Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood GoblinTinkerer

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Content Feelings are currently nominal. 现在的感觉都是不真实的。
NoHome Goblins don't normally need nice homes, but I'm not like most goblins. 哥布林一般对舒适的家没有要求,但我跟他们不一样。 哥布林一般对舒适的家没有要求,但我不是一般的哥布林。
FarFromHome I want to work on my new invention, but my house is way over there! 我想研究我的新发明,但是我的房子在那边!
DislikeCrowded There appears to be an unlikeable amount of humans gathering around me, hm? 似乎有一群讨厌的人类聚集在我周围,嗯?
HateCrowded This crowding triggers bad memories of goblin war camps, I really hate it. 这种拥挤让我想起了在哥布林战营的不堪往事,我真的很讨厌这种感觉。
LoveSpace Perfect, the lack of annoying neighbors adequately meet my needs. 完美,没有了烦人的邻居,我的需求就能全部实现了。 完美,没有烦人邻居,这就充分满足了我的需求。
LikeBiome Ahh, {BiomeName} is a nice, quiet place to construct more gadgets. Major like-age! 啊,{BiomeName}是一个安静祥和的好地方,可以在这里制作更多工具。在这里呆一辈子也行! 啊,{BiomeName}是个安静祥和的好地方,可以在这里制作更多小工具。在这里呆一辈子也行!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜欢{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome I don't like {BiomeName}, it is filled with loud, annoying pests that get in the way of my work! 我不喜欢{BiomeName},那里充满了吵闹、讨厌的害虫,会妨碍我的工作!
HateBiome I hate {BiomeName}, I cannot put merge these trinkets into one piece if I'm fighting to keep myself that way! 我讨厌{BiomeName},如果我一直保持这种状态,我就没法合并这些小饰品了!
LikeNPC {NPCName} understands how fun it is to mix things together, I can respect that! {NPCName}知道把东西混在一起是多么有趣,我尊重这一点! {NPCName}知道把东西混在一起是多么有趣,我能理解!
LoveNPC {NPCName} makes my cardiac core function improperly, it appears I love how that feels! {NPCName}让我像失了魂似的,心神不宁,不过我喜欢这种感觉!
DislikeNPC I detect eerie vibes from {NPCName}, as if they contain dark secrets. I don't like the feeling. 我从{NPCName}身上发现了怪异之处,仿佛他们掌握了黑暗秘密。我不喜欢这种感觉。
HateNPC I really hate how {NPCName} humiliated me, all because male goblins cannot grow real hair! 我真的讨厌{NPCName}对我的羞辱,而这只是因为男哥布林不能留长发! 我真的讨厌{NPCName}对我的羞辱,而这只是因为男哥布林不长头发!
LikeNPC_Princess {NPCName} likes my inventions, and says all friendly goblins are welcome! {NPCName}很喜欢我的发明,还说欢迎所有友好的哥布林! {NPCName}很喜欢我的发明,还说欢迎所有友好的哥布林