Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/DryadSpecialText

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
AfterDD2Tier1 When I was in Etheria, I felt so disconnected from {WorldName}. It's good to be back. 身处埃特尼亚时,我感觉与{WorldName}断了联系。能回来真是太好了。
AfterDD2Tier2 The Corruption tried to take me over when I went to Etheria, but instead, I used its power against the Old One's Army! 腐化之地曾经企图在我前往埃特尼亚时掌控我,但我反而利用它的力量来对抗撒旦军队!
WorldStatusAll {0} is {1}% hallow, {2}% corrupt, and {3}% crimson. {0}中{1}%为神圣之地,{2}%为腐化之地,{3}%为猩红之地。
WorldStatusHallowCorrupt {0} is {1}% hallow and {2}% corrupt. {0}中{1}%为神圣之地,{2}%为腐化之地。
WorldStatusHallowCrimson {0} is {1}% hallow and {2}% crimson. {0}中{1}%为神圣之地,{2}%为猩红之地。
WorldStatusCorruptCrimson {0} is {1}% corrupt and {2}% crimson. {0}中{1}%为腐化之地,{2}%为猩红之地。
WorldStatusCorrupt {0} is {1}% corrupt. {0}中{1}%为腐化之地。
WorldStatusCrimson {0} is {1}% crimson. {0}中{1}%为猩红之地。
WorldStatusHallow {0} is {1}% hallow. {0}中{1}%为神圣之地。
WorldStatusPure {0} is completely pure. You have done an amazing job! {0}已完全变得纯净。干得漂亮!
WorldDescriptionBalanced The world is in balance. 世界处于平衡状态。
WorldDescriptionFairyTale We are living in a fairy tale. 我们生活在童话之中。
WorldDescriptionGrim Things are grim indeed... 情况确实严峻... 情况确实严峻……
WorldDescriptionWork You have a lot of work to do. 你有许多工作要做。
WorldDescriptionClose You are so close! 你就要成功了!
Party I thought I would throw a party to celebrate our victories in the past and those yet to come. 我想我要为了我们过去取得的胜利办一个庆功派对,未来的胜利也一起吧。
Graveyard1 I can handle the corruption, but the vile air of death in this location wilts the flower in my hair. 我受得了腐化之地,但这个地方弥漫的死亡恶臭让我头发上的花朵都蔫了。
Graveyard2 This place... I can hear the cry of nature at those who've fallen here. 这个地方…我能听到大自然对那些安息在这里的人的痛哭。 这个地方……我能听到大自然对那些安息在这里的人的痛哭。
Windy1 The wind... it is nature's way of sweeping the dust from the land. 这风…这是大自然为了清除地面上的尘土。 这风……这是大自然为了清除地面上的尘土。
Windy2 Nature's fury strips the leaves from the trees this day. 今天,大自然之怒扒掉了树上的树叶。
Storm1 Our mother is angry, and wishes to burn away the filth by raining destructive power on our treetops. 我们的大自然母亲发怒了,她要对我们的树梢施加毁灭性力量,把污物都烧掉。 我们的大自然母亲发怒了,她要降下毁灭性的力量来烧尽污秽之物。
Storm2 It is unwise to traverse openly beneath the flashing dangers from above. 公然从上方穿过下方闪烁的危险区是不明智的。 顶着上面闪烁的危险从下面穿过是不明智的。
Rain1 The water from the sky is a way for nature to wash away the mud in our streams. 天上下的雨可以冲走我们溪流中的烂泥。 天上下的雨是大自然在冲刷我们溪流中的烂泥。
Rain2 When it rains, many kinds of fish acquire mystical properties. 下雨时,许多种鱼会获得神秘的特性。