Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Steampunker

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
Content I am jolly good. 我很好。
NoHome I could use a flat to bide in. 我可以住在房子里了。
FarFromHome I'm wee far from home, an' I forgot my bloody motor! 我把该死的马达忘在家里了,但我家离这里很远!
DislikeCrowded I dinnae like being surrounded by folk, much. 我不喜欢周围很多人。
HateCrowded Oi, I absolutely hate crowded quarters! 嘿,我非常讨厌拥挤的地方!
LoveSpace Plenty o' room just for me and some good steam engines! 给我和一些不错的蒸汽机留了很多空间!
LikeBiome I prefer the wide open spaces here in {BiomeName}, great for jetpack joyrides! 我喜欢{BiomeName}这里的开阔空间,非常适合开启喷气背包飞行之旅!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜欢{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome The shrubbery and mess of {BiomeName} really grinds my gears! {BiomeName}的灌木丛和杂乱无章真的会磨坏我的齿轮! {BiomeName}的灌木丛和杂乱无章真的让我感到很烦!
HateBiome Truly, {BiomeName} is uncultured and unsightly - nevermind perilous! 说真的,{BiomeName}没有开化,不堪入目,更不用说危险了! 说真的,{BiomeName}没有开化,不堪入目,更不用说还危险了!
LikeNPC {NPCName} is a likeable sort who helps me spruce up my inventions. {NPCName}是个讨人喜欢的家伙,会帮我完善我的发明。
LoveNPC I love how unique and interesting {NPCName} truly is, remarkable! {NPCName}是个性有趣又不同寻常,我太喜欢了! {NPCName}个性有趣又不同寻常,我太喜欢了!
DislikeNPC {NPCName} is too otherworldly! I dinnae like them much. {NPCName}太超然了!我不太喜欢他们。
HateNPC I hate being near {NPCName}. 我讨厌{NPCName}在周围。
LikeNPC_Princess The jolly {NPCName} volunteered to try my new teleporter, I love an enthusiastic assistant! 快乐的{NPCName}自愿试用我的新传送机,我很喜欢充满热情的助手!