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FirstMeeting1 Thank you for the rescue. If I were trapped out here any longer, I could have come down with a heat stroke! 多谢你救了我。如果我再被困在这里,我可能会中暑!
FirstMeeting2 Why, thank you! I've been stuck in this sand pit for days. Good thing you can get water out of a cactus. 哦,谢谢!我被困在这个沙坑里好几天了。还好你能从仙人掌里弄出水来。
Party_1 I'm having trouble concentrating on this swing because of the obnoxious party going on around me. 由于周围在举行讨厌的派对,我无法集中精力挥杆。
Party_2 I hit a hole in one! That's a good reason for us all to celebrate. Time to put my club down and have a margarita. 我一杆进洞了!所以我们一定要庆祝一番。是时候放下球杆,来杯玛格丽塔了。
Graveyard1 Graveyards creep me out. I don't like practicing my swings on top of my family and friends. 墓地让我觉得毛骨悚然。我不想在埋葬我家人和朋友的土地上练习挥杆。
Graveyard2 Don't play golf in a cemetery. The grass grows too efficiently and makes the entire course rough. 不要在墓地里打高尔夫球。这里的草长得太快,使得整个球场都高低不平。
Windy1 This wind makes for a very difficult course. 这风让球很不好打了。
Windy2 A strong gale adds challenge to a game of golf, but this is rather excessive. 大风增加了打高尔夫球的难度,但这风也太大了。
Storm1 I don't think so, {PlayerName}. {PlayerName},我不这么认为。
Storm2 The odds of being struck by lightning are the same as the lottery. Going outside swinging an iron is a winning ticket! 被雷劈的概率和中彩票的概率一样大。你要是出去挥铁杆,被雷劈的“大奖”一定属于你! 被雷劈的概率和中彩票的概率一样大。但你要是出去挥铁杆,就能中大奖!
Rain1 Golfing in the rain is less fun. Everything is all slippery! 在雨中打高尔夫球没那么有意思。到处都很滑!
Rain2 Water hazards are a lot larger when it rains, making it that much harder to reach the green! 水障碍区在下雨时会变得更大,这就更难到达果岭了! 水障碍区在下雨时会变得更大,这让上果岭变得更困难了!