Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/DyeTraderSpecialText

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HasPlant_0 Brilliant, my dear! You have brought me an exquisite sample of the world's beautiful colors and aroma. In exchange, you may take this special bottle of dye. 太棒了,亲爱的!你给我带来了全世界最缤纷、最芬香的精致样本。作为交换,你可以拿走这瓶特别的染料。
HasPlant_1 You bring me a beautiful, rare flower... yes, yes? Take this bottle of special dye for your troubles, friend! 你给我带来了稀有的美丽花朵...是吧,是吧?这瓶特别的染料你就拿去吧,朋友! 你给我带来了稀有的美丽花朵……是吧,是吧?这瓶特别的染料你就拿去吧,朋友!
HasPlant_2 Fantabulous, wonderful friend! With this delicate specimen, I may mix the most amazing dyes {WorldName} has ever seen! You may take this one right away! 棒极了,我的好朋友!有了这精致的样本,我就能混合出从未在{WorldName}见过的极品染料!这瓶染料你现在就可以带走! 棒极了,我的好朋友!有了这精致的标本,我就能混合出从未在{WorldName}见过的极品染料!这瓶染料你现在就可以带走!
NoPlant_0 Oh no no, this will not do. For these money is no good, you must return to me with a rare specimen of a plant! 噢,不行,不行,这样是不行的。有钱也没用,你必须拿一种稀有的植物样本来和我交换! 噢,不行,不行,这样是不行的。有钱也没用,你必须拿稀有的植物标本来和我交换!
NoPlant_1 You think you can pull a fast one on {DyeTrader}, I don't think so! I only take the rarest of flowers for these special bottles! 你以为可以骗过{DyeTrader},我可不这么想!我只接受用最稀有的花来交换这些特别的瓶子!
NoPlant_2 These dye bottles? Sorry dear friend, these don't take coin. I only take the most precious and rare of flora in exchange for one of this! 这些染料瓶?抱歉,亲爱的朋友,这些是非卖品。我只接受用最珍稀的植物来交换染料! 这些染料瓶?抱歉,亲爱的朋友,这些是非卖品。我只接受用最珍稀的植物来交换它们!
Party I truly love parties, so many beautiful colors and happy people. 我真心喜欢派对,到处都是五彩缤纷,还有快乐的人们。
Graveyard1 My, my... this is no good. The putrid surroundings are dulling my dye petals. 天呐,天呐…这样可不行。腐烂的环境让我染过的花瓣都失去了光泽。 天呐,天呐……这样可不行。腐烂的环境让我染过的花瓣都失去了光泽。
Graveyard2 You think this a place worthy of my presence? So drab, so dull, these people are literally below me. 你觉得这地方值得我来?这么无聊,这么乏味,这些人都不会做生意。
Windy1 Marvelous! The wind brings me petals of all colors! 不可思议!风给我带来了各种颜色的花瓣!
Windy2 Give me a moment, my dear. I must secure my palette from the gusty gales! 给我一点时间,亲爱的。我必须确保我的调色板不受大风的影响!
Storm1 Egads! I loathe these bothersome storms! 天呐!我讨厌这些该死的暴风雨!
Storm2 Please, do tell when the wrath of nature has ended out there! 请告诉我,大自然之怒何时结束!
Rain1 Too much water dilutes my selection! This rain better pass, soon! 水太多,冲淡了我的染料!这场雨快点过去吧!
Rain2 No, no, these robes cannot get wet! They will lose their vibrant color! 不,不,这些长袍不能弄湿!否则它们会失去鲜艳的色泽!