Terraria Wiki talk:Style guide/Enemy

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Percentages of Drops

How should we display them? --NullTalk 03:00, 29 June 2011 (UTC)

Added a table that mirrors the probability format I used on Chest. RestfulMonad 04:21, 29 June 2011 (UTC)

Behavior and location

Aren't those given by the AI Type and the Environment fields in the infobox? --JonTheMon 03:21, 29 June 2011 (UTC)

I don't think AI type and Environment give the full story for some monsters - for example I've seen that Angry Bones (at least in 1.0.4, haven't been dungeon diving in 1.0.5 yet) move rather quickly once they get within a certain distance of you. And Night/Day aren't really environments but Zombies only spawn on the Surface at night. Having some space in the text gives some breathing room for these sort of things.
Honestly, the AI page started out being very useful since there were only three or four monster types plus the bosses. Now the page is up to 19 different 'AIs' and there are a ton of one-offs, like Antlion, Jellyfish and Vulture. AI makes sense as a general statement for some monsters, but as an exhaustive description for each monster it gets messy. RestfulMonad 04:21, 29 June 2011 (UTC)