Creación (Mechanisms/es)

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Los Mecanismos son elementos que pueden ser activados o activar otros mecanismos que están conectados a ellos con cables. Cada vez que cualquiera de estos artículos se sostienen, todos los cables, actuadores, y otros objetos usualmente invisibles relacionados con el alambre son visibles, similar al efecto de la Lente mecánica(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).


Objeto Descripción
Cable Cable Connects mechanisms. Can be placed anywhere as long as another wire of the same color is not already present. Can even be placed in mid-air without support. Currently four different colors: Red, Green, Yellow and Blue. Removed with Wire Cutters.
Interruptor Interruptor Sends a signal upon right-clicking. Can be placed anywhere a torch can be placed.
Palanca Palanca Sends a signal upon right-clicking. Can be placed on the floor and on background walls
Pressure Plates Pressure Plates Sends a signal when pressed down; different colored plates are activated by different combinations of the player, NPCs and enemies. Can be placed on the floor like furniture, and becomes partially hidden when placed.
Pressure Plates Weighted Pressure Plates Sends a signal when a player steps on or off it, being practically the only trigger that creates a pulse. Can be placed on the floor like furniture.
Placa de presión verde azulada Placa de presión verde azulada(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sends a signal when pressed down by projectiles or Pets. Can be placed on the floor, ceiling, or side wall but not on platforms.
Sensors Time Sensors(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sends a signal when night turns to day or day turns to night depending on the logic sensor used.
Sensors Player Above Sensor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sends a signal when a player enters or leaves the area above it.
Sensors Liquid Sensors(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sends a signal when submerged in water, lava, honey, or any liquid depending on the liquid sensor used.
Pista de placa de presión Pista de placa de presión Sends a signal when a Minecart presses it down.
Timers Timers Once activated, they will send a signal every X seconds.
Detonador Detonador(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sends a signal when right clicked, or when a player falls from above onto it. Found in explosive traps underground.
Gem Locks Gem Locks(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sends a signal when the correct Large Gem is placed or removed from the lock
Trapped Chests Trapped Chests(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) When it is opened, it sends a signal instead of opening a storage menu.
Dead Man's Chest Dead Man's Chest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) When it is opened, it sends a signal and opens a storage menu (unlike Trapped Chests, which have no storage functionality). It also sends a signal if block-swapped with a normal chest.
Light sources Light sources Once activated, they will switch between their 'lit' and 'unlit' states.
Doors Doors Once activated, they will switch between their 'open' and 'closed' states.
Trampilla Trampilla(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Once activated, they will switch between their 'open' and 'closed' states.
Puerta alta Puerta alta(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Once activated, they will switch between their 'open' and 'closed' states.
Pumps Pumps Liquid will be pumped from inlet to outlet once per activation.
Grate Grate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Activation will toggle the ability for liquids to flow through it.
Bloque de piedra activo Toggle-able blocks Once activated, they will switch between their 'active' and 'inactive' versions. The inactive version will let things pass through them, similar to the way most furniture behaves.
Activador Activador Like Toggle-able Blocks, but works with almost any block it's placed on.
Trampa de dardos Trampa de dardos Will shoot poisoned darts once per activation, with a cooldown of three seconds.
Súper trampa de dardos Súper trampa de dardos A stronger version of the Dart Trap.
Trampa de lanzas Trampa de lanzas On activation, shoots out a spear that deals a lot of damage.
Trampa de bola espinosa Trampa de bola espinosa Drops several spiky balls when activated.
Trampa flamígera Trampa flamígera Shoots out a jet of flame when activated.
Géiser Géiser(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Shoots flame for a maximum of about 20 blocks.
Explosivos Explosivos Once activated, they will detonate instantly.
Mini Volcano Mini Volcano(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Turns the flow of lava on and off.
Large Volcano Large Volcano(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Turns the flow of lava on and off.
Toilets Toilets Causes sewage to fly out.
Cañón Cañón Depending on where the wire is connected, either shoots a cannonball or rotates toward the side the wire is on.
Cañón de conejos Cañón de conejos Depending on where the wire is connected, either shoots an exploding bunny or rotates toward the side the wire is on.
Music Boxes Music Boxes Once activated, they will play recorded soundtracks.
Estatuas Estatuas(only certain ones) There are 41 statues that function as mechanisms. The other 67 statues are not. Statue mechanisms can spawn a variety of items, creatures, or teleport NPCs.
Chimenea Chimenea(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) The chimney has three states it rotates through: Off and On, and a third state that adds smoke particles.
Teletransportador Teletransportador When activated, teleports the player and/or any NPCs currently standing/walking over it to another Teleporter connected by wire.
Roca Roca
Gemspark Blocks Gemspark Blocks(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) Will toggle "lit" and "unlit" states when activated.
Bombilla cableada Bombilla cableada(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Lights up bulbs for each wire color.
Firework Rockets Firework Rockets Activated through Wire or by right-clicking. Creates pretty fireworks and damages enemies in the explosion. Consumed on use.
Fuente de fuegos artificiales Fuente de fuegos artificiales(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) Activated through Wire or by right-clicking. Creates pretty fireworks.
Caja de fuegos artificiales Caja de fuegos artificiales(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) Activated through Wire or by right-clicking. Creates pretty fireworks. Does not damage enemies.
Cañón de confeti Cañón de confeti(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Depending on where the wire is connected, either launches confetti or rotates toward the side the wire is on. Does not damage enemies.
Máquina de burbujas Máquina de burbujas Can be toggled on or off. Creates bubbles.
Máquina de globo tonto Máquina de globo tonto(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Can be toggled on or off. Creates balloons.
Water Fountains Water Fountains Activated through Wire or by right-clicking. Changes the water color nearby to that of the fountain's biome.
Monoliths Monoliths(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Activated through Wire or by right-clicking. Changes the background to that of the corresponding pillar.
Centro de fiesta Centro de fiesta(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Activated through Wire or by right-clicking. Can be toggled off, but will turn itself off at 7:30pm. All party centers in the world are activated/deactivated by triggering one.
Mina antipersonal Mina antipersonal Activated when a character or monster walks onto it or when activated by Wire, dealing damage and removing it.
Hoguera Hoguera Activated through Wire or by right-clicking.
Estación de arma de portales Estación de arma de portales(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Depending on where the wire is connected, either shoots a portal, swaps portal colors, or rotates toward the side the wire is on.
Megafonía Megafonía(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Announces (in the chat) what was written on the sign when powered.
Fog Machine Fog Machine(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) On by default; can be toggled on or off. Creates a visual cloud of fog around its location.
Vara de actuación Vara de actuación(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Allows directly switching the state of an Actuator without having to activate it via wire.
Conector Conector(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Allows wires of the same color to cross without connecting. Can be hammered.
Logic Gates Logic Gates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Logic Gate Lamps Logic Gate Lamps(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Ver También


  • Desktop 1.3.2: Party Center and Silly Balloon Machine introduced.
  • Desktop 1.3.1:
    • Gem Locks, Trapped Chests, Portal Gun Station, Announcement Box, Junction Box, Geyser, Logic Gates, and Logic Gate Lamps introduced.
    • Cannon, Confetti Cannon, and Bunny Cannon can now be wired.
  • Desktop
    • Trap Doors, Tall Gates, Monoliths, Confetti Cannon, Chimney, and Detonator introduced.
    • Two new Pressure Plates are added: the Weighted Pressure Plate and Teal Pressure Plate.
  • Desktop 1.2.4:
    • Fireworks now show the wiring layout when selected.
    • Fireworks Box and Pressure Plate Tracks introduced.
    • Wiring system runs at least three times faster.
    • Longer wire systems get larger gains.
    • Fixed a bug where only one wire attached to a Lever would work when you flipped it.
  • Desktop 1.2.3:
    • Gemspark Blocks were added and can be toggled.
    • Added infinite wiring support across the map.
  • Desktop 1.2:
    • New traps are introduced: Flame Traps, Super Dart Traps, Spear Traps, and Spiky Ball Traps.
    • Actuators, Teleporters, Water Fountains, Land Mine, Bubble Machine, Firework Rocket, Firework Fountain, Cannon, and Bunny Cannon introduced.
    • Pressure Plates now have different triggering conditions based upon their color.
  • Desktop 1.1: Introduced.
  • Console-Release: Introduced.
  • Mobile-Release: Introduced.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced.