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Última edição por PhiloBot em 2021-10-05 22:50:16.
  • Tree.png
Stack digit 1.png
Objeto de fundo
RaridadeNível de raridade: 0
Todos os tipos de árvore. Da esquerda para a direita: Puridade/Floresta, Corrupção, Carmim, Sagrado, Neve, Praia, Selva/Selva Subterrânea, Cogumelo.

As árvores são as maiores plantas do Terraria, aparecendo principalmente na superfície e frequentemente em grupos com alturas similares. As árvores podem ser destruídas com um machado ou motoserra, destruída com a utilização de explosivos, ou por despejar lava nas suas bases. Destruir ou cortar uma árvore renderá muitas unidades de sua Madeira respectiva, um material de criação essencial, e tem uma chance de derrubar uma ou mais Bolotas que podem ser plantadas para cultivar mais árvores. Árvores maiores vão produzir mais destes dois itens quando cortadas; uma unidade de madeira vai ser largada por cada bloco de árvores (incluindo galhos), e uma Bolota pode cair por cada pedaço de folhas.

É possível cortar partes da árvore, mas cortar o tronco mais para baixo central vai destruir a árvore toda. Se sobrarem partes da árvore, elas não vão crescer novamente. Troncos debaixo das árvores não podem ser destruídas ou atuadas.

As mudas de árvore podem ser pintados, mas isso não vai afetar a árvore de toso. Contudo, pintar os blocos debaixo da muda vai resultar na árvore ser pintada quando "crescer".

Existem duas outras plantas grandes não soltam madeira e são geradas de maneira diferentemente, mas de resto são tratadas de forma semelhante às árvores. Estas são Cogumelos Brilhantes Gigantes e Cactos.


Árvores da Floresta

Tree (Forest).png

As árvores da Floresta são o tipo de árvore mais comum, e podem ser encontradas a crescer em relva normal. Elas podem ser plantadas na relva normal em qualquer Bioma. Elas produzem Bolotas e Madeira normal quando cortadas. Muitas Árvores da Floresta acabam por se tornar Corrompidas, de Carmim ou Sagradas se a área onde crescem for atingida por estes biomas. O crescimento das Árvores da Floresta é de 2 a 4 dias.

Árvores Decorativas

Tree (Sakura).png
Tree (Willow).png

Duas variantes de árvore adicionais foram adicionadas em Journey's End: árvores Salgueiro Amarelo e árvores Sakura Rosa, que servem principalmente para decoração. Os seus rebentos respetivos podem ser comprados da Zoologista e plantadas em qualquer tipo de relva. Por instância, os seus espólios dependem da relva em que se localizam, que afetam os espólios de árvore. Se uma árvore decorativa for plantada em relva de Corrupção ou Carmim, uma das seguintes coisas pode ocorrer:

  • O rebento vai desaparecer/cair passado um certo tempo e não produzir nada. Contudo, há uma chance de o rebento crescer antes de desaparecer;
  • Uma árvore decorativa completamente crescida também vai desaparecer/cair, mas vai largar Madeira de Ébano ou Madeira Sombria, respetivamente, em vez de nada. Também não vai largar Bolotas ou espólios de árvore, a não ser que o jogador a corte antes de desaparecer. Se a relva de uma árvore decorativa ficar corrompida ou carmim, isto também pode acontecer.

Ambos os tipos de árvore decorativa têm uma chance de 5*1/20 (5%) de substituir uma Árvore da Floresta durante a geração do mundo, mas não árvores da selva nem de bioma maléfico.

Árvores Corrompidas e Carmesins

Tree (Corruption).png
Tree (Crimson).png

Árvores corrompidas são árvores roxas encontradas na Corrupção. Elas podem ser plantados em Grama corrompida ou Areia de ébano em qualquer bioma. Elas soltam bolotas e Madeira de ébano. Se plantadas em Areia de ébano, elas terão o formato de uma palmeira, mas ainda assim saltaram Madeira de ébano.
Árvores carmesins são árvores vermelhas encontradas no Carmesim. Elas podem ser plantados em Grama Carmesim ou Areia Carmesim em qualquer bioma. Elas soltam bolotas e Madeira de sombria. Se plantadas na Areia Carmesim, elas terão o formato de uma palmeira, mas ainda assim deixarão cair Madeira sombria.
Em ambos os casos, se o solo abaixo de outro tipo de árvore estiver "infectado", a árvore será convertida, embora sua forma não mude. A árvore pode ser convertida de volta em uma árvore normal usando Pó de Purificação nelas; novamente, sua forma não mudará, mas, de outra forma, se transformarão no tipo de árvore apropriado para o bloco abaixo delas.

Jungle trees

Tree (Jungle).png
Underground Jungle Tree.png

Jungle trees are found in the Jungle, and another variant appears in the Underground Jungle. Jungle trees drop Rich Mahogany wood, but normally do not drop acorns; however, if a branch is hanging over a non-Jungle Grass Block, like regular Grass, this branch can rarely drop an Acorn. They tend to grow higher than normal trees: up to 21 blocks.

Surface jungle trees grow on Jungle grass, in two ways: Acorns can be planted as with most other trees, but jungle trees can also "self-spawn", like Cacti and Giant Glowing Mushrooms. Either way, the prospective tree needs the usual horizontal space, and a 24 blocks headroom to grow. This makes self-spawning fairly rare, because the larger jungle plants tend to appear first and block tree growth. Prior to 1.4, worldgen and self-spawning could create jungle trees under water, but acorns can't be planted under water. However, Underground jungle trees can only grow during the world generation.

In Modo Difícil, Corruption and Crimson spread through mud, replacing it with dirt, and Jungle trees turn into the appropriate infected trees. Because the ground is converted to dirt, cleaning either infection will turn an infected tree into a Forest tree, so Jungle trees cannot be restored once they are infected.

(Versões para Computador, Console e Celular) Bamboo trees

Tree (Bamboo).png

Bamboo trees are found in the Jungle. They only drop bamboo. Grow naturally when submerged in water. Requires a pickaxe to be harvested, unlike other tree-like plants.

Boreal trees (Versões para Computador, Console, Old-gen console e Celular)

Tree (Snow).png

Boreal trees are found in the Snow biome. They can be planted on Snow Blocks in any biome. They drop acorns and Boreal Wood.

On the Versão para Nintendo 3DSVersão para Nintendo 3DS, the Snow biome contains Snowy trees which drop acorns and normal wood. Acorns planted on Snow Blocks in any biome will produce Snowy trees. Boreal Tree Variants.png

Palm trees (Versões para Computador, Console, Old-gen console e Celular)

Tree (Ocean).png
Oasis Tree.png

Palm Trees are found in the Ocean biome and Oasis mini biome, and can be planted on any regular Sand Block in any biome, though they require 30 blocks of open space above them to grow. They drop Palm Wood, and on Versão para Computador Versão para Computador, Versão para Console Versão para Console e Versão para Celular Versão para Celular acorns as well. There are also Corrupt, Crimson and Hallow variants, which drop Ebonwood, Shadewood, or Pearlwood respectively, rather than Palm Wood. Unlike other trees, Palm Trees require only one block of sand, and only one space is needed between the sapling and another object for the tree to grow. Palm trees usually drop only a single acorn with their wood. Planting an acorn in the Desert will yield a Palm Tree, not a Cactus.

Hallowed trees

Tree (Hallow).png

Trees found in the Hallow have a taller and triangle-shaped foliage, and exist in many different colors: They may randomly be blue, red, light green, cyan, pink, magenta, yellow and purple. They can be planted on Hallow grass in any biome. Like with Corruption and Crimson, normal trees turn into Hallow trees when the Hallow reaches them, and can likewise be changed back by reverting the ground under them. Hallow trees drop acorns and Pearlwood.

Giant Glowing Mushrooms

Giant Glowing Mushroom (surface).png
Artigo principal: Giant Glowing Mushroom

Giant Glowing Mushrooms are handled by the game as trees, but they self-spawn (from Mushroom grass, given space) rather than growing from acorns. They grow differently underground (where the player will likely first find them) as compared to on the surface (if the player makes arrangements).

  • Giant Mushrooms on the surface (above 0 depth), will take a wider, often-branched form. When cut down, they will drop glowing mushrooms rather than wood. They rarely drop acorns or Mushroom Grass Seeds on the surface.
  • Underground Giant Mushrooms drop few Glowing Mushrooms (sometimes none) and they sometimes drop mushroom grass seeds. They have a different, branchless, appearance.

(Versões para Computador, Console e Celular) Gem Trees

All Gem Tree variants.

Gem trees naturally generate in the Cavern layer, and can also be grown by planting a Gemcorn on stone blocks in the Underground, Cavern, or Underworld layers. Despite being visually made of stone, they still require an axe to be harvested. There are seven types corresponding to the seven types of gems.

Gem saplings will grow at the rate of a normal tree sapling. The tree will drop 0-5 Gems of its type, 0-5 Gemcorns of its type, and 0-20 stone blocks when cut with an Axe. The type of tree is determined by the type of Gemcorn that is planted. Gemcorns can also be crafted from a gem and an acorn.

Gem trees can be used effectively for farming gems in the early game, allowing earlier, albeit slow, acquisition of a gem staff, robe, and/or hook, making them especially useful for early game magic players.

Providing sunlight for Gem Trees is needless, they grow at the same rate with torches above them as they do without. However, since they must be grown in the Underground or Cavern layers, where there is not natural light, it may be beneficial to place torches anyways so that you can see them.

Gem Trees can be planted on converted stone blocks like Ebonstone Block and Crimstone Block, but they will grow into normal gem trees which drop normal Stone Block regardless of their basis.

Trees as obstacles

Trees are background objects that do not affect player or enemy movement. Therefore, they cannot be climbed or scaled with items such as a grappling hook (except for the Gancho do Esquilo(Versões para Computador, Console e Celular)), or have blocks of dirt or other walk-on surfaces be placed to overlap their limbs. However, blocks and platforms can be placed in front of the leaves at the top of the tree (or the caps of Giant Glowing Mushrooms) and furniture can be placed there, although it will be obscured by the leaves. Objects that give off light (e.g. campfires, torches, etc.) will also be obscured by the leaves, but will still emit light as normal. It can sometimes be necessary to chop down a tree that is next to a cavern entrance or cliff in the early game in order to replace it with a ladder of blocks that will allow scaling of the steep surface; this becomes unnecessary when the player obtains a grappling hook, Climbing Claws or other items that allow improved jumping or flying. In some versions, it is possible to attach platforms to the trunk of a tree, except palm trees.

Trees must be removed when building houses, as they may obstruct building it.

Growing conditions

Newly planted Saplings, left to right: Forest, Corrupt, Crimson, Hallow, Snow, Jungle, Palm
The smallest enclosures allowed for growing trees: without saplings (top), planted saplings (middle), grown trees (bottom).

Acorns and Saplings

Planting an Acorn on certain blocks will create a Sapling that can eventually grow into a tree. An Acorn can only be planted on pure, Corrupt, Crimson, Hallowed, or Jungle grass, Snow, or Sand. (Not Mushroom grass, but see below). The tree will be of a type according to the block it was planted on, with random size and shape appropriate to its type. Saplings can be destroyed with a pickaxe or drill, but will not drop the Acorn item they were planted from. Saplings can only grow under the following conditions:

  1. The acorn requires one horizontal space of appropriate open ground on either side of its base, where it may put a stump
  2. The Sapling also requires at least two unobstructed (empty) tiles to the left and right to put branches, forming a 5-unit wide column. The ground to either side need not be the same grass/snow/sand block type as the Sapling's. The tree will not grow if it is not on grass/snow/sand blocks.
  3. There must be at least three open tiles between two Saplings or only one will grow into a tree. This matches the previous rules, i.e. each acorn needs both adjacent tiles free, which means the closest two trees can be is with three tiles between them.
  4. Small grass and tiny flower plants will not block a Sapling's growth, but almost anything that takes a pickaxe or drill to remove will do so: torches, platforms, Sunflowers, etc. cannot be within a 2-block radius. Dye plants, Mushrooms, Jungle plants or trees, cacti, etc. can also self-spawn next to a Sapling and prevent its growth, but once the blocking item is harvested, the Sapling can grow normally.
  5. (Versões para Old-gen console e 3DS) Most Saplings require at least 16 tiles of vertical clearance (32 feet by a Depth Meter) to grow into a tree, including the tile the Sapling occupies. Jungle trees require 24 tiles, and palm trees require 30 tiles. (Versões para Computador, Console e Celular) Most trees require 9-20 tiles and jungle trees require 14-25 (if not provided the maximum amount of space, trees will still grow, but they may take longer to do so). In all versions, even when there is sufficient space, a tree's leaves may sometimes be big enough to clip through the roof.
  6. Most Saplings will grow indoors as long as there is either fence or no wall immediately behind the Sapling; unlike other Saplings, palm trees will not grow if there is fence behind the Sapling. All other walls are ignored.
  7. A Sapling needs to be above surface level. Acorns planted on grass underground or below will not grow, even if all other conditions are met.
  8. On the Versão para Console old-gen Versão para Console old-gen e Versão para Nintendo 3DSVersão para Nintendo 3DS, Saplings must be off-screen in order to become trees. They will not grow when currently in view, unlike most other plants which can grow while being watched. (On the Versão para Computador Versão para Computador, Versão para Console Versão para Console e Versão para Celular Versão para Celular, trees can grow on-screen, appearing with a small shower of leaves. They also update the map data automatically, so it is possible to spot tree growth on the minimap or full screen map without needing to approach the sapling on these versions.)

Note that world generation can place trees in places where these conditions are not met, e.g. atop a single block of soil.


Giant Glowing Mushrooms have similar space requirements to trees, but they cannot be planted; instead, they will "self-spawn", randomly appearing full-grown on Mushroom grass. Cacti need much less space, but can likewise self-spawn on any sand variant. "Infected" sand will spawn cacti which appear different according to sand type, but are otherwise identical. Jungle trees can also similarly self-spawn on Jungle grass (if there is space), but can also be planted with Acorns.


Versão para ComputadorVersão para ConsoleVersão para Celular
Conteúdo exclusivo para Computador/Console/Celular Estas informações desta seção se aplicam somente às versões para Computador, Console e Celular do Terraria.


Shaking occurs when a player hits the trunk or branches of a tree with an axe or chainsaw, but does not fully cut it down. In order for a tree to be shaken, it must both have a "leafy" top as well as not have any blocks in a two block radius from the top. In addition to this, players can shake a maximum of (Versões para Computador, Console e Celular) 500 / !!Error: Valor inserido para EICONS inválido! 200 trees a day. Once this limit is exceeded, shaking will not occur until the following dawn.

Shaking a tree has a chance to drop an item or object, or spawn an enemy or critter. The rates may differ per tree type and under certain circumstances, which is visualized in the table below. The icons in front of some of the chances denote the following conditions:

Chances without an icon apply if none of the respective conditions are met, where applicable.

Este conteúdo é transcrito de Trees/Shaking.Trees/Shaking


  • Lava will instantly destroy trees, except for Gem Trees.
  • If planted on a stone block painted with Shadow Paint, the fully-grown Gem Tree will appear shadowed.
  • Even if Gem Trees are planted in Ebonstone, Crimstone or Pearlstone, or if the stone blocks that they are planted are converted to Ebonstone, Crimstone or Pearlstone, they will retain their standard appearance and will not gain a corrupt, crimsoned or hallowed shape.
    • The same goes for vanity trees, as they keep their appearance even if the grass below it gets corrupted/crimsoned/hallowed. However, vanity trees are destroyed after some time in the case of corrupted or crimson grass.


Achievement Timber!!.png
Madeiraaaa!! • Derrube sua primeira árvore.
Derrube uma árvore. (Versões para Computador, Console e Celular)
Categoria: Colecionador Colecionador


The tree-shaped cloud.

See also


  • Desktop 1.4.1:
    • Increased limit of trees shaken for loot per day from 200 to 500.
    • Shaking can now yield the Living Wood, Leaf, Living Mahogany, and Rich Mahogany Leaf Wands.
  • Desktop
    • Fixed Gem Trees and Vanity Trees not blocking the tiles beneath them from being hammered.
    • Gem Trees can now grow with natural cave walls behind them.
    • Trees can now grow in front of the new fences introduced in
    • Trees now correctly drop Acorns when planted on golf grass.
  • Desktop Fixed a bug where Hallow Trees on mowed Hallow grass would drop normal Wood rather than Pearlwood.
  • Desktop
    • Gem Trees added.
    • Various normal tree top sprites added.
    • Normal tree top sprites updated.
    • Added the tree shaking mechanic.
  • Desktop 1.3.2: Trees now grow even when visible on a player’s screen, and appear with small showers of leaves.
  • Desktop
    • Palm, Corrupted, and Crimson trees drop Acorns now.
    • Wood drops along with Acorns, rather than either/or.
    • New variant for Boreal Trees introduced.
  • Desktop Fixed bug where trees won't grow behind biome Wooden Fences.
  • Desktop 1.2.4:
    • Palm Tree introduced.
    • Boreal Trees now drop Boreal Wood.
  • Desktop 1.2.3:
    • Acorns can now be planted on all types of grass.
    • Replaced Tree 9's graphic.
  • Desktop 1.2:
    • Living Trees introduced.
    • Multi-colored wood introduced.
    • Variations on the normal tree top sprites added.
  • Desktop 1.1.1: Boreal Trees introduced.
  • Desktop 1.1:
    • Trees can now potentially grow 1 block higher (except for Jungle Trees, which can now grow another 5 blocks higher).
    • Hallowed Trees introduced.
    • Tall grass and flowers no longer obstruct tree growth, making trimming the grass unnecessary.
    • Acorn saplings require 2 tiles between saplings to grow instead of 3.
  • Desktop 1.0.5: Corrupt and Jungle trees no longer drop acorns.
  • Desktop 1.0.4: Jungle trees added.
  • Desktop 1.0.3: Trees now become corrupted when the Corruption reaches them instead of being destroyed. Corrupted trees become uncorrupted upon purification.
  • Desktop-Release: Introduced.
  • Console 1.0.750.0: (PlayStation 4)
    • Palm, Corrupted, and Crimson trees drop Acorns now.
    • Wood drops along with Acorns, rather than either/or.
    • New variant for Boreal Trees introduced.
    • Trees now grow even when visible on a player’s screen, and appear with small showers of leaves.
  • Console 1.07:
    • Palm Tree introduced.
    • Boreal Trees now drop Boreal Wood.
  • Console 1.06:
    • Acorns can now be planted on all types of grass.
    • Replaced Tree 9's graphic.
  • Console 1.02:
    • Living Trees introduced.
    • Multi-colored wood introduced.
    • Variations on the normal tree top sprites added.
  • Console-Release: Introduced with mechanics and variants from Desktop 1.1.1.
  • Switch 1.0.1096.2: Trees now grow even when visible on a player's screen, and appear with small showers of leaves.
  • Mobile 1.2.11212:
    • Palm Tree introduced.
    • Boreal Trees now drop Boreal Wood.
    • Acorns can now be planted on all types of grass.
    • Replaced Tree 9's graphic.
  • Mobile 1.2.6508:
    • Living Trees introduced.
    • Multi-colored wood introduced.
    • Variations on the normal tree top sprites added.
  • Mobile 1.1.5536:
    • Trees can now potentially grow 1 block higher (except for Jungle Trees, which can now grow another 5 blocks higher).
    • Hallowed and Boreal Trees introduced.
    • Tall grass and flowers no longer obstruct tree growth, making trimming the grass unnecessary.
    • Acorn saplings require 2 tiles between saplings to grow instead of 3.
  • Mobile-Release: Introduced with mechanics and variants from Desktop 1.0.5.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced with mechanics and variants from Desktop 1.2.