Potions (Potions/cs)
Lektvary jsou skupinou konzumovatelných předmětů, obnovujících životy/manu, nebo přidávající dočasné buffy. Jsou k nalezení v truhlách a hrncích, k získání z nepřátel, ke koupi u NPC nebo je lze vyrobit. Většinu lektvarů lze vyrobit u položené sklenice nebo alchymistického stolu; baňky je však nutné vyrábět u plnicí nádrže. Všechny efekty lze zrušit pravý kliknutím na jejich ikonku.
Lektvary obnovy
Tyto lektvary obnovují životy, manu a některé obojí zároveň!
[link]Klikněte zde pro zobrazení seznamu (může to chvíli trvat).[/link] |
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Jídlo a pití
Konzumací jídla získá postava posilňující efekt – dobře živený – zatímco pití zaručují – opilost.
[link]Klikněte zde pro zobrazení seznamu (může to chvíli trvat).[/link] |
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Posilňující lektvary
- Viz také: Buffy
Tyto lektvary postavě po konzumaci zaručují dočasné, většinou krátkodobé posilnění. Vyrábí se u položené sklenice nebo alchymistického stolu.
[link]Klikněte zde pro zobrazení seznamu (může to chvíli trvat).[/link] |
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Tyto postavě zaručují dočasné posilnění útoků na blízko. V jednu chvíli nelze mít aktivní více než jeden efekt jakékoliv baňky. Vyrábí se u plnicí nádrže.
[link]Klikněte zde pro zobrazení seznamu (může to chvíli trvat).[/link] |
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Ostatní lektvary
[link]Klikněte zde pro zobrazení seznamu (může to chvíli trvat).[/link] |
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- Počítač Přidány: mimořádný lektvar léčení, zvláštní směska, slanina, lektvar změny pohlaví a lektvar červí díry. Tyto lektvary mají nový sprite.
- Desktop 1.2.4: Přidáno 22 nových lektvarů, které lze získat z rybaření anebo vyrobit pomocí třesotrnu.
- Lesser Healing
- Healing
- Greater Healing
- Super Healing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Houba
- Sklenice vody
- Sklenice medu
- Eggnog(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Medová ryba
- Horn o' plenty(3DS version)
- Lesser Mana
- Mana
- Greater Mana
- Super Mana(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lesser Restoration(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Restoration
- Strange Brew(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gender Change(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hair Dyes(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Recall
- Teleportation
- Return(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wormhole(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ammo Reservation
- Archery
- Battle
- Magic Power
- Rage
- Summoning
- Titan(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Wrath
- Calming
- Endurance
- Heartreach
- Inferno
- Invisibility
- Ironskin
- Lifeforce
- Mana Regeneration
- Regeneration
- Thorns
- Warmth(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Wiesnbräu(3DS version)
- Featherfall
- Ploutev(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Gills
- Gravitation
- Obsidian Skin
- Swiftness
- Water Walking
- Biome Sight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dangersense(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Hunter
- Night Owl
- Shine
- Spelunker
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Greater Luck(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Luck(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lesser Luck(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pivo
- Apple Pie(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bacon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Banana Split(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- BBQ Ribs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Miska polévky
- Bunny Stew(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Burger(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Carton of Milk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chicken Nugget(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chocolate Chip Cookie(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vánoční pudink(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Coffee(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Upečený marshmellow
- Cream Soda(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Escargot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fishing foods
- Fried Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fries(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Froggle Bunwich(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fruits(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Apple
- Apricot
- Banana
- Blackcurrant
- Blood Orange
- Cherry
- Coconut
- Dragon Fruit
- Elderberry
- Grapefruit
- Lemon
- Mango
- Peach
- Pineapple
- Plum
- Pomegranate
- Rambutan
- Spicy Pepper
- Star Fruit
- Fruit Juice
- Fruit Salad
- Apple Juice
- Bloody Moscato
- Frozen Banana Daiquiri
- Lemonade
- Peach Sangria
- Piña Colada
- Prismatic Punch
- Smoothie of Darkness
- Tropical Smoothie
- Perníček(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Golden Delight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grapes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grape Juice(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grilled Squirrel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grub Soup(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hotdog(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ice Cream(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Joja Cola(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Milkshake(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Monster Lasagna(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nachos(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Thajské jídlo(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Pizza(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pho(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Potato Chips(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dýňový koláč
- Roasted Bird(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Roasted Duck(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Saké(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Sauteed Frog Legs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shrimp Po' Boy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shucked Oyster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spaghetti(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Steak(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cukrový perníček(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Teacup(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sněhová koule
- Shnilé vejce
- Šuriken
- Granát
- Včelí granát
- Vrhací nůž
- Hvězdný anýz(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Ostnatá koule
- Ledová dýkoryba(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Oštěp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Kost(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Kost
- Molotův koktejl(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bomba
- Dynamit
- Zemní mina
- Svatý ruční granát(3DS version)
Consumable Weapons
- Posvěcená voda
- Prokletá voda
- Krvavá voda(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wooden
- Endless Quiver(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Kost(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flaming
- Frostburn
- Unholy
- Jester's
- Hellfire
- Shimmer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Holy
- Cursed
- Ichor
- Chlorophyte
- Venom
- Luminit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spectral(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Vulkánská šipka(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Srdce(3DS version)
- Kulka
- Endless Musket Pouch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal
- Silver
- Tungsten(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meteorová kulka
- Party
- Golden
- High Velocity
- Nano
- Exploding
- Chlorophyte
- Cursed
- Ichor
- Venom
- Luminit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Raketa I
- Raketa II
- Raketa III
- Raketa IV
- Mini Nuke I(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mini Nuke II(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cluster Rocket I(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cluster Rocket II(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dry Rocket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Honey Rocket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lava Rocket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wet Rocket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bodací šipka
- Výbušný Jack-o'-lantern
- Nail(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Žalud
- Gemcorns(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dýně
- Flower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sakura Sapling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Yellow Willow Sapling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Kniha
- Kaktus
- Pavučina
- Korál
- Křišťálový úlomek
- Padlá hvězda
- Fish
- Džunglové výtrusy
- Houba
- Pearls(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dýně
- Dřevo
- Boreal(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Palm(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Drahý mahagon
- Ebenové dřevo
- Stínodřevo
- Ash Wood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Perlodřevo
- Prázdná nábojnice
- Empty Dropper(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ozubené kolečko
- Konfety
- Výbušný prach
- Zlatý prach
- Nanoboti
- Zkumavka s jedem
- Zvonek
- Harfa
- Dynastické dřevo(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Nelegální součástky
- Marshmallow
- Magický spis
(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Red(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Orange
- Yellow
- Lime
- Green
- Teal
- Cyan(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Sky Blue
- Blue
- Purple(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Violet(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Pink
- Black(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Kusadlo mravkolva
- Včelí vosk(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Kost
- Flinx Fur(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gel
- Hák
- Čočka
- Shnilé stehno
- Stínová šupina
- Žraločí ploutev
- Bodák
- Potrhaná látka
- Šlahoun
- Zub červa
- Pink Gel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient Cloth(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Broučí krovky
- Zlomený meč hrdiny
- Prokletý plamen
- Ektoplazma
- Forbidden Fragment(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ledové jádro(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Světelný úlomek
- Mechanical Pieces
- Prášek pixie
- Pavoučí kusadlo(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Solar Tablet Fragment(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Strašidelné dřevo
- Želví krunýř
- Roh jednorožce
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Chlorophyte
- Luminit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Hallowed
- Chlorophyte
- Shroomite
- Spectre(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Luminit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Koruna slizu
- Podezřele vypadající oko
- Žrádlo červa
- Krvavá páteř
- Včelí humus
- Deer Thing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gelatin Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mechanical
- Ocram's Razor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jehštěhrčí napájecí článek
- Celestial Sigil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Podezřele vypadající lebka(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Suspicious Looking Egg(3DS version)
- Cursed stuffing(3DS version)
- Gobliní válečná standarda
- Sněžítko
- Pirátská mapa
- Dýňový měsíční medailon
- Nezbedný dárek
- Solar Tablet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eternia Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bloody Tear(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Can Of Worms(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golden Lock Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pytel dobrot
- Herb Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian Lock Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Oyster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dárek
- Treasure Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wooden
- Iron
- Golden
- Jungle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sky(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Corrupt(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crimson(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hallowed(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dungeon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Frozen(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Oasis(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidián(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Oceán(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Perlodřevo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mythril(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Titanium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bramble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Azure(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Defiled(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hematic(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Divine(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stockade(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Boreal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mirage(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pekelný kámen(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Seaside(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Životodárný křišťál
- Životodárné ovoce
- Křišťál many
- Demon Heart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Peddler's Satchel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Advanced Combat Techniques(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Advanced Combat Techniques: Volume Two(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Minecart Upgrade Kit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Artisan Loaf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Torch God's Favor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vital Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Arcane Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Aegis Fruit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ambrosia(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Galaxy Pearl(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gummy Worm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Srdce
- Hvězda
- Damage Booster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Life Booster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mana Booster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Coins
- Defender Medal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bait
- Etherian Mana(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Paints(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Drát
- Ropes
- Rope Coils
- Marshmallow na klacíku
- Svítící tyčinka
- Ohavný prášek
- Zlověstný prášek(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Očistný prášek
- Kouřová bomba
- Sparkle Slime Balloon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Konfetová pistole
- Bunny License(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chum Bucket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fertilizer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Geode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chest Lock(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- World Globe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tree Globe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Moon Globe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gas Trap(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)