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Slime A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything. 一种简单的胶状生物,能一口吞下任何东西!但消化需要很长时间。 简单的明胶状生物,见到什么东西都能一口吞下!但消化需要很长时间。
DemonEye That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies. 当克苏鲁的仆从在漆黑的夜里游荡在空中时,被监视的可疑感觉很可能会成真。
Hornet Aggressive flying insects which swarm the jungle depths. Their venomous barbs discharge over great distances at high velocity. 出没在丛林深处的攻击性飞行昆虫。它们有毒的螫刺会远距离进行高速开火。 遍布丛林深处的攻击性飞行昆虫。它们会在很远处就以极高的速度射出有毒的倒刺。
Zombie Leaving doors open may be an invitation for shambling brain-eaters to enter the home, and nobody likes that. 开着门可能会让笨手笨脚的食脑怪趁虚而入,没有人喜欢这样。
Skeleton Who needs muscles, skin, or even eyeballs? Skeletons get by with just the bones on their back, just as deadly as more fleshy foes. 谁说一定要有肌肉、皮肤甚至是眼球?骷髅就只有背上的骨头,不也过得挺好的,而且跟有肉体的敌人一样致命。 谁说一定要有肌肉、皮肤甚至是眼球?骷髅就只靠背上的骨头就能挣扎下去,而且跟有肉体的敌人一样致命。
GoldCritter Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages! 很少见的全身金黄的小动物!店主们会愿意出高价钱买下它们,或者可以把它们放在笼子里炫耀! 很少见地,会有小动物全身覆金!店主们愿意出高价买下它们,或者你也可以把它们关在笼子里炫耀!
GoldBaitCritter Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! They are worth great coin to shopkeepers and fish absolutely love golden bait! 很少见的全身金黄的小动物!对店主们来说,它们价值不菲,鱼非常喜欢金色鱼饵! 很少见地,会有小动物全身覆金!对店主们来说它们价值不菲,而鱼儿们绝对喜欢金鱼饵!
Jellyfish That strange tingling sensation in the water may be the unwelcome surging of electrical death from a brainless jellyfish. Swim with care. 水中那种奇怪的刺痛感可能是无脑水母释放的致命电流。游泳时小心点。 水中那种奇怪的刺痛感可能是无脑的水母释放的致命电击。游泳时小心点。
Pigron This elusive dragon-pig hybrid has excellent stealth capabilities despite its rotund figure. It is uncertain how they came to exist. 尽管身材圆胖,但这种难以捉摸的龙猪杂交生物非常擅长潜行。目前还不清楚它们是如何产生的。 尽管身材圆胖,但这种难以捉摸的龙猪杂交生物具有出色的隐身能力。目前还不清楚它们是如何产生的。
Dragonfly A swift-flying insect which hunts mosquitoes. Comes in a variety of colors. Fish are somewhat attracted to these. 一种飞行速度很快的昆虫,以捕食蚊子为生。有各种各样的颜色。鱼多少会被它们所吸引。
Mimic Talking to a chest doesn't cause craziness, but if the chest answers back, it may cause death! It still contains rare treasure, regardless! 对着宝箱说话没有什么疯狂的,但如果宝箱回话了,就可能导致死亡!不管怎样,它还是蕴藏着稀世珍宝! 对着宝箱说话不会导致发疯,但如果宝箱回话了,倒可能导致死亡!不管怎样,它总还蕴藏着稀世珍宝!
Penguin Penguins make their home in the coldest regions of the world, waddling around looking for tasty fish. 企鹅在世界上最冷的地方安家,摇摇摆摆地四处寻找美味的鱼。
LavaBat What's worse than a rabid, fast-flying, and annoying flying rodent? One that is on fire, of course! 还有什么比狂躁、恼人的疾飞蝙蝠更糟糕的呢?那一定是浑身冒火的熔岩蝙蝠! 有什么比狂躁、恼人、疾飞的飞行啮齿动物更糟糕呢?显然,答案之一是:浑身冒火的!
AngryBones Cursed with undeath, the former inhabitants of the Dungeon roam endlessly through its halls, seeking a victim for their unending fury. 受到亡灵诅咒的前地牢民众,不停地游荡在地牢过道里,想找一个发泄无尽愤怒的对象。 受到不死诅咒的原地牢居民在大厅中不停游荡,想找一个宣泄无尽愤怒的对象。
RustyArmoredBones Through use and neglect, the Rusted Company's weapons are jagged and rough, inflicting terrible bleeding wounds upon their foes. 由于使用和疏于养护,秀逗连队的武器出现了粗糙的锯齿状,对敌人造成了严重的流血伤害。 由于使用和疏于养护,锈蚀连队的武器已有豁口且很粗糙,在敌人身上造成了严重的流血创伤。
BlueArmoredBones Disciplined and relentless, the Marching Bones unceasingly pursue their goals, sundering anything, or anyone, in their way. 行军骷髅纪律严整、冷酷无情,不断地追求自己的目标,会以自己的方式撕裂任何东西或任何人。 行军骷髅纪律严明、冷酷无情,不断地追求自己的目标,会撕碎拦在路上的所有东西。
HellArmoredBones The fiery glow of the Molten Legion is unmistakable. With their red-hot armaments in hand, they blaze a trail through all those in their way. 熔火军团的炽热光芒是不会认错的。他们手里拿着烧红的武器,在所有挡道者中间开辟出一条路来。 没人会认错熔火军团的炽热光芒。他们手持红热的武器,在所有挡道者中间开辟出一条路来。
RaggedCaster With their cursed magic, the members of the Ragged Brotherhood leave their victims helplessly lost in utter darkness. 丐帮成员利用他们被诅咒的魔法,让受害者无助地迷失在黑暗中。 褴褛兄弟会成员利用他们被诅咒的魔法,让他们的受害者无助地迷失在彻底的黑暗中。
Necromancer In life, these sorcerers bore the Necromantic Sign of their order, and they shall continue to do so forever . . . even in death. 生前,这些巫士带着他们组织的死灵标旗,即使是死后,他们也将永远这样做。 生前,这些巫士带着他们教团的死灵标旗,他们会永远如此……即使是死后。
Diabolist The undead who bear the Diabolic Sigil wield flames as intense as any in the underworld, consuming all in a scorching inferno. 扛着魔教旗的亡灵,像地狱的亡灵一样猛烈地挥舞着火焰,在灼热的地狱中吞噬一切。 扛着魔教旗的亡灵像地狱众生一般猛烈挥舞着火焰,在灼热的狱火中吞噬一切。
MushroomZombie The fungus controlling the minds of these zombies wants only one thing: brains! This is very convenient for the zombie. 控制着这些僵尸思想的真菌只需要一件东西:大脑!这对僵尸来说非常方便。 控制着这些僵尸思想的真菌只想要一件东西:脑子!这对僵尸来说非常方便。
CostumeDemonEye No one knows who dressed these demon eyes up in cute costumes, but the whole process hasn't made them any friendlier. 没人知道是谁给这些恶魔眼穿上了可爱的衣服,但即便如此,它们也没有变得更友好。 没人知道是谁用可爱的服装打扮了这些恶魔眼,但整个过程并未让它们变得更友好。
CostumeZombie Wearing costumes isn't fooling anyone; these zombies are clearly way too old to be trick or treating. 这些僵尸即使穿上服装也骗不了任何人;他们显然太老了,玩不了“不给糖就捣蛋”的游戏。
CostumeSkeleton Skeletons need to wear very elaborate costumes during Halloween, or else people think they are dressing up as skeletons. 骷髅在万圣节期间需要穿上非常精致的服装,否则人们会认为有人在装扮成骷髅。 骷髅在万圣节期间需要穿上非常精致的服装,否则人们会认为他们是在扮骷髅。
ZombieXmas Even zombies can celebrate the holidays. Their festive outfits are just right, but their holiday spirit could use some work. 即使是僵尸也可以庆祝节日。他们的节日服装刚刚好,但他们的节日气氛还不够嗨。 即使是僵尸也可以庆祝节日。他们的节日服装没毛病,但他们的节日气氛还不够嗨。
RibbonSlime A perfectly gift wrapped bundle of slime. A wonderfully deadly present for any festive occasion. 用来包装礼物的史莱姆丝带。在任何喜庆场合,这都是一件非常致命的礼物。 完美地将史莱姆进行了礼物包装。在任何喜庆场合,这都是一件非常致命的礼物。
ZombieElf Elves that used to work for Santa, but have since been zombified. They don't complain much, so they are still pretty good helpers. 曾经为圣诞老人干活的精灵,但从那以后它们就变成了僵尸。它们不怎么抱怨,所以仍然是很得力的帮手。 曾经为圣诞老人干活的精灵,但此后就变成了僵尸。它们不怎么抱怨,所以仍然是很得力的帮手。
AntlionCharger The soldiers of the antlion species, Antlion Chargers ferociously chase after intruders with a surprising speed. 蚁狮族的士兵蚁狮马,以惊人的速度凶猛地追赶入侵者。 蚁狮族的士兵蚁狮马以惊人的速度凶猛地追赶入侵者。
AntlionSwarmer Antlion Swarmers patrol their nests with a watchful eye. Should anyone threaten their eggs, they will defend them fiercely. 蚁狮蜂会警惕地巡视自己的巢穴。一旦有人威胁到它们的卵,它们就会拼死保护。
Scarecrow Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore. 这些稻草人被报复心切的丰收灵魂所控制,不得不去制造大量的灾祸和混乱。 这些稻草人被丰收的复仇幽魂所控制,制造了大量的灾祸和混乱。
FungiBulb When the glowing fungus is ready to spread, these bulbs will sprout to spread its spores to other locations and hosts. 当发光的真菌准备传播时,这些球茎就会发芽,将其孢子传播到其他地方和宿主。 当发光的真菌准备散播时,这些球怪就会迅速成长,将其孢子传到其他地方、传给其他宿主。
Mummy With the sands transmogrified by outside forces, those put to rest in the desert, whether good or evil, now rise to maim and kill. 随着外界力量让沙漠变得面目全非,那些安息在沙漠里的人,不管是好人还是坏人,现在都起来残害和杀戮。 随着外界力量让沙漠变得面目全非,那些安息在沙漠里的人,不管是好是坏,现在都复活起来残害杀戮。
Sandshark In ancient times, a saltwater river once ran through the desert. These powerful creatures evolved to survive in the now dry sand. 在古代,一条咸水河流经沙漠。这些强大的生物进化是为了在现在干燥的沙漠中生存下来。 在古代,曾有一条咸水河流经沙漠。这些强大的生物演化得能在现今干燥的沙漠中生存。
Lamia By the time glowing red eyes appear in the darkness of the desert caves, it is already too late. The lamias have found their prey. 等到漆黑的沙漠洞穴里出现发光的红眼睛就为时已晚了。说明拉弥亚已经找到了它们的猎物。 当沙漠洞穴的暗处出现发光的红眼睛就为时已晚了。这说明拉弥亚已经找到了猎物。
GemSquirrel Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones. 迷途太远的发光松鼠会被宝石中残留的诅咒能量所迷惑。 迷途太远的闪耀松鼠会被宝石中残留的诅咒能量所蛊惑。
GemBunny These colorful rabbits made their way so deep, their reaction to magicked gems resulted in a coveted sparkling appearance. 这些五颜六色的兔子的洞穴藏得很深,在面对魔法宝石时,它们的身体会发出好看的光。 这些五颜六色的兔子藏得很深,在面对魔法宝石时,它们的身体会闪着好看的光。
TownSlime Where did these sentient slimes come from? It is a secret to everybody, but they are certainly oozing with personality! 这些有意识的史莱姆是从哪里来的?这对每个人来说都是秘密,但它们肯定会流露出个性! 这些有意识的史莱姆是从哪里来的?这对每个人来说都是个谜,但它们肯定是充满个性的!