
194 You can use the housing interface to assign and view housing. Open your inventory and click the house icon. 你可以使用房屋界面來分配和查看住房情況。打開物品欄並點擊房屋圖標。
195 If you want a merchant to move in, you will need to gather plenty of money. 50 silver coins should do the trick! 如果想讓商人搬進來,你需要收集很多錢。50枚銀幣就能搞定! 如果想讓商人搬進來,你需要收集很多錢。50枚銀幣應該可以解決問題了!
196 For a nurse to move in, you might want to increase your maximum life. 要讓護士搬進來,你需要提高自己的最大生命值。
197 If you had a gun, I bet an arms dealer might show up to sell you some ammo! 如果你有一支槍,軍火商會來向你出售彈藥! 如果你有槍,我打賭軍火商就會出現來向你出售彈藥!
198 You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad. 你需要打敗一隻強大的怪物來證明自己。這樣才能吸引樹妖的注意。
199 Make sure to explore the dungeon thoroughly. There may be prisoners held deep within. 務必徹底探索整個地牢。深處可能關押了囚犯。
2 Look at that shoddy armor you're wearing. Better buy some more healing potions. 看看你穿的破盔甲。最好多買點治療藥水。
20 I hear there's a secret treasure... oh never mind. 我聽說有一個秘密寶藏...哦,沒什麼。 我聽說有一個秘密寶藏……哦,沒什麼。
200 Perhaps the old man by the dungeon would like to join us now that his curse has been lifted. 地牢旁邊的老人已經解除詛咒了,現在他也許願意加入我們。
201 Hang on to any bombs you might find. A demolitionist may want to have a look at them. 拿好你能夠找到的任何炸彈。爆破專家也許想瞧一瞧。
202 Are goblins really so different from us that we couldn't live together peacefully? 哥布林和我們的差別有那麼大嗎,都沒法和平相處了嗎? 哥布林和我們的差別有那麼大嗎,沒法和平相處了都?
203 I heard there was a powerful wizard who lives in these parts. Make sure to keep an eye out for him next time you go underground. 我聽說,這些地方住着一名強大的巫師。下次你去地下的時候一定要留心他。
204 If you combine lenses at a demon altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though. 如果在惡魔祭壇上合成晶狀體,你也許能夠找到召喚一個強大怪物的方法。不過,你最好等到夜晚再用它。 如果在惡魔祭壇上合成晶狀體,你也許能夠找到方法來召喚一個強大的怪物。不過,最好等到夜晚再用它。
205 You can create worm bait with rotten chunks and vile powder. Make sure you are in a corrupt area before using it. 你可以用腐肉和魔粉製作蟲餌。你必須在腐化區域才能使用它。 你可以用腐肉和魔粉製作蟲餌。必須在腐化區域再使用它。
206 Demonic altars can usually be found in the corruption. You will need to be near them to craft some items. 惡魔祭壇在腐化之地隨處可見。你必須靠近它們才能製作一些物品。 惡魔祭壇通常出現在腐化之地中。有一些物品必須靠近它們才能製作。
207 You can make a grappling hook from a hook and 3 chains. Skeletons found deep underground usually carry hooks, and chains can be made from iron bars or lead bars. 你可以用一個爪鈎和3條鏈子製作一個抓鈎。地下深處的骷髏們通常帶着爪鈎,而鏈子可以用鐵錠或鉛錠製作。 你可以用一個爪鈎和3條鏈子製作抓鈎。地下深處的骷髏們通常帶着爪鈎,而鏈子可以用鐵錠或鉛錠製作。
208 If you see a pot, be sure to smash it open. They contain all sorts of useful supplies. 如果你看到罐子,一定要砸開它。罐子裏有各種有用的補給。
209 There is treasure hidden all over the world. Some amazing things can be found deep underground! 整個世界都藏着寶藏。地下深處能夠找到一些有意思的東西! 世界各處都藏着寶藏。地下深處能夠找到一些驚人的東西!
21 Angel Statue you say? I'm sorry, I'm not a junk dealer. 你是說天使雕像?對不起,我不是收廢品的。
210 Shadow orbs can usually be found in the chasms around corrupt areas. Smashing too many will unleash the Eater of Worlds. Defeating this foe may cause meteors to fall out of the sky! 暗影珠通常可以在腐化區域周圍的裂縫中找到。粉碎太多會釋放世界吞噬怪。擊敗這個敵人可能會使流星墜落天際! 暗影珠通常可以在腐化區域周圍的裂隙中找到。打碎太多會釋放世界吞噬怪。打敗這個敵人可能會讓流星從天而降!
211 You should focus on gathering more life crystals to increase your maximum life. 你應當專注於收集更多的生命水晶,以提高最大生命值。 你應當專注於收集更多生命水晶來提高最大生命值。
212 Your current equipment simply won't do. You need to make better armor. 你現有的裝備根本做不到。你需要製作更好的盔甲。 你現有的裝備根本就不行。你需要製作更好的盔甲。
213 I think you are ready for your first major battle. Gather some lenses from the eyeballs at night and take them to a demon altar. 我認為你已經準備好迎接第一場大型戰鬥了。晚上收集眼球中的一些晶狀體,並將其帶到惡魔祭壇。 我認為你已經準備好迎接第一次大戰了。從夜晚的眼球那收集一些晶狀體帶到惡魔祭壇去。
214 You will want to increase your life before facing your next challenge. Fifteen hearts should be enough. 在面對下一個挑戰時,建議你提高生命值。十五顆心應該足夠了。 你需要提高生命值來面對下一個挑戰。十五顆心應該足夠了。
215 The ebonstone in the corruption can be purified using some powder from a dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives. 腐化之地的黑檀石可用一些樹妖的粉末淨化,或者用炸藥摧毀。 腐化之地的黑檀石可以用一些樹妖的粉末來淨化,也可以用炸藥摧毀。
216 Your next step should be to explore the corrupt chasms. Destroy any shadow orb you find. 下一步應當探索腐化裂縫。尋找並摧毀你找到的任何暗影珠。 下一步應當探索腐化之地的裂隙。摧毀找到的所有暗影珠。
217 There is an old dungeon not far from here. Now would be a good time to go check it out. 離這裏不遠有一個古老的地牢。現在正是查探一番的好時機。
218 You should make an attempt to max out your available life. Try to gather twenty hearts. 你應當試試提高到最大的生命值。試着收集二十顆心。 你應當試試最大限度提高生命值。試着收集二十顆心。
219 There are many treasures to be discovered in the jungle, if you are willing to dig deep enough. 如果你願意挖得足夠深,叢林中就有很多寶藏等着你去發現。
22 The last guy who was here left me some junk... er I mean... treasures! 以前守護這兒的人留給了我一些垃圾...呃,我意思是...一些寶藏! 這的最後一個人給我留了些垃圾……呃,我是說……寶藏!
220 The underworld is made of a material called hellstone. It's perfect for making weapons and armor. 地獄由一種名為獄石的材料構成。它非常適合製作武器和盔甲。
221 When you are ready to challenge the keeper of the underworld, you will have to make a living sacrifice. Everything you need for it can be found in the underworld. 在你準備好挑戰地獄的守衛時,必須進行活祭。它所需要的一切都能在地獄中找到。 在你準備好挑戰地獄的守衛時,必須進行活祭。一切所需都能在地獄中找到。
222 Make sure to smash any demon altar you can find. Something good is bound to happen if you do! 務必砸毀你能找到的所有惡魔祭壇。這樣做一定會有好處的!
223 Souls can sometimes be gathered from fallen creatures in places of extreme light or dark. 有時,從極明或極暗的地方墜落的生物中能收集到靈魂。 有時,從極明或極暗的地方隕落的生物中能收集到靈魂。
224 Ho ho ho, and a bottle of... Egg Nog! 哈哈哈,一瓶...蛋酒! 呵呵呵,還有一瓶……蛋酒!
225 Care to bake me some cookies? 你願意給我烤些餅乾嗎? 願意給我烤些餅乾嗎?
226 What? You thought I wasn't real? 什麼?你認為我不是真的?
227 I managed to sew your face back on. Be more careful next time. 我把你的臉縫好了。下次要多小心。 我設法把你的臉縫好了。下次要多小心。
228 That's probably going to leave a scar. 很可能會留疤。 可能會留疤。
229 All better. I don't want to see you jumping off anymore cliffs. 情況好多了。我不想再看到你跳崖。
23 I wonder if the moon is made of cheese...huh, what? Oh yes, buy something! 不知道月亮是不是芝士做的...什麼?對了,買點東西! 不知道月亮是不是奶酪做的……什麼?對了,買點東西!
230 That didn't hurt too bad, now did it? 並不是很疼吧。現在呢?
231 As if living underground wasn't bad enough, jerks like you come in while I'm sleeping and steal my children. 生活在地下已經夠慘的了,像你這樣的敗類還要趁我睡覺來偷我的孩子。
232 Between you and me, {Dryad} is the only one I trust. She is the only one here who hasn't tried to eat me or use me in a potion. 只有你知我知,{Dryad}是我唯一信任的人。她是這裏唯一一個不想吃掉我或用我來煉藥的人。
233 I tried to lick myself the other day to see what the big deal was, everything started glowing blue. 有一天,我試着舔了舔自己,看看會發生什麼大不了的事,然後全身都開始發藍光。
234 Everytime I see the color blue, it makes me depressed and lazy. 每次看到藍色,我都感到鬱悶和懶散。
235 You haven't seen any pigs around here have you? My brother lost his leg to one. 你在這附近看到過豬嗎?我弟弟的一條腿被豬叼走了。
236 Everyone in this town feels a bit off. I woke up to the clothier chewing on my foot last night. 鎮上的每個人都感到有點古怪。昨晚,我醒來時,服裝商正在啃我的腳。 感覺鎮上的每個人都有點古怪。昨晚,我醒來時,服裝商正在啃我的腳。
237 I'll give you a discount on your wears if you can convince {Truffle} to come over for a...sizing. 如果能說服{Truffle}過來了試一下...尺碼,我會給你打折。 如果能說服{Truffle}過來……試一下尺碼,我會給你打折。
238 I feel like {Truffle} is a bit misunderstood, he really is a fun guy. 我覺得{Truffle}被人誤會了,他真的是個好人。
24 Did you say gold? I'll take that off of ya. 你是說黃金?我要把它抖出來。 你是說黃金?我會從你身上弄走。
240 I don't know the 'Truffle Shuffle,' so stop asking! 我不知道什麼是「肚皮波浪」,所以別問了!
241 There's been such a huge rumor that's being spread about me, 'If you can't beat him, eat him!' 人們正盛傳着一個關於我的謠言:「如果不能擊敗他,就吃掉他!」
242 Oy, whatchu got in you jiminy fluffer? 歐嘿,可有寶物否?
243 Should I become an air pirate? I've considered becoming an air pirate. 我應該做劫機大盜?我考慮過做劫機大盜。 我應該做空盜麼?我曾考慮過做空盜的。
244 Be it what it would, a jetpack would suit you nicely! 不管怎樣,噴氣背包和你很搭!
245 I'm feeling a bit peevish as of late, so enough with your palaver you ragamuffin! 近來我感覺有點暴躁,所以別再拍馬屁了,跟個叫花子似的! 近來我感覺有點暴躁,所以你個叫花子別再拍馬屁了!
246 I'm mighty curious about that {Cyborg} fellow. By what manner of consumption does he maintain such locomotion? 我對那個叫{Cyborg}的傢伙特別好奇。他的移動能力這麼強,功耗是怎樣的? 我對那個叫{Cyborg}的傢伙特別好奇。他的移動能力這麼強,用什麼方法維持這種功耗?
247 That captain fellow seems to me to be 'pretty well over the bay' if you know what I mean! 我覺得,那個船長「爛醉如泥」,你知道我的意思吧!
248 Show me some gears! 給我一些裝備!
249 I like your... gear. Does it come in brass? 我喜歡你的...裝備。是用黃銅做的嗎? 我喜歡你的……裝備。是用黃銅做的嗎?
25 You better not get blood on me. 你最好不要讓血沾到我身上。
250 Once you enter hallowed land, you will see a rainbow in the sky. I can help you with painting that if you want. 進入神聖之地後,你將看到天空中掛着一道彩虹。如果你喜歡,我幫你畫下來。 進入神聖之地後,你會看到天空中掛着一道彩虹。如果你喜歡,我幫你畫下來。
251 Check out {PartyGirl}. Now that's a girl who can paint the town red! 查一查{PartyGirl}。她就是那個將整個鎮子漆成紅色的女孩! 去看看{PartyGirl}。她是能將整個鎮子漆成紅色的女孩!
252 I know the difference between turquoise and blue-green. But I won't tell you. 我知道青綠色和藍綠色之間的差別。但我不會告訴你。
253 I'm all out of titanium white, so don't even ask. 鈦白色用完了,別問了。
254 Try swirly pink and purple, it works, I swear! 嘗試旋渦粉色和紫色,肯定管用,我發誓! 嘗試調合粉色和紫色,肯定管用,我發誓!
255 No, no, no... There's TONS of different grays! Don't get me started... 不、不、不...灰色也分很多種!別讓我開始... 不、不、不……灰色也分很多種!別讓我開始……
256 I hope it doesn't rain again until this paint dries. That would be a disaster! 我希望別下雨了,漆還沒幹。下雨就慘了!
257 I bring you the richest colors in exchange for your riches! 我帶給你最豐富的色彩,以換取你的財富!
258 My dear, what you're wearing is much too drab. You absolutely must take a lesson in dyeing your tired attire! 親愛的,你的穿着太單調了。你一定得好好學學,怎麼給單調的衣服染色!
259 The only kind of wood I would bother dyeing is RICH Mahogany. Dyeing any other wood is such a waste. 我唯一願意染的木材是紅木。給任何其他木材染色都是浪費。
26 Hurry up and stop bleeding. 快點,別再流血了。
260 You must do something about {Pirate}. Everytime he comes over here, it takes me a week to get the smell off! 你必須對{Pirate}做點什麼。每次他來這兒,我都要用一整個星期才能去掉氣味!
261 Which doctor am I? The Witch Doctor am I. 我是啥醫?我是巫醫。
262 The heart of magic is nature. The nature of hearts is magic. 法術的核心是自然。自然的本質是法術。 魔法的心臟是本質。心臟的本質是魔法。
263 {Nurse} may help heal your body, but I can make you embody healing. {Nurse}可以治癒你的身體,但我可以讓治癒過程更體面。 {Nurse}可以治療你的身體,但我可以讓你能治癒自己。
264 Choose wisely, {PlayerName}, my commodities are volatile and my dark arts, mysterious. 認真選,{PlayerName},我的商品不穩定,我的黑魔法很神秘。
265 We have to talk. It's... it's about parties. 我們得談談。這...聚會的事。 我們得談談。這……聚會的事。
266 I can't decide what I like more: parties, or after-parties. 我不知道我是更喜歡派對還是慶功派對。 我不知道我是更喜歡派對還是餘興派對。
267 We should set up a blinkroot party, and we should also set up an after-party. 我們應該辦一個閃耀根派對,而且我們還應該辦一個慶功派對。 我們應該辦一個閃耀根派對,而且我們還應該辦一個餘興派對。
268 Wow, {PlayerName}, meeting an adventurous man like you makes me want to party! 哇,{PlayerName},認識像你這樣的冒險家,讓我有股想開派對的衝動!
269 Put up a disco ball and then I'll show you how to party. 裝個迪斯科球,我告訴你如何開派對。 裝個迪斯科球,我會讓你知道怎麼開派對。
27 If you're going to die, do it outside. 如果你要死,去外面死。 你要死就死在外面。
270 I went to Sweden once, they party hard, why aren't you like that? 我去過一次瑞典,他們經常開派對,你怎麼和他們不一樣?
271 My name's {PartyGirl} but people call me party pooper. Yeah I don't know, it sounds cool though. 我叫{PartyGirl},但人們叫我派對掃把星。是啊,我也不知道,但聽起來酷酷的。
272 Do you party? Sometimes? Hm, okay then we can talk... 你開派對嗎?有時開?好吧,那我們談談... 你開派對嗎?有時開?好吧,那我們談談……
273 I'm no landlubber, but it's better to have lubbed and lost than never to have lubbed at all. 我不是旱鴨子,但即便試水失敗也比永遠不試強。 我不是旱鴨子,但即便試水失敗也比永遠不試強。
274 Yo ho ho and a bottle of....blinkroots! 喲嗬嗬,一瓶...閃耀根! 喲呵呵,還有一瓶……閃耀根!
275 YAR! Funny ye should be mentionin' parrots b'cause...um...What t'were we talkin' 'bout? 呀!賊溜了,嘮扯嘮扯鸚鵡吧,因...噶...哈...嘮啥嗑呢? 呀!賊溜了,嘮扯嘮扯鸚鵡吧,因……噶……哈……嘮啥嗑呢?
276 {PlayerName}, Ye be one o' the finest lookin' lassies this here captain's seen in many a fortnight! {PlayerName},你是俺船長這半個月見過的最漂亮的妞!
277 Stay off me booty, ya scallywag! 別碰我的戰利品,淘氣鬼!
278 What in blazes are ye talkin' about? Moby Dick is mine! 說啥呢?白鯨是我的!
279 *Yarr Blarr Harrdarr* *卜拉卜拉卡卡*
28 What is that supposed to mean?! 什麼意思?!
280 And then Unit 492-8 said, 'Who do you think I am, Unit 472-6?' HA. HA. HA. 然後,第492-8隊說,「你認為我是誰?第472-6隊?」哈。哈。哈。
281 My expedition efficiency was critically reduced when a projectile impacted my locomotive actuator. 射彈擊中火車制動器時,我前進的速度大大減慢了。 射彈擊中我的運動執行機構會嚴重降低我的探險效率。
282 This sentence is false, or is it? 這句話是個假命題,是不是? 這句話是假話,是不是?
283 So that 'punk' lookin' chick is an inventor, eh? I think I could show her a thing or two! 所以那個「朋克」樣的小妞是個發明家,是嗎?我想我要給她看一兩件東西! 所以那個「朋克」樣的小妞是個發明家,是嗎?我想我可以給她看一兩件東西!
284 Sure, me and {Pirate} are pals, but I hate it when his parrot does his business on me. That stuff's corrosive! 當然,雖然我和{Pirate}是好朋友,但當他的鸚鵡在我身上拉糞時,我特別煩他。那東西還有腐蝕性!
285 I built myself a taste mechanism, so I can drink some ale! 我為自己建立了品嘗機制,這樣就能喝一點麥芽酒!
286 Sometimes I come off a bit... Get it? a bit? 有時候我有一點...懂了嗎?有一點嗎? 有時候我有一點……懂了嗎?有一點嗎?
287 Short back and sides' is it? 背部和兩側都很短?
288 Those highlights really bring out your eyes! 那些亮點真會吸引你的眼球!
289 My hands are sticky from all that... wax. 我的手黏糊糊的...是蠟。 我的手黏糊糊的……是蠟。
29 I don't think I like your tone. 我不喜歡你說話的口氣。
290 Tea? Coffee? Or is it just orange juice again? 茶?咖啡?乾脆再來點橙汁?
291 Doll, we seriously need to fix those split ends. 美女,我們真的需要補一補那些開叉。
292 Gurrllll! You are my favorite gossip ever. 啊呼!你是我最喜歡的八婆。
293 Which aftershave can I interest you in today, sir? 先生,您今天想試試哪種須後水?
294 Sit down for a second and I'll have you steppin' razor. 坐一會兒,我給你剃鬚刀。 坐一會兒,我去拿剃鬚刀。
295 Either you have style, or you get styled. 要麼天生有型,要麼變得有型。
296 For you I think we'll do something... low maintenance. 對於你,我想我們會弄個...容易保養的髮型。 對於你,我想我們會弄個……容易保養的髮型。
297 I tried using one of the Dye Master's products once. Ends fried. Disaster. 我曾用過一次染髮大師的一款產品。結果變得焦黃。簡直就是災難。
298 Oh you poor, poor thing. Just... just sit down here. It'll be okay. Shhhh. 哦,真可憐,可憐的傢伙。來...在這兒坐下。會沒事的。噓。 哦,真可憐,可憐的傢伙。來……在這兒坐下。會沒事的。噓。
299 Check my fresh. 看看我的新髮型。
3 I feel like an evil presence is watching me. 我覺着像是有個邪惡的東西在看着我。
30 Why are you even here? If you aren't bleeding, you don't need to be here. Get out. 你怎麼會在這兒?如果你沒流血,就沒必要在這兒。出去。
300 Hello sir, I'm {Stylist}, and I'll be your barber today. 你好,先生,我是{Stylist},今天我來為你理髮。
301 Just a little off the top? That's no fun... 就剃掉上面一點嗎?那可真沒意思... 就剃掉上面一點嗎?那可真沒意思……
302 I hope you like what I did to {PartyGirl}'s hair! 希望你會喜歡我給{PartyGirl}設計的髮型!
303 There is nothing I can do for {Demolitionist}'s singed head. He's a lost cause. 對於{Demolitionist}燒焦的頭髮,我無力回天了。他註定沒救了。 {Demolitionist}那燒焦的頭皮我是無力回天了。他註定沒救了。
304 Tipping IS optional, but remember I have access to scissors and your head. 給不給小費你看着辦,但別忘了剪刀和你的腦袋都在我手上。
305 This is a cut-throat razor by the way. 對了,這可是一把割喉的剃刀。 對了,這可是一把割喉剃刀。
306 You better stay outta my hair tonight, hun. I just sharpened my scissors, and I'm looking for an excuse to use them! 你今晚最好別碰我的頭髮,哼。我剛磨快我的剪刀,正想找個藉口用用它!
307 Mhmm, I heard from {PartyGirl} that {Mechanic}'s friend {Nurse} spent her boyfriend's last paycheck on shoes. 呣,我聽{PartyGirl}說,{Mechanic}的朋友{Nurse}買了雙鞋,花光了她男友上個月的工資。
308 One time I put a wig on {Cyborg} just so I could cut his hair. I think he kinda liked it! 有一次,我給{Cyborg}套上假髮,這樣我就能給他理髮了。我覺得他還挺喜歡的!
309 I tried to visit {Stylist} one time. She just looked at me and said 'nope.' 有一次,我試過去拜訪{Stylist}。她看了我一下 就說「不行。」 有一次,我試過去拜訪{Stylist}。她看了我一下就說「不行。」
31 WHAT?! 什麼?!
310 I think it is about time I got my hair did! 我覺得我該做頭髮了!
311 Did you even try to brush your hair today? 你今天到底有沒有梳過頭髮?
312 So a pixie cut, would you like to keep some lady burns? 那麼剪個妖精髮型,你想留點女士鬢角嗎?
313 I have no problem cleaning up ears and eyebrows, but I draw the line at nose hair. 修剪髮髻和眉毛可以,但是不能修剪鼻毛。 掏耳朵修眉毛都可以,但是我不會碰鼻毛。
314 Alright, you sit and marinate. I'll be back to rinse your color out in 25 minutes... 好吧,你邊坐邊染。25分鐘後我再來將染髮劑沖洗乾淨... 好了,你坐着等染髮劑滲透。25分鐘後我再來將染髮劑沖洗乾淨……
315 Thanks hun! Now I can finally do my hair. 謝謝啊!現在,我終於可以做頭髮了。
316 I would have given you a free cut if you'd come earlier. 如果你再早點來,我就會免費給你理髮。
317 Don't go exploring with scissors, they said. You won't get trapped in a spider's web, they said! 他們說,不要玩弄剪刀。他們說,你不會被困在蜘蛛網中!
318 Ew, my hair, there's spider web all over it! 啊,我的頭髮,上面都是蜘蛛網!
319 Meet me behind {Guide}'s house in about three hours, I think I have something you will find very appealing. 大約三小時後到{Guide}家後面來找我,我想我有件你會很感興趣的東西。
32 Have you seen that old man pacing around the dungeon? He looks troubled. 看到那個在地牢周圍轉來轉去的老人沒?他看上去遇到麻煩了。
320 That {Merchant}, he really has no appreciation for a really good deal. 那個{Merchant},他真的沒頭腦,不懂什麼是好交易。
321 I sell only what I can get. {Clothier} keeps hounding me for exotic clothing. 我只賣我能弄到的。{Clothier}老纏着我要異國情調的衣服。
322 Hmm, you look like you could use an Angel Statue! They slice, and dice, and make everything nice! 嗯,看上去你會使用天使雕像!他們切片,又切丁,讓一切都如此美好!
323 I don't refund for "buyer's remorse..." Or for any other reason, really. 我不會因「買家後悔...」而退款也不會因任何其它原因退款,不騙你。 我不會因「買家後悔……」或者任何其它原因退款,絕不退。
324 Buy now and get free shipping! 現在購買還包郵!
325 I sell wares from places that might not even exist! 我賣的商品來自可能根本就不存在的地方!
326 You want two penny farthings!? Make it one and we have a deal. 你想要兩文錢!?一文錢就成交。
327 Combination hookah and coffee maker! Also makes julienne fries! 既能抽水煙,也能煮咖啡!還能炸切絲薯條!
328 Come and have a look! One pound fish! Very, very good! One pound fish! 看一看,瞧一瞧!一斤重的魚!新鮮味美!一斤重的魚!
329 If you're looking for junk, you've come to the wrong place. 如果你是在找垃圾,那就來錯地方了。
33 I wish {Demolitionist} would be more careful. I'm getting tired of having to sew his limbs back on every day. 我希望{Demolitionist}會更小心些。每天都得為他縫合肢體,我都煩死了。
330 A thrift shop? No, I am only selling the highest quality items on the market. 舊貨店?不,我只賣市場上的尖貨。
331 Crimson hearts can usually be found in the chasms around crimson areas. Smashing too many will unleash the Brain of Cthulhu. Defeating this foe may cause meteors to fall out of the sky! 猩紅之心通常可以在猩紅區域周圍的裂縫中找到。粉碎太多會釋放克蘇魯之腦。擊敗這個敵人可能會使流星墜落天際! 猩紅之心通常可以在猩紅區域周圍的裂隙中找到。打碎太多會釋放克蘇魯之腦。打敗這個敵人可能會讓流星從天而降!
332 Have you tried using purification powder on the crimstone of the crimson? 你試過對猩紅之地的猩紅石使用淨化粉嗎? 你有沒有試過對猩紅之地的猩紅石使用淨化粉?
333 You must cleanse the world of this crimson. 你必須淨化這個猩紅的世界。
334 Psst! I might have a job for you. Don't think you can say no, either! 嘿!我有一個活兒給你。不要以為你能拒絕,怎麼都不行!
335 I want a fish and you're going to find me one! Ask me about it! 我想要一條魚,你去給我弄一條來!問我它的信息吧! 我想要一條魚,你去給我弄一條來!快問我細節!
336 Hey! Just the sacrifi- I mean competent fishing master that I've been looking for! 嘿!你就是我一直在找的犧...我是說稱職的釣魚大師! 嘿!你就是我一直在找的犧……我是說稱職的釣魚大師!
337 {Angler} wants YOU as the official {WorldName} errand monkey! {Angler}想讓你正式成為{WorldName}的跑腿官!
338 Whaaaat?! Can't you see I'm winding up fishing line?? 什…麼?!難道你沒看見我在收釣魚線嗎?? 什……麼?!難道你沒看見我在收釣魚線嗎??
339 I have enough fish! I don't need your help right now! 我的魚夠了!我現在不需要你的幫助!
34 Hey, has {ArmsDealer} mentioned needing to go to the doctor for any reason? Just wondering. 嗨,{ArmsDealer}有沒有提過為什麼要去看醫生?只是好奇罷了。
340 There's no chefs in all of {WorldName}, so I have to cook all this fish myself! 整個{WorldName}中都沒有廚師,所以我不得不自己烹魚!
341 Hey! Watch it! I'm setting up traps for my biggest prank ever! No one will see it coming! Don't you dare tell anyone! 嘿!當心!我設了許多機關,用來實施史上最大的惡作劇!沒人會發覺!你膽敢告訴任何人! 嘿!當心!我設了許多陷阱,用來實施史上最大的惡作劇!沒人會發覺!你敢告訴別人試試!
342 Let a kid give you some advice, never touch your tongue to an ice block! Wait, forget what I said, I totally want to see you do it! 聽聽小孩的忠告吧,永遠不要用舌頭碰冰塊!等一下,就當我沒說,我就想看你這樣做!
343 Ever heard of a barking fish?! I haven't, I'm just wondering if you did! 聽說過會叫的魚嗎?!我沒聽說過,只是想知道你聽說過沒!
344 {WorldName} is filled to the brim with the most outlandish kinds of fish! {WorldName}到處都是各種稀奇古怪的魚!
345 I'm bummed out! There's probably been fish that have gone extinct before I even was born, and that's not fair! 太失望了!有些魚可能在我出生之前就滅絕了,真不公平! 太可氣了!有些魚可能在我出生之前就滅絕了,真不公平!
346 I don't have a mommy or a daddy, but I have a lot of fish! It's close enough! 我沒有媽媽,也沒有爸爸,但我有很多魚!這就夠了! 我沒爹沒娘,但我有很多魚!這也差不多了!
347 Heh heh, you shoulda seen the look on {Dryad}'s face when I stuck that piranha tooth in the chair! 嘿嘿,你真該看看當我把食人魚的牙齒刺進椅子之後,{Dryad}的表情!
348 I have a request for you! No, I don't care that there's a zombie apocalypse right now! 我有個任務給你!不,現在我才不管什麼殭屍大災難呢!
349 Hurry up and listen! I need you to catch something for me right now! 快點,聽着!我要你馬上去抓個東西給我!
35 I need to have a serious talk with {Guide}. How many times a week can you come in with severe lava burns? 我要和{Guide}認真談一談。你一周到底有多少次被熔岩燙成重傷?
350 I hate Blood Moons! I stay up all night because of all the scary noises! 我恨血月!各種可怕的噪音害我一整夜都沒睡!
351 Blood Moon is the worst time to fish! The fish bite, yes, but so do the zombies! 血月是最不適合釣魚的時候!這魚咬人,沒錯,但殭屍也咬人!
352 There's a bajillion monsters running around out there right now! 現在有一大群怪物在附近跑來跑去!
353 Thanks, I guess, for saving me or whatever. You'd be a great helper minion! 謝謝,我想,謝謝你救了我之類的。你是個優秀的得力僕從!
354 Wha? Who might you be? I totally wasn't just drowning or anything! 啥?你是哪位?我絕對不只是溺水之類的!
355 You saved me! You're awful nice, I could use you... er, I mean, totally hire you to do some awesome stuff for me! 你救了我!你太好了,我可以使喚你...呃,我是說,雇你幫我做些了不起的事! 你救了我!你太好了,我可以使喚你……呃,我是說,雇你幫我做些了不起的事!
356 Got any spare bones for sale? I'm looking to replace my broken hip... again. 還有多餘的骨頭賣嗎?我的髖骨斷了,我想再...換一次。 還有多餘的骨頭賣嗎?我的髖骨斷了,我想再……換一次。
357 Excellent! Someone's finally come by to take some of these maggots off my hands. 太好了!終於有人來拿掉我手上的蛆蟲了。
358 There's no illness or condition that can't be cured by some of my Slime Oil! Trust me, it works, just look at my lively figure! 沒有我家史萊姆油治不好的病!相信我,很管用,看看我這生龍活虎的身板就知道了!
359 You've got a real backbone coming way down here, how 'bout ya buy somethin? 真正的脊骨就快到貨了,你要不買點什麼?
36 I think you look better this way. 我認為你這樣看上去好多了。
360 You would not believe some of the things people throw at me... Wanna buy some of it? 你肯定想不到大家扔了些什麼給我...想買點? 你肯定想不到大家扔了些什麼給我……想買點?
361 I'd lend you a hand, but last time I did that, I didn't get it back for a month. 我會幫你一把,但這是最後一次,我一個月都沒把它弄回來 我可以向你伸出援手,但上次我把手遞出去之後,一個月都沒能拿回來。
362 Stay away from the spiders. They'll suck out your insides and leave you a hollow shell of a man. Trust me on this one. 離蜘蛛遠點。它們會吸掉你的內臟,留下一副空殼。這次一定要信我。 離蜘蛛遠點。它們會吸掉你的內臟,留下一副空殼。這點一定要信我。
363 The only things constant in this world are death and taxes, I've got both! 這個世界上永恆不變的就只有死亡和稅收,我兩樣都有!
364 You again? Suppose you want more money!? 你又來了?你是想要更多錢吧!?
365 Must everyone open and shut doors so incredibly noisily around here?! 每個人一定要又是開門又是關門,整得這裏吵死人嗎?! 每個人都非要又開門又關門地整得這裏吵死人嗎?!
366 I see you're free of time, as usual. Can't imagine what work life would be for your kind of folk. 看得出你一如往常的閒。實在無法想像你這種人的工作生活會是啥樣。
367 Yes, yes, yes! -- I'll give you your share in just a moment. I'd think you to be a bit more patient, what with me doing all the work and all. 是,是,是!-- 我一會兒就把你那份給你。我以為你會更耐心點,等我把所有工作都做完。 是,是,是!-- 我一會兒就把你那份給你。我還以為你能耐心點等我把所有工作都做完先。
368 What does a man have to do to be left alone in this place? Go bugger someone less busy! 一個人獨自留在這個地方要做些什麼?去打擾不太忙的人! 一個人獨自留在這個地方要做些什麼?去找不忙的人打擾!
369 ...two barrels of molasses, plus -- Oh, nevermind that, you're here. Here's your money. ...兩桶糖漿,還有...哦,別介意,你在這啊。這是你的錢。 ……兩桶糖漿,還有……哦,別介意,你在這啊。這是你的錢。
37 Eww... What happened to your face? 呃...你的臉怎麼了? 呃……你的臉怎麼了?
370 Just between you and me... I have no idea why they're bothering to pay the rent 別告訴別人...我實在不明白他們為什麼懶得付租金 別告訴別人……我實在不明白他們為什麼懶得付租金
371 Tried to get {Dryad} to pay me with favors once, now I have fungus growing in strange places. 有一次試過讓{Dryad}給我點好處,現在我在一些奇特的地方種了些菌類。 有一次試過讓{Dryad}給我點好處,現在我有一些奇怪的地方長了點真菌。
372 Go tell {ArmsDealer} to stop offering to pay me with ammo, I don't even own a gun. 告訴{ArmsDealer}別再用彈藥抵繳稅款了,我連把槍都沒有。
373 Why don't YOU try collecting money from {Demolitionist} and not lose a hand or foot or... 你為什麼不試着收{Demolitionist}的錢,並且不會斷胳膊斷腳... 你倒是去試試怎麼才能向{Demolitionist}要錢又不至於斷胳膊斷腳斷……
374 I just came from {Merchant}'s. He wanted to know if I took credit cards. 我剛從{Merchant}那兒回來。他想知道我是否接受信用卡。
38 MY GOODNESS! I'm good, but I'm not THAT good. 我的天啊!我很好,但沒有「那麼」好。 我的天啊!我很好,但不是「那種」好。
380 Here's your cut of the taxes that I've taken from our surplus population! 這是我從其餘人那兒收繳的稅款的抽成!
381 Here you are again, taking all my coin! Just grab it and begone from my sight! 給你,再次拿走我所有的錢幣!抓好,趕緊從我視野里消失! 又來了,又要拿走我所有的錢幣!拿好,趕緊從我視野里消失!
382 Bah! Here, take your shillings and get out of my sight! 呸!給,拿好你的銅板,滾出我的視線!
383 This is all you're gonna get for now, not a penny more! Take it and spend it wisely. 這是你目前能拿到的所有錢,一分也不能多!拿去,花得精明點。
39 Dear friends we are gathered here today to bid farewell... Oh, you'll be fine. 親愛的朋友,今天我們集聚於此道聲告別...喔,你會沒事兒的。 親愛的朋友,今天我們集聚於此道聲告別……喔,你會沒事兒的。
390 ...And people call me greedy? No, I have nothing else for you. ...人們說我貪婪?不,我沒什麼能給你。 ……人們說我貪婪?不,我沒什麼能給你。
391 Oh, so you just see me as a coin sign, eh? 'Cus every time you see me, you ask me. 哦,你就把我當作錢幣符號,啊?因為每次你一看到我就問我要錢。
392 Don't you ever stop just to say 'Hi?' 你就不能只是停下來說句「嗨?」 你就不能只說句「嗨?」
393 Bah! You again? You just grabbed some of my coin just moments ago, so bugger off and come back later! 呸!你又來了?你剛剛才拿走了我的錢幣,給我滾開,晚點再回來! 呸!你又來了?你剛剛才拿走了我的錢幣,給我滾,以後再來!
394 I just gave you half a crown five minutes ago! Scram! 我五分鐘前才給了你半個銅板!啊啊啊! 我五分鐘前才剛給了你五毛錢!啊啊啊!
395 Reaching into my moneybags again already!? And you call ME greedy. 又伸進我的錢袋了!?你可以說我很貪心。 又伸進我的錢袋了!?你還說我貪心。
396 You just received your pay, and not a farthing more! Get out! 你剛剛才拿到你的酬勞,多一分錢也沒有!滾開!
397 Money doesn't grow on trees, so don't overpick my fruit! Bah! 錢不是從樹上掉下來的,所以我的錢你別拿太多了!呸!
398 You already managed to spend every pence I paid you!? Bah, I'm not a charity, go kill a slime! 你已經花光了我付給你的每一分錢!?呸,我可不是慈善家,去殺死史萊姆! 你已經花光了我付給你的每一分錢!?呸,我可不是慈善家,去殺史萊姆吧!
399 Not so fast! You got your money, now begone! 沒那麼快!你已經拿到錢了,趕緊滾開!
4 Sword beats paper! Get one today. 劍克紙!趕緊買一把。
40 You left your arm over there. Let me get that for you... 你把武器落在那邊了。我給你拿來... 你的胳膊掉在那邊了。我給你拿來……
400 Begging so soon?! Don't look at me like I'll have a change of heart overnight! 這麼快就乞討了?!別看我,別以為過了一晚上我就會改變主意!
401 Make sure to smash any crimson altar you can find. Something good is bound to happen if you do! 務必砸毀你能找到的所有猩紅祭壇。這樣做一定會有好處的!
402 Crimson altars can usually be found in the crimson. You will need to be near them to craft some items. 猩紅祭壇通常出現在猩紅之地。你必須靠近它們才能製作一些物品。 猩紅祭壇通常出現在猩紅之地。有一些物品必須靠近它們才能製作。
403 You can create a bloody spine with vertebrae. Make sure you are in a crimson area before using it. 你可以使用脊椎骨製作血腥脊椎。你必須在猩紅區中才能使用它。 你可以使用椎骨製作血腥脊椎。必須在猩紅區域再使用它。
404 I think you are ready for your first major battle. Gather some lenses from the eyeballs at night and take them to a crimson altar. 我認為你已經準備好迎接第一場大型戰鬥了。晚上收集眼球中的一些晶狀體,並將其帶到猩紅祭壇。 我認為你已經準備好迎接第一次大戰了。從夜晚的眼球那收集一些晶狀體帶到猩紅祭壇去。
41 Quit being such a baby! I've seen worse. 別像個孩子似的!我見過更糟的。
42 That's gonna need stitches! 這需要縫針!
43 Trouble with those bullies again? 又惹上流氓了? 又惹上混混了?
44 Hold on, I've got some cartoon bandages around here somewhere. 堅持住,我已經在附近找到卡通繃帶了。
45 Walk it off, {PlayerName}, you'll be fine. Sheesh. 走走看,{PlayerName},你會沒事兒的。嘶。 走兩步,{PlayerName},你會沒事兒的。嘶。
46 Does it hurt when you do that? Don't do that. 你這麼做的時候疼嗎?別那麼做。
47 You look half digested. Have you been chasing slimes again? 你看着就像被消化了一半一樣。你又在追史萊姆了?
48 Turn your head and cough. 轉過頭去咳嗽。
49 That's not the biggest I've ever seen... Yes, I've seen bigger wounds for sure. 我見過更大的...是的,我確實見過更大的傷口。 我見過更大的……是的,我確實見過更大的傷口。
5 You want apples? You want carrots? You want pineapples? We got torches. 你想要蘋果?你想要胡蘿蔔?你想要菠蘿?我們只有火把。
50 Would you like a lollipop? 你吃棒棒糖嗎?
51 Show me where it hurts. 讓我看看哪裏受傷了。
52 I'm sorry, but you can't afford me. 抱歉,你雇不起我。
53 I'm gonna need more gold than that. 我需要更多金子。
54 I don't work for free you know. 你知道的,我幹活得收錢。
55 I don't give happy endings. 我給不了完美的結局。
56 I can't do anymore for you without plastic surgery. 我能為你做的就只有整容了。
57 Quit wasting my time. 別浪費我時間了。
58 I heard there is a doll that looks very similar to {Guide} somewhere in the underworld. I'd like to put a few rounds in it. 我聽說在地獄中的某個地方,有一個娃娃看上去很像{Guide}。我很想打它幾槍。
59 Make it quick! I've got a date with {Nurse} in an hour. 快點!一個小時後我要和{Nurse}約會呢。
6 Lovely morning, wouldn't you say? Was there something you needed? 美好的清晨,你說呢?你需要什麼?
60 I want what {Nurse} is sellin'. What do you mean, she doesn't sell anything? 我想買{Nurse}賣的東西。你說啥?她什麼也不賣?
61 {Dryad} is a looker. Too bad she's such a prude. {Dryad}很漂亮。可惜她是個假正經。
62 Don't bother with {Demolitionist}, I've got all you need right here. 別和{Demolitionist}浪費時間了。我這邊有你要的一切。
63 What's {Demolitionist}'s problem? Does he even realize we sell completely different stuff? {Demolitionist}怎麼回事啊?難道他發現我們賣的東西完全不同? {Demolitionist}怎麼回事啊?難道他沒發現我們賣的東西完全不同?
64 Man, it's a good night not to talk to anybody, don't you think, {PlayerName}? 夥計,這麼美妙的夜晚就不要和別人交談了,你認為呢,{PlayerName}?
65 I love nights like tonight. There is never a shortage of things to kill! 我喜歡今夜這樣的夜晚。有殺不完的小怪!
66 I see you're eyeballin' the Minishark.. You really don't want to know how it was made. 我看你在盯着迷你鯊..你絕對想不到它是怎麼做成的。
67 Hey, this ain't a movie, pal. Ammo is extra. 嘿,這可不是演電影,兄弟。彈藥得另外購買。 嘿,兄弟,這可不是演電影。需要另行準備彈藥。
68 Keep your hands off my gun, buddy! 把手從我的槍上拿開,哥們! 哥們,把手從我的槍上拿開!
69 Have you tried using purification powder on the ebonstone of the corruption? 你有沒有試過對腐化之地的黑檀石使用淨化粉?
7 Night will be upon us soon, friend. Make your choices while you can. 快要天黑了,朋友。快做決定吧,不然就晚了。 朋友,快要天黑了。快做決定吧,不然就晚了。
70 I wish {ArmsDealer} would stop flirting with me. Doesn't he realize I'm 500 years old? 我希望{ArmsDealer}不要再挑逗我了。難道他不知道我已經500歲了?
71 Why does {Merchant} keep trying to sell me angel statues? Everyone knows that they don't do anything. 為什麼{Merchant}老向我推銷天使雕像呢?大家都知道它們沒一點用。
72 Have you seen the old man walking around the dungeon? He doesn't look well at all... 你看到那個在地牢周圍轉來轉去的老人沒?他看起來不太好... 你看到那個在地牢周圍轉來轉去的老人沒?他看起來不太好……
73 I sell what I want! If you don't like it, too bad. 我想賣啥就賣啥!你要是不喜歡,那真是太可惜了。 我賣的是我所需要的!你要是不喜歡,那真是太可惜了。
74 Why do you have to be so confrontational during a time like this? 你為什麼一定要在這種時候作對呢?
75 I don't want you to buy my stuff. I want you to want to buy my stuff, ok? 我不想讓你買我的東西。我只是想讓你想買我的東西,好嗎? 我並不要你真買我的東西。我只要你想買就行,懂?
76 Dude, is it just me or is there like a million zombies out tonight? 哥們,今晚就只有我一個人,還是真的有無數殭屍出現?
77 You must cleanse the world of this corruption. 你必須淨化這個腐化的世界。
78 Be safe; Terraria needs you! 注意安全!泰拉瑞亞需要你!
79 The sands of time are flowing. And well, you are not aging very gracefully. 時間的沙漏在緩緩流逝。而你並沒有優雅地變老。
8 You have no idea how much Dirt Blocks sell for overseas. 你是不知道土塊能在國外賣多少錢。
80 What's this about me having more 'bark' than bite? 說我雷聲大雨點小是啥意思?
81 So two goblins walk into a bar, and one says to the other, 'Want to get a Goblet of beer?! 兩個哥布林走進一個酒吧,其中一個對另一個說:「來杯啤酒?!」 兩個哥布林走進酒吧,其中一個對另一個說:「來杯啤酒?!」
82 I cannot let you enter until you free me of my curse. 如果你不解除我的詛咒,我是不會讓你進的。
83 Come back at night if you wish to enter. 你要想進來,那就晚上再來。 你要想進去的話就晚上再來。
84 My master cannot be summoned under the light of day. 白天可召喚不了我的主人。
85 You are far too weak to defeat my curse. Come back when you aren't so worthless. 你太弱了,破解不了我的詛咒。等你強大點了再來吧。
86 You pathetic fool. You cannot hope to face my master as you are now. 你個可憐的白痴。你現在這樣就別指望能對抗我的主人了。
87 I hope you have like six friends standing around behind you. 我還盼着你身邊能有幾個幫手呢。
88 Please, no, stranger. You'll only get yourself killed. 求你了,別,陌生人。你只會讓自己送命的。
89 You just might be strong enough to free me from my curse... 你的能力也只夠將我從詛咒中解救出來... 你的能力大概剛夠將我從詛咒中解救出來……
9 Ah, they will tell tales of {PlayerName} some day... good ones I'm sure. 總有一天他們會講述{PlayerName}的傳奇,肯定會是好故事。 總有一天他們會講述{PlayerName}的傳奇……肯定會是好故事。
90 Stranger, do you possess the strength to defeat my master? 陌生人,你是否擁有能打敗我主人的力量?
91 Please! Battle my captor and free me! I beg you! 請幫幫我!打敗捉住我的人,救我出去!求你了!
92 Defeat my master, and I will grant you passage into the Dungeon. 打敗我的主人,我就讓你進入地牢。
93 Trying to get past that {WorldEvilStone}, eh? Why not introduce it to one of these explosives! 想通過那個{WorldEvilStone},嗯?為什麼不用炸藥炸掉它! 想穿過那些{WorldEvilStone},嗯?為什麼不用炸藥炸掉它!
94 Hey, have you seen a clown around? 你有沒有在附近看到一個小丑?
95 There was a bomb sitting right here, and now I can't seem to find it... 原來有個炸彈就在這兒,但現在我似乎找不到了... 原來有個炸彈就在這兒,但現在我似乎找不到了……
96 I've got something for them zombies alright! 我為這些殭屍準備了些東西!
97 Even {ArmsDealer} wants what I'm selling! 就連{ArmsDealer}都想要我賣的東西!
98 Would you rather have a bullet hole or a grenade hole? That's what I thought. 你是想挨子彈呢,還是挨手榴彈?反正我是這麼想的。 我在想,你是願意挨子彈呢,還是挨手榴彈?
99 I'm sure {Nurse} will help if you accidentally lose a limb to these. 如果你不小心因此而斷胳膊斷腿,我相信{Nurse}會幫忙的。