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*Spirit*ual Successor?

I believe the Nightglow can be seen as a spiritual successor to the Spirit Flame. They both summon projectiles that stay in place unless they detect a target, in which case they home in on the target. I would add this to the page, but I don't want to make an edit on a page that might get insta-reverted. 08:37, 19 May 2020 (UTC)

You will find that if worded correctly, edits are less likely to get reverted. You could perhaps say "Similar to the Spirit Flame, ...". We try not to call anything a "sucessor" or "upgrade" unless one is used to craft the other. – Ferretwings (talk) 08:46, 19 May 2020 (UTC)

I think an edit is required, but I'm not 100% sure, leaving it to other people's wisdom

Currently (december 2021 the 5th), the main article contains:

"However, since they spawn in random directions from the player and are destroyed if they collide with obstacles"

This is contracted by the updates history, Desktop 1.4.1:

"Projectiles will now bounce, rather than break, when they come into contact with a block"