Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/DemolitionistSpecialText

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AfterDD2Start I don't see why we can't just blow up those portals. 我不明白为什么我们不能干脆炸掉这些传送门。 我不明白为什么我们不能干脆炸掉那些传送门。
Party You might want to be careful today. Us dwarves tend to have pretty explosive parties. 今天你可得小心点。我们矮人族喜欢开火爆的派对。
Graveyard1 The stench of death here is worse than the skeleton-infested caverns where I work! 这里的死尸恶臭比我工作的那个尸骨横飞的山洞还臭! 这里的死尸恶臭比我工作的那个尸骨横飞的山洞还夸张!
Graveyard2 All these piles of bones and stones... perfect for blowin' up! 这些堆积如山的尸骨和石头…用来爆破再好不过了! 这些堆积如山的尸骨和石头……用来爆破再好不过了!
Windy1 Now might not be the best time to lob grenades on the surface, my tall friend! 现在可能不是扔手榴弹的最佳时机,我的傻大个!
Windy2 You want boomerang bombs? Throw some out in that gust, they'll come back to you alright! 你想要回飞炸弹?往这股风里扔吧,炸弹会回到你身边的! 你想要回旋炸弹?往这股风里扔吧,炸弹会回到你身边的!
Storm1 BOOM! Even mother nature likes a taste of gratifying demolition! 砰!就连大自然母亲也喜欢爆破的满足感!
Storm2 You shoulda seen it when lightning struck one of my carts filled with explosives! 可惜你没看到当闪电击中我一辆装满炸药的车时的场景! 可惜你没看到当闪电击中我那辆装满炸药的车时的场景!
Rain1 This is a terrible day to be a dwarf. 今天对矮人来说是糟糕的一天。
Rain2 ARGH! Another fuse put out by all this wet stuff! This never happens underground! 啊!又一根保险丝被这些湿东西给烧断了!这在地下是绝对不会发生的!