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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
Server Terraria Server {0} 泰拉瑞亚服务器{0}
AvailableCommands Available commands: 可用命令:
Help_Command help 帮助 help
Help_Description Displays a list of commands. 显示命令列表。
Playing_Command playing 游戏中 playing
Playing_Description Shows the list of players. 显示玩家列表。
Clear_Command clear 清除 clear
Clear_Description Clear the console window. 清除控制台窗口。 清空控制台窗口内容。
Exit_Command exit 退出 exit
Exit_Description Shutdown the server and save. 关闭服务器并保存。
ExitNoSave_Command exit-nosave 退出并不保存 exit-nosave
ExitNoSave_Description Shutdown the server without saving. 关闭服务器但不保存。
Save_Command save 保存 save
Save_Description Save the game world. 保存游戏世界。
Kick_Command kick 剔除 kick
Kick_Example kick <player> 踢除<player> kick <玩家>
Kick_Description Kicks a player from the server. 将玩家踢出服务器。
Ban_Command ban 封禁 ban
Ban_Example ban <player> 封禁<player> ban <玩家>
Ban_Description Bans a player from the server. 从服务器封禁玩家。
Password_Command password 密码 password
Password_Description Show password. 显示密码。
SetPassword_Command password 密码 password
SetPassword_Example password <pass> 密码<pass> password <密码>
SetPassword_Description Change password. 更改密码。
Version_Command version 版本 version
Version_Description Print version number. 显示版本号。
Time_Command time 时间 time
Time_Description Display game time. 显示游戏时间。
Port_Command port 端口 port
Port_Description Print the listening port. 显示侦听端口。
MaxPlayers_Command maxplayers 最大玩家数 maxplayers
MaxPlayers_Description Print the max number of players. 显示最大玩家数量。
Say_Command say say
Say_Example say <words> 说<words> say <内容>
Say_Description Send a message. 发送消息。
MOTD_Command motd 每日消息 motd
MOTD_Description Print MOTD. 显示每日消息。 显示本日消息。
SetMOTD_Command motd 每日消息 motd
SetMOTD_Example motd <words> 每日消息<words> motd <内容>
SetMOTD_Description Change MOTD. 更改每日消息。 更改本日消息。
Dawn_Command dawn 黎明 dawn
Dawn_Description Change time to dawn. 将时间更改为黎明。
Noon_Command noon 正午 noon
Noon_Description Change time to noon. 将时间更改为正午。
Dusk_Command dusk 黄昏 dusk
Dusk_Description Change time to dusk. 将时间更改为黄昏。
Midnight_Command midnight 午夜 midnight
Midnight_Description Change time to midnight. 将时间更改为午夜。
Settle_Command settle 放置 settle
Settle_Description Settle all water. 放置所有水域。 让所有水沉降下来。
Seed_Command seed 种子 seed
Seed_Description Displays the world seed. 显示世界种子。
FPS_Command fps fps
WaterIsAlreadySettling Water is already settling 水域已放置 水已全部沉降平静
Time Time: {0} 时间:{0}
PlayerLimit Player limit: {0} 玩家限制:{0} 玩家数量上限:{0}
Port Port: {0} 端口:{0}
NoPlayers No players connected. 无玩家连接。
OnePlayerConnected 1 player connected. 1个玩家已连接。
PlayersConnected {0} players connected. {0}个玩家已连接。
NoMOTD Welcome to {0}! 欢迎来到{0}!
MOTD MOTD: {0} 每日消息:{0} 本日消息:{0}
NoPassword No password set. 未设置密码。
Password Password: {0} 密码:{0}
PasswordDisabled Password disabled. 密码已禁用。
PasswordSet Password: {0} 密码:{0}
Say_Usage Usage: say <words> 用途:说<words> 用法:say <内容>
ServerMessage <Server> {0} <Server> {0} <服务器> {0}
Kick_Usage Usage: kick <player> 用途:踢除<player> 用法:kick <玩家>
KickMessage Kicked from server. 已从服务器踢除。 已从服务器踢出。
Ban_Usage Usage: ban <player> 用途:封禁<player> 用法:ban <玩家>
BanMessage Banned from server. 已从服务器封禁。
InvalidCommand Invalid command. 无效命令。
SetInitialPort Server port (press enter for 7777): 服务器端口(按enter表示7777): 服务器端口(按enter表示7777):
AutomaticPortForward Automatically forward port? (y/n): 自动转发端口?(是/否): 自动转发端口?(y/n):
Yes yes
ShortYes y y
No no
ShortNo n n
ListeningOnPort Listening on port {0} 侦听端口{0} 正在侦听端口{0}
HelpHint Type 'help' for a list of commands. 键入“帮助”可查看命令列表。 输入“help”可查看命令列表。
ChooseWorld Choose World: 选择世界:
NewWorld_Description New World 新世界 新建世界
NewWorld_Command n n
DeleteWorld_Description Delete World 删除世界
DeleteWorld_Command d 删除 d
DeleteWorld_Example d <number> 删除<number> d <number>
DeleteConfirmation Really delete {0}? 确定要删除{0}?
ChooseSize Choose size: 选择大小:
ChooseDifficulty Choose difficulty: 选择难度:
ChooseEvil Choose world evil: 选择世界恶魔: 选择世界邪恶:
Random Random 随机
Corrupt Corrupt 腐化
Crimson Crimson 猩红
EnterWorldName Enter world name: 输入世界名称:
EnterServerPassword Server password (press enter for none): 服务器密码(按enter表示不设置):
ClientWasBooted {0} was booted: {1} {0}已踢出:{1} {0}已被踢出:{1}
ServerStarted Server started 服务器已启动
EnterSeed Enter Seed (Leave Blank For Random): 输入种子(随机留空): 输入种子(留空则随机):
NoValidSeed This world was generated in an older version that did not support seeds. 本世界在不支持种子的较旧版本中生成。 此世界是在不支持种子的较旧版本中生成的。
DisplaySeed World Seed: {0} 世界种子:{0}
SetInitialMaxPlayers Max players (press enter for 16): 最大玩家数(按enter表示16):
ServerIsFull This server is full right now, please try again later. 此服务器已满,请稍后再试。
WorldNameLengthTooLong The world name entered is too long! (Max characters: {0}) 所输入的世界名称太长!(字符数上限:{0})
SeedLengthTooLong The seed entered is too long! (Max characters: {0}) 所输入的种子太长!(字符数上限:{0})