Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Princess

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Content All matters are well at hand, my loyal subject! 我忠实的臣民,一切尽在我的掌握之中!
NoHome It seems I'm without any lodgings. If I may, have anything in pink, please? 我似乎无处可住。如果可以的话,能给我找个粉红色的住处吗?
FarFromHome Um... I seem to have wandered a bit far! Care for a lovely stroll? 嗯...我似乎走得有点远!你想散个步吗? 嗯……我似乎走得有点远!你想散个步吗?
DislikeCrowded It brings me joy residing by my subjects. I understand others may find that unappealing, however. 与臣民比邻而居让我感到很快乐。但我能明白其他人可能觉得这没什么意思。
HateCrowded I LOVE being surrounded by others, but I wish not to see them so unhappy with overcrowding. 我非常喜欢大家围绕在我身旁,但我不希望看到他们因为过分拥挤而不满。
HateLonely Um... I'm feeling a little lonesome, may I please reside closer to my people? 嗯...我感觉有点寂寞,我能住在更靠近臣民的地方吗? 嗯……我感觉有点寂寞,我能住在更靠近臣民的地方吗?
LikeBiome Flowers are pleasant, hills are lovely, sand is warm. Every place is beautiful when you are among friends! 鲜花宜人,山丘可爱,沙滩温暖。和朋友待在一起时,无处不美!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜欢{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome I dislike {BiomeName}. 我不喜欢{BiomeName}。
HateBiome Mmm! This place could use a makeover, for sure. It's not quite fit for anyone, let alone royalty! 嗯!这个地方无疑需要改造。任何人住着都不大合适,何况是皇室!
LikeNPC I like {NPCName}. 我喜欢{NPCName}。
LoveNPC I love {NPCName}. 我非常喜欢{NPCName}。
DislikeNPC I don't dislike {NPCName}. 我不讨厌{NPCName}。 我不反感{NPCName}。
HateNPC I just can't bring myself to hate {NPCName}. 我真的没办法憎恨{NPCName}。 我就是没办法去讨厌{NPCName}。
LoveNPC_Guide {NPCName} is a really nice guy! {NPCName}是个很不错的家伙!
LoveNPC_Nurse {NPCName} always makes me feel better when I'm hurt! {NPCName}总能在我受到伤害时让我感觉好过些!
LoveNPC_Merchant {NPCName} always provides what I need, free of charge! {NPCName}总能为我提供需要的东西,而且分文不取!
LoveNPC_Dryad {NPCName} is so in touch with nature, I love it! {NPCName}与大自然非常亲近,我很喜欢这一点!
LoveNPC_ArmsDealer {NPCName} is such a softie at heart! {NPCName}的心肠非常软!
LoveNPC_Demolitionist {NPCName} is just 'da bomb', heehee! {NPCName}真是棒极了,嘻嘻!
LoveNPC_Clothier {NPCName} seems so sad sometimes, but he's very nice to me! {NPCName}有时似乎很悲伤,但他对我非常好!
LoveNPC_Wizard {NPCName} is so wise, I trust his judgement completely! {NPCName}非常明智,我完全相信他的判断!
LoveNPC_GoblinTinkerer {NPCName} makes just the niftiest gizmos! {NPCName}能制作出最漂亮的小玩意!
LoveNPC_Mechanic {NPCName} can fix up just about anything, I admire her! {NPCName}几乎能搞定一切,我很佩服她!
LoveNPC_SantaClaus {NPCName} is so jolly, I just want to give him a gift! {NPCName}特别开心,我只是想送给他一份礼物!
LoveNPC_Truffle {NPCName} is a really fun guy! {NPCName}是个非常有趣的家伙!
LoveNPC_Steampunker {NPCName} is my favorite tea time partner! 我最喜欢和{NPCName}一起喝下午茶了!
LoveNPC_DyeTrader {NPCName} always helps me choose the best color dresses! {NPCName}总能帮我选出颜色最棒的裙子!
LoveNPC_PartyGirl {NPCName} is always the life of the party! {NPCName}总是派对上的核心人物!
LoveNPC_Cyborg {NPCName} is so cool, he seems to know everything! {NPCName}太酷了,他似乎无所不知!
LoveNPC_Painter {NPCName} really brightens up this place with his art! {NPCName}的确用他的艺术让这里变得亮丽生辉!
LoveNPC_WitchDoctor {NPCName} offers such unique insights, it really makes me think! {NPCName}提供了非常独到的见解,这的确引发了我的思考!
LoveNPC_Pirate {NPCName} is always good for an exciting pirate story! {NPCName}总是很擅长讲述精彩的海盗故事!
LoveNPC_Stylist {NPCName} has the best hair advice, she's great to talk to! {NPCName}提出的美发建议是最棒的,很高兴能与她交谈!
LoveNPC_Angler {NPCName} is such a nice boy, always offering to take me fishing! {NPCName}真是个好男孩,他总是提出带我去钓鱼!
LoveNPC_TaxCollector {NPCName} is terribly misunderstood, he's very kind to me! {NPCName}完全被误解了,他对我非常好!
LoveNPC_DD2Bartender {NPCName} is from an entirely different world, that's so interesting! {NPCName}来自一个完全不同的世界,真有趣!
LoveNPC_Golfer {NPCName}'s passion for golf inspires me! {NPCName}对高尔夫的热情激励了我!
LoveNPC_BestiaryGirl {NPCName} always lets me play with her pets, its so nice! {NPCName}总是让我和她的宠物一起玩,真好!
LoveNPC_Princess {NPCName} is a little unsettling to be around, but terribly cute! {NPCName}相处起来有点让人不安,但是非常可爱!
LoveNPC_TownCat {NPCName} is really adorable! {NPCName}真的很呆萌! {NPCName}真的很可爱!
LoveNPC_TownDog {NPCName} is really adorable! {NPCName}真的很呆萌! {NPCName}真的很可爱!
LoveNPC_TownBunny {NPCName} is really adorable! {NPCName}真的很呆萌! {NPCName}真的很可爱!
LoveNPC_TownSlime {NPCName} is really adorable! {NPCName}真的很呆萌! {NPCName}真的很可爱!