Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/TaxCollectorSpecialText

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
Graveyard1 Death and taxes, nothing more sure in life than that! 生活中最没有悬念的就是死亡和税收!
Graveyard2 The people here aren't paying up! They are better off dead! Oh, perhaps they already are. 这里的人没有缴税!他们死了会更好!噢,说不定他们早已经死了。 这里的人没有缴税!他们死了会更好!哦,也许已经死了。
Windy1 Just because your house blows down, doesn't mean you stop paying taxes! 你的房屋被吹倒了并不意味着你不用缴税了!
Windy2 Bah! If this wind keeps up, people will lose their precious possessions and stop paying me! 呸!如果这大风继续刮下去,人们就会失去他们的宝贵财产,也就不会再向我缴税了!
Storm1 A marvelous storm! A remarkable storm! 这场暴风雨太不可思议了!太壮观了!
Storm2 I am as giddy as a drunken man! I love this weather! 我完全沉浸其中!我喜欢这种天气!
Rain1 Humbug! Someone tried to tell me they saw a fish walking on land. Who do they take ME for?! 一派胡言!有人跟我说,他们看见一条鱼在陆地上行走。把我当傻子吗?!
Rain2 Why can't it be raining gold coins!? Water is everywhere! Bah, how useless! 为什么不下金币呢!?水到处都是!呸,下那么多雨有个屁用!