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Party Never been to a party before? You might want to check around with the others. People sometimes bring out special party favors. 从没参加过派对?你可能要看看其他人。人们有时会带来特别的派对礼品哦。
Graveyard1 Graveyards are spooky and very dangerous. I'd watch your step, kid. 墓地既阴森恐怖又危险。当心脚下,孩子。
Graveyard2 It's cold and ominous around here. I feel something very evil calling out to me. 这里又冷又不吉利。我感觉有一种非常邪恶的东西在召唤我。
Rain1 Be advised that certain creatures only come out during rain. 注意,某些生物只在下雨的时候才会出来。
Rain2 Don't be alarmed, it is just water. I hear certain species of fish can fly when it rains! 不要惊慌,只是雨水而已。我听说某些种类的鱼在下雨时会飞! 不要惊慌,这只是水而已。我听说某些种类的鱼在下雨时会飞!
Windy1 Don't get blown away by the strong gusts going on, and be wary of monsters which take advantage of them! 不要被大风刮走了,小心利用大风作恶的怪物! 不要被持续的大风刮走了,要当心利用大风作恶的怪物!
Windy2 It's windy out there! Now is the best time to fly a kite. 外面起风了!现在是放风筝的最佳时机。
Storm1 It's dangerous to be out in a thunderstorm. Take cover, kid. 雷雨时在外面很危险。找个地方躲起来,孩子。
Storm2 Lightning is no joke, very powerful fiends come out in this weather. 闪电可不是闹着玩的,威力无比的恶魔会在这种天气出来。 闪电可不是闹着玩的,这种天气下会产生非常强大的恶魔。
SlimeRain If you defeat enough of these slimes, you might invoke the wrath of their king. Be careful! 如果你击败了一定量的史莱姆,你可能会激起它们首领的愤怒。小心点! 如果你打败了足够数量的史莱姆,你可能会激起它们国王的愤怒。小心点!
Eclipse Huh?! Where is the sun? Why is it so dark? It must be a Solar Eclipse! 嗯?!太阳去哪了?为什么这么黑?一定是发生日食了!
Lantern1 What a beautiful night! With your recent victory, the world seems more at peace, and these lanterns are in celebration of that. 多美的夜晚啊!由于你近来取得的胜利,整个世界看起来都更加平静了,这些灯笼就是为了庆祝这一切。 多美的夜晚啊!由于你近来取得的胜利,整个世界似乎更加和平了,这些灯笼就是为了庆祝这一切。
Lantern2 Do you see the lanterns? Now that you've saved our world, there are regular celebrations of your victory. Always such a beautiful sight! 看到灯笼了吗?现在你拯救了我们的世界,人们会定期举办活动来庆祝你的胜利。这些景象总是这么美好!