スライムの雨 (Slime Rain/ja)

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デスクトップ/家庭用ゲーム機/モバイル 専用コンテンツ:この情報は、TerrariaDesktop, Console, and Mobile バージョンにのみ適用されています。
Slime is falling from the sky!

スライムの雨は、、青、紫のスライムが頻繁にスポーンし、まれにPinkyが出現するマイナーなイベントです。 ランダムに発生し、「Slime is falling from the sky!」というメッセージで始まります。 Slime Rainは150個のスライムが倒される(King Slimeが以前に倒されていた場合は、75個のスライム)まで続き、その時点でキングスライムがスポーンします。イベントは、King Slimeが倒されるか消滅した直後に終了します。

Slime Rainは、少なくとも1人のプレイヤーが最大体力140以上、防御力8以上の状態でなければ発生しません。(エキスパートモードでは、基準を満たす前に発生する可能性があるが、その確率はかなり低くなる) これらの基準を考えると、Slime Rainはハードモード前のワールドで1日に発生する確率は約4.9%(ハードモードでは約3.3%)となる。King Slimeがまだ殺されていない場合、Slime Rainが発生する確率は2倍になる。

Slime Rainが降っている間は、緑、青、紫のスライムが降ってきます。イベントはゲーム内で9時間から15時間続きます。Slime Rainが終了するまでに150/75のスライムを倒すことができなかった場合、「Slime has stopped falling from the sky.」というメッセージが表示され、King Slimeが出現することなくSlime Rainは自然に終了します。プレイヤーがワールドを離れてもイベントは終了しません。


  • Spiked SlimeSpiked Slime(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Blue Slime、グリーンスライム、Purple Slime:
  • GelGel
  • Pink GelPink Gel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Slime StaffSlime Staff
  • SolidifierSolidifier
  • Ninja HoodNinja Hood
  • Ninja ShirtNinja Shirt
  • Ninja PantsNinja Pants
  • Lesser Healing PotionLesser Healing Potion
  • Slimy SaddleSlimy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Slime GunSlime Gun(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Slime HookSlime Hook(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • King Slime TrophyKing Slime Trophy
  • King Slime MaskKing Slime Mask
  • Treasure Bag (King Slime)Treasure Bag (King Slime)(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Green Slime BannerGreen Slime Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Blue Slime BannerBlue Slime Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Purple Slime BannerPurple Slime Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Pinky BannerPinky Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


  • Only Blue Slimes (including those spawned from a Slime Statue) and any of its variants that share the primary NPC ID value of 1 count toward the event total: グリーンスライム, Pinky, Baby Slime, Black Slime, Purple Slime, Red Slime, Yellow Slime, and Jungle Slime.
  • Slimes killed by lava or traps will count toward the event total.
  • If キングスライム is summoned via Slime Crown during the event and killed, the event will end.
  • In the event that the player is killed during the Slime Rain, there is a chance that King Slime will not despawn, especially if it is penned in by terrain or blocks. When the player respawns, King Slime will usually immediately teleport to the player's location if this has happened.
  • In the event that the player is killed during the Slime Rain and King Slime does successfully despawn after hopping away, it is possible to continue defeating Slimes and to cause King Slime to respawn. This means that the player must defeat another 150 Slimes (or 75 Slimes if King Slime has been defeated previously) before the Slime Rain ends.
  • The Slime Rain can happen simultaneously to a Blood Moon, the two series of enemies spawning together.
  • The Sticky Situation achievement will not be awarded if the event ends without King Slime having been defeated.
  • If the player is in a biome that features special variants of slimes, those slimes will not rain from the sky and their normal spawn rates will not be affected.


Achievement Sticky Situation.png
Sticky Situation • 「Survive the slime rain, where gelatinous organisms fall from the sky in droves.」
Survive the Slime Rain. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Explorer Explorer
Achievement Gelatin World Tour.png
Gelatin World Tour • 「Defeat every type of slime there is!」
Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Challenger Challenger
Achievement Pretty in Pink.png
Pretty in Pink • 「Kill pinky.」
Defeat Pinky for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Slayer Slayer
Achievement Slippery Shinobi.png
Slippery Shinobi • 「Defeat King Slime, the lord of all things slimy.」
Defeat King Slime for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Slayer Slayer
Achievement Slimer.png
Slimer • 「You have killed every type of slime!」
Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Old-gen console version)


  • The event can be avoided entirely by staying indoors or underground, as it can end without any player interaction after a certain amount of time has passed.
  • The high spawn rate of Slimes during a Slime Rain, including Pinky, greatly facilitates farming for Gel, Pink Gel, Slime Staff, and the Slimes' Banners. キングスライム will also offer loot that is useful at the beginning of the game.
  • An enclosed shelter with a 1×1 hole in the wall will allow you to fire arrows and use Yoyos from relative safety. However, once King Slime spawns, it is advised to leave, as he can teleport into the shelter and trap the player.
  • The spawn rate can be increased with a Water Candle and Battle Potion. Similarly, it can be decreased with Sunflowers, a Calming Potion, and Peace Candles.


  • The Slime Rain effect in the background can be seen before the event is announced if the player goes up high enough.
  • Some slimes appear to spawn in the air above the player which results in them falling from the sky, giving the term "rain" a literal meaning. Hardmode minions may shoot a fair number of slimes out of the sky before they land.
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Like other events, the Slime Rain has its own unique music that plays while the event is active.
    • On the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version and Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, it is the only combat event that does not cause a change in music, as the only theme that plays is the Boss 1 theme when King Slime spawns.


  • Desktop 専用の音楽が追加された。
  • Desktop 導入されました。
  • Console 1.0.933.1: 導入されました。 (Xbox One)
  • Console 1.0.750.0: 導入されました。 (PlayStation 4)
Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version
  • Switch 1.0.711.6: 導入されました。
Mobile version Mobile version
  • Mobile 導入されました。