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Content I'm feeling good, actually! Thanks for askin'! 其实我感觉挺好的!感谢你的关心!
NoHome Like, I can't just go live in a burrow, you know. I need a house! 我不能就这样住在洞穴里,你知道的。我需要一间屋子!
FarFromHome I'm uh, like, a little homesick? Plus I need to feed my pets! 我有点,呃,想家?而且我还要给我的宠物喂食!
DislikeCrowded I get a little anxious around a lot of people. I like, don't want that. 我在很多人面前会有点焦虑。我不喜欢这种场面。
HateCrowded Eek! I hate feeling worried about what will happen with all these people around! 呀!我讨厌因为周围有太多人而担心会发生什么!
LoveSpace I absolutely love having my own place to be myself! This is like, totally awesome! 我渴望有一个属于我自己的地方!那样就太棒了!
LikeBiome I love animals, so naturally {BiomeName} is like, the best place ever! Yas! 我喜爱动物,所以{BiomeName}自然是最棒的地方!耶!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜欢{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome It's like, weird having instincts and all, and {BiomeName} really makes me want to run away! 拥有这些本能感觉很奇怪,{BiomeName}真的让我想逃跑!
HateBiome Like, {BiomeName} totally reeks of those curses that fox cub had -- the one that bit me! {BiomeName}完全中了那只小狐狸的诅咒,也就是咬我的那只! {BiomeName}完全就是那只小狐狸的诅咒那样,也就是咬我的那只!
LikeNPC Of course I like {NPCName}! I like, knew them since I was born! 我当然喜欢{NPCName}!从我出生起,我就知道并喜欢他们!
LoveNPC I can't explain it. I have like, a thing for {NPCName}. Is it because of the tail? 我也说不清,但我就是非常喜欢{NPCName}。是因为它的尾巴吗?
DislikeNPC I don't like how cruel {NPCName} is! 我不喜欢残酷的{NPCName}!
HateNPC I really totally hate what {NPCName} does to animals! 我真的非常讨厌{NPCName}对动物所做的事情!
LikeNPC_Princess Like, {NPCName} has her subjects searching for a way for me to break my fox curse! Yass! 这就像{NPCName}让她的臣民想方设法帮我打破我的狐狸诅咒一样!太棒了!