Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Stylist

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Content I'm feeling fresh today. 我今天精神很好。
NoHome Sorry hun, I can't style hair without a place to set up my station. 抱歉,伙计,没有地方站我就没法做发型。 抱歉,伙计,没地方摆开设备我没法做发型。
FarFromHome I'm too far from my tools... 我的工具在很远的地方… 我的工具在很远的地方……
DislikeCrowded Am I hearing spiders? Oh, just noisy neighbors, I don't like that. 我听到的是蜘蛛的声音吗?噢,只是邻居的吵闹声,但我不喜欢这样。
HateCrowded I absolutely cannot stand having so many people living around me, I can't focus. 我完全忍受不了这么多人住在我周围,我无法集中精力。
LoveSpace Lovely, I get to keep to myself and study my technique without distraction. 真好,我可以一个人待着,不受干扰地研究我的技能。
LikeBiome It's nice, calm atmosphere for cutting hair in {BiomeName}. 在{BiomeName}剪头发很舒服,很安静。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜欢{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome Hun, I don't like it here in {BiomeName}, how can anyone show off their hair when it's so cold? 哼,我不喜欢呆在{BiomeName},天这么冷,怎么能秀头发呢?
HateBiome Ugh, {BiomeName} is causing severe damage to my hair! 啊,{BiomeName}严重损伤了我的头发!
LikeNPC {NPCName} is strong and mysterious. I like that. {NPCName}强大又神秘。我喜欢。
LoveNPC {NPCName} is quite the looker... so exotic... I think I'm in love... {NPCName}是个大美人…浑身散发出异国风情…我想我恋爱了… {NPCName}是个大美人……浑身散发出异国风情……我想我恋爱了……
DislikeNPC I tried to work on {NPCName}, but was rudely rejected, I don't like stubborn people! 我试图说服{NPCName},但被粗鲁地拒绝了,我不喜欢固执的人!
HateNPC I hate {NPCName}, how can you literally NOT grow hair? 我讨厌{NPCName},你怎么能不长头发呢? 我讨厌{NPCName},怎么能不长头发呢?
LikeNPC_Princess I can't even touch {NPCName}'s hair, it's too perfect! 我甚至都不敢碰{NPCName}的头发,简直太完美了!