Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/BestiaryGirlChatter

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Chatter_1 I collected critters like you once, then I took a cursed fox bite to the knee! 我以前也像你一样养小动物,后来被一只受诅咒的狐狸咬到了膝盖!
Chatter_2 {?Eclipse}Like wow, I feel like I belong with the creepy killer things running around right now. So glad I'm not that mindless. {?Eclipse}就像是,我感觉我应该马上加入这些杀人狂魔。幸好我没那么傻。
Chatter_3 I may not know, like, a whole lot...but I can talk your head off about nature and critters and animals and wildlife and... 我可能学识浅薄…但有关自然、小动物、动物和野生动物之类的话题,我可以给你说上三天三夜… 我可能学识浅薄……但有关自然、小动物、动物和野生动物之类的话题,我可以给你说上三天三夜……
Chatter_4 My older bro calls me a lycanthrope. It means I'm like, part animal or something. He'd know, though, because he spends all his time outside! 我老哥叫我狼人。因为我既像动物,又像那啥。不过他都懂,毕竟他常年在外! 我老哥叫我兽化人。意思是我有一半像动物什么的。不过他都懂,毕竟他常年在外!
Chatter_5 I love animals, like, a lot! I tried to pet this weird looking fox one time, he sooo bit me, and now I became like one! Rad! 我非常喜欢动物!有一次我试着抚摸这只长相奇特的狐狸,他竟然咬了我一口,现在我变成了一只动物!酷毙了!
Chatter_6 Staahp pulling on my tail, bro, it's totally real, and like...totally hurts when you pull on it! 别拉扯我的尾巴了,兄弟,是货真价实的…老这样拉扯,我很疼的! 别拉扯我的尾巴了,兄弟,是货真价实的……这样拉扯,我很疼的!
Chatter_7 Huh?! No, {Stylist} didn't dye my hair. It's naturally this color! It was like, dark brown before I was bitten, though! 哈?!不,{Stylist}没给我的毛发染色。这是天然的颜色!不过在被咬之前,我的头发是深棕色的!
Chatter_8 Oh, THESE ears? Haha, totes better to hear you with, my dear! 噢,这两只大耳朵吗?哈哈,是用来听你的,宝贝!
Chatter_9 This one time, at critter camp, I woke up one morning and everything was torn apart! Like, wow, how did I sleep through THAT?! 这次是在小动物营地,有天早上我醒来,发现一切全变样了!发生这么大的事情,我竟然还睡得着?!
Chatter_10 Wow, like, I've never seen a full moon. For some reason, it's like I pass out every time one's around! 哇,我好像从来没见过满月。不知道为什么,一要出现满月我就会昏倒!
Chatter_11 I have noooo idea how I got here, but it's mega rad. 我不知道我是怎么来到这里的,但这感觉太棒了。