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Content I feel magical. 我覺得不可思議。 我覺得有魔力。
NoHome Where is my house? Where am I? Who are you? Who am I? 我的家在哪裏?我在哪裏?你是誰?我是誰?
FarFromHome I could have sworn my house was here somewhere... 我可以發誓,我的房子就在這附近… 我可以發誓,我的房子就在這附近……
DislikeCrowded Can some of these noisy people move further away? No? Ok. 這些吵鬧的人能搬到更遠的地方去嗎?不行?好吧。
HateCrowded This overcrowding is starting to dampen my magic! I think. 我覺得這種擁擠的局面開始削弱了我的魔法! 我認為,過度擁擠開始削弱我的魔法了!
LoveSpace Reminds me of the old days, practicing magic up in a tower in the middle of nowhere! 這讓我想起了過去,在一個偏僻的高塔上練習魔法!
LikeBiome What's not to like about {BiomeName}? It has unicorns and rainbows. {BiomeName}有什麼不好的?這裏有獨角獸和彩虹。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome I dislike {BiomeName}, magic does not flow well in a place like this. 我不喜歡{BiomeName},魔法在這樣的地方不容易施展開來。
HateBiome The abominations in {BiomeName} disturb me, like the darkest form of magic. {BiomeName}中的可惡之物像最黑暗的魔法一樣困擾着我。 {BiomeName}中的可憎之物像最黑暗的魔力形態一樣困擾着我。
LikeNPC {NPCName} and I share a very long history, I like the mutual wisdom. {NPCName}和我相識已久,我喜歡我們共同的智慧。
LoveNPC I love that there's a lot to talk about with {NPCName}. 我喜歡和{NPCName}在一起,我們有很多共同話題。
DislikeNPC {NPCName} dabbles in things that shouldn't be disturbed, and I don't like that. {NPCName}涉足了不該被打擾的領域,我不喜歡這樣。
HateNPC That loathsome {NPCName} is a complete and total abomination to magic! 那個討厭的{NPCName}極力反對魔法!
LikeNPC_Princess {NPCName}? We have a princess? Fascinating, she seems nice. {NPCName}?我們有公主嗎?太棒了,她看上去很不錯。 {NPCName}?我們有公主了?太棒了,她看上去很不錯。