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Party Many say that parties give you the richest of memories. So buy something and make this memory rich! 很多人说派对会给你丰富多彩的记忆。所以买点东西让记忆更加丰富多彩吧!
Graveyard1 Whew! Look at my many wares! I totally did NOT take them off the dead buried here, to sell to you. 哟!看看我的众多商品!我根本没有把埋在这里的死人身上的东西拿下来卖给你。 哟!看看我的众多商品!我绝对没有从埋在这里的死人身上拿东西卖给你。
Graveyard2 In my travels, I've never run across anyone living in a dismal place like this! Ah, well, as long as you have coin... 在我所有的旅行中,从来没见过谁住这么阴森的地方!啊,好吧,只要你有钱币… 在我所有的旅行中,从来没见过谁住这么阴森的地方!啊,好吧,只要你有钱币……
Windy1 I go where winds take me, but this is ridiculous! 我会追随风的脚步,但这太荒谬了!
Windy2 I would sell you exotic wind socks, but I'm afraid I forgot to stock them! 我会卖给你异国风情防风袜,但我忘了进货了!
Storm1 Hurry up and buy! 赶快买! 赶快,买!
Storm2 Whew! That was close! Brick and mortar sounds like a pretty good investment right now. 哟!好险!现在看来投资砖块和灰浆是一个不错的选择。
Rain1 Rain or blue skies, I come from afar to serve you! Do you have some coin? 无论天晴下雨,我都从远方来为你服务!你有钱币吗?
Rain2 If my exotic coat shrinks, I will be a tad upset! 如果我的异国情调外套缩水,那我会有点不高兴!