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Help_1 The first thing you need to know about are the special defensive artifacts I've got for sale, but only if you've got some Defender Medals! 你首先需要了解的是我准备出售的特殊防御道具,但前提是你拥有些护卫奖章!
Help_2 You can use these artifacts to create traps and defensive towers. Doing so consumes Etherian mana, a special energy dropped only by members of the Old One's Army! 你可以使用这些道具制造机关和防御塔楼。这样做会消耗天国魔力,也就是只有撒旦军队成员才会掉落的特殊能量! 你可以使用这些道具制造机关和防御塔楼。这样做会消耗埃特尼亚魔力,也就是只有撒旦军队成员才会掉落的特殊能量!
Help_3 Challenging the Old One's Army is rather simple. They are attracted to the power of the Eternia Crystals, and that can be used to bait them out. 挑战撒旦军队相当简单。埃特尼亚水晶的能量会将他们吸引到附近,因而可以用于将他们引诱出来。 挑战撒旦军队相当简单。永恒水晶的能量会吸引他们,因而可以用永恒水晶将他们引诱出来。
Help_4 To place an Eternia Crystal, you must obtain an Eternia Crystal and a stand to put it in. It just so happens, you can buy em from me! 要放置埃特尼亚水晶,你必须获得埃特尼亚水晶和其放置支座。凑巧了,你可以从我这里购买它们! 要放置永恒水晶,你必须获得永恒水晶和其放置支座。凑巧了,你可以从我这里购买它们!
Help_5 You'll want to place your Eternia Crystal stand in a pretty open, flat area. Lots of walls and stuff might make it pretty difficult to protect! 你会希望将埃特尼亚水晶座放置在相当开阔平坦的区域。众多墙壁和物品可能会使其难以保护! 你需要将永恒水晶座放置在相当开阔平坦的区域。众多墙壁和物品可能会使其难以保护!
Help_6 Once your stand is set up, just interact with it while holding an Eternia Crystal, and prepare for a fight! 安好支座后,你只需拿着埃特尼亚水晶与支座互动,并准备战斗! 安好支座后,你只需手持着永恒水晶与支座互动,并准备战斗!
Help_7 Of course, you can't let the Old One's Army destroy the Eternia Crystal! This will have catastrophic consequences for my home world of Etheria! 当然,你不能让撒旦军队摧毁埃特尼亚水晶!这将为我的家园—埃特尼亚世界带来灾难性的后果! 当然,你不能让撒旦军队摧毁永恒水晶!这将为我的家园——埃特尼亚世界带来灾难性的后果!
Help_8 You can place defenses at the cost of 10 Etherian mana. Once placed, the Eternia Crystal will release some of this mana. Otherwise, you will need to defeat enemies to get more. 你可以花费10点天国魔力设置防御工事。设置完毕后,埃特尼亚水晶将释放其中一些天国魔力。否则,您将需要打败敌人才能获得更多天国魔力。 你可以花费10点埃特尼亚魔力设置防御工事。设置完毕后,永恒水晶将释放一些这种埃特尼亚魔力。除此之外,您将需要打败敌人才能获得更多埃特尼亚魔力。
Help_9 With the help of the defenses, you will have to repel several waves of invaders who are attempting to destroy both you and the Eternia Crystal! 你必须借助这些防御工事,击退几波企图摧毁你和埃特尼亚水晶的入侵者! 你必须借助这些防御工事,击退若干波企图摧毁你和永恒水晶的入侵者!
Help_10 If you successfully repel the invasion, you'll be awarded with more Defender Medals, which you can bring to me to purchase more artifacts and some other special rewards! 如果你成功击退入侵,你将获得更多护卫奖章,把护卫奖章拿给我,你就可以购买更多道具和一些其他的特殊奖励!
Help_11 I've also heard rumors that the power of the artifacts themselves may be further unlocked if you defeat the Old One's Army. Perhaps you could even use them any time you wish! 我还听到传言,如果你击败撒旦军队,这些道具本身的能量可能会进一步解锁。或许你甚至可以随时使用它们!