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Party A party? Like.. a festival? I LOVE FESTIVALS! So much pink! So much glitter! It's so cheerful!! 派對?就像...節日那樣?我非常喜歡節日!有非常多的粉紅色!非常多的閃光!太歡樂了!! 派對?就像……節日那樣?我非常喜歡節日!有非常多的粉紅色!非常多的閃亮!太歡樂了!!
Graveyard1 Um... it's kind of scary out there. I better have some tea. 嗯...那裡有點嚇人。我最好還是喝點茶。 嗯……那裡有點嚇人。我最好還是喝點茶。
Graveyard2 What was that noise? Hm, perhaps I shouldn't worry so! 那是什麼聲音?嗯,也許我不必這麼擔心!
Windy1 Oops! I better hold on to my tiara, it's rather blustery out today! 哎呀!我最好抓住我的頭冠,今天簡直狂風大作!
Windy2 It surely is a swell day to fly a kite, don't you agree? 今天當然是放風箏的好日子,你不覺得嗎?
Storm1 Um... the storms outside sound pretty intense. I do appreciate the chaos. 嗯...外面的暴風雨聽起來很猛烈。我挺喜歡暴風雨帶來的這種混亂喧囂之感。 嗯……外面的暴風雨聽起來很猛烈。我挺喜歡暴風雨帶來的這種混亂喧囂之感。
Storm2 Do be careful if traveling outside, it's storming quite hard! 如果要出門旅行,請多加注意,暴風雨現在很猛烈!
Rain1 There's something about the rain that makes me feel so calm. 不知為何,下雨讓我感到很平靜。
Rain2 I love it when it rains. It's soothing. 我非常喜歡下雨。讓人感覺很舒心。