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Última edição por DannTheLink em 2022-01-22 00:24:33.

Terraria tem mais de oitenta músicas por todas as versões do jogo. Cada uma irá tocar e se repetir infinitamente enquanto o jogador estiver em um bioma específico ou enquanto certos eventos acontecem. A música é individual para cada jogador, e seu volume pode ser diminuído ou desativado completamente no menu de configurações.

Todas as músicas em Terraria foram compostas por Scott Lloyd Shelly da Resonance Array.

(Versões para Computador, Console, Old-gen console e Celular) No jogo, é possível gravar e tocar essas músicas usando os Acessórios de Caixinha de Música.

Trilha Sonora

As trilhas sonoras podem ser ouvidas e compradas pela Bandcamp como três volumes separados ou pela Steam como uma única trilha sonora. Os dois primeiros volumes também são incluídos quando o jogo é comprado pela GOG.com. As músicas são listadas na ordem em que elas aparecem na trilha sonora.

Volume 1

Volume 1 foi lançado no dia 1 de Novembro, 2011.

Música Título Duração
1. Dia no Mundo Superior 02:17
2. Sinistra 02:41
3. Noite 02:00
4. Título 01:19
5. Subterrâneo 02:59
6. Chefe 1 02:16
7. Selva 02:44
8. Corrupção 02:37
9. Corrupção no Submundo 02:22
10. O Sagrado 02:06
11. Chefe 2 02:00
12. O Sagrado no Subterrâneo 02:55
13. Chefe 3 01:50

Volume 2

Volume 2 foi lançado no dia 28 de Setembro, 2013.

Música Título Duração
1. Oceano 01:28
2. Eclipse 01:36
3. Chuva 01:36
4. Dia no Mundo Superior Alternativo 01:40
5. Espaço 01:35
6. Golem 01:28
7. Cogumelos 01:16
8. Carmim 02:07
9. Templo 01:37
10. Gelo 01:34
11. Plantera 01:16
12. Calabouço 01:40
13. Chefe da Lua 01:27

Volume 3

Volume 3 foi lançado no dia 7 de Outubro, 2015.

Música Título Duração
1. Subterrâneo Alternativo 01:12
2. Submundo Carmim 02:41
3. Invasão dos Goblins 01:45
4. Inferno 02:10
5. Invasão Pirata 01:50
6. Lua de Abóbora 01:26
7. Lua de Gelo 01:08
8. Loucura de Marte 01:41
9. As Torres 01:27
10. Senhor da Lua 01:53

A música "As Torres" é uma cópia da música "Chefe da Lua" do álbum anterior.

Trilhas sonoras de Console old-gen e 3DS/ Mobile 1.2

A trilha sonora das versões de console são uma mistura das trilhas sonoras da versão de PC e várias músicas adicionais que estão listadas abaixo. Entretanto Blake Robinson foi autorizado à criar as músicas para os trailers, as músicas do jogo foram criadas por Scott Lloyd Shelly.

A versão 1.2 do PC adotou a música "Deserto" do console como sua, mas aprensentou suas próprias músicas "Neve" e "Chefe 4", usando as músicas do console respectivamente como "Gelo" e "Chefe 5". Quando a versão de console alcançou a versão 1.2 do PC, ela manteu suas próprias músicas originais "Neve" e "Chefe 4" como estavam, mudando as músicas do PC para os espaços Gelo e Chefe 5.

Músicas Omitidas

Atualmente, as seguintes músicas estão faltando na trilha sonora oficial e estão indisponíveis para compra, possivelmente pelo fato de "Deserto" e "Chefe 5" serem originalmente exclusivas para as versões de console e celular, e do Volume 2 já ter uma música entitulada "Gelo". Elas foram removidas do celular com a adição do patch da 1.3.0 junto com os controles da 1.2. Pode ser que sejam liberadas no futuro.

Músicas da versão do PC

As seguintes músicas foram introduzidas no patch da 1.4. Elas serão liberadas após o patch da 1.4.1 e estão atualmente indisponíveis para compra.[1]

Trilhas sonoras de outro mundo

A trilha sonora originalmente feita para o jogo cancelado Terraria: Otherworld foi adicionada ao Terraria com a atualização Journey's End. Ela contém 27 músicas. No jogo, a NPC Garota da Festa pode ser usada para alternar entre as músicas normais e as músicas "de outro mundo" depois que um mundo com a seed 05162020 for visitado pela primeira vez. As músicas seguem com os mesmos nomes que as do Terraria, resultando em alguns nomes duplicados (caixinhas de música para essas músicas desambiguam por serem chamadas de "Caixinha de Música de Outro Mundo" ao invés de "Caixinha de Música"), mas tem menos músicas no total: por exemplo, tem apenas duas músicas de chefe "genéricas" e uma única música para todas as invasões. Interessantemente, a Parede de Carne tem uma música própria com essa trilha sonora, ao invés de compartilhar Chefe 2 com Os Gêmeos. Plantera, o Senhor da Lua, e os Eventos Lunares também tem músicas próprias, igual na trilha sonora normal. A maioria dos chefes do Pré-Modo Difícil tem a música Chefe 1; todos os outros chefes do Modo Difícil tem a música Chefe 2.

A trilha sonora de Terraria: Otherworld foi liberada na Steam no dia 17 Junho, 2020. Ela foi composta por Jeff Broadbent, Jonathan van den Wijngaarden, e James Hannigan, também com Jeff Ball no violino, Tina Guo no violão cello, e Franck Klepacki no violão. A versão do álbum possui 26 músicas, uma a menos que as 27 músicas do jogo. As músicas do álbum também se diferem das músicas do jogo por serem mais longas e tendo vários aprimoramentos instrumentais.

Música Título Duração
1. Prelúdio 01:36
2. Toda Aventura Tem Um Início 02:35
3. A Noite Cai, A Escuridão Emerge 03:11
4. Abaixo da Superfície 03:07
5. Segredo das Areias 03:38
6. Brilhos de Vibrância 03:05
7. Azul Encantado 02:48
8. Guardian dos Céus 03:15
9. O Vazio Sem Fim 03:49
10. Cavernas Celestiais 03:05
11. Jornada até o Núcleo 02:15
12. Cidadela Ancestral 03:16
13. Sombras da Corrupção 03:15
14. Decadência e Corrosão 03:10
15. Contemple o OctoOlho 02:58
16. Trepadeiras Sangrentas 02:21
17. Abismo do Carmim 03:02
18. Dando Conta da Invasão 02:44
19. Virtude Distorcida 03:05
20. Uma Doce Ameaça 02:55
21. Fúria de Tarunnk 02:19
22. Entrando na Escuridão 02:36
23. Lutando à Noite 03:03
24. Buracos de Escuridão 02:45
25. Consumido pela Escuridão 02:53
26. Poslúdio - Créditos 02:14

Músicas do jogo

A lista abaixo mostra as músicas na ordem em que elas estão internamente no jogo.

# Title Condition Album Version Listen Description
1 Noite Noite na Floresta e Sagrado Vol. 1 1.0 É relativamente pacífica e relaxante, mas seu tom é fraco.
2 Sinistro Meteorito, Lua de Sangue Vol. 1 1.0 É mais lento e mais sinistro do que as outras trilhas. No Versão para Nintendo 3DSVersão para Nintendo 3DS, é trocado pelo Inferno. No lançamento, também tocava na Corrupção, no Calabouço e no Submundo.
3 Dia no Mundo Superior Dia na Floresta Vol. 1 1.0 É um tom mais alegre e simples que toca de dia num bioma de Floresta.
4 Chefe 1 Devorador de Mundos, Olho de Cthulhu, Geleia Rei, Esqueletron, Esqueletron Alfa, Lepus(Versão para 3DS), e Peruno(Versão para 3DS) Vol. 1 1.0 Música de batalha alta e frenética. Também era tocada para o Duque Peixe-dragão antes da V1.4.0.1, e na Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen para o Exército dos Goblins.
5 Título Título Vol. 1 1.0 Um tom sereno e solene, mas curto e agarrador, isso era tocado no menu principal antes de ser trocado pela Journey's Beginning. Ela ainda toca no jogo quando o Sol ou a Lua são puxados.
6 Selva Dia na Selva da superfície Vol. 1 1.0.5 An exotic, relaxed tune, it has a unique feel to it with a heavy emphasis on percussion.
7 Corrupção Corrupção na Superfície Vol. 1 1.0.6 Its melody somewhat resembles the Overworld Day track but altered and slowed to sound much darker and more menacing.
8 O Sagrado Dia no Sagrado da superfície Vol. 1 1.1 Tem um tom bem feliz e angelical que faz o uso de instrumentos relacionados à essa ideia, especialmente a harpa..
9 Corrupção no Submundo Corrupção Subterrânea Vol. 1 1.1 Essa trilha é uma combinação das trilhas da Corrupção e do Subterrâneo, mas com um tom escuro e depressivo.
10 O Sagrado no Subterrâneo Subterrâneo Consagrado Vol. 1 1.1 Essa trilha é uma combinação das trilhas do Sagrado e do Subterrâneo. Ela compartilha o tom angelical das trilhas do Sagrado, mas com um tom mais rápido e eletrônico.
11 Chefe 2 Parede de Carne, Os Gêmeos Vol. 1 1.1 It's a very hectic, frantic tune, and gives the feel of a chase, especially at the beginning.
12 Subterrâneo Caverna e Subterrâneo Vol. 1 1.0 It's a fast and whimsical track, with an almost robotic tone.
13 Chefe 3 Cérebro de Cthulhu, Legião Congelada, O Destruidor, O Deus da Tocha (Versões para Computador, Console e Celular) Vol. 1 1.1 It's much slower and less intense than the other boss fights, the slowest track in the soundtrack, giving it a more menacing and mechanical tone, suiting most of the situations it plays in (e.g in the boss fights between Brain of Cthulhu and The Destroyer).
14 Gelo/Neve Bioma de Neve na Superfície Vol. 2 1.2 A relaxed, somewhat slow-paced theme with a distinct, cold, and crystalline feel. Originally introduced on Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen as "Ice", it was later renamed "Snow" since the desktop version introduced its own "Ice" theme.
15 Noite no Espaço (Versões para Computador, Console e Celular)Noite no Espaço Vol. 2 1.2 A quick and carefree theme that makes use of many airy synths and shares some of its instruments with the Overworld Day theme.
16 Carmim Carmim na Superfície Vol. 2 1.2 An unnerving, dark, and unsettling theme with a faster pace than that of the Corruption. Its main melody comes near the end of the track.
17 Golem/Chefe 4 Golem, Cultista Lunático(Versões para Computador, Console e Celular)

Invasão Pirata (Versão para Old-gen console)

Vol. 2 1.2 Fast paced without being particularly dark or menacing.
18 Dia Alternativo Dia na Floresta Vol. 2 1.2 A cheerful, upbeat tune similar to the Overworld Day theme, but with a more complex composition.
19 Chuva Chuva na Superfície Vol. 2 1.2 It gives the effect of a peaceful and calming theme, slower and less upbeat than others.
20 Gelo Bioma de Gelo n/d 1.2 A calm, mysterious, and wintery theme slightly reminiscent of the Alternate Underground theme.
21 Desert Desert, Hallowed Desert night n/d 1.2 It is a simple, quiet theme inspired by ancient Egyptian music as commonly portrayed in other video games and films. Originally introduced on Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen. Replaced the Overworld Day theme in this biome.
22 Ocean Ocean day Vol. 2 1.2 It is a tranquil theme with a somewhat slower pace than other daytime themes.
23 Dungeon Dungeon Vol. 2 1.2 A sinister, dark theme that makes use of xylophones, to evoke the bone sounds of old cartoons' skeletons.
24 Plantera Plantera Vol. 2 1.2 It is a unique, fast rock track with a metal tune and prominent use of electric guitars, and has some melodies from the Jungle soundtrack. As a nod to Cenx's favorite band, Pantera, parts of the track have a similar sound to the end "Domination" from the album Cowboys from Hell.
25 Boss 5 Queen Bee, Ocram(Versões para Old-gen console e 3DS), Versão para Console old-gen Eye of Cthulhu n/d 1.2 It is a frenetic, serious theme, which uses sounds resembling bee buzzes and wing hovering. Originally introduced on Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen as "Boss 4", it was later renamed "Boss 5", since the PC version already had its own "Boss 4" theme.
26 Lihzahrd/Temple Temple Vol. 2 1.2 A mysterious and exotic-sounding theme, feeling like being in an ancient world.
27 Eclipse Solar Eclipse Vol. 2 1.2 It's dark with a varying pace, featuring an organ to give it a classic horror feel. Also played during Pumpkin Moon before v1.2.1.2.
28 Rain ambiance Rain, Thunderstorm n/d 1.2 n/d The sounds of rain pattering on the ground with slight hints of distant thunder.
29 Mushrooms Glowing Mushroom biome Vol. 2 1.2 An offbeat, exotic, and trippy piece.
30 Pumpkin Moon Pumpkin Moon Vol. 3 Spooky Halloween-themed music. Replaced the Eclipse theme for this event.
31 Alternate Underground Cavern and Underground Vol. 3 1.2.2 It has a different, less whimsical feel than the original Underground theme.
32 Frost Moon Frost Moon Vol. 3 1.2.2 It vaguely resembles a Christmas song but is more upbeat and uses an electric guitar with a heavy distortion applied giving it a metal feel to the track.
33 Underground Crimson Underground Crimson Vol. 3 1.2.4 (Versões para Computador, Console, Old-gen console, Celular e 3DS) A mix of the Underground and Crimson tracks.
34 Lunar Boss/The Towers Lunar Events Vol. 2 A fast, abstract, and especially intense theme. Originally intended for the final boss, in the two years between the album's release and the introduction of the track in-game, plans had changed. Its album name would be used for the Moon Lord theme.
35 Pirate Invasion Pirate Invasion Vol. 3 Somewhat reminiscent of the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack. Replaced the Golem/Boss 4 theme for this event.
36 The Underworld/Hell The Underworld Vol. 3 A deep and menacing track, with an emphasis on harsh percussion. Replaced Eerie theme for this biome. On the Versão para Nintendo 3DSVersão para Nintendo 3DS, this theme replaces all instances of Eerie.
37 Martian Madness Martian Madness Vol. 3 A loud, daunting track. Originally released as a 1.3 spoiler.[2]
38 Moon Lord/Lunar Boss Moon Lord Vol. 3 A unique, intense track with a fast tempo. Reuses part of the Lunar Towers and Space themes. Called "Lunar Boss" in-game.
39 Goblin Army/Goblin Invasion Goblin Army Vol. 3 (Versões para Computador, Console, Celular e 3DS) It somewhat vaguely resembles the Pumpkin Moon theme. Replaced "Boss 1" for this event.
40 Sandstorm Sandstorm n/d 1.3.3 (Versões para Computador, Console e Celular) This track is a tense theme that uses a synth to simulate wind (along with actual wind sounds) as well as a sitar to give a sort of Egyptian desert feeling. Some parts of "Boss 5" and Lunar Event theme can be heard.
41 Old One's Army Old One's Army n/d 1.3.4 (Versões para Computador, Console e Celular) An intense theme, more orchestral than most other Terraria songs, which incorporates bits from the the main theme of Dungeon Defenders as well as Terraria tracks Pirate Invasion, Title, Goblin Army, and Pumpkin Moon.
42 Space Day Space day n/d It has a slower and calmer feeling. Originally introduced on Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen as "Space", before the PC version had its own Space theme added. On consoles, it serves as an alternate Space theme, both having a 50% chance of playing regardless of time.
43 Ocean Night Ocean night n/d This track is more active and bouncier than its daytime counterpart. It has a happy, peaceful sounding tone. Originally introduced on Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen as "Ocean", before the PC version had its own Ocean theme added. On consoles, it serves as an alternate Ocean theme, both having a 50% chance of playing regardless of time.
44 Windy Day Windy Day n/d A perky, cheerful, whimsical track, inspired by Winnie the Pooh[3]. It includes instruments such as music box, castanets and a tambourine, and is one of the few tracks in the game to not be in 4 /4 time, rather it is in 3/4.
45 Wind ambiance Windy Day, Thunderstorm n/d 1.4 n/d The sounds of wind blowing past.
46 Town Day Town day n/d A soothing track with a slight resemblance to Overworld Day.
47 Town Night Town night n/d It starts quickly and then slows down to reveal a calm and enjoyable melody.
48 Slime Rain Slime Rain n/d A bouncy, slightly silly-sounding track that plays during the event. It contains a motif of Ocean Night.
49 Day Remix Music Box-only n/d This Techno remix by Xenon and DJ Sniper of the Overworld Day theme was the winning track of Terraria's music contest.
50 Journey's Beginning
(with intro)
Title screen n/d A triumphant, powerful track that plays on the title screen. On game launch and in the 1.4 trailer it features a "whoom" intro sound before looping into the standard Journey's Beginning track. It is also the first track to be heard by a new player.
51 Journey's Beginning Title screen n/d A triumphant, powerful track that plays on the title screen. Internally referred to as "Title Alt".
52 Storm Thunderstorm n/d It sounds harsh and threatening, and has a slight resemblance to the Old One's Army and Sandstorm tracks.
53 Graveyard Graveyard n/d A dark, depressing spin on the Town themes.
54 Underground Jungle Underground Jungle n/d Significantly less whimsical than the Surface Jungle tracks and sounds more threatening and melancholic.
55 Jungle Night Surface Jungle night n/d It sounds very different from the day theme, with the main melody being a slow, ominous beat with an emphasis on deep drums.
56 Queen Slime Queen Slime n/d This track begins with a regal and celebratory style, before turning into something more sinister and methodical. It contains a motif of Jungle Night.
57 Empress of Light Empress of Light n/d It begins as a fast, extremely intense track similar to Boss 2, before changing to a slower tune. The entire track has a very chaotic feel and sounds unlike anything else in Terraria. Uniquely, this track features a second loop with different composition, before completely looping.
58 Duke Fishron Duke Fishron n/d A slow theme with bubbling sounds and a pirate-like feel, in stark contrast with the fast-paced and chaotic fight it accompanies.
59 Tutorial/Morning Rain Morning Rain n/d Very similar to the Overworld Day theme, but is significantly more extravagant and jolly, like you're about to embark on an adventure. Originally introduced on Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen as the "Tutorial" theme.

(Versão para Computador Versão para Computador) During morning rain, this track is played only in normal forest biome, and it would be playing from 4:30 A.M. to 7:30 A.M.

60 Console Title/Alt Title Drunk world generation n/d An extended variation of the Title Screen track, with more instruments and expression. Originally introduced on Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen as the "Title Screen".
61 Underground Desert Underground Desert n/d It begins as a slow, mysterious theme featuring strings and low tones, before it transitions into a rock-style theme, with guitars and heavy drums, similar to the Plantera track.
62 Rain (Otherworldly) Surface Rain and Thunderstorm n/d An atmospheric track with light piano sounds that brings the image of falling rain.
63 Overworld Day (Otherworldly) Surface day n/d A celebratory, almost victoriously sounding track which features instruments like Irish flute for a fantasy feeling.
64 Night (Otherworldly) Surface night n/d It's an ominous, at times frantic track that gives a sense of impending danger.
65 Underground (Otherworldly) Cavern, Underground n/d A heroic-sounding track which features violin. Its internal name is "Music-Main Theme (Underground)" which suggests it was meant as a title screen track, which in turn fits with its grand intro.
66 Desert (Otherworldly) Desert, Underground Desert n/d It begins with dobro (or similarly sounding instrument) for a Wild West-feeling, along with occasionnal heartbeats. It continues with Irish flute for a fantasy feeling, and ends with subtle female vocals.
67 Ocean (Otherworldly) Ocean n/d An ambient-like track which incorporates pan flute music to produce the image of distant shores.
68 Mushrooms (Otherworldly) Glowing Mushroom n/d It resembles a more tranquil version of the regular mushroom biome track. Its internal name is "Music-Crystal Caves (Mushrooms)" which suggests it would also play in some Gemstone Cave-like biome.
69 Dungeon (Otherworldly) Dungeon, Temple n/d It's a melancholic and ritualistic-feeling track which features chanting and tribal-like drums.
70 Space (Otherworldly) Space n/d An ambient track which subtly features 'psychedelic' sounds for a sci-fi feeling and gradually grows to a heroic sound.
71 Underworld (Otherworldly) Underworld n/d Dark, aggressive, and features harpsichord music for a 'haunted house' feeling.
72 Snow (Otherworldly) Surface Snow n/d A calm track which shifts between what resembles uplifting trance music and fantasy music.
73 Corruption (Otherworldly) Surface Corruption n/d It's a dark, undulating track which features downtempo rock music.
74 Underground Corruption (Otherworldly) Underground Corruption n/d Resembles its Otherworld surface counterpart, but is somewhat more aggressive.
75 Crimson (Otherworldly) Surface Crimson n/d A dark, ambient track which seems to feature some type of contrabass brass instrument for a 'gloomy' feeling and eventually becomes almost psychedelic-sounding.
76 Underground Crimson (Otherworldly) Underground Crimson n/d A brooding and increasingly frantic track.
77 Ice (Otherworldly) Ice n/d It has a "crystalline" and rather ominous sound to it.
78 Underground Hallow (Otherworldly) Underground Hallow n/d A sinister track which seems to involve different percussion instruments such as xylophone.
79 Eerie (Otherworldly) Blood Moon, Eclipse, Graveyard, Meteorite n/d An almost doomsday-like track which features female hymns and what seems like electric guitar.
80 Boss 2 (Otherworldly) Duke Fishron, Empress of Light, Golem, Lunatic Cultist, Queen Slime, Skeletron Prime, The Destroyer, The Twins n/d Almost explodes at start and immediately drops in order to gradually rise in intensity, followed by male and female chants.
81 Boss 1 (Otherworldly) Brain of Cthulhu, Eater of Worlds, Eye of Cthulhu, King Slime, Queen Bee, Skeletron n/d Somewhat resembles the regular Old One's Army track, but with a darker feeling.
82 Invasion (Otherworldly) Frost Legion, Frost Moon, Goblin Army, Martian Madness, Old One's Army, Pirate Invasion, Pumpkin Moon n/d A menacing, "rapid" track which gives a sense of running out of time.
83 The Towers (Otherworldly) Lunar Events n/d Somewhat heroic-sounding, and features chanting as well as ample amounts of electric guitar.
84 Lunar Boss (Otherworldly) Moon Lord n/d Resembles The Towers track but has more chanting and feels even more dramatic, as is appropriate with the Moon Lord appearing after the Lunar Event.
85 Plantera (Otherworldly) Plantera n/d A metal-like track with a sinister and somewhat gloomy feeling, appropriate for the fight against Plantera in the Underground Jungle.
86 Jungle (Otherworldly) Jungle, Underground Jungle n/d A surprisingly tranquil track which seems to feature hurdy-gurdy music towards its end. The extended, enhanced version sold as part of the official Otherworld soundtrack is titled "Sky Guardian" (another name for the Wyvern) which suggests it was meant to play on Floating Islands or similar instead.
87 Wall of Flesh (Otherworldly) Wall of Flesh n/d It's a dramatic and at times also heroic-sounding track.
88 Hallow (Otherwordly) Surface Hallow n/d A track which features angelic, hymn-like female vocals followed by calm piano music. It's the only in-game Otherworld track longer than 2 minutes.


  • Desktop Journey's End renamed to Journey's Beginning.
  • Desktop Added Journey's End, Windy Day, Town Day, Town Night, Space Day, Ocean Night, Storm, Slime Rain, Graveyard, Underground Jungle, Surface Night Jungle, Queen Slime, Empress of Light, Duke Fishron, Morning Rain, Console Title, Underground Desert, Music Contest Winner, and "otherworldly" tracks. (Space Day, Ocean Night, Morning Rain, and Console Title were originally in the console version.)
  • Desktop 1.3.4: Added Old One's Army track.
  • Desktop 1.3.3: Added Sandstorm track.
  • Desktop Added Goblin Army, Underworld, Pirate Invasion, Martian Madness, Lunar Towers, and Moon Lord tracks.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Added Underground Crimson track.
  • Desktop 1.2.2: Added Alternate Underground and Frost Moon tracks.
  • Desktop Added Pumpkin Moon track.
  • Desktop 1.2: Added Ocean, Eclipse, Rain, Alternate Day, Space, Golem, Boss 4, Mushrooms, Crimson, Lihzahrd, Ice, Ice biome, Desert, Plantera, and Dungeon tracks. (Some were originally in the console version.)
  • Desktop 1.1:
    • Added Underground Corruption, The Hallow, Boss 2, Underground Hallow, and Boss 3 tracks.
    • Music tracks can now be recorded and played back with the Music Box accessory.
  • Desktop 1.0.6: Added Corruption track.
  • Desktop 1.0.5: Added Jungle track.
  • Desktop-Release: Introduced Overworld Day, Eerie, Night, Title, Underground, and Boss 1 tracks.


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