Champiñon de superficie (Glowing Mushroom biome/es)

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El Bioma de Champiñones Brillantes, también conocido como Campos de Campiñones Brillantes, es un bioma caracterizado por la Hierba de hongos, Champiñones Luminosos, y Champiñones Gigantes Luminosos que crecen en el Bloque de Barro. Los pastos y plantas del bioma Champiñón Luminoso emiten un brillo azul vibrante, junto con muchos de sus enemigos únicos. El PNJ Trufa requiere una casa en la Superficie sobre la tierra del Bioma de Champiñones Brillantes y vende bloques con temática de champiñones, mascotas y armas.

El Bioma de Champiñones Brillantes Subterraneo es un Bioma de Champiñones Brillantes bajo profundidad 0. Se pueden encontrar de forma natural, generándose al azar en la creación del mundo. El fondo de un bioma de champiñón brillante subterráneo muestra numerosos champiñones pequeños. Varias venemigos con temática de champiñones de la Caverna típica aparecen aqui en el pre-Hardmode, y algunos enemigos completamente únicos apareceran aquí en el Hardmode. Champiñones Gigantes Brillantes crecerán si hay suficiente espacio vertical, (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) aunque a diferencia de los Champiñones Gigantes Brillantes en la superficie, tienen cabezas más pequeñas y carecen de ramas. En las Versión de PC Versión de PC, Versión de Consola Versión de Consola y Versión móvil Versión móvil, los champiñones Gigantes Brillantes, de la caverna que presentan "enredaderas" de hongos colgando del techo y Champiñones Gigantes Brillantes de estilo superficial. Se generan con características fijas, incluyendo una extensión de terreno plano (para que crezcan los Champiñones Gigantes Brillantes) y un amplio lago para pescar.

Bioma de Champiñones Brillantes de la Superficie son biomas de hongos brillantes por encima de profundidad 0. No se generan naturalmente y deben ser creados por el jugador. El cielo se oscurece en los biomas de hongos brillantes de superficie, haciendo que parezca nocturno incluso durante el día. El fondo muestra setas de gran tamaño. Hay varios enemigos exclusivos, algunos de los cuales también se pueden encontrar en los biomas de champiñones brillantes subterráneos.

Un bioma de champiñón brillante puede ser creado manualmente plantando Semillas de Hierba de Hongos en Bloques de Barro, o rociando la Jungla con el Clentaminador usando solución azul oscura. Un área requiere 101 bloques que están relacionados con los hongos (Hierba de hongos, hongos resplandecientes de crecimiento natural, hongos resplandecientes gigantes) para ser considerada un bioma de hongos brillantes[1].

The Truffle Worm, a critter used to summon Duke Fishron, can only spawn in a Glowing Mushroom biome.


  • Hongo anomuraHongo anomura(Surface, only spawns Underground in Hardmode)
  • Bulbo mohosoBulbo mohoso(Surface, only spawns Underground in Hardmode)
  • Mariquita mushiMariquita mushi(Surface, only spawns Underground in Hardmode)
  • Mushroom ZombieMushroom Zombie(Surface)
  • Spore BatSpore Bat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(Underground)
  • Spore SkeletonSpore Skeleton(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(Underground)
  • Zombi esporaZombi espora(Surface)
During Hardmode:
  • Pez mohosoPez mohoso
  • Bulbo mohoso gigantescoBulbo mohoso gigantesco
  • Caracol brillanteCaracol brillante
  • Gusano de trufaGusano de trufa(Underground, during Hardmode)
Drops Únicos
From terrain:
  • Champiñón brillanteChampiñón brillante
  • Semillas de champiñón de céspedSemillas de champiñón de césped
From Spore Bat:
  • ShroomerangShroomerang(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Estandarte de hongo anomuraEstandarte de hongo anomura
  • Estandarte de bulbo mohosoEstandarte de bulbo mohoso
  • Estandarte de pez mohosoEstandarte de pez mohoso
  • Estandarte de mariquita mushiEstandarte de mariquita mushi
  • Spore Bat BannerSpore Bat Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Spore Skeleton BannerSpore Skeleton Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Estandarte de zombi esporaEstandarte de zombi espora
  • Mushroom setMushroom set(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Shroom MinecartShroom Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
En Venta
From Dryad:
  • Semillas de champiñón de céspedSemillas de champiñón de césped
From Truffle:
  • Lanza de champiñónLanza de champiñón(after one mechanical boss is defeated)
  • Martillo champiñónMartillo champiñón(after one mechanical boss is defeated)
  • Gorra champiñónGorra champiñón
  • AutomartilloAutomartillo(after Plantera is defeated)
  • Champiñón brillante extrañoChampiñón brillante extraño
  • Solución azul oscuraSolución azul oscura
Any Happy NPC Shop:
  • Mushroom PylonMushroom Pylon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Felicidad de los PNJs (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Champiñon de superficieChampiñon de superficie
Loved byn/a
Disliked byn/a
Hated byn/a

For more information, see NPC happiness.


  • Mushroom grass is immune to being converted by an evil biome, while the interior Mud Blocks are not.
  • Use of the Clentaminator with Green Solution on a Glowing Mushroom biome converts it to a Jungle biome. However, attempting to use Purification Powder to convert a Glowing Mushroom biome to a Jungle biome will fail.
  • Underground Glowing Mushroom biomes do not generate within the Ice biome and the Desierto subterráneo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
  • While the area functionally changes to a Glowing Mushroom biome at 101 related blocks, the background of a Glowing Mushroom biome will not appear until 201 Glowing Mushroom biome blocks are present.
  • The Funkytown achievement requires 200 Glowing Mushroom biome blocks nearby the player.
  • The Funkytown achievement can sometimes be obtained by using a Magic Mirror, Ice Mirror, or Cell Phone while in an Underground Glowing Mushroom biome. This is likely a bug caused by lag.


Achievement Funkytown.png
Villapilla • «Construye o encuentra un campo de campiñones brillantes sobre la superficie.»
Encounter an above-ground Glowing Mushroom biome. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Explorador Explorador


An example of a compact, "efficiently made" Surface Glowing Mushroom biome. The Truffle can be seen located in his own house.
  • An efficient way to create an artificial Glowing Mushroom biome is to put Mud Blocks in such a fashion that they form a grid of 1×1 empty cells. This way, the Mushroom grass has more blocks it can spread to, greatly accelerating the process of creating the biome. Plants and Glowing Mushrooms can grow inside these gaps.
  • Caution should be taken when creating a Surface Glowing Mushroom biome in pre-Hardmode, as the enemies that spawn there are much more powerful than other pre-Hardmode enemies.
  • It is a wise idea to make two NPC houses in pre-Hardmode in a surface Glowing Mushroom biome in preparation for the Truffle and a companion NPC such as the Dryad. This will also address the issue listed above, as having NPCs in the biome will drastically reduce enemy spawn rates.
  • On the Versión de PC Versión de PC, Versión de Consola Versión de Consola y Versión móvil Versión móvil, either Surface or Underground Mushroom biomes will allow obtaining a Mushroom pylon, by building two or more houses and placing chosen NPCs there; it is not necessary to wait for Hardmode and Truffle's appearance.
    • On the surface, it is easiest to produce the biome in the Jungle due to the prevalence of mud; this can provide a second pylon for the Jungle area. Alternatively, mud can simply be placed as needed. When choosing a location, consider that the Mushroom biome background will appear up to a screen's width or so away from the actual Mushroom grass etc. producing the biome.
      • A Floating Island can make a good option for a Surface Mushroom biome. This keeps the Mushroom biome and its enveloping darkness out of the way of most surface activities, and will also put it out of the way of biome spread.
    • Alternatively, the natural Mushroom biomes will mostly appear at great depths, and these can be "colonized" to provide a convenient way-station to the Underworld. Naturally, the NPCs should be fully sealed away from the dangerous local enemies; even so, the spores of Fungi Bulbs and Giant Fungi Bulbs may be troublesome in Hardmode.
      • Note that NPCs placed in an Underground Mushroom biome will probably qualify as a "Cavern Town", and spawn Gem Critters in the vicinity. These will look quite odd (and nearly indistinguishable) by the biome's natural lighting, but supplying some brighter lighting will show their various colors.


Surface Glowing Mushroom biome during a Blood Moon.
Glowing Mushroom Grass logo displayed on the Official Terraria Forums (Underground style)
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Due to the red tint of the Blood Moon, Surface Glowing Mushroom biomes take on a pinkish purple hue when one occurs.
  • The moon will always be red in a Surface Glowing Mushroom biome, similar to a Blood Moon.
  • A sample from the 1990 side-scrolling platform game Super Mario World is used in the background music for the Glowing Mushroom biome.
  • Underground Glowing Mushroom biomes will glow brighter if the player is near the "center" of the biome.
  • When entering or leaving a Surface Glowing Mushroom biome, there is a noticeable delay as the sunlight fades to darkness, and especially when it returns.



This content is transcluded from Biome backgrounds § Glowing Mushroom biome.

Glowing Mushroom backgrounds are combined with the current forest background.


  • Desktop The Truffle NPC now likes living in the surface Glowing Mushroom biome.
  • Desktop
    • Added three new backgrounds for the Surface Glowing Mushroom biome.
    • Mushroom Chests in Underground Cabins now have a 1 in 2 chance of containing the Shroom Minecart and a 1 in 3 chance of containing the Mushroom vanity set. These will spawn as secondary loot alongside the loot from ordinary Gold Chests.
    • Mushroom Grass Seeds now have a 1 in 40 chance of being dropped from destroyed Glowing Mushrooms.
    • Spore Bats and Spore Skeletons now spawn in the Underground Glowing Mushroom biome at all stages of the game. The former has a 1% chance of dropping the new Mushroom-themed Shroomerang, while the latter drops all of the same loot as other types of Skeletons, including the new Carton of Milk.
    • The Mushroom Pylon is now sold by any happy NPC in the Glowing Mushroom biome.
    • Underground Glowing Mushroom world is now larger and redesigned, with hanging mushroom lamps, large lakes for fishing, new backgrounds, and surface biome trees. They also spawn much larger and in a layered formation.
  • Desktop Fixed a bug where the Truffle Worm would not spawn.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: The uncommon Glowing Snail critter will now spawn in the Glowing Mushroom biome.
  • Desktop 1.2:
    • Can now be spread with the Clentaminator using Dark Blue Solution on mud.
    • Glowing Mushrooms now have their own biome with exclusive backgrounds, enemies, and music:
    • Now can be cultivated as a Surface Mushroom biome on the surface:
      • The new, Surface Mushroom biome-exclusive Truffle NPC will now move into any valid NPC house in a Surface Mushroom biome in Hardmode.
    • The Dryad will now sell Mushroom Grass Seeds when in the Glowing Mushroom biome.
  • Desktop-Release: Introduced.
  • Console 1.0.933.1: Underground Glowing Mushroom cabins and furniture added. (Xbox One)
  • Console 1.0.750.0: Underground Glowing Mushroom cabins and furniture added. (PlayStation 4)
  • Console 1.02: Glowing Mushrooms given their own biome (music, background, spawns, etc.) and added the ability to cultivate one on the Surface.
  • Console-Release: Introduced.
Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version
  • Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced with changes up to Desktop
  • Mobile 1.2.6508: Glowing Mushrooms given their own biome (music, background, spawns, etc.) and added the ability to cultivate one on the Surface.
  • Mobile-Release: Introduced.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced with changes up to Desktop 1.2.


  1. Information taken from the Versión de PC PC source code, method UpdateBiomes() en Terraria.Player.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Versión de PC Versión de PC is