Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood DyeTrader

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Content Me? I'm fine, I'm fine. 我嗎?我很好,我很好。
NoHome No no, this will not do, need a place to call mine. 這可不行,我得有一個屬於我的地方。
FarFromHome You think I can make brilliant colors so far from my shop? Don't think so! 你認為我能在離我的店這麼遠的地方製作出鮮艷的顏色嗎?那你搞錯了!
DislikeCrowded I truly dislike crowds, unless of course they are here for my vivid colors! 我真的不喜歡人群,除非他們是為了我鮮艷的色彩而來!
HateCrowded When I'm not doing business, I'd much rather be alone, yes? I hate feeling crammed in! 不做生意的時候,我更喜歡一個人呆着,對吧?我討厭擠來擠去的感覺!
LoveSpace My dear, this palace is quiet enough to sleep like a sultan! 天吶,這座宮殿真安靜,在這裡可以享受舒坦的睡眠了! 天吶,這座宮殿真安靜,可以享受蘇丹般的睡眠了!
LikeBiome Ahh, {BiomeName} is really nice, reminds me of my home town, I like it very much so! 啊,{BiomeName}真的很好,讓我想起了我的家鄉,我太喜歡這裡了!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome Oh no, {BiomeName} does not inspire me, don't like, don't like. 噢,不,{BiomeName}給不了我啟發,我不喜歡這裡。
HateBiome Gross, {BiomeName} is draining the color from my palettes! 真噁心,{BiomeName}正在吸取我調色板中的顏色!
LikeNPC {NPCName} has good eyes for vividness and business, I like it, yes? {NPCName}善於發現鮮艷的顏色和商機,對吧?我喜歡。
LoveNPC I love being around {NPCName}. 我非常喜歡和{NPCName}在一起。
DislikeNPC Oh dear, that {NPCName} has no sense of color or style, I don't like. 天吶,那個{NPCName}毫無顏色或風格意識,我不喜歡。
HateNPC I truly, truly hate how unsavory {NPCName} can be. {NPCName}太可惡了,令我討厭至極。
LikeNPC_Princess The hues on {NPCName}'s dress are deeper and more vivid than I've ever seen in my entire life! {NPCName}裙子上的色調是我這一生當中看過的最深邃、最生動的色調!