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Map Icon Dryad.png
Map Icon
AI TypePassive AI
Damage0 (see description) [1]
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
Grants buffs
Grants buffs
Grants buffs
BuffDryad's BlessingDryad's Blessing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Buff tooltipThe power of nature protects you
DurationInfinite in Dryad's Ward
BuffDryad's BaneDryad's Bane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Buff tooltipThe power of nature compells you
DurationInfinite in Dryad's Ward
Projectiles created
  • Dryad's ward
    Dryad's ward
  • Jumino Stardrop Animation
    (Purifying Joja Cola)
    Jumino Stardrop Animation
The Dryad casting Dryad's Ward.
A larger view of Dryad's Ward.

Be safe; Terraria needs you!

Emote Town Dryad.gif The Dryad

The Dryad is an NPC vendor who sells various nature-themed items, including seeds, powders, and Planter Boxes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). She will move in once the following criteria have been met:

In addition to selling items, the Dryad can also report the percentages of Corruption/Crimson and Hallow that exist in the current world, which is based on the total number of blocks of each corresponding biome.

The Dryad will defend herself against nearby enemies by casting the Dryad's Ward, which summons two rotating circles of leaves around her, with the outer circle indicating the range of the attack. The attack lasts 10 seconds in total[2], however, if the Dryad takes damage when casting, the attack immediately ends. Counting from when the circles of leaves are summoned (and assuming the Dryad is uninterrupted), within the first 1.67 seconds, the radius of the Dryad's Ward is 18.75 tiles (300 pixels). The radius then generally increases to 37.5 tiles (600 pixels) over the course of 3.33 seconds, remains unchanged for another 3.33 seconds, after which the radius generally increases to 75 tiles (1200 pixels) over the course of 1.17 seconds before finally dissipating. 0.5 seconds after the circles of leaves are summoned[3], the Dryad's Blessing buff is granted to players and other town NPCs within its radius, while Dryad's Bane is inflicted on enemies with a clear line of sight inside its radius. Dryad's Blessing provides defense, health regeneration, and a thorns effect (similar to the Thorns Potion), while Dryad's Bane deals damage over time. See Dryad's Blessing page for details about the buff and debuff.

Items sold

Note: All item prices can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or Greedy Ring(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, prices can also be higher or lower based on the NPC's happiness level.
Item Cost Availability

Purification PowderPurification Powder 75 CC While not during a Blood Moon, and not in a Don't dig up(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world.
Vile PowderVile Powder 1 SC During a Blood Moon in a Corrupt world, and not in a Don't dig up(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world.
Vicious PowderVicious Powder(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC During a Blood Moon in a Crimson world, and not in a Don't dig up(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world.
Grass SeedsGrass Seeds 20 CC While not during a Blood Moon.
Ash Grass SeedsAsh Grass Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC50 CC While in the Underworld.
Corrupt SeedsCorrupt Seeds 5 SC During a Blood Moon in a Corrupt world,
or while in a Graveyard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) in a Hardmode Crimson world.
Crimson SeedsCrimson Seeds(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 5 SC During a Blood Moon in a Crimson world,
or while in a Graveyard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) in a Hardmode Corrupt world.
SunflowerSunflower 50 SC While not during a Blood Moon.
AcornAcorn 10 CC Always available.
Dirt RodDirt Rod 5 GC Always available.
Pumpkin SeedPumpkin Seed 2 SC50 CC Always available.
Grass WallGrass Wall 10 CC While not during a Blood Moon.
Corrupt Grass WallCorrupt Grass Wall 2 SC50 CC During a Blood Moon in a Corrupt world.
Crimson Grass WallCrimson Grass Wall 2 SC50 CC During a Blood Moon in a Crimson world.
Flower WallFlower Wall 10 CC Always available.
Jungle WallJungle Wall 10 CC In Hardmode.
Hallowed SeedsHallowed Seeds 20 SC In Hardmode.
Hallowed Grass WallHallowed Grass Wall 2 SC50 CC In Hardmode.
Mushroom Grass SeedsMushroom Grass Seeds 1 SC50 CC While in a Glowing Mushroom biome.
Dryad CoveringsDryad Coverings 3 GC During Halloween.
Dryad LoinclothDryad Loincloth 3 GC During Halloween.
Daybloom Planter BoxDaybloom Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC After King Slime is defeated.
Moonglow Planter BoxMoonglow Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC After Queen Bee is defeated.
Blinkroot Planter BoxBlinkroot Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC After Eye of Cthulhu is defeated.
Deathweed Planter BoxDeathweed Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC After Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu is defeated in a Corrupt world.
Deathweed Planter BoxDeathweed Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC After Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu is defeated in a Crimson world.
Waterleaf Planter BoxWaterleaf Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC After Skeletron is defeated.
Shiverthorn Planter BoxShiverthorn Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC After Skeletron is defeated.
Fireblossom Planter BoxFireblossom Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC After Wall of Flesh is defeated.
Guide to Environmental PreservationGuide to Environmental Preservation(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 GC Always available.
White Flower SeedsWhite Flower Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Yellow Flower SeedsYellow Flower Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Red Flower SeedsRed Flower Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Pink Flower SeedsPink Flower Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Magenta Flower SeedsMagenta Flower Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Violet Flower SeedsViolet Flower Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Blue Flower SeedsBlue Flower Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Wild Flower SeedsWild Flower Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Tall Grass SeedsTall Grass Seeds(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Potted Forest CedarPotted Forest Cedar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 1 and 2 Moon phase 1 (Full Moon) Moon phase 2 (Waning Gibbous)
Potted Jungle CedarPotted Jungle Cedar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 1 and 2 Moon phase 1 (Full Moon) Moon phase 2 (Waning Gibbous)
Potted Hallow CedarPotted Hallow Cedar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 1 and 2 Moon phase 1 (Full Moon) Moon phase 2 (Waning Gibbous)
Potted Forest TreePotted Forest Tree(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 3 and 4 Moon phase 3 (Third Quarter) Moon phase 4 (Waning Crescent)
Potted Jungle TreePotted Jungle Tree(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 3 and 4 Moon phase 3 (Third Quarter) Moon phase 4 (Waning Crescent)
Potted Hallow TreePotted Hallow Tree(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 3 and 4 Moon phase 3 (Third Quarter) Moon phase 4 (Waning Crescent)
Potted Forest PalmPotted Forest Palm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 5 and 6 Moon phase 5 (New Moon) Moon phase 6 (Waxing Crescent)
Potted Jungle PalmPotted Jungle Palm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 5 and 6 Moon phase 5 (New Moon) Moon phase 6 (Waxing Crescent)
Potted Hallow PalmPotted Hallow Palm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 5 and 6 Moon phase 5 (New Moon) Moon phase 6 (Waxing Crescent)
Potted Forest BambooPotted Forest Bamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 7 and 8 Moon phase 7 (First Quarter) Moon phase 8 (Waxing Gibbous)
Potted Jungle BambooPotted Jungle Bamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 7 and 8 Moon phase 7 (First Quarter) Moon phase 8 (Waxing Gibbous)
Potted Hallow BambooPotted Hallow Bamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 GC Hardmode, Moon phases 7 and 8 Moon phase 7 (First Quarter) Moon phase 8 (Waxing Gibbous)
Any PylonAny Pylon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 10 GC When in a specific biome and is happy enough.

World status

The Dryad will report the current percentage of Corruption/Crimson/Hallow coverage in the world with the "Status" option. The Dryad makes the distinction between Corruption and Crimson if they are present in the same world, and will list their percentages separately, though they both contribute to the overall total evil tile percentage in her final report.[4]

The percentages of the respective biome is calculated by related tile count, with the following formulas:

  • Corruption = Corruption tiles ÷ Solid tiles × 100%
  • Crimson = Crimson tiles ÷ Solid tiles × 100%
  • Hallow = Hallow tiles ÷ Solid tiles × 100%

See below for a list of counted tiles.

If the world has no Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow, the And Good Riddance! achievement will be granted upon choosing the option.

Quote Condition[5] Effective world condition
"[Name of World] is completely pure. You have done an amazing job!" Hallow, Corruption, and Crimson = 0 The world has no Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow.
"The world is in balance." Hallow × 0.8 < (Corruption + Crimson) < Hallow × 1.2 Corruption/Crimson and Hallow percentages are similar.
"We are living in a fairy tale." Hallow ≥ (Corruption + Crimson) Corruption/Crimson and Hallow percentages are not similar, and the world has more Hallow than Corruption/Crimson.
"Things are grim indeed..." Hallow +20% < (Corruption + Crimson) Corruption/Crimson and Hallow percentages are not similar, and the world has far more Corruption/Crimson than Hallow.
"You are so close!" (Corruption + Crimson) ≤ 5% Corruption/Crimson and Hallow percentages are not similar, and the world has more Corruption/Crimson than Hallow, and there is very little Corruption/Crimson in the world.
"You have a lot of work to do." (Corruption + Crimson) > 5% Corruption/Crimson and Hallow percentages are not similar, and the world has more Corruption/Crimson than Hallow, and there is more Corruption/Crimson in the world.

Counting tiles

The following tiles will count towards the total tile count.[6]


  • Crimson

  • Hallow

  • Solid

  • Joja Cola

    The Dryad's "purifying" animation.

    When the player has a Joja Cola(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) in their inventory, the Dryad will have special quotes hinting to the player to hold the Joja Cola. When the player is holding a Joja Cola, the "Status" option will be replaced with "Purify". After choosing the option, the Joja Cola will be consumed as an animation of a Junimo jumping out of a star-shaped portal plays out. The Junimo then pulls out a Stardrop that the player can collect before disappearing.

    Quote Appears when
    "What's that you have... Joja Cola? Please hold it out, show me!" The player has a Joja Cola in their inventory, but is not holding it.
    "This unnatural beverage you hold has a connection to another world... I can try to purify it if you like." The player has selected a Joja Cola in their hotbar.
    "I'm sensing a pure spirit through the connection, it wants to thank you for disposing of the Joja Cola!" The Joja Cola is "purified".

    Living preferences

    Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
    Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
    • GolferGolfer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

    For more information, see NPC happiness.

    Shimmered form

    Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
    Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
    Shimmered Dryad
    Dryad (Shimmered).png Map Icon Dryad (Shimmered).png
    NPC Map icon

    When submerged in Shimmer, the Dryad will transform into her Shimmered form. This has no impact on gameplay or dialogue and is only a visual change. She can be returned to her classic look by submerging her in Shimmer again.


    Achievement And Good Riddance!.png
    And Good Riddance! • “Completely purify all Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow from your world, until the Dryad is satisfied!”
    Check the world status from the Dryad when there are no Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow tiles in the world. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Challenger Challenger


    The Dryad may have any of the following names:

    • Alalia
    • Alura
    • Ariella
    • Caelia
    • Calista
    • Celestia
    • Chryseis
    • Elysia
    • Emerenta
    • Evvie
    • Faye
    • Felicitae
    • Isis
    • Lunette
    • Nata
    • Nissa
    • Rosalva
    • Shea
    • Tania
    • Tatiana
    • Xylia


    Interaction quotes

    • "Be safe; Terraria needs you!"
    • "The sands of time are flowing. And well, you are not aging very gracefully."
    • "What's this about me having more 'bark' than bite?"
    • "So two goblins walk into a bar, and one says to the other, 'Want to get a Goblet of beer?!"

    After defeating Old One's Army:

    Tier 1:
    • "When I was in Etheria, I felt so disconnected from <Name of World>. It's good to be back."[sic]
    Tier 2:
    • "The Corruption tried to take me over when I went to Etheria, but instead, I used its power against the Old One's Army!"

    When Merchant is present:

    • "Why does <Name of Merchant> keep trying to sell me angel statues? Everyone knows that they don't do anything."

    When Arms Dealer is present:

    • "I wish <Name of Arms Dealer> would stop flirting with me. Doesn't he realize I'm 500 years old?"

    When Truffle is present:

    • "I feel like <Name of Truffle> is a bit misunderstood, he really is a fun guy."

    Before Skeletron is defeated:

    • "Have you seen the old man walking around the dungeon? He doesn't look well at all..."

    In a Corrupt world:

    • "You must cleanse the world of this corruption."
    Before defeating the Eater of Worlds
    • "Have you tried using purification powder on the ebonstone of the corruption?"

    In a Crimson world:

    • "You must cleanse the world of this crimson."
    Before defeating the Brain of Cthulhu:
    • "Have you tried using purification powder on the crimstone of the crimson?"

    Only during a Blood Moon:

    • "I sell what I want! If you don't like it, too bad."
    • "Dude, is it just me or is there like a million zombies out tonight?"
    • "I don't want you to buy my stuff. I want you to want to buy my stuff, ok?"
    • "Why do you have to be so confrontational during a time like this?"

    When asking for the status:

    • "<Name of world> is <hallow percentage>% hallow, <corruption percentage>% corrupt, and <crimson percentage>% crimson."
    • "<Name of world> is <hallow percentage>% hallow and <corruption percentage>% corrupt."
    • "<Name of world> is <hallow percentage>% hallow and <crimson percentage>% crimson."
    • "<Name of world> is <corruption percentage>% corrupt and <crimson percentage>% crimson."
    • "<Name of world> is <corruption percentage>% corrupt."
    • "<Name of world> is <crimson percentage>% crimson."
    • "<Name of world> is <hallow percentage>% hallow."

    (She will say Crimson or Corruption depending on which one there is, however, if both are present through an artificial biome, she will list both Crimson and Corruption percentages. She will add in the Hallow's percentage in Hardmode.)

    Once the world is completely pure:

    • "<Name of World> is completely pure. You have done an amazing job!"

    During a party:

    • "I thought I would throw a party to celebrate our victories in the past and those yet to come."

    During a Windy Day(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "The wind... it is nature's way of sweeping the dust from the land."
    • "Nature's fury strips the leaves from the trees this day."

    During Rain:

    • "The water from the sky is a way for nature to wash away the mud in our streams."[sic]
    • "When it rains, many kinds of fish acquire mystical properties."

    During a Thunderstorm:

    • "Our mother is angry, and wishes to burn away the filth by raining destructive power on our treetops."
    • "It is unwise to traverse openly beneath the flashing dangers from above."

    When in a Graveyard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "I can handle the corruption, but the vile air of death in this location wilts the flower in my hair."
    • "This place... I can hear the cry of nature at those who've fallen here."
  • Happiness quotes (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

  • When homeless:

    • "All of nature may be my home, but a house would treat me well."

    When far from home:

    • "A flower doesn't grow very well so far away from its roots!"

    When in a sparse area:

    • "Solitude is sometimes good - there's room to grow and to breathe."

    When overcrowded:

    • "Is this area becoming rather dense, or is it just me? I dislike the feeling..."
    • "So many others crammed into one spot? The grass is doomed, I hate it!"

    When in the Jungle:

    • "I kissed a tree in the Jungle and I liked it."

    When in the Desert:

    • "I rather dislike how the Desert is so devoid of life."

    When in an Evil Biome or the Dungeon:

    • "I am severely offended by my surroundings - the Corruption/Crimson/Dungeon is my mortal enemy!"

    When near the Princess:

    • "<Name of Princess> brings order and peace to everyone who lives in this world."

    When near the Witch Doctor:

    • "I like that <Name of Witch Doctor> resonates with every fiber of my being!"

    When near the Truffle:

    • "I like that <Name of Truffle> resonates with every fiber of my being!

    When near the Angler:

    • "I don't like that <Name of Angler> has no respect for other beings."

    When near the Golfer:

    • "I hate <Name of Golfer>'s destructive habits towards nature!"

    When neutral:

    • "All is peaceful, don't mess it up."
  • Tips

    • For players creating housing for the Truffle, it would be beneficial to temporarily house the Dryad in or near a Glowing Mushroom biome where she will sell Mushroom Seeds.
      • It is not necessary to build a house, a Queen Statue can be used to teleport her to a Glowing Mushroom biome.
    • Players can obtain items from both evils without using a different world by buying Corrupt or Crimson Seeds (Available while in the Graveyard minibiome) and making an artificial biome.


    • A dryad is a nature spirit from Greek mythology, generally depicted as a beautiful young woman. Fittingly, many of the Dryad's possible names take inspiration from either classical literature (e.g. Caelia, Elysia, Fae, Titania) or female celebrities.
      • This might be the reason that the Arms Dealer appears to flirt with her as shown in one of his quotes, but she states in one of her quotes that she wishes the Arms Dealer would stop pestering her. In the same quote she reveals that she is 500 years old.
    • According to Greek mythology, a dryad is a type of Nymph. This may be why Nymphs and the Dryad have a similar appearance.
    • The Dryad is depicted in a painting called Dryadisque, which itself is a parody of the 1814 real-world oil painting Grande Odalisque by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
    • Her quote calling the Truffle a "fun guy" plays on the homophone "fungi".
    The credits cutscene in which the Dryad becomes a tree in a Forest.
    • The quote "What's this about me having more 'bark' than bite?" is a possible joke about the fact that the Dryad is or was a tree.
      • This fact is shown in a credits cutscene.
      • This could also be a reference to her not cleansing the world evil herself despite claiming that she fought the Old One's Army.
    • One of the Dryad's quotes about the player's safety says "Terraria needs you", instead of "<Name of World> needs you". This is an oddity among the other quotes.
    • Her quote "I kissed a tree in the Jungle and I liked it." is a reference to the Katy Perry song "I Kissed a Girl".
    • Calista the Dryad is featured in the Terraria Comic Book from DC Comics.
    • The Dryad appears in the video game Dungeon Defenders 2 as a playable character. Her defenses include summoning World Trees, Moss Hornets, Harpies, Slimes, and Angry Nimbuses.
      • The Dryad's quote referencing her time in Etheria and her use of the Corruption against the Old One's Army is a reference to her ability in Dungeon Defenders 2 where she can become a corrupted version of herself. In her corrupt form, her abilities and defenses gain additional effects and/or deal more damage.
      • The Dryad's Shimmered form resembles her corrupted form from Dungeon Defenders 2.
    • Terraria lore pages – According to the Terraria lore pages, an ancient race of Dryads once waged a large war with Cthulhu. Unable to defeat the beast, they managed to cripple it by ripping out its eyes, spine, and chunks of its brain. All but one of the Dryads were killed and the survivor (being the NPC encountered in-game) remains concealed for some time.
      • Despite this, like all NPCs, if she is killed and the spawn requirements are met, she will respawn. Re-Logic artist Jimmarn has speculated that she might be reincarnated.[7]
      • The Guide's tip "You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad." may or may not imply that there are still multiple concealed Dryads.
    • The name Celestia is a reference to the television series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which features a princess of the same name.
    • The name Nissa comes from the planeswalker Nissa Revane from the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering.
    • According to Redigit, the Dryad "isn't actually wearing anything" and "the vines are a part of her body".[8]
    • The Dryad is more likely to use the Stylist emote (Emote Town Stylist.gif) than other emotes. It is unknown why this is the case.
      • In addition, the Stylist is also more likely to use the Dryad emote (Emote Town Dryad.gif) than other emotes.
    • The internal name for the Junimo animation projectile is misspelled as "Jumino".[9]
    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Dryad: "The Dryad is the last of her kind. She is connected with nature and can analyze its purity worldwide. She sells seeds, too!"

    See also

    • Dryad at the Dungeon Defenders 2 Wiki


    • Desktop 1.2.3:
      • Now sells Crimson Seeds during Blood Moon if in a Crimson world.
      • Now has Crimson specific dialogue for worlds with Crimson in them.
      • Improved Dryad's world status dialog.
      • Can now arrive following the defeat of the Brain of Cthulhu.
      • Fixed bug where Dryad would mention the Corruption in Purification Powder suggestion while in Crimson world.
    • Desktop 1.1:
      • Now has random name given to her on spawn. Her deaths will be reported with this name. Also other NPCs will use it in their quotes.
      • The Dryad will now tell the player the percentage of Corruption and Hallow in the game world.


    1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_007_TownEntities() in Terraria.NPC.cs.
    2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, field Sets.AttackTime in Terraria.ID.NPCID.cs.
    3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_111_DryadsWard() in Terraria.Projectile.cs.
    4. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method GetDryadWorldStatusDialog() in Terraria.Lang.cs.
    5. Directly use the percentages for calculations
    6. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AddUpAlignmentCounts() in Terraria.WorldGen.cs.
    7. Terraria's 10th Anniversary: We are Re-Logic, Ask Us Anything! May 17, 2021
    8. Redigit's message in #journeys-end-chat on the official Terraria Discord server (link to message)
    9. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, constant JuminoStardropAnimation in Terraria.ID.ProjectileID.cs.