Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Merchant

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Content I'm feeling successful! Want to buy something? 我感觉很成功!想买点什么吗?
NoHome I don't have a place to set up shop, friend. 朋友,我没有地方开店。
FarFromHome Boy, I need to make my way back to my merchandise! 小伙子,我得回去拿我的商品!
DislikeCrowded The number of neighbors has me a little unsettled. 这么多邻居让我有点不安。
HateCrowded I hate how many people hang around, but none of them buy anything! 我讨厌那么多人在这里晃悠,但没有一个人买东西!
LoveSpace This is nice, lots of privacy to store my wares. 这里很好,有很多隐秘的地方来存放我的商品。
LikeBiome I like the scenery in {BiomeName}, a good view attracts customers! 我喜欢{BiomeName}的风景,美丽的风景能引来顾客!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜欢{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome Hmm, {BiomeName} is a terrible place for business, I don't like it. 嗯,{BiomeName}是一个很不适合做生意的地方,我不喜欢这里。 嗯,{BiomeName}是个很不适合做生意的地方,我不喜欢这里。
HateBiome I don't think I can sell goods to monsters in {BiomeName}! 我觉得我不可能把商品卖给{BiomeName}的怪物!
LikeNPC {NPCName} makes loads of money, I like deep pockets. {NPCName}赚了很多钱,我喜欢有钱人。
LoveNPC I love being around {NPCName}. 我非常喜欢和{NPCName}在一起。
DislikeNPC I dislike {NPCName}, too frugal and doesn't ever buy my things. 我不喜欢{NPCName},这个人太节俭了,从来不买我的东西。
HateNPC I hate {NPCName}'s terrible personality! {NPCName}性情乖戾,真讨人厌!
LikeNPC_Princess {NPCName} could buy out my whole shop! Pleasant to talk to, as well. {NPCName}可以买空我的整个店铺!和她交谈也很愉快。 {NPCName}可以买空我的整个店铺!我们之间的交谈也很愉快。