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Traps are placed items that cause harm to players and enemies. Most are mechanisms that are naturally generated underground and below. When found initially, they are wired to triggers, such as Pressure Plates, intended to harm players who inadvertently activate them. Traps can be collected by players and utilized in arenas, and are usually essential to battling events like the Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon.

The Spike and Wooden Spike are exceptions, as they are not mechanisms, but static placed items that simply cause damage on contact. The Land Mine is a trap-like item, though never generates naturally, and is instead purchasable during Hardmode.

All traps, including their triggers, are illuminated by the Dangersense buff, allowing the player to avoid and collect them. Their wiring can also be seen if the player holds a mechanism-related item in their hand, for instance a pressure plate. The player can also see wires even in darkness if they have a Mechanical Lens(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Grand Design(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) in their inventory.

All damaging traps (except the Land Mine) can only deal 50% base damage to enemies from the Old One's Army(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) event.[1]

Reusable Traps

Reusable traps generally fire sharp projectiles. They can be activated infinitely with a few seconds delay.

Skeleton StatueStatue Traps

These traps consist of enemy statues wired to a Red or Green Pressure Plate. Due to these kinds of pressure plates can be triggered by enemies, it is possible for enemies spawned from statue triggering the statue again, spawning enemies until the statue spawn limit is reached. The statue included is either a Slime Statue, Bat Statue, Skeleton Statue or Crab Statue.[2]

On rare occasions, naturally generated statues can overlap with wires from other traps, accidentally forming a statue trap.

Dart TrapDart Traps

Dart Traps fire a poisoned dart which resembles a Wooden Arrow when activated. When found naturally, they are always wired to Pressure Plates in their line of sight. The Pressure Plate can sometimes be very far away from the Dart Trap.

Dart Traps are the most commonly encountered trap, found throughout the Underground and Cavern layers, being the only variety not found in the Jungle Temple. Many can also be found in the Dungeon.


Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
A naturally placed Geyser.

Geysers throw fire that pushes up the player when touched. The fire they emit can pass through several blocks and still hit the player. They are found deep underground, usually near lava sources.

They will activate when the player steps on them, or triggered through wires. Naturally spawned Geysers are exposed and do not have any mechanisms attached.

Super Dart TrapSuper Dart Traps

Super Dart Traps function like ordinary Dart Traps, but do almost double the damage. They shoot what appears to resemble a Poison Dart, as opposed to an arrow. They are only found in the Jungle Temple, and are the second most common trap in there. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, mining them requires a Picksaw or better pickaxe.

Spiky Ball TrapSpiky Ball Traps

Spiky Ball Traps drop a single spiky ball that bounces and persists for a long time before despawning. The projectile's prolonged lifetime allows it to do significant damage to anything in its path, which comes in handy for terrain often traversed by enemies. Spiky Ball Traps are found in the Jungle Temple only, and are the most common of the traps in there. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, mining them requires a Picksaw or better pickaxe.

Spear TrapSpear Traps

Spear Traps deploy a long spear down from the block, which can reach surprisingly far lengths if not obstructed. They have a shorter activation period than other traps. They are found in the Jungle Temple only, and are the second most rare trap in there (only succeeded by Flame Traps). On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, mining them requires a Picksaw or better pickaxe.

Flame TrapFlame Traps

Flame Traps act like horizontal Geysers, and fire flames, similar to those of the Flamethrower, that extend 23 blocks with 1 block above and below. They are found in the Jungle Temple only, and are the most rare of the traps in there. Often, they do not even spawn in a world at all. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, mining them requires a Picksaw or better pickaxe.


Spikes and Wooden Spikes are not mechanisms, instead dealing damage on contact with a player. They are found commonly in the Dungeon and Jungle Temple, respectively.


Structures are traps which consist of ordinary Blocks that are arranged in a specific way to kill the Player.

Boulder Boulder traps

Boulder traps feature a Pressure Plate wired to a 2×3 arrangement of Active Stone Blocks (or blocks with Actuators) above it, with a Boulder resting on top. When the Pressure Plate is triggered, the blocks become inactive and the Boulder drops on the area below. They are dangerous in dark areas as players will not be able to see the Boulder or the pressure plate. They affect all entities, so when used properly can be used to defeat enemies and bosses.

(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) In Celebrationmk10, No traps, and Get fixed boi worlds, there is a variant of this trap which replaces the Boulder with a Bouncy BoulderBouncy Boulder.

ExplosivesExplosive Traps

Not to be confused with Explosive Trap.

Explosive traps come in two varieties, but are based around the same means of killing the player. The more common variant, found only in Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile versions, is a Detonator wired to a nearby Explosives block, usually sitting atop a large ore vein. A rarer variant is a less visible Pressure Plate, usually buried nearby. In either case, the triggering device sits within the explosive radius of the block, causing the player to be caught in the explosion though it is possible to activate the Detonator without being caught in the blast radius. There is no forewarning to this explosion, and Explosives deal upwards of 500 damage to entities caught in the blast, making undiscovered Explosives Traps extremely dangerous well into Hardmode. It is also possible to find dummy variations of this trap, where the detonator or pressure plate and large ore vein are present, but not the explosives, or the triggering mechanism is not properly wired to the explosives.

Sand Block Sand Traps

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Sand traps consist of a rectangular chunk of sand above a row of actuated hardened sand or sandstone blocks. They are triggered by a pressure plate below and drop the sand onto a player, which then deals suffocation damage.

  • With The Grand Design or Wire Cutters, these traps can be an excellent source of Actuators, as there are often 10 or more holding the patch of sand up.

Lava Lava Traps

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Lava traps are similar to Boulder traps, having a Pressure Plate wired to a thin column of actuated blocks above it, with a pond of lava resting on top. When the Plate is triggered, the blocks become inactive and the lava pours on the area below. These are found in Cavern Layer and the Dungeon.

  • This trap can be easily avoided, as Lava does not move very fast.
  • With The Grand Design, these traps can be an excellent source of free Actuators and Wire, as they can be looted from anywhere on the screen without having to be close enough to dig into the lava, and they are quite plentiful. Wire Cutters can also be used, but to loot the Actuators and Wire, one must be much closer to the lava.

Pressure Plate TrackPressure Plate Track Traps

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Pressure Plate Track Traps are generated when a normal trap intersects with an Abandoned Minecart Track, replacing the regular Pressure Plate with a Pressure Plate Track.

Spike Spike Pits

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Spike Pits can be found throughout the Dungeon, and consist of a thick row of Cracked Dungeon Bricks above a large rectangular pit. Surrounding the pit on all sides are spikes, which can quickly deal large amounts of damage. Some of these pits are filled with water, which can make them even more deadly at first, but can later be used for Fishing.

Dead Man's ChestDead Man's Chests

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Dead Man's Chests are naturally-generating Gold Chests that is rigged with various traps in order to kill the player upon opening the chest. The setup usually includes 3-5 Boulder traps, 2-5 Dart Traps , and 0-3 Explosives. It can even have a Geyser or two if located deep enough. The Boulder traps are set up above the chest, while the Dart Traps are setup horizontally, and the Explosives hidden underneath. The Dead Man's Chest works identically to the standard Trapped Chests, where once pressed Use / Attack on it, it will send a signal to any wiring connected.

Gas TrapGas Traps

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Gas Traps are naturally generated only in chests in No traps and Get fixed boi worlds. After being placed in a storage item, the Gas Trap will activate next time that storage item is opened, inflicting all players, enemies, and NPCs nearby with a long duration of the Poisoned debuff.

TNT BarrelTNT Barrels

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

TNT Barrels are naturally generated only in No traps and Get fixed boi worlds, where they are more commonly found in the Jungle Temple. TNT Barrels are not connected to wire or pressure plates, and instead explode when struck.

Life Crystal BoulderLife Crystal Boulders

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Life Crystal Boulders are naturally generated only in No traps and Get fixed boi worlds. They have the same appearance as Life Crystals, but will start rolling and deal damage like Boulders when struck. They will drop a Life Crystal when they stop rolling.


Dangerous ambient objects

While only loosely defined as traps, these generate naturally and are intended to inflict damage upon the player as any other trap.

Corruption Thorny BushCrimson Thorny BushJungle Thorny BushThorny Bushes

These grow naturally in the Corruption, Crimson and Underground Jungle respectively. Touching them will damage the player and destroy the block.

Bee HiveBee Hives

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Bee Hives grow naturally under Jungle grass ceilings in Jungle and Underground Jungle. Upon its destruction, it will fall to the ground and roll to either direction. Soon after, it will break and release Bees that will attack the closest player. However, it will not release Bees upon hitting water, and will disappear harmlessly.

Antlion EggsAntlion Eggs

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Antlion Eggs are objects commonly found in the Underground Desert. They are completely harmless when untouched. After they are hit by any tool, weapon, or projectile, they will hatch Antlion Larvas. On the Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile version, Antlion Eggs can grow naturally on Sandstone Blocks below Surface layer.

Rolling CactusRolling Cactus

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Rolling Cactus are plants commonly found in the Underground Desert. When static, they only deal a little damage to players that make direct contact with them. They will start rolling to either direction, similiar to Boulders, after being hit by any tool, weapon, or projectile. When rolling, they deal large amounts of damage and can bounce off walls. They affect all entities, so if used properly, they can be used to defeat large waves of enemies and even bosses.


These can only be intentionally put into the world by a player, and never generate naturally.

Venom Dart TrapVenom Dart Traps

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Venom Dart Traps function like ordinary Dart Traps, but deal increased damage and inflict Acid Venom instead of Poisoned.

They are crafted from a regular Dart Trap and two Spider Fangs.

Land MineLand Mine

The Land Mine is a placed Hardmode item that explodes on contact with an entity, or when activated via wire. They can be purchased from the Demolitionist for 5 GC each.

Trapped ChestTrapped Chests

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

Trapped Chests are man-made chests that sends out a signal when opened. They do not have storage slots, therefore cannot hold any items. They can be crafted with any type of regular chest and 10 wires.


Achievement Watch Your Step!.png
Watch Your Step! • “Become a victim to a nasty underground trap.”
Get killed by a trap for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Explorer Explorer
Achievement Dead Men Tell No Tales.png
Dead Men Tell No Tales • “You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could open the chest that you didn't stop to think if you should.”
Die within 10 seconds after opening a Dead Man's Chest. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Challenger Challenger

Technical info

The Watch Your Step! achievement can be obtained by the following ways:[3]

  • Being killed by an applicable projectile.
    • The projectile does not necessarily have to be coming from naturally generated trap structures. For example, player-placed Boulders can also grant the achievement.
  • Being killed when having Poisoned and/or On Fire! debuff, after surviving from the damage of any applicable projectile.[4]
    • The debuff does not necessarily have to be inflicted by applicable projectiles, nor does the death have to be caused by the debuff. However, if the debuff comes from other sources, it has to be inflicted on the player before taking damage from applicable projectiles for the achievement to be granted.
    • The condition for obtaining the achievement refreshes after the debuff expires, so if the player survives from both projectile damage and debuff damage, they will have to be hit by an applicable projectile again to get the achievement.
      • For example, get On Fire! debuff by touching lava, then get hit by the Spear Trap's spear, and getting killed (can be caused by anything, such as touching Spikes or taking damage from enemies) before the debuff expires will obtain the achievement.

The achievement cannot be obtained by the following ways:

Below is a list of applicable projectiles.

ID Projectile Source Notes
98Poison Dart Trap (projectile).pngPoison DartDart TrapDart TrapGetting killed by the Poisoned debuff inflicted by it also grants the achievement.
99Boulder (projectile).pngBoulderBoulderBoulder
Rock GolemRock Golem(For the worthy / Get fixed boi)
184Poison Dart (projectile).pngPoison DartSuper Dart TrapSuper Dart TrapGetting killed by the Poisoned debuff inflicted by it also grants the achievement.
185Spiky Ball Trap (projectile).pngSpiky BallSpiky Ball TrapSpiky Ball Trap
186Spear Trap Spear.pngSpearSpear TrapSpear Trap
187Burning Sphere.pngFlamethrowerFlame TrapFlame Trap
188Burning Sphere.pngFlamesFlame TrapFlame Trap
654Burning Sphere.pngGeyserGeyserGeyser
655Bee Hive (placed).pngBee HiveBee HiveBee HiveDespite being classified as "trap", the Bee Hive itself does not do any damage,
and being killed by Bees or Poisoned inflicted by Bees will not grant the achievement.
As a result, it is impossible to get the achievement by only using Bee Hives.
727Rolling Cactus.pngRolling CactusRolling CactusRolling CactusKilled by Rolling Cactus SpikeRolling Cactus Spike does not count.
980Venom Dart.pngVenom DartVenom Dart TrapVenom Dart TrapBeing killed by the Acid Venom debuff does not count.
1002TNT Barrel.pngTNT BarrelTNT BarrelTNT Barrel
1005Mini Boulder.pngBoulderBoulderBoulder(For the worthy / Get fixed boi)Spawned when a regular Boulder is broken.
1007Toxic Cloud (1) (projectile).pngGas TrapGas TrapGas TrapGetting killed by the Poisoned debuff inflicted by it also grants the achievement.
1013Bouncy Boulder (projectile).pngBouncy BoulderBouncy BoulderBouncy Boulder
1014Life Crystal (placed).pngLife Crystal BoulderLife Crystal BoulderLife Crystal Boulder


  • Trap wiring displays on screen, meaning the player can hold an item like a Pressure Plate to see wires underground that might be connected to traps.
  • Randomly generated traps are a very cost-effective method of acquiring Wire and Actuators once the player have a Wire Cutter, saving 5 SC for every bit of wire collected and 10 SC for each Actuator (as opposed to purchasing them from the Mechanic).
  • When placed effectively, Traps can be useful in events.
  • When multiple traps are naturally generated close to each other, their wiring may intersect. This leads to multiple traps with multiple triggers.
  • Most traps deal double the damage to players in Expert Mode (in addition to the double damage players normally take from traps).
  • The explosive trap's veins are usually bigger than an average vein and can have rare ores in them, so disarming the bomb and mining the ore can prove useful.
  • Traps have many different ways they can generate making it harder to know one definitive way to deal with a trap.


  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Despite seemingly being made out of Lihzahrd bricks, the Picksaw or above is not required to mine any of the Lihzahrd-related traps.
  • In very rare circumstances, sand traps can also spawn inside other structures, including the Pyramid and Jungle Temple.


  • Desktop 1.3.1:
    • Hitting a trap with a hammer will now change its firing direction.
    • Geyser trap added.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, field StatuesWithTraps in Terraria.WorldBuilding.GenVars.cs.
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods HandleSpecialEvent() in Terraria.GameContent.Achievements.AchievementsHelper.cs, Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs, and StatusPlayer() in Terraria.Projectile.cs.
  4. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Update() in Terraria.Player.cs and field trapDebuffSource in Terraria.Player.cs.