Pre-Hardmode Anvils (Pre-Hardmode Anvils/nl)

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IJzeren aambeeldIron Anvil
  • IJzeren aambeeld item spriteold IJzeren aambeeld item sprite
  • IJzeren aambeeld placed
Automatisch gebruiken
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
MeubelAmbach positie
Plaatsbaar✔️ (2 breed × 1 hoog)
Gebruikstijd15 (Very fast)
InfoUsed to craft items from metal bars
ZeldzaamheidRarity level: 0
Koopprijs50 SC
Verkoopprijs10 SC
Research1 required
  • Interne Voorwerpen ID's: 35
  • Interne Tile ID's: 16
Loden aambeeldLead Anvil
  • Loden aambeeld item sprite
  • Loden aambeeld placed
Automatisch gebruiken
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
MeubelAmbach positie
Plaatsbaar✔️ (2 breed × 1 hoog)
Gebruikstijd15 (Very fast)
InfoUsed to craft items from metal bars
ZeldzaamheidRarity level: 0
Koopprijs75 SC
Verkoopprijs15 SC
Research1 required
  • Interne Voorwerpen ID's: 716
  • Interne Tile ID's: 16 (1)

Een ijzeren aambeeld is een crafting station dat wordt gebruikt om metalen staven te smeden tot gereedschappen, wapens en armor. Ze kunnen worden gekocht van de handelaar voor 50 zilveren munten. U kunt ook de ambachtelijke een voor een werkbank met 5 ijzeren staven. Het is een van de belangrijkste crafting tools in het spel, omdat je alleen hout-tier tools ambachtelijke zonder.

De ijzeren aambeeld is 2 straten breed, 1 blok hoog en moet worden geplaatst op de top van massieve blokken of hout platforms.



IJzeren aambeeldIJzeren aambeeld
  • Iron BarIron Bar5
Loden aambeeldLoden aambeeld
  • Lead BarLead Bar5

Gebruikt om de ambachtelijke

IJzeren aambeeldIron or Loden aambeeldLoden aambeeld
1 Second Timer1 Second Timer
  • Gouden HorlogeGouden Horloge(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • WireWire
  • Platinum WatchPlatinum Watch(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • WireWire
3 Second Timer3 Second Timer
  • Zilveren HorlogeZilveren Horloge(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • WireWire
  • Tungsten WatchTungsten Watch(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • WireWire
5 Second Timer5 Second Timer
  • Koperen HorlogeKoperen Horloge(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • WireWire
  • Tin WatchTin Watch(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • WireWire
Actuation RodActuation Rod(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • ActuatorActuator50
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar10
  • WireWire10
AmazonAmazon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Rich MahoganyRich Mahogany8
  • StingerStinger12
  • VineVine
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores9
Amber HookAmber Hook(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • AmberAmber15
Amber MinecartAmber Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Large AmberLarge Amber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Amber StaffAmber Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)15
  • AmberAmber8
Amethyst HookAmethyst Hook
  • AmethystAmethyst15
Amethyst MinecartAmethyst Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Large AmethystLarge Amethyst
Amethyst StaffAmethyst Staff
Announcement BoxAnnouncement Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • SignSign
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar4
  • WireWire4
ArteryArtery(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar12
Ash Wood ChandelierAsh Wood Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Ash WoodAsh Wood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Balloon ChandelierBalloon Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bamboo ChandelierBamboo Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • BambooBamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar14
Bee BreastplateBee Breastplate(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Bee WaxBee Wax(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)12
Bee GreavesBee Greaves(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Bee WaxBee Wax(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)10
Bee HeadgearBee Headgear(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Bee WaxBee Wax(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
  • GrenadeGrenade
  • Bee WaxBee Wax(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Beetle MinecartBeetle Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Beetle HuskBeetle Husk8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Blade of GrassBlade of Grass
  • StingerStinger12
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores15
  • VineVine3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Blade of GrassBlade of Grass
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores12
  • StingerStinger15
Blood ButchererBlood Butcherer
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar10
Blood Lust ClusterBlood Lust Cluster
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar10
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Blue PhasebladeBlue Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
  • SapphireSapphire10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Blue PhasebladeBlue Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
  • SapphireSapphire10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Blue PhasesaberBlue Phasesaber
  • Blue PhasebladeBlue Phaseblade
  • Crystal ShardCrystal Shard50
Bone JavelinBone Javelin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)20
  • Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bone Throwing KnifeBone Throwing Knife(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)30
  • Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Boreal Wood ChandelierBoreal Wood Chandelier(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Boreal WoodBoreal Wood(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)4
  • Ice TorchIce Torch4
  • ChainChain
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Cactus ChandelierCactus Chandelier
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar
Chest LockChest Lock(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • ChainChain2
  • BoneBone5
Cobalt BreastplateCobalt Breastplate
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar20
Cobalt ChainsawCobalt Chainsaw
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar10
Cobalt DrillCobalt Drill
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar15
Cobalt HatCobalt Hat
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar10
Cobalt HelmetCobalt Helmet
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar10
Cobalt LeggingsCobalt Leggings
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar15
Cobalt MaskCobalt Mask
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar10
Cobalt NaginataCobalt Naginata
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar10
Cobalt PickaxeCobalt Pickaxe
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar15
Cobalt RepeaterCobalt Repeater
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar10
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Cobalt SwordCobalt Sword
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar8
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Cobalt SwordCobalt Sword
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar10
Cobalt WaraxeCobalt Waraxe
  • Cobalt BarCobalt Bar10
Cooking PotCooking Pot
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood2
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Copper AxeCopper Axe
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Copper AxeCopper Axe
Copper BowCopper Bow
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Copper BroadswordCopper Broadsword
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Copper BroadswordCopper Broadsword
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Copper ChainmailCopper Chainmail
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Copper ChainmailCopper Chainmail
Copper ChandelierCopper Chandelier
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Copper GreavesCopper Greaves
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Copper GreavesCopper Greaves
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Copper HammerCopper Hammer
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Copper HammerCopper Hammer
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Copper HelmetCopper Helmet
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Copper HelmetCopper Helmet
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Copper PickaxeCopper Pickaxe
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Copper PickaxeCopper Pickaxe
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Copper ShortswordCopper Shortsword
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Copper ShortswordCopper Shortsword
Crimson GreavesCrimson Greaves
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar20
  • Tissue SampleTissue Sample15
Crimson HelmetCrimson Helmet
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar15
  • Tissue SampleTissue Sample10
Crimson ScalemailCrimson Scalemail
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar25
  • Tissue SampleTissue Sample20
Crystal ChandelierCrystal Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Crystal BlockCrystal Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)10
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Deathbringer PickaxeDeathbringer Pickaxe
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar12
  • Tissue SampleTissue Sample6
Demon BowDemon Bow
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar8
Diamond HookDiamond Hook
  • DiamondDiamond15
Diamond MinecartDiamond Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Large DiamondLarge Diamond
Diamond StaffDiamond Staff
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar10
  • DiamondDiamond8
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Ebonwood BathtubEbonwood Bathtub
  • EbonwoodEbonwood14
Ebonwood ChandelierEbonwood Chandelier
Emerald HookEmerald Hook
  • EmeraldEmerald15
Emerald MinecartEmerald Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Large EmeraldLarge Emerald
Emerald StaffEmerald Staff
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar10
  • EmeraldEmerald8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Empty BucketEmpty Bucket
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar2
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Empty BucketEmpty Bucket
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar3
Fart KartFart Kart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Whoopie CushionWhoopie Cushion
Fisher of SoulsFisher of Souls
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar8
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar10
  • Enchanted BoomerangEnchanted Boomerang
Flesh GrinderFlesh Grinder
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar10
  • Tissue SampleTissue Sample5
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar8
Fossil GreavesFossil Greaves(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)20
Fossil HelmetFossil Helmet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)15
Fossil PickaxeFossil Pickaxe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)12
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Fossil PlateFossil Plate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)25
Glass KilnGlass Kiln(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Gold AxeGold Axe
  • Gold BarGold Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Gold AxeGold Axe
  • Gold BarGold Bar9
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Gold BowGold Bow
  • Gold BarGold Bar7
Gold BroadswordGold Broadsword
  • Gold BarGold Bar8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Gold ChainmailGold Chainmail
  • Gold BarGold Bar30
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Gold ChainmailGold Chainmail
  • Gold BarGold Bar35
Gold ChandelierGold Chandelier
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Gold CrownGold Crown
  • Gold BarGold Bar5
  • RubyRuby
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Gold CrownGold Crown
  • Gold BarGold Bar30
  • RubyRuby
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Gold GreavesGold Greaves
  • Gold BarGold Bar25
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Gold GreavesGold Greaves
  • Gold BarGold Bar30
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Gold HammerGold Hammer
  • Gold BarGold Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Gold HammerGold Hammer
  • Gold BarGold Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Gold HelmetGold Helmet
  • Gold BarGold Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Gold HelmetGold Helmet
  • Gold BarGold Bar25
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Gold PickaxeGold Pickaxe
  • Gold BarGold Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Gold PickaxeGold Pickaxe
  • Gold BarGold Bar12
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Gold ShortswordGold Shortsword
  • Gold BarGold Bar6
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Gold ShortswordGold Shortsword
  • Gold BarGold Bar7
Granite ChandelierGranite Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Smooth Granite BlockSmooth Granite Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Grappling HookGrappling Hook
  • ChainChain3
  • HookHook
GrateGrate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Green PhasebladeGreen Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
  • EmeraldEmerald10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Green PhasebladeGreen Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
  • EmeraldEmerald10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Green PhasesaberGreen Phasesaber
  • Green PhasebladeGreen Phaseblade
  • Crystal ShardCrystal Shard50
Heavy Work BenchHeavy Work Bench(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Any WoodAny Wood12
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Hellfire ArrowHellfire Arrow100
  • Wooden ArrowWooden Arrow100
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Hellfire ArrowHellfire Arrow25
  • Wooden ArrowWooden Arrow25
  • TorchTorch5
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar
Hive-FiveHive-Five(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Bee WaxBee Wax(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)14
Hornet StaffHornet Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Bee WaxBee Wax(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)14
Imp StaffImp Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar17
Inlet PumpInlet Pump
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar10
  • WireWire2
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Iron AxeIron Axe
  • Iron BarIron Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Iron AxeIron Axe
  • Iron BarIron Bar9
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Iron BarIron Bar
  • Iron FenceIron Fence4
Iron BowIron Bow
  • Iron BarIron Bar7
Iron BroadswordIron Broadsword
  • Iron BarIron Bar8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Iron ChainmailIron Chainmail
  • Iron BarIron Bar25
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Iron ChainmailIron Chainmail
  • Iron BarIron Bar30
Iron DoorIron Door
  • Iron BarIron Bar4
Iron FenceIron Fence4
  • Iron BarIron Bar
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Iron GreavesIron Greaves
  • Iron BarIron Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Iron GreavesIron Greaves
  • Iron BarIron Bar25
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Iron HammerIron Hammer
  • Iron BarIron Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Iron HammerIron Hammer
  • Iron BarIron Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Iron HelmetIron Helmet
  • Iron BarIron Bar15
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Iron HelmetIron Helmet
  • Iron BarIron Bar20
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Iron PickaxeIron Pickaxe
  • Iron BarIron Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Iron PickaxeIron Pickaxe
  • Iron BarIron Bar12
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Iron ShortswordIron Shortsword
  • Iron BarIron Bar6
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Iron ShortswordIron Shortsword
  • Iron BarIron Bar7
Ivy WhipIvy Whip
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores12
  • VineVine3
Jungle HatJungle Hat
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores8
Jungle PantsJungle Pants
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores8
  • VineVine2
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Jungle ShirtJungle Shirt
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores16
  • StingerStinger10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Jungle ShirtJungle Shirt
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores16
  • StingerStinger12
Lamp PostLamp Post
Large AmberLarge Amber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • AmberAmber15
Large AmethystLarge Amethyst
  • AmethystAmethyst15
Large DiamondLarge Diamond
  • DiamondDiamond15
Large EmeraldLarge Emerald
  • EmeraldEmerald15
Large RubyLarge Ruby
  • RubyRuby15
Large SapphireLarge Sapphire
  • SapphireSapphire15
Large TopazLarge Topaz
  • TopazTopaz15
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Lead AxeLead Axe
  • Lead BarLead Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Lead AxeLead Axe
  • Lead BarLead Bar9
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Lead BarLead Bar
  • Lead FenceLead Fence4
Lead BowLead Bow
  • Lead BarLead Bar7
Lead BroadswordLead Broadsword
  • Lead BarLead Bar8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Lead ChainmailLead Chainmail
  • Lead BarLead Bar25
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Lead ChainmailLead Chainmail
  • Lead BarLead Bar30
Lead DoorLead Door
  • Lead BarLead Bar4
Lead FenceLead Fence4
  • Lead BarLead Bar
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Lead GreavesLead Greaves
  • Lead BarLead Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Lead GreavesLead Greaves
  • Lead BarLead Bar25
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Lead HammerLead Hammer
  • Lead BarLead Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Lead HammerLead Hammer
  • Lead BarLead Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Lead HelmetLead Helmet
  • Lead BarLead Bar15
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Lead HelmetLead Helmet
  • Lead BarLead Bar20
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Lead PickaxeLead Pickaxe
  • Lead BarLead Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Lead PickaxeLead Pickaxe
  • Lead BarLead Bar12
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Lead ShortswordLead Shortsword
  • Lead BarLead Bar6
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Lead ShortswordLead Shortsword
  • Lead BarLead Bar7
Light's BaneLight's Bane
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar10
MagiluminescenceMagiluminescence(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar12
  • TopazTopaz5
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar12
  • TopazTopaz5
MalaiseMalaise(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar12
Marble ChandelierMarble Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Smooth Marble BlockSmooth Marble Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Martian ChandelierMartian Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Martian Conduit PlatingMartian Conduit Plating(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Metal SinkMetal Sink(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar3
  • Water BucketWater Bucket
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Meteor HamaxeMeteor Hamaxe
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Meteor HamaxeMeteor Hamaxe
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar35
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Meteor HelmetMeteor Helmet
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Meteor HelmetMeteor Helmet
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Meteor LeggingsMeteor Leggings
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Meteor LeggingsMeteor Leggings
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
Meteor ShotMeteor Shot70
  • Musket BallMusket Ball70
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Meteor SuitMeteor Suit
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Meteor SuitMeteor Suit
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar25
Meteorite ChandelierMeteorite Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Meteorite BrickMeteorite Brick(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar15
  • Any WoodAny Wood10
Minecart TrackMinecart Track50
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar
  • Any WoodAny Wood
Molten BreastplateMolten Breastplate
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar20
Molten FuryMolten Fury
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar15
Molten GreavesMolten Greaves
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar15
Molten HamaxeMolten Hamaxe
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar15
Molten HelmetMolten Helmet
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar10
Molten PickaxeMolten Pickaxe
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar20
Mushroom ChandelierMushroom Chandelier
  • Glowing MushroomGlowing Mushroom4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Mithril aambeeldMithril aambeeld
  • Mythril BarMythril Bar10
Nightmare PickaxeNightmare Pickaxe
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar12
  • Shadow ScaleShadow Scale6
Orange PhasebladeOrange Phaseblade(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
  • AmberAmber10
Orichalcum aambeeldOrichalcum aambeeld
  • Orichalcum BarOrichalcum Bar12
Outlet PumpOutlet Pump
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar10
  • WireWire2
Palladium BreastplatePalladium Breastplate
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar24
Palladium ChainsawPalladium Chainsaw
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar12
Palladium DrillPalladium Drill
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar18
Palladium HeadgearPalladium Headgear
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar12
Palladium HelmetPalladium Helmet
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar12
Palladium LeggingsPalladium Leggings
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar18
Palladium MaskPalladium Mask
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar12
Palladium PickaxePalladium Pickaxe
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar18
Palladium PikePalladium Pike
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar12
Palladium RepeaterPalladium Repeater
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar12
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Palladium SwordPalladium Sword
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Palladium SwordPalladium Sword
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar12
Palladium WaraxePalladium Waraxe
  • Palladium BarPalladium Bar12
Palm Wood ChandelierPalm Wood Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Palm WoodPalm Wood(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Pearlwood BathtubPearlwood Bathtub
  • PearlwoodPearlwood14
Pearlwood ChandelierPearlwood Chandelier
Phoenix BlasterPhoenix Blaster
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar10
  • HandgunHandgun
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Platinum AxePlatinum Axe
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Platinum AxePlatinum Axe
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar9
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Platinum BowPlatinum Bow
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar7
Platinum BroadswordPlatinum Broadsword
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Platinum ChainmailPlatinum Chainmail
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar30
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Platinum ChainmailPlatinum Chainmail
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar35
Platinum ChandelierPlatinum Chandelier
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Platinum CrownPlatinum Crown
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar5
  • RubyRuby
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Platinum CrownPlatinum Crown
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar30
  • RubyRuby
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Platinum GreavesPlatinum Greaves
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar25
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Platinum GreavesPlatinum Greaves
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar30
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Platinum HammerPlatinum Hammer
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Platinum HammerPlatinum Hammer
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Platinum HelmetPlatinum Helmet
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Platinum HelmetPlatinum Helmet
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar25
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Platinum PickaxePlatinum Pickaxe
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Platinum PickaxePlatinum Pickaxe
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar12
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Platinum ShortswordPlatinum Shortsword
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar6
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Platinum ShortswordPlatinum Shortsword
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar7
Pressure Plate TrackPressure Plate Track
  • Minecart TrackMinecart Track
  • Any Pressure PlateAny Pressure Plate
Pumpkin ChandelierPumpkin Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Purple PhasebladePurple Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
  • AmethystAmethyst10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Purple PhasebladePurple Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
  • AmethystAmethyst10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Purple PhasesaberPurple Phasesaber
  • Purple PhasebladePurple Phaseblade
  • Crystal ShardCrystal Shard50
Queen Spider StaffQueen Spider Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Spider FangSpider Fang(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)24
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Red PhasebladeRed Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
  • RubyRuby10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Red PhasebladeRed Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
  • RubyRuby10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Red PhasesaberRed Phasesaber
  • Red PhasebladeRed Phaseblade
  • Crystal ShardCrystal Shard50
Reef ChandelierReef Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Reef BlockReef Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Reinforced Fishing PoleReinforced Fishing Pole
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar8
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Rich Mahogany BathtubRich Mahogany Bathtub
  • Rich MahoganyRich Mahogany14
Rich Mahogany ChandelierRich Mahogany Chandelier
  • Rich MahoganyRich Mahogany4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Ruby HookRuby Hook
  • RubyRuby15
Ruby MinecartRuby Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Large RubyLarge Ruby
Ruby StaffRuby Staff
  • Gold BarGold Bar10
  • RubyRuby8
Sandstone ChandelierSandstone Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Smooth SandstoneSmooth Sandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Sapphire HookSapphire Hook
  • SapphireSapphire15
Sapphire MinecartSapphire Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Large SapphireLarge Sapphire
Sapphire StaffSapphire Staff
  • Silver BarSilver Bar10
  • SapphireSapphire8
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Shadewood BathtubShadewood Bathtub
  • ShadewoodShadewood14
Shadewood ChandelierShadewood Chandelier
Shadow GreavesShadow Greaves
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar20
  • Shadow ScaleShadow Scale15
Shadow HelmetShadow Helmet
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar15
  • Shadow ScaleShadow Scale10
Shadow ScalemailShadow Scalemail
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar25
  • Shadow ScaleShadow Scale20
SharangaSharanga(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
  • Molten FuryMolten Fury2
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar10
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Silver AxeSilver Axe
  • Silver BarSilver Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Silver AxeSilver Axe
  • Silver BarSilver Bar9
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Silver BowSilver Bow
  • Silver BarSilver Bar7
Silver BroadswordSilver Broadsword
  • Silver BarSilver Bar8
Silver BulletSilver Bullet70
  • Musket BallMusket Ball70
  • Silver BarSilver Bar
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Silver ChainmailSilver Chainmail
  • Silver BarSilver Bar25
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Silver ChainmailSilver Chainmail
  • Silver BarSilver Bar30
Silver ChandelierSilver Chandelier
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Silver GreavesSilver Greaves
  • Silver BarSilver Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Silver GreavesSilver Greaves
  • Silver BarSilver Bar25
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Silver HammerSilver Hammer
  • Silver BarSilver Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Silver HammerSilver Hammer
  • Silver BarSilver Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Silver HelmetSilver Helmet
  • Silver BarSilver Bar15
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Silver HelmetSilver Helmet
  • Silver BarSilver Bar20
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Silver PickaxeSilver Pickaxe
  • Silver BarSilver Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Silver PickaxeSilver Pickaxe
  • Silver BarSilver Bar12
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Silver ShortswordSilver Shortsword
  • Silver BarSilver Bar6
SnapthornSnapthorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • StingerStinger15
  • VineVine3
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores12
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Space GunSpace Gun
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar30
  • Fallen StarFallen Star2
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Space GunSpace Gun
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
Old-gen console version only:
Space GunSpace Gun
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar30
  • Fallen StarFallen Star2
  • Flintlock PistolFlintlock Pistol
Spider BreastplateSpider Breastplate(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Spider FangSpider Fang(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)16
Spider ChandelierSpider Chandelier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Spider Nest BlockSpider Nest Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)4
  • TorchTorch4
  • ChainChain
Spider GreavesSpider Greaves(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Spider FangSpider Fang(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)12
Spider MaskSpider Mask(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Spider FangSpider Fang(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)8
Spider StaffSpider Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Spider FangSpider Fang(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)16
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Spooky ChandelierSpooky Chandelier
Star CannonStar Cannon
  • MinisharkMinishark
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
  • Fallen StarFallen Star5
Tendon BowTendon Bow
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar8
Terra Fart KartTerra Fart Kart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Fart KartFart Kart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Terra ToiletTerra Toilet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Terra ToiletTerra Toilet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • ToiletToilet
  • Broken Hero SwordBroken Hero Sword
The BreakerThe Breaker
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar10
  • Shadow ScaleShadow Scale5
The MeatballThe Meatball
  • Crimtane BarCrimtane Bar10
  • Tissue SampleTissue Sample5
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Thorn ChakramThorn Chakram
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores6
  • StingerStinger9
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Thorn ChakramThorn Chakram
  • Jungle SporesJungle Spores6
  • StingerStinger15
  • SilkSilk20
  • Gold BarGold Bar30
  • SilkSilk20
  • Platinum BarPlatinum Bar30
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tin AxeTin Axe
  • Tin BarTin Bar6
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tin AxeTin Axe
  • Tin BarTin Bar9
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Tin BowTin Bow
  • Tin BarTin Bar7
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tin BroadswordTin Broadsword
  • Tin BarTin Bar6
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tin BroadswordTin Broadsword
  • Tin BarTin Bar8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tin ChainmailTin Chainmail
  • Tin BarTin Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tin ChainmailTin Chainmail
  • Tin BarTin Bar25
Tin ChandelierTin Chandelier
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tin GreavesTin Greaves
  • Tin BarTin Bar16
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tin GreavesTin Greaves
  • Tin BarTin Bar20
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tin HammerTin Hammer
  • Tin BarTin Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tin HammerTin Hammer
  • Tin BarTin Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tin HelmetTin Helmet
  • Tin BarTin Bar12
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tin HelmetTin Helmet
  • Tin BarTin Bar15
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tin PickaxeTin Pickaxe
  • Tin BarTin Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tin PickaxeTin Pickaxe
  • Tin BarTin Bar12
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tin ShortswordTin Shortsword
  • Tin BarTin Bar5
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tin ShortswordTin Shortsword
  • Tin BarTin Bar7
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar6
Topaz HookTopaz Hook
  • TopazTopaz15
Topaz MinecartTopaz Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • MinecartMinecart
  • Large TopazLarge Topaz
Topaz StaffTopaz Staff
  • Tin BarTin Bar10
  • TopazTopaz8
Trash CanTrash Can
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar8
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tungsten AxeTungsten Axe
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tungsten AxeTungsten Axe
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar9
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Tungsten BowTungsten Bow
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar7
Tungsten BroadswordTungsten Broadsword
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar8
Tungsten BulletTungsten Bullet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)70
  • Musket BallMusket Ball70
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tungsten ChainmailTungsten Chainmail
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar25
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tungsten ChainmailTungsten Chainmail
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar30
Tungsten ChandelierTungsten Chandelier
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tungsten GreavesTungsten Greaves
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar20
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tungsten GreavesTungsten Greaves
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar25
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tungsten HammerTungsten Hammer
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar8
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tungsten HammerTungsten Hammer
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood3
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tungsten HelmetTungsten Helmet
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar15
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tungsten HelmetTungsten Helmet
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar20
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Tungsten PickaxeTungsten Pickaxe
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar10
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Tungsten PickaxeTungsten Pickaxe
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar12
  • Any WoodAny Wood4
Tungsten ShortswordTungsten Shortsword
  • Tungsten BarTungsten Bar6
Unholy ArrowUnholy Arrow5
  • Wooden ArrowWooden Arrow5
  • Worm ToothWorm Tooth
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Unholy ArrowUnholy Arrow5
  • Wooden ArrowWooden Arrow5
  • VertebraVertebra
  • Hellstone BarHellstone Bar20
War Axe of the NightWar Axe of the Night
  • Demonite BarDemonite Bar10
Weather VaneWeather Vane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar4
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
White PhasebladeWhite Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
  • DiamondDiamond10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
White PhasebladeWhite Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
  • DiamondDiamond10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
White PhasesaberWhite Phasesaber
  • White PhasebladeWhite Phaseblade
  • Crystal ShardCrystal Shard50
Desktop versionConsole versionMobiele versie only:
Yellow PhasebladeYellow Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar15
  • TopazTopaz10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Yellow PhasebladeYellow Phaseblade
  • Meteorite BarMeteorite Bar20
  • TopazTopaz10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Yellow PhasesaberYellow Phasesaber
  • Yellow PhasebladeYellow Phaseblade
  • Crystal ShardCrystal Shard50
IJzeren aambeeldIron or Loden aambeeldLoden aambeeld and Ecto Mist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Coffin MinecartCoffin Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar5
  • Any WoodAny Wood10
  • Rotten ChunkRotten Chunk10
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar5
  • Any WoodAny Wood10
  • VertebraVertebra10
Gravedigger's ShovelGravedigger's Shovel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Any Iron BarAny Iron Bar12
  • Any WoodAny Wood3


Desktop version Desktop version
  • Desktop-Release: Geïntroduceerd.