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Party What, you think I like parties because I am a kid? Well, you're right, so get to partying! 什么?你说我喜欢派对是因为我是个小孩?好吧,你说对了,那就开始派对吧!
Graveyard1 I'm totally scared right now! It is all YOUR fault! 我现在被吓懵了!都怪你!
Graveyard2 How can I fish out there?! Are you crazy, or just stupid!? 我怎么能在那里钓鱼呢?!你是疯还是傻!?
Windy1 Wind is usually a great time to fish, but this is too much! I almost hooked my eye out! 起风时通常很适合钓鱼,但这风太大了!鱼钩差点钩住了我的眼睛!
Windy2 Is this some kinda hurricane!? I almost got hit by a dolphin! 这是飓风吗!?我差点跟海豚撞上了!
Storm1 Thunderstorms are the best time to go fishing! Also the most dangerous! That's why I'll send you to do it for me! 雷雨交加时最适合钓鱼!但也最危险!所以我才派你来帮我! 雷雨交加时最适合钓鱼!但也最危险!所以我才派你帮我去!
Storm2 This one time at fishing camp, lightning struck the lake! Suddenly, all the fish floated up to the surface for free! 这次是在钓鱼营地,闪电击中了湖面!突然,所有的鱼都浮出水面来透气!
Rain1 Yes! It's raining! Now I can watch you get soaking wet while you fish for me! 没错!下雨了!现在你要变成钓鱼的落汤鸡了!
Rain2 I always go fishing in the rain! It's why I wear this hat! 我总是在雨中钓鱼!所以我才会戴这顶帽子!
BloodMoonFishing1 You know, super scary things lurk in the water during a Blood Moon! You should totally go try it! I'll watch from here! 你知道吗,在血月期间,水中潜伏着超级可怕的东西!你应该去试试!我在这里帮你把风!
BloodMoonFishing2 You should try fishing when the water is all bloody! It's to die for! 你应该在水面都染红的时候去钓鱼!一定能满载而归! 你应该在水面都染红的时候去钓鱼!死也值得去!