Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/PartyGirlSpecialText

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AfterDD2Tier1 Have you seen an ogre yet? I want to ride on the back of one! 你見過食人魔嗎?我想騎在一個食人魔的背上!
Party_1 Hmm? Nothing special today... just kidding! It's party time, and then it's after party time! 嗯?今天沒什麼特別的…逗你玩呢!現在是派對時間!接下來就是派對後時間! 嗯?今天沒什麼特別的……逗你玩呢!現在是派對時間!接下來就是餘興派對時間!
Party_2 At last, my time has come! 終於,我的機會來了!
Graveyard1 Woo hoo! It's party time! ...Uh, why isn't anyone moving? 哦嚯!派對時間到!…呃,為什麼沒人動起來? 哦嚯!派對時間到!……呃,為什麼沒人動起來?
Graveyard2 We should party so loud that we LITERALLY wake the dead! Hee hee! 讓我們用熱鬧的派對把死人吵醒吧!嘿嘿! 讓我們用熱鬧的派對把死人叫醒吧!嘿嘿!
Windy1 Did somebody say hurricane party!? I'll bring the batteries! 有人說要開颶風派對嗎!?我去把電池拿來! 有人說要開颶風派對嗎!?我去拿打擊樂器!
Windy2 This is like, an amazing time to fling confetti everywhere! 這就像是,終於等到了到處拋撒彩紙的好時機!
Storm1 There was a sudden crash of thunder at the disco, and I panicked! 迪斯科舞廳里突然響起一陣雷聲,把我嚇壞了!
Storm2 Let's dance! We can shake our hips to the beat of the sky! 讓我們來跳舞吧!我們可以隨着暴風雨的節奏扭起來! 讓我們來跳舞吧!我們可以隨着天上的節奏扭起來!
Rain1 It's raining outside! Come on in and party! 外面在下雨!進來狂歡吧!
Rain2 Oh, are you all wet? Well, shake it off! 噢,你全身濕透了嗎?讓我們擺脫煩惱吧! 噢,你全身濕透了嗎?讓我們搖起來甩掉它!
Cake1 Where ya been!? There's a total party going on! Here, take the cake! 丫去哪裏了!?這裏在開派對呢!來,拿着蛋糕! 你丫去哪裏了!?這裏在開派對呢!來,拿着蛋糕!
Cake2 Shhh! Don't tell ANYONE I gave you this! It's a party surprise! 噓!別告訴別人這是我給你的!這是派對驚喜!
Cake3 Party up! You're like, in charge of the cake, {PlayerName}! 嗨起來!{PlayerName},你是負責蛋糕的!
Music1 Are the tunes killing your party? I'll shuffle the playlist for you. 這些音樂正在毀掉你的派對嗎?我來給你打亂播放列表。
Music2 I think this party could use a switch-up! How about these jams? 我覺得這個派對需要換換花樣了!這些果醬怎麼樣?
Music3 We've been partying to this song for years! Let's change it up! 多年來我們的派對一直用的這首歌!我們該換換了!