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AfterDD2Tier1 I sense a kindred spirit in the Etherian Dark Mages. A pity they are our enemies, I would have liked to learn from them. 我感觉与天国黑暗魔法师志趣相投。可惜他们是我们的敌人,我本来希望向他们学习来着。 我感觉与埃特尼亚黑暗魔法师志趣相投。可惜他们是我们的敌人,我本来希望向他们学习来着。
Party I wanted to see how your kind celebrate, I am not disappointed. 我想看看你们是怎么庆祝的,我没失望。
Graveyard1 Rise, zombie! Zombie, arise! 起来,僵尸!僵尸,起来!
Graveyard2 You may remove the reaper from the cemetery, but you may not remove the cemetery from the reaper... 你可以赶走墓地的死神,但你赶不走死神控制的墓地… 你可以赶走墓地的死神,但你赶不走死神控制的墓地……
Rain1 The sound of rain is soothing to the soul. 雨声能够抚慰心灵。
Rain2 Balance is key. We need sun, we need rain. Too much of either leads to ruin. 平衡是关键。我们既需要阳光,也需要雨水。两者之间的比例失调都会导致毁灭。
Windy1 Keep your talismans close... if you wind some, you lose some. 把你的护身符看好…有得必有失。 把你的护身符看好……有得必有失。
Windy2 The wind blows with the leaves, the leaves blow with the wind. 风吹动着树叶,树叶随风摇曳。 风随树叶吹,树叶随风吹。
Storm1 The spirits sound loudly this day, in blinding majesty. 今天,幽灵们发出了响亮而极其庄严的声音。 今天,幽灵们发出了响亮的声音,极其庄严。
Storm2 Lightning casts powerful shadows, shadows cast powerful lightning. 强大的闪电和暗影交相映衬。 闪电投射出强大的阴影、暗影投射出强大的闪电。