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Party I would have invited everyone to party in my home, but there's not mushroom. 我本來想邀請所有人去我家開派對,但是沒有蘑菇了。
Graveyard1 This is an excellent place to start a family. Most of my friends were born here! 這是一個組建家庭的好地方。我的大多數朋友都出生在這裏!
Graveyard2 This place makes me feel good. I'm not sure why... 這地方給我的感覺很好。我不知道為什麼… 這地方給我的感覺很好。我不知道為什麼……
Windy1 Our kind is very brittle, I worry for my brothers on this breezy day. 我們這種生物很脆弱,在這種有微風的日子裏,我會擔心我的兄弟。
Windy2 Wind is not my friend, I like the dark, calm places. 我不喜歡風,我喜歡黑暗、安靜的地方。 我不喜歡風,我喜歡黑暗、靜謐的地方。
Storm1 The weather seems detrimental to your species, human. 這種天氣似乎對你們人類不利。
Storm2 That last roar of thunder startled the spores right out of me! 最後那聲雷鳴把我的孢子都嚇掉了! 最後那聲雷鳴嚇得我孢子都掉了!
Rain1 Ahh... nice and damp. I feel so good. 啊…有點潮濕挺好的。我感覺很好。 啊……有點潮濕挺好的。我感覺很好。
Rain2 Rain is cause for celebration for my people. 下雨值得我們來慶祝一番。