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FirstHelp For starters, take a few of these Defender Medals, on the house! I've got some special defenses you can purchase, but only with Defender Medals! 新手可以在房屋上获得几个护卫奖章!你可以向我购买一些特殊防御道具,但你只能用护卫奖章来买! 我可以免费赠送给新手几个护卫奖章!你可以向我购买一些特殊防御道具,但你只能用护卫奖章来买!
FirstMeeting Huh? How did I get here? The last thing I remember was a portal opening up in front of me... 嗯?我怎么到这里了?我记得的最后一件事是有个传送门在我面前打开... 嗯?我怎么到这里了?我记得的最后一件事是有个传送门在我面前打开……
BeforeDD2Tier1 We should really do something about the Old One's Army. Ask me about the Eternia Crystal if you want to learn more. 我们真的应该给撒旦军队一点颜色看看。如想了解有关埃特尼亚水晶的更多信息,你可以问我。 我们真的应该给撒旦军队一点颜色看看。如想了解有关永恒水晶的更多信息,你可以问我。
AfterDD2Tier1 Great job on fighting off the Old One's Army! But I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them, they didn't put up much of a fight this time. 你在击退撒旦军队时做得很棒!但我敢肯定他们还会再来,他们这次并未奋勇作战。 你在击退撒旦军队时做得很棒!但我敢肯定他们还会再来,他们这次并未全力以赴。
AfterDD2Tier2 The Army of the Old One's keeps getting stronger, yet you keep pushing them back! But something tells me they aren't quite finished with us yet. 撒旦军队变得越来越强,但你始终能将他们击退!但我感觉他们不会轻易罢手。 撒旦军队变得越来越强,而你始终能将他们击退!但我感觉他们不会轻易罢手。
AfterDD2Tier3 You really kept the full force of the Old One's Army at bay? Maybe you should visit Etheria some time. 你真的让撒旦军队的全部力量陷入绝境了吗?或许你应该找个时间去埃特尼亚看看。 你真的将撒旦军队的所有部队全部拒之门外了吗?或许你应该找个时间去埃特尼亚看看。
Party_1 There's a party happening here! I had just wiped down the bar, too. 这里在举办派对!我刚刚把酒吧也擦干净了。
Party_2 You should sit down and have a little fun. Don't worry, I don't think any kobolds will crash this party. 你应该坐下来,找点乐子。别担心,应该不会有小妖魔闯进这个派对。
Graveyard1 Etheria has some dark places, but this takes the cake! 埃特尼亚有一些黑暗之地,但这里是最恐怖的! 埃特尼亚有一些黑暗之地,但这里才是真恐怖!
Graveyard2 The bar seems kinda dead tonight. Smells like it, too! 今晚酒吧似乎有点死气沉沉。闻起来也像!
Windy1 There goes the roof. I had just had it redone yesterday! 屋顶被刮走了。我昨天才重盖的!
Windy2 Hold onto your bonnet, there's a real breeze out today. 抓紧你的帽子,今天外面的风可不小。
Storm1 Take shelter from the storm! Sit down for a pint. 进来躲躲雨吧!坐下来喝杯酒。 进来躲躲雨吧!坐下来喝一杯。
Storm2 You look a bit frazzled! Perhaps a mug'll calm your singed nerves. 你看起来有点疲惫!也许一杯酒能让你焦灼的神经平静下来。
Rain1 You look like a drowned, shaggy dog! How 'bout you down some ale, eh? 看把你淋得像落汤狗一样!来点麦芽酒怎么样? 看把你淋得,都成落汤鸡了!来点麦芽酒怎么样?
Rain2 Wipe your feet before you step in here, the floor was just waxed! 进来之前把脚擦干净,地板刚打过蜡!