Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Clothier

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
Content What's normal, anyways? 到底什么才算正常?
NoHome No home at all? I will not be subjected to criminal abuse! 无家可归吗?我不会受到虐待的!
FarFromHome It's a highly tedious procedure, cranking out a spyglass and looking for my house. 这是一个非常繁琐的程序,转动望远镜,寻找我的房子。
DislikeCrowded The local population is like living with dead weight on my back. 当地人的生活就像我背上的重负。
HateCrowded Overcrowding is as overcrowding does. 人满为患。
LoveSpace I'm not a popular man, but I know what tranquility is. 我不是一个受欢迎的人,但我知道静谧是什么样子。
LikeBiome Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most likeable things are in {BiomeName}. 眼见为实,但有时最讨人喜欢的东西就出现在{BiomeName}。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜欢{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome There just aren't enough dark rooms in {BiomeName}. {BiomeName}没有足够多的暗室。
HateBiome My soul feels torn here in {BiomeName}, as if my very being is at war between good and evil. {BiomeName}让我的灵魂倍感折磨,仿佛在经历正义与邪恶的对决。
LikeNPC I can't quite place it, but I find {NPCName} fascinating. 我不记得在哪里见过{NPCName},但我觉得他很迷人。
LoveNPC {NPCName}? I hadn't seen anything so delicious in my life. {NPCName}?我从未吃过这么好吃的东西。
DislikeNPC For some reason, being around {NPCName} makes me feel uneasy. 不知什么原因,和{NPCName}在一起会让我感到不安。
HateNPC I hate {NPCName} and I don't know why. 我讨厌{NPCName},我也不知道为什么。
LikeNPC_Princess There's no greater joy than seen through the eyes of {NPCName}! 透过{NPCName}的眼睛看世界总能发现最大的快乐!