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PlanteraFirst FormHardmode exclusive
Plantera (First form).gif
Map Icon Plantera (first form).png
Map Icon
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypePlantera AI
Damage50100150 (contact) [1]
4476114 (Seed)
5496144 (Poison Seed)
62108162 (Thorn Ball)
Max Life300004200053550
Defense36 [1]
KB Resist100%
Immune toPoisonedConfused
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Chance50%100% (Poison Seed) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Duration3–7 seconds4–18 seconds5–22.5 seconds
Projectiles created
Projectiles created
Projectiles created
  • Seed
  • Poison Seed
    Poison Seed
  • Thorn Ball
    Thorn Ball
PlanteraSecond FormHardmode exclusive
Plantera (Second form).gif
Map Icon Plantera (second form).png
Map Icon
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypePlantera AI
Damage70140210 [1]
Max Life15000/3000021000/4200026775/53550
Defense10 [1]
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfusedPoisoned
Coins15 GC37 GC50 SC
Plantera's Hook
Plantera's Hook.png
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Boss PartInvincible
AI TypePlantera's Hook AI
Max Life4000/8000/12000
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
Plantera's Tentacle
Plantera's Tentacle.gif
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Boss Part
AI TypePlantera's Tentacle AI
Max Life1000/2000/2550
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
Immune toPoisonedConfused
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeSpore AI
Max Life1
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfused
Map Icon Plantera (first form).png“The overgrown monstrosity of the jungle's depths.”Map Icon Plantera (first form).png

Plantera is a Hardmode boss that can be fought in the Underground Jungle after all three mechanical bosses (The Twins, The Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime) have been defeated. Plantera drops a Temple Key upon being defeated, allowing access to the Jungle Temple.

While Plantera is alive, her exclusive music Plantera will play. When Otherworldly music (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is enabled, the track Plantera (Otherworldly) will play instead.


After all three mechanical bosses have been defeated, Plantera's Bulbs will randomly spawn in the Underground Jungle (indicated by the status message "The jungle grows restless..."). These bulbs emit a faint pink light in dark areas and immediately cause Plantera to spawn upon being destroyed, usually a fair distance off-screen. The bulbs can be broken in various ways including with a pickaxe or drill, with explosives, with lava, or if the jungle grass underneath them is removed, e.g. via biome spread, actuating the blocks, or with the Clentaminator.


Plantera's first form.

Plantera's second form.

Plantera travels slowly through blocks using three long vines to grapple onto solid foreground blocks, similarly to multi-hooks. In the second phase, Plantera gains the ability to grapple onto background walls. The ends of her vines, called Plantera's HookPlantera's Hooks, are completely invincible and deal contact damage.

First form

Plantera slowly creeps after the player, deals contact damage, and fires the projectiles listed in the following table at them. She generally keeps her distance from the player, instead focusing on rapidly bombarding them with high-velocity projectile attacks.

Projectile Damage[1] Chance to be fired[1]
Seed Seed 44 / 76 / 114 21/32 (65.63%) / 5/12 (41.67%)
(100% while Plantera has ≥80% health)
Poison Seed Poison Seed 54 / 96 / 144 8/32 (25%) / 6/12 (50%)
Thorn Ball Thorn Ball 62 / 108 / 162 3/32 (9.38%) / 1/12 (8.33%)

Seeds and Poison Seeds function similarly to the stingers of Hornets, the Queen Bee, and the petals of the Flower Pow, but can travel through blocks. The green Poison Seeds have a 1/2 (50%) / 100% chance to inflict the Poisoned debuff for 3–7 / 4–9 seconds. Thorn Balls are similar to the projectiles released by Spiky Ball Traps but ricochet off solid blocks much more quickly and erratically. They will try to follow the player horizontally, potentially overwhelming the player if they stay within the same area for extended periods of time.

Poison Seeds and Thorn Balls are only used when Plantera's health is below 80% (24,000 / 33,600 / 42,839). There is a short cooldown after a projectile has been fired, which depends on Plantera's current health as well as the type of projectile:

Projectile Cooldown[1] (in seconds), based on Plantera's health
≥ 90%
[hp 1]
[hp 2]
[hp 3]
[hp 4]
[hp 5]
Seed Seed 1.33 s 0.67 s 0.44 s 0.33 s 0.27 s
Poison Seed Poison Seed n/a n/a 0.61 s 0.46 s 0.37 s
Thorn Ball Thorn Ball n/a n/a 1.11 s 0.83 s 0.67 s

Second form

Once Plantera is brought down to half of her maximum health (15,000 / 21,000 / 26,775), she changes into her second form as her pink petals fall away to reveal a thorn-filled mouth. In this form, Plantera ceases to fire the same projectiles from before and instead moves much more quickly and aggressively in an attempt to inflict contact damage. Her contact damage is greater than in the first form, but her defense decreases significantly to 10.

Upon transformation, Plantera sprouts eight additional mouths, called Plantera's TentaclePlantera's Tentacles, that are attached via vines to her body. Plantera's tentacles deal contact damage and get in the way of the player's attacks, but have comparatively little health. Defeated tentacles will not regrow, making Plantera much easier to fight once all are killed.

Plantera now occasionally releases floating pink Spore projectile enemies that drift toward the player, similar to the spores released by the Giant Fungi Bulb. They can be destroyed in a single hit with any weapon or tool, but travel through blocks and deal high contact damage. Similarly to the first phase, the cooldown between the release of Spores depends on Plantera's health:

Projectile enemy Cooldown[1] (in seconds), based on Plantera's health
50%–40%[hp 6] 39%–30%[hp 7] 29%–20%[hp 8] 19%–10%[hp 9] ≤10%[hp 10]
Spore Spore 5.83 s 2.92 s 1.94 s 1.46 s 1.17 s

Enraged behavior

Plantera becomes "enraged" if she follows the player out of the Underground Jungle, whether it be to the surface, to the Underworld, or to a completely different biome. She does not enrage in Hallowed, Corrupted or Crimson parts of the Underground Jungle as long as there are at least 140 Jungle grass / Hive / Lihzahrd Brick blocks nearby. Being enraged causes Plantera to gain double damage, double defense (quadruple defense in the second form), and increased movement speed, as well as changing her attack patterns and directly rushing toward the player. Her projectiles also deal double damage and have reduced cooldowns. Plantera's behavior returns to normal upon reentering the Underground Jungle biome.

Expert Mode

In Expert Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), there are a few significant differences in Plantera's attacks, aside from the default increased health and damage.

In the first form, her pink Seeds can travel through blocks, and all projectiles have limited homing capabilities. The cooldowns are also decreased:

Projectile Cooldown[1] (in seconds), based on Plantera's health
≥ 90%[hp 1] 89%–80%[hp 2] 79%–70%[hp 3] 69%–60%[hp 4] 59%–50%[hp 5]
Seed Seed 0.67 s 0.44 s 0.33 s 0.27 s 0.22 s
Poison Seed Poison Seed n/a n/a 0.46 s 0.37 s 0.31 s
Thorn Ball Thorn Ball n/a n/a 0.83 s 0.67 s 0.56 s

In her second form, Plantera and Plantera's Tentacles move faster than normal. In addition, there are nine more Plantera's Tentacles, attached to Plantera's Hooks in groups of three. Furthermore, the eight tentacles that are attached to Plantera's body can respawn after they have been killed (this does not apply to the tentacles on the hooks). The rate is randomized, but it depends on the number of tentacles that are alive – if all tentacles are destroyed, a new tentacle spawns after 5 seconds, on average. This is increased by 5 seconds per living tentacle, hence it takes an average of 180 seconds for all eight tentacles to fully respawn. A single defeated tentacle will take 40 seconds to respawn, on average, assuming the other seven tentacles remain alive for the duration.[1]


Plantera always drops a Temple Key, which grants access to the Jungle Temple and the Golem boss.

A status message saying "Screams are echoing from the dungeon..." will appear upon Plantera's defeat, signaling that new, more difficult types of enemies will begin spawning in the Dungeon (see details). These enemies drop powerful new weapons, accessories, and other items. Dungeon Spirits will begin to appear when Dungeon enemies with more than 100 health are slain, which drop Ectoplasm, a new crafting material that offers access to the Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon events, as well as Spectre Bars(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).



  • If Plantera is currently summoned and another Plantera's Bulb is broken, a second Plantera will not be summoned, though the bulb will be destroyed.
  • If Plantera has no surfaces to latch onto, she will slowly float upward, eventually going up into Space, or until she hits a space where she can latch onto again. Plantera's Hooks pass through blocks, so trying to trap her will be unsuccessful; she will simply latch out.
  • If the three mechanical bosses are defeated prior to the Wall of Flesh, killing the Wall of Flesh is still required to trigger the status message "The jungle grows restless..."


Achievement The Great Southern Plantkill.png
The Great Southern Plantkill • “Defeat Plantera, the overgrown monstrosity of the jungle's depths.”
Defeat Plantera for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Slayer Slayer
Achievement Slayer of Worlds.png
Slayer of Worlds • “Defeat every boss in Terraria.”
Defeat every boss in the game. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Challenger Challenger


For more elaborate strategies on defeating Plantera, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:Plantera strategies.
  • Excavate a sizable area to allow easier dodging before summoning Plantera. This can be done quicker with the use of Scarab Bombs.
    • Widening a Bee Hive in the Underground Jungle is a fast and effective way of making an arena for fighting Plantera (though care should be taken around the Larva).
    • Make sure the area has no background walls. This will significantly reduce Plantera's mobility in the second form as she does not have walls to hook onto.
    • Living Fire Blocks work excellently for lighting up the arena in place of torches; Plantera cannot grab onto them.
  • Using a Gravitation Potion can help the player avoid damage from Thorn Balls laying on the ground, as the Thorn Balls obey gravity and fall to the floor. Alternatively, the player can use an arena that has a large empty area at the bottom for Thorn Balls to bounce in, well below the player and out of harm's way.
  • Plantera's Bulbs can spawn in player-made Jungle biomes, which can provide a slightly easier way to fight Plantera.
  • Narrow passages slow Plantera as it takes more time for her to grip the surrounding terrain.
  • The use of a Hellevator combined with wings can make the Plantera fight drastically easier by spawning Plantera at a higher point in the Underground Jungle, and gliding downward while using a ranged or magic weapon.
  • In Plantera's second form, her only ranged attack consists of the Spores which are very easy to kill. This means that keeping a distance is key to avoiding damage.
  • An arena with Teleporters will make the player escape from Plantera's attacks easily.


  • The name "Plantera" is a play on the title of the former 1990s American groove metal band named Pantera, which is Cenx's favorite band. Plantera drops a hamaxe named "The Axe", that looks like a Gibson Flying V electric guitar. This boss and her drop is a tribute to Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell. The achievement for defeating Plantera is also called "The Great Southern Plantkill" in reference to Pantera's eighth studio album The Great Southern Trendkill, and the album's opening song of the same name released in May 1996. Plantera's boss music is also metal-themed.
  • Plantera has the largest amount of drops in the game, beating even the Queen Bee with a total of 16.
  • Plantera is one of seven bosses with exclusive boss music, the others being the Queen Bee, Deerclops(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Queen Slime(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Empress of Light(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Duke Fishron, and Moon Lord(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
    • Plantera was also the first boss to have exclusive music, having her own music ever since she was added.
    • Parts of the Jungle Day theme can also be heard in Plantera's boss music.
  • Plantera appears to be an overgrown snapdragon flower with its petals shut in her first phase, which the spores in her second phase also resemble.
  • According to Cenx, Plantera is female.[4]
  • Plantera and the Empress of Light have the only musical instrument drops of any boss, with The Axe and the Stellar Tune(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) having the same drop chance as well.
    • Coincidentally, both are female bosses with enraged forms.
  • If including the Mud Bud(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Plantera gives access to the most pet-summoning items of any boss, these being the Seedling and Plantera Seedling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), all of which are also plants.
  • The Otherworldly music used for Plantera is named "Rage of Tarunnk" in the official soundtrack of Terraria: Otherworld.
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for Plantera: "A dormant, yet powerful floral guardian awoken by the fallout of Cthulhu's destroyed machinations. Its reach spans the entire jungle."


  • Desktop 1.4.4: Increased distance before despawn timer begins ticking down dramatically.
  • Desktop
    • Increased chance for The Axe to be dropped by Plantera from 1/200 (0.5%) to 1/50 (2%).
    • Biome Chests can no longer be opened until Plantera is defeated.
    • Added an Expert Mode drop, Spore Sac.
    • Now has a chance to drop the Seedler.
    • Now drops 50–149 Rocket Is, up from 20–49.
    • Poison Seeds now inflict the Poisoned debuff.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Fixed bug where the "The jungle grows restless" message would appear when the Wall of Flesh would be defeated, which occurs most often in online servers.
  • Desktop 1.2.3:
    • Now drops 15 GC.
    • Now despawns when all players have been killed.
    • Is now required to be killed in order to summon Golem from the Lihzahrd Altar.
    • Now has a chance to drop the Plantera Mask.
    • Plantera's Bulbs no longer spawn until all 3 mechanical bosses are defeated.
  • Desktop
    • Plantera no longer needs to be defeated for Solar Eclipses to occur.
    • Her speed has been reduced.
    • Plantera now enrages when taken out of the Jungle or to the surface.
  • Desktop When killed for the first time the message "Screams are echoing from the dungeon..." will now appear.
  • Desktop
    • Fixed a problem that defeating Plantera would force server-side characters.
    • Solar Eclipses now only happen after Plantera has been defeated.
  • Desktop
    • Plantera now must be defeated to allow Hardmode Dungeon enemies to spawn.
    • Hardmode Crimson, Corruption, and Hallow spread is now slowed after killing Plantera instead of any mechanical boss.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI() in Terraria.NPC.cs. The relevant part is in the aiStyle == 51 block. Note that several of Plantera's stats, including damage and defense, are hard-coded there. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. For the first time Plantera has been defeated in a given world, the Grenade Launcher will always be selected from the seven/six options. Otherwise, each option is equally likely.
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods RegisterBoss_Plantera() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs, RegisterBossTrophies() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs, and DoDeathEvents_DropBossPotionsAndHearts() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  4. Cenx' message in #terraria-chat-1 on the official Terraria Discord server (link to message) Apr 06, 2019