Logros (Achievements/es)

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Desktop/Console/Old-gen console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, Consola, Old-gen console y Móvil versions of Terraria.

Los Logros (O Avances Versión de ConsolaOld-gen console version) se ganan realizando diversas tareas en el mundo de Terraria.

Versiones no version de Escritorio

Estos logros están disponibles en Steam Steam, GOG.com versiones GOG.com de (Versión de PC PC), PlayStation 4, Xbox One Xbox One, y Nintendo Switch Versiones de Nintendo Switch (Versión de Consola Consola). Hay un total de 88 logros.

  • La versión de Xbox One Xbox One, PlayStation 4, IOS iOS & iPadOS y Google Play Google Play todavía tienen logros además de los del juego de la Old-gen console version Old-gen console version y GameCenter y Google Play respectivamente, pero estos logros están desaprobados.
  • Logros Notas
    Achievement Timber!!.png
    ¡Madera! • «Tala tu primer árbol.»
    Chop down a tree. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    • Can also be earned by picking up wood from other sources.
    • May be a reference to woodsmen saying Timber!! after cutting down a tree
    Achievement No Hobo.png
    Todos con casa • «Construye una casa apta para que se mude tu primer PNJ, como puede ser el guía.»
    Successfully get an NPC to move into your first House. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • A reference to the term 'No Homo'.
    Achievement Stop! Hammer Time!.png
    ¡Basta! ¡A martillear! • «Obtén tu primer martillo, ya sea por creación o por cualquier otro modo.»
    Obtain a Hammer. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Ooo! Shiny!.png
    ¡Oooh! ¡Cómo brilla! • «Extrae tu primera pepita de mineral con un pico.»
    Mine your first ore. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Heart Breaker.png
    Rompecorazones • «Descubre y aplasta tu primer cristal de corazón subterráneo.»
    Find and break a Crystal Heart. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • This isn't granted if broken via Actuating the block(s) underneath the crystal.
    Achievement Heavy Metal.png
    Metales pesados • «Consigue un yunque de hierro o plomo.»
    Obtain your first Iron or Lead Anvil. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    • A nod to the music genre of the same name, which is frequently referenced in-game.
    Achievement I Am Loot!.png
    ¡Yo soy botín! • «Descubre un cofre subterráneo dorado y echa un vistazo a su contenido.»
    Open an underground Gold Chest. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Star Power.png
    Poder estelar • «Crea un cristal de maná hecho de estrellas caídas y consúmelo.»
    Consume your first Mana Crystal. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Hold on Tight!.png
    ¡Agárrate bien! • «Equipa tu primer gancho.»
    Equip a Grappling Hook. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Eye on You.png
    No te quito ojo • «Derrota al Ojo de Cthulhu, una amenaza ocular que solo aparece por la noche.»
    Defeat the Eye of Cthulhu for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Smashing, Poppet!.png
    ¡Destrozador! • «Usa explosivos o tu fiel martillo para destrozar un orbe sombrío o un corazón carmesí en las partes malvadas del mundo.»
    Smash your first Shadow Orb or Crimson Heart. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • Reference to The Wild Thornberrys, an American animated television series that originally aired on Nickelodeon from 1998 to 2004. The catchphrase of the protagonist girl's father is "Smashing" and he usually calls his daughter "Poppet".
    Achievement Worm Fodder.png
    Comida para gusanos • «Derrota al Devoramundos, un gusano enorme que se alimenta de corrupción.»
    Defeat the Eater of Worlds for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Mastermind.png
    Mente maestra • «Derrota al Cerebro de Cthulhu, un gigantesco cerebro demoníaco que acecha en el carmesí.»
    Defeat the Brain of Cthulhu for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • In the description of the Steam Steam version of the achievement, "enormous" is misspelled as "enourmous".
    Achievement Where's My Honey.png
    ¿Dónde está mi miel? • «Descubre una gran colmena de abejas en las profundidades de la jungla.»
    Discover your first Bee Hive. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Sting Operation.png
    Operación peliaguda • «Derrota a la reina abeja, matriarca de las colmenas de la selva.»
    Defeat the Queen Bee for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • References Sting operations, a law enforcement tactic used to catch criminals via deception.
    Achievement Boned.png
    Huesazo • «Derrota a Esqueletrón, el guardián maldito de la mazmorra.»
    Defeat Skeletron for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Dungeon Heist.png
    Robo en la mazmorra • «Roba una llave a uno de los habitantes no muertos de la mazmorra y abre uno de sus preciados cofres de oro.»
    Unlock your first Gold Chest within the Dungeon. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • Achievement name is a reference to the 2011 heist comedy film Tower Heist.
    Achievement It's Getting Hot in Here.png
    La cosa se está calentando • «Baja lo suficiente como para llegar al inframundo fundido.»
    Reach The Underworld for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • Reference to the song Hot In Herre.
    • The file name for the achievement misspells it as "Its Hetting Hot in Here" ( game version has corrected this).
    Achievement Miner for Fire.png
    Minero de fuego • «Crea un pico fundido usando únicamente materiales muy calientes.»
    Craft a Molten Pickaxe. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Still Hungry.png
    Todavía tengo hambre • «Derrota al muro carnoso, maestro y núcleo del mundo que surge tras un gran sacrificio ardiente.»
    Defeat the Wall of Flesh for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Note that defeating the Wall of Flesh will initiate Hardmode in a pre-Hardmode world.
    • Possibly a reference to the 1980’s band “Twisted Sister” and an album of the same name as the achievement.
    Achievement It's Hard!.png
    ¡Qué duro! • «Libera en tu mundo a los antiguos espíritus de la luz y la oscuridad, lo cual provocará la aparición de enemigos mucho más fuertes y bañará al mundo de tesoros increíbles (¡y arcoíris!).»
    Enter Hardmode. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • You must defeat the Wall of Flesh in a pre-Hardmode world.
    • You can get this achievement without the one above if you are in a pre-Hardmode world and someone else defeats the Wall of Flesh.
    • The achievement image appears to show the various souls obtainable in Hardmode. Clockwise, starting from the top-left, it seems to be: Sight, Night, Fright, Light, Flight, and (barely visible) Might.
    Achievement Begone, Evil!.png
    ¡Fuera, demonios! • «Destroza un altar carmesí o demoníaco con un potente martillo sagrado.»
    Smash a demon or crimson altar, using the Pwnhammer. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • Any hammer with a hammer power of 80% will do, as long as the Altar is destroyed (can only be done in Hardmode).
    Achievement Extra Shiny!.png
    ¡Cómo brilla! • «Extrae un mineral potente con el que tu mundo acabe de ser bendecido.»
    Mine your first Hardmode ore. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Head in the Clouds.png
    Con la cabeza en las nubes • «Ponte un par de alas.»
    Have a pair of Wings equipped. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Like a Boss.png
    Eres el jefe • «Consigue un objeto invocajefes.»
    Obtain any boss-summoning item. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    • Truffle Worms, Sello celestial(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Gelatin Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Crisopa prismática(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) do not count for this achievement[1].
    • A reference to the song Like a Boss.
    Achievement Buckets of Bolts.png
    Cubos de tornillos • «Derrota a las tres amenazas mecánicas nocturnas: los Gemelos, el Destructor y Esqueletrón mayor.»
    Defeat all three Mechanical Bosses. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Drax Attax.png
    Taladrado • «Crea un taladro hacha o pico hacha usando lingotes sagrados y las almas de los tres jefes mecánicos.»
    Craft your first Drax or Pickaxe Axe. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Photosynthesis.png
    Fotosíntesis • «Extrae clorofita, un mineral orgánico que se encuentra en las profundidades de la flora más densa.»
    Mine your first Chlorophyte Ore. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • Placing Chlorophyte Ore down and then mining it also grants the achievement.
    • A reference to Chlorophyte's resemblance to chlorophyll, green pigments in plants essential for photosynthesis.
    Achievement Get a Life.png
    Búscate la vida • «Consume una fruta de la vida, que se producen en la hierba de la selva subterránea.»
    Consume a Life Fruit. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • Using a character that already has 500 life will not work.
    • Is a pun on Life Fruit and the common taunt "Get a life".
    Achievement The Great Southern Plantkill.png
    La gran masacre vegetal • «Derrota a Plantera, la monstruosidad gigantesca de las profundidades de la jungla.»
    Defeat Plantera for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Temple Raider.png
    Buscador de templos • «Rompe los impenetrables muros del templo de la selva.»
    Unlock the Jungle Temple's Lihzahrd Door. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / Mine Lihzahrd Bricks from the Jungle Temple. !!Error: Invalid EICONS input!
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Lihzahrdian Idol.png
    Ídolo lihzahrd • «Derrota al gólem, el ídolo de cara de piedra de la tribu lihzahrd.»
    Defeat Golem for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Robbing the Grave.png
    Robando la tumba • «Obtén un tesoro raro de un monstruo difícil de una mazmorra.»
    Obtain a rare item from an enemy in the post-Plantera Dungeon. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Big Booty.png
    Gran botín • «Desbloquea uno de los grandes cofres misteriosos de la mazmorra con una llave especial.»
    Open your first Biome Chest. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Fish Out of Water.png
    Fuera del agua • «Derrota al duque Fishron, el terror mutante de los mares.»
    Defeat Duke Fishron for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • A reference to the expression "fish out of water" meaning someone who is outside their comfort zone or area of expertise.
    Achievement Obsessive Devotion.png
    Devoción obsesiva • «Derrota al sectario antiguo, líder fanático del aquelarre de la mazmorra.»
    Defeat the Lunatic Cultist for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Star Destroyer.png
    Destructor estelar • «Derrota a las cuatro torres celestiales de la luna.»
    Defeat all four Celestial Pillars. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Note that defeating all four Towers will summon the Moon Lord.
    • Possible references to the Star Destroyers in the epic space opera media franchise Star Wars.
    • Only requires a player to be on a world while the pillar is being destroyed. Does not have to be on the same world
    Achievement Champion of Terraria.png
    Campeón de Terraria • «Derrota al Señor de la Luna.»
    Defeat the Moon Lord for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Had a different image before the release of, as not to spoil the surprise of what the final boss would look like before 1.3 was released. It was a silhouette of the Moon Lord, only showing the eye at the top of his head and his shape.
    Achievement Bloodbath.png
    Baño de sangre • «Sobrevive a una Luna de sangre, un evento nocturno en el que los ríos se vuelven rojos y los monstruos vagan libremente.»
    Survive your first Blood Moon. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Slippery Shinobi.png
    Shinobi escurridizo • «Derrota al rey slime, el señor de todas las cosas pegajosas.»
    Defeat King Slime for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Shinobi is another word for Ninja, clearly referencing the ninja inside the King Slime.
    Achievement Goblin Punter.png
    Pateaduendes • «Sobrevive a una invasión duende, un regimiento de bárbaros y letales guerreros de orejas puntiagudas y sus hechiceros de Llamas oscuras.»
    Defeat a Goblin Army for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Walk the Plank.png
    Por la quilla • «Sobrevive a una invasión pirata, un grupo de saqueadores de alta mar que vienen a por tu botín... ¡y a por tu vida!»
    Defeat the Pirate Invasion for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Kill the Sun.png
    Mata al sol • «Sobrevive a un eclipse solar, un día más oscuro que la noche repleto de criaturas terroríficas.»
    Survive a Solar Eclipse. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Do You Want to Slay a Snowman.png
    ¿Quieres matar a un muñeco de nieve? • «Vence a la Legión de escarcha, una familia de muñecos de nieve maníacos.»
    Defeat the Frost Legion for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Reference to the 2013 Disney film Frozen, which has a song called "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"
    Achievement Tin-Foil Hatter.png
    Sombrero de aluminio • «Sobrevive a una invasión marciana en la que seres de otro mundo vienen a trastear con vuestros cerebros y a meteros sondas por sitios incómodos.»
    Defeat the Martian Invasion for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Named for tin foil hats, often associated with alien conspiracy theorists.
    Achievement Baleful Harvest.png
    Cosecha siniestra • «Llega a la oleada 15 de una Luna calabaza, en la que el mal acecha entre la cosecha otoñal.»
    Reach the 15th wave of a Pumpkin Moon. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Ice Scream.png
    Grito gélido • «Llega a la oleada 15 de una Luna Gélida, donde la temporada festiva acaba convertida en una locura.»
    Reach the 15th wave of a Frost Moon. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • A reference to the popular children's song, "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!".
    Achievement Sticky Situation.png
    Situación pegajosa • «Sobrevive a la lluvia de slime, en la que organismos gelatinosos caen de los cielos.»
    Survive the Slime Rain. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Real Estate Agent.png
    Agencia inmobiliaria • «Consigue que todos los posibles PNJ vivan en tu mundo.»
    All town NPCs are housed in your world. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Not the Bees!.png
    ¡¡¡Las abejas, no!!! • «Dispara una pistola de abejas con una armadura de abeja completa.»
    Fire a Bee Gun while equipped in a full set of Bee Armor. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Jeepers Creepers.png
    Qué mal rollo • «Adéntrate en una caverna de arañas subterránea.»
    Enter your first underground Spider Cave. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Funkytown.png
    Villapilla • «Construye o encuentra un campo de campiñones brillantes sobre la superficie.»
    Encounter an above-ground Glowing Mushroom biome. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Into Orbit.png
    En órbita • «¡Desde aquí, ya solo puedes bajar!»
    Reach Space. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Rock Bottom (PC).png
    Lo más hondo • «¡Solo se puede subir!»
    Reach the very bottom of The Underworld. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Mecha Mayhem.png
    Caos mecánico • «Enfréntate a la vez a los Gemelos, al Destructor y a Esqueletrón mayor... y sal victorioso.»
    Defeat all three Mechanical Bosses simultaneously in a single battle. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Gelatin World Tour.png
    Viaje por el mundo de la gelatina • «¡Acaba con todos los tipos de slime!»
    Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Fashion Statement.png
    Compromiso con la moda • «Equipa una armadura o un objeto de vanidad en cada una de las tres ranuras sociales.»
    Equip armor or vanity clothing in all three social slots. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Vehicular Manslaughter.png
    Masacre vehicular • «Derrota a un enemigo arrollándolo con una vagoneta.»
    Kill an enemy by running over it with a Minecart. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Bulldozer.png
    Bulldozer • «Destruye un total de 10.000 ladrillos.»
    Mine a total of 10,000 tiles. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement There are Some Who Call Him....png
    Algunos lo llaman... • «Mata a Tim.»
    Defeat Tim for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Reference to Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and his quote "There are some who call me... Tim."
    Achievement Deceiver of Fools.png
    Engañabobos • «Mata a una ninfa.»
    Defeat a Nymph for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Needs to be killed in Nymph form. Killing a Lost Girl before it transforms into a Nymph will not count.
    Achievement Sword of the Hero.png
    Espada de héroe • «Obtén una Espada Terra, forjada con las mejores espadas de luz y oscuridad.»
    Obtain a Terra Blade. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Lucky Break.png
    Por un pelo • «Sobrevive a una gran caída quedándote un requicio de vida.»
    Survive a fall with not much health left. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • With 500 health, a defense of 0 and no items to negate fall damage, the player must fall exactly 74 blocks. (70 HP)
    Achievement Throwing Lines.png
    Tiralíneas • «Lanza un yoyó.»
    Throw a Yoyo for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Dye Hard.png
    Tintorería extrema • «Equipa un tinte en cada una de las ranuras disponibles.»
    Equip dyes in all dye slots. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Sick Throw.png
    Mal tiro • «Obtén el terrariano.»
    Get the Terrarian. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement The Frequent Flyer.png
    Volador frecuente • «Gasta más de 1 oro siendo curado por la enfermera.»
    Spend over 1 GC total being treated by the Nurse. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • It does not have to be all at once. You can get healed by the nurse every so often and it adds up.
    • 1 GC represents a total of 13 334 health restored, or 14 debuffs removed.
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) You might get this achievement faster by purposefully making the Nurse unhappy, so that she will charge you more coins.
    Achievement The Cavalry.png
    La caballería • «Equipa una montura.»
    Equip your first Mount. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Completely Awesome.png
    Mola un montón • «Consigue un minitiburón.»
    Obtain the Minishark. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    • A nod to the minishark's tooltip, Half shark, half gun, completely awesome.
    Achievement Til Death....png
    Hasta que la muerte... • «Mata al novio.»
    Defeat The Groom for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Archaeologist.png
    El arqueólogo • «Mata al Doctor Látigo.»
    Defeat Doctor Bones for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Doctor Bones is a parody of Indiana Jones, also known as Doctor Jones.
    Achievement Pretty in Pink.png
    Precioso de rosa • «Mata al rosa.»
    Defeat Pinky for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Probably a reference to the 1986 American romantic comedy movie by the same name, Pretty in Pink.
    Achievement Rainbows and Unicorns.png
    Arcoíris y unicornios • «Dispara una pistola arcoíris mientras montas en unicornio.»
    Fire a Rainbow Gun while riding a Unicorn Mount. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement You and What Army.png
    ¿Con qué ejército? • «Ten a nueve súbditos invocados a la vez.»
    Have nine minions summoned at the same time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • See Minions for information on summoning multiple minions, and Minion Count for maximising minion summons.
    • Having 8 Minions and then summoning another will grant the achievement.
      • (Console and Mobile versions) Note: Spiders take up 0.75 minion space on the platforms this achievement exists on, meaning that more than 8 spiders are needed when using the Spider Staff.
    • You and What Army? is a phrase of defiance used in many forms of media.
    Achievement Prismancer.png
    Prismante • «Obtén una varita multicolor.»
    Obtain the Rainbow Rod. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement It Can Talk.png
    ¡¿Puede hablar?! • «Construye una casa en un biomedio de champiñones y consigue que Trufa se mude.»
    Have a Truffle move into a house created in the Glowing Mushroom biome. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • It must be above the surface for the Truffle to move in.
    Achievement Watch Your Step!.png
    ¡Cuidado con dónde pisas! • «Sé víctima de una horrible trampa subterránea.»
    Get killed by a Trap for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • Being killed by explosives activated by a Pressure Plate also works.
    • You must be killed by the trap; merely taking damage will not work.
    • Being killed by anything while poisoned by a Dart Trap will count for the achievement.
    Achievement Marathon Medalist.png
    Medallitas de maratón • «Recorre 42 kilómetros a pie.»
    Travel a total of 26.2 miles (69,168 tiles) on foot. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • 26.2 miles is equivalent to 69,168 tiles.
    Achievement Glorious Golden Pole.png
    Glorioso palo dorado • «Obtén una caña de pescar dorada.»
    Obtain the Golden Fishing Rod from the Angler. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    • Reward from the Angler, after exactly 30 quests or 1/250 chance after 75 quests.
    Achievement Servant-in-Training.png
    Sirviente en práctica • «Completa tu primera misión de Pescador.»
    Complete 1 Angler quest. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Good Little Slave.png
    Buen esclavo • «Completa tu misión número 10 de Pescador.»
    Complete 10 Angler quests. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Trout Monkey.png
    Amante de la pesca • «Completa tu misión número 25 de Pescador.»
    Complete 25 Angler quests. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Fast and Fishious.png
    Pezqueñines sí, gracias • «Completa tu misión número 50 de Pescador.»
    Complete 50 Angler quests. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • The name of this achievement is a reference to various movies titled Fast and Furious.
    • Another possible reference could be the 1969 experimental rock album Trout Mask Replica, where the phrase "fast and bulbous" is used several times throughout.
    Achievement Supreme Helper Minion!.png
    ¡Súbdito supremo! • «Completa un total de 200 misiones para el Pescador.»
    Complete 200 Angler quests. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Topped Off.png
    A tope • «Consigue el máximo posible de vida y maná sin accesorios o potenciadores.»
    Reach maximum health and mana. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Slayer of Worlds.png
    Destructor de mundos • «Derrota a todos los jefes de Terraria.»
    Defeat every boss in the game (not including Empress of Light and Queen Slime). (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement You Can Do It!.png
    ¡Puedes hacerlo! • «Sobrevive a la primera noche completa de tu personaje.»
    Survive your first full night. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Matching Attire.png
    A juego • «Equipa una armadura en las tres ranuras de armadura: cabeza, pecho y pies.»
    Equip armor pieces in all armor slots (pieces do not have to be from the same set). (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
  • PC, Consola y Móvil Only

    These achievements are only available on the Steam Steam and GOG.com GOG.com versions. There are a total of 104 achievements.

  • Achievement Notes
    Achievement Benched.png
    Al banquillo • «Crea tu primer banco de trabajo.»
    Craft your first Work Bench. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    • May be a reference to an identical term in sports where a player is "benched" from the deck play. (Mostly misspelled as beched)
    Achievement Fae Flayer.png
    Hada desolladora • «Derrota a la Emperatriz de la luz, responsable de todas esas luces brillantes y relucientes.»
    Defeat the Empress of Light for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Just Desserts.png
    Solo postres • «Derrota a la Reina slime, dándole así el golpe de gracia a la soberana de todo lo que se menea.»
    Defeat the Queen Slime for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    Achievement Don't Dread on Me.png
    No me vengas con terribleces • «Derrota al Nautilo terrible, el molusco asesino que acecha bajo la superficie de los mares sanguinarios.»
    Defeat the Dreadnautilus for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • A reference to the motto of the Gadsden Flag, in which the motto reads "Don't Tread on Me"
    Achievement Hero of Etheria.png
    Héroe de Eteria • «Repele a las tropas más poderosas del ejército del Antiguo.»
    Defeat the last round of the Old One's Army. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Cazador Cazador
    • Achievement is granted after defeating Betsy, upon the status message, "¡El ejército del Antiguo ha sido derrotado!"
    Achievement Infinity +1 Sword.png
    Espada infinita +1 • «Obtén la Cénit, la culminación de un viaje forjada en la espada suprema.»
    Obtain the Zenith. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement Boots of the Hero.png
    Botas de héroe • «Consigue las Botas de terrachispa, que fueron forjadas a partir de las mejores botas de fuego y hielo.»
    Obtain the Terraspark Boots. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Coleccionista Coleccionista
    Achievement A Rather Blustery Day.png
    Un día un tanto tempestuoso • «Vuela una cometa en un día ventoso.»
    Fly a kite on a Windy Day. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • A reference to Winnie-the-Pooh, both a common phrase used by the characters (aptly, to refer to windy days) and a song of the same name.
    Achievement Quiet Neighborhood.png
    Vecindario tranquilo • «Entra en un cementerio neblinoso lleno de muertos gruñones.»
    Enter in a Graveyard for the first time. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    Achievement Hot Reels!.png
    ¡Pesa calurosa! • «¡Lanza el anzuelo en un foso de lava para obtener a una presa bien churruscadita!»
    Use any fishing pole in the lava. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • A reference to Hot Wheels toy cars.
    Achievement Heliophobia.png
    Heliofobia • «¡Engaña a un gnomo para convertirlo en piedra!»
    Turn a Gnome into a Garden Gnome. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • Heliophobia is the fear of the sun.
    • Note that Gnomes are likely to spawn inside a naturally generated Living Tree.
    Achievement Leading Landlord.png
    Propietario mandamás • «¡Reúnete con un inquilino que esté lo más contento posible!»
    Talk to any town NPC while its happiness is at its maximum. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Feeling Petty.png
    Me siento insignificante • «Acaríciale la cabeza a la mascota de la ciudad.»
    Pet a Town pet. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    Achievement Hey! Listen!.png
    ¡Eh! ¡Hazme caso! • «Encuentra un hada.»
    Encounter a Fairy. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Explorador Explorador
    • A reference to Navi the fairy, a character from The Legend Of Zelda.
    Achievement Jolly Jamboree.png
    Jolgorio alegre • «Tanto da lo que se celebre, ¡lo importante es montar una fiesta!»
    Throw a Party. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • May be a reference to the Reader Rabbit song of the same name in Reader Rabbit Preschool.
    • Party Center does work for this achivement.
    Achievement Dead Men Tell No Tales.png
    Los muertos no cuentan historias • «Te preocupaba tanto si podías abrir o no este cofre que ni siquiera te has parado a pensar si deberías.»
    Die within 10 seconds after opening a Dead Man's Chest. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
    Category: Aspirante Aspirante
    • Die within 10 seconds after activating a Dead Man's chest. Only works in single player.
    • "Dead men tell no tales" is a well-known proverb, often used as a motive for murder.
    • Tooltip is a likely reference to Jurassic Park.
  • Old-gen console version Old-gen console version

    Xbox 360 Xbox 360

    There are a total of 30 achievements, worth 400 points (Xbox One Xbox One however, has the same 30 achievements, but gives 1,000 points (note that these achievements are deprecated on Xbox One.)

  • Achievement Points Notes
    Achievement Home Sweet Home.png
    Home Sweet Home • «The Guide has moved into your house»
    Have the Guide move into a house. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement All in the Family.png
    All in the Family • «Every NPC has moved into your house»
    All town NPCs are housed in your world. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Rock Bottom.png
    Rock Bottom • «Reach the bottom of the World»
    Reach the very bottom of The Underworld. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Exterminator.png
    Exterminator • «You have defeated every boss!»
    Defeat every boss in the game. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Slimer.png
    Slimer • «You have killed every type of slime!»
    Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Challenge Accepted.png
    Challenge Accepted • «You have unlocked Hard Mode!»
    Unlock Hardmode. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Maxed Out.png
    Maxed Out • «You have the maximum health and mana!»
    Max out your health and mana. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Corruptible.png
    Corruptible • «Your world is corrupt!»
    Have 50% of your world Corrupt. (Old-gen console version)
    • 50% is only the minimum. Ask the Dryad to see your progress.
    • Despite the achievement's name and image, the world does not need to be a corrupt world, it can be Crimson.
    Achievement Hallowed Be Thy Name.png
    Hallowed Be Thy Name • «Your World is Hallowed»
    Have 50% of your world Hallowed. (Old-gen console version)
    • 50% is only the minimum. Ask the Dryad to see your progress.
    • Probably a reference to the song by the same name from the Iron Maiden album The Number of The Beast. The phrase is also in the opening of the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6:9 of the Christian Bible.
    Achievement Ophthalmologist.png
    Ophthalmologist • «You have defeated The Twins!»
    Defeat The Twins for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    • An ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology, a branch of medicine and surgery which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. The Twins seem to have the eye disorder central heterochromia iridum.
    Achievement Bona Fide.png
    Bona Fide • «You have defeated Skeletron Prime!»
    Defeat Skeletron Prime for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Ride The Worm.png
    Ride The Worm • «You have defeated The Destroyer!»
    Defeat The Destroyer for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Marathon Runner.png
    Marathon Runner • «You have traveled over 42km on the ground!»
    Run 42 km (~ 68,898 blocks). (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Landscaper.png
    Landscaper • «You have removed more than 10,000 blocks!»
    Mine a total of 10,000 blocks. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Crowd Control.png
    Crowd Control • «You have defeated the Goblin Army!»
    Defeat a Goblin Army for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    • Is referenced in the tip "When dealing with a Goblin Army, crowd control is key."
    Achievement Survivor.png
    Survivor • «You have survived the first night!»
    Survive your first full night. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Icarus.png
    Icarus • «Reach the top of the World!»
    Reach Space. (Old-gen console version)
    • Reach the top of the map.
    Achievement Vanity of Vanities.png
    Vanity of Vanities • «Looking good!»
    Equip a full set of vanity items and/or armor. (Old-gen console version)
    • Reference to the Bible phrase "vanity of vanities, all is vanity" (Ecclesiastes 1:2).
    Achievement Pet Hoarder.png
    Pet Hoarder • «You seem to like pets.»
    Obtain all exclusive pets. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Terraria Student.png
    Terraria Student • «Begin the tutorial!»
    Start playing the tutorial. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Terraria Expert.png
    Terraria Expert • «You have completed the tutorial!»
    Complete the tutorial. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Be Prepared.png
    Be Prepared • «You are ready for battle!»
    Have 5 buffs active at once. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Airtime!.png
    Airtime! • «Enjoy the view.»
    Stay in the air for enough time. (Old-gen console version)
    • Multiple short times works, too.
    Achievement Blacksmith.png
    Herrero • «You are a master smith!»
    Craft 300 items at an anvil. (Old-gen console version)
    • Crafting Silver Bullets usually accomplishes this achievement quickly.
    Achievement I'm Smelting!.png
    I'm Smelting! • «You have smelted 10,000 bars of metal!»
    Smelt 10,000 bars of metal. (Old-gen console version)
    • Most likely a reference to the phrase "I'm melting!" spoken by the Wicked Witch of the West in the 1939 American musical fantasy movie The Wizard of Oz.
    Achievement A Knight in Shining Armors.png
    A Knight in Shining Armors • «Obtain every type of armor available.»
    Equip every set of armor available. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Engineer.png
    Engineer • «You have placed 100 wires!»
    Place 100 wires. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Red Moon Rises.png
    Red Moon Rises • «You have survived the Blood Moon!»
    Survive your first Blood Moon. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Crafty.png
    Crafty • «Used every crafting station»
    Use every Crafting Station at least once. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement To Hell and Back.png
    To Hell and Back • «You have gone to The Underworld and back without dying!»
    Go to The Underworld and back without dying. (Old-gen console version)
    • It does not count if you use a Magic Mirror to return to the surface.
  • PlayStation 3PS3 / PlayStation VitaPS Vita / Wii U Wii U

    There are a total of 39 trophies/accomplishments: 1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 19 Silver and 17 Bronze.

  • Achievement Quality Notes
    Achievement Completionist!.png
    PlayStation Completionist! • «All the trophies have been earned.»
    Earn all other trophies. PlayStation 3
    Achievement Completionist!.png
    Wii U Completionist! • «All accomplishments have been unlocked.»
    Earn all other trophies. PlayStation 3
    Achievement Home Sweet Home.png
    PlayStation Home Sweet Home • «The Guide has moved into your house»
    Have the Guide move into a house. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Home Sweet Home.png
    Wii U Home Sweet Home • «The Guide has moved in!»
    Have the Guide move into a house. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Terraria Student.png
    PlayStation Terraria Student • «Begin the tutorial!»
    Start playing the tutorial. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Terraria Student.png
    Wii U Terraria Student • «You have begun the tutorial!»
    Start playing the tutorial. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement All in the Family.png
    PlayStation All in the Family • «Every NPC has moved into your house»
    All town NPCs are housed in your world. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement All in the Family.png
    Wii U All in the Family • «Every NPC has moved in!»
    All town NPCs are housed in your world. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Rock Bottom.png
    PlayStation Rock Bottom • «Reach the bottom of the World»
    Reach the very bottom of The Underworld. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Rock Bottom.png
    Wii U Rock Bottom • «You have reached the bottom of the World!»
    Reach the very bottom of The Underworld. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Exterminator.png
    Exterminator • «You have defeated every boss!»
    Defeat every boss in the game. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Slimer.png
    Slimer • «You have killed every type of slime!»
    Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Challenge Accepted.png
    Challenge Accepted • «You have unlocked Hard Mode!»
    Unlock Hardmode. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Maxed Out.png
    PlayStation Maxed Out • «You have the maximum health and mana!»
    Max out your health and mana. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Maxed Out.png
    Wii U Maxed Out • «You have the maximum health and mana»
    Max out your health and mana. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Corruptible.png
    Corruptible • «Your world is corrupt!»
    Have 50% of your world Corrupt. (Old-gen console version)
    • 50% is only the minimum. Ask the Dryad to see your progress.
    Achievement Hallowed Be Thy Name.png
    PlayStation Hallowed Be Thy Name • «Your World is Hallowed»
    Have 50% of your world Hallowed. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Hallowed Be Thy Name.png
    Wii U Hallowed Be Thy Name • «Your World is Hallowed!»
    Have 50% of your world Hallowed. (Old-gen console version)
    • 50% is only the minimum. Ask the Dryad to see your progress.
    Achievement Ophthalmologist.png
    Ophthalmologist • «You have defeated The Twins!»
    Defeat The Twins for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    • An ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology, a branch of medicine and surgery which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. The Twins seem to have the eye disorder central heterochromia iridum.
    Achievement Bona Fide.png
    Bona Fide • «You have defeated Skeletron Prime!»
    Defeat Skeletron Prime for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Ride The Worm.png
    Ride The Worm • «You have defeated The Destroyer!»
    Defeat The Destroyer for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Marathon Runner.png
    Marathon Runner • «You have traveled over 42km on the ground!»
    Run 42 km (~ 68,898 blocks). (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Landscaper.png
    Landscaper • «You have removed more than 10,000 blocks!»
    Mine a total of 10,000 blocks. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Crowd Control.png
    Crowd Control • «You have defeated the Goblin Army!»
    Defeat a Goblin Army for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Survivor.png
    PlayStation Survivor • «You have survived the first night!»
    Survive your first full night. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Survivor.png
    Wii U Survivor • «You survived the first night!»
    Survive your first full night. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Icarus.png
    PlayStation Icarus • «Reach the top of the World!»
    Reach Space. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Icarus.png
    Wii U Icarus • «Reach the top of the world.»
    Reach Space. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Vanity of Vanities.png
    PlayStation Vanity of Vanities • «Looking good!»
    Equip a full set of vanity items and/or armor. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Vanity of Vanities.png
    Wii U Vanity of Vanities • «Wear a full set of vanity clothes.»
    Equip a full set of vanity items and/or armor. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Pet Hoarder.png
    PlayStation Pet Hoarder • «You seem to like pets.»
    Obtain all exclusive pets. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Pet Hoarder.png
    Wii U Pet Hoarder • «Find ALL the pets.»
    Obtain all exclusive pets. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Be Prepared.png
    PlayStation Be Prepared • «You are ready for battle!»
    Have 5 buffs active at once. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Be Prepared.png
    Wii U Be Prepared • «Activate 5 buffs at the same time»
    Have 5 buffs active at once. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Airtime!.png
    Airtime! • «Enjoy the view.»
    Stay in the air for enough time. (Old-gen console version)
    • Multiple short times works, too.
    Achievement Blacksmith.png
    PlayStation Herrero • «You are a master smith!»
    Craft 300 items at an anvil. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Blacksmith.png
    Wii U Herrero • «Craft 300 items at an anvil.»
    Craft 300 items at an anvil. (Old-gen console version)
    • Crafting Silver Bullets usually accomplishes this achievement quickly.
    Achievement I'm Smelting!.png
    I'm Smelting! • «You have smelted 10,000 bars of metal!»
    Smelt 10,000 bars of metal. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement A Knight in Shining Armors.png
    PlayStation A Knight in Shining Armors • «Obtain every type of armor available.»
    Equip every set of armor available. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement A Knight in Shining Armors.png
    Wii U A Knight in Shining Armors • «You have obtained every type of armor.»
    Equip every set of armor available. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Engineer.png
    Engineer • «You have placed 100 wires!»
    Place 100 wires. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Red Moon Rises.png
    Red Moon Rises • «You have survived the Blood Moon!»
    Survive your first Blood Moon. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Crafty.png
    PlayStation Crafty • «Used every crafting station»
    Use every Crafting Station at least once. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Crafty.png
    Wii U Crafty • «You have used every crafting station!»
    Use every Crafting Station at least once. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement To Hell and Back.png
    To Hell and Back • «You have gone to The Underworld and back without dying!»
    Go to The Underworld and back without dying. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Back for Second.png
    Back for Second • «You have defeated all the prime bosses twice!»
    Defeat all of the Mechanical bosses twice. PlayStation 3
    Achievement Is This Heaven.png
    Is This Heaven? • «You have found a floating island!»
    Discover your first Floating Island. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Leap a tall building in a single bound.png
    Leap a tall building in a single bound • «Jump really, really high.»
    Jump extraordinarily high. (Old-gen console version)
    • It only calculates the falling distance.
    • A reference to "Superman" being described as being able to "Leap tall buildings in a single bound"
    Achievement Safe Fall.png
    Safe Fall • «You have landed safely.»
    Survive a fall using a Lucky Horseshoe or Cloud in a Bottle. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Hellevator.png
    Hellevator • «Go from the surface to The Underworld in under a minute.»
    Go from the surface to The Underworld in less than 1 minute. PlayStation 3
    • See Hellevator. Using a small map is easier, but not necessary.
    Achievement Gone in 60 seconds.png
    PlayStation Gone in 60 seconds • «You ran continuously for 60 seconds.»
    Continuously run for 1 minute. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Gone in 60 seconds.png
    Wii U Gone in 60 seconds • «You ran continuously for 60 seconds!»
    Continuously run for 1 minute. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Appease the Volcano Gods.png
    Appease the Volcano Gods • «You sacrificed The Guide in boiling hot magma!»
    Let your Guide die in lava. (Old-gen console version)
    • Throwing the Guide Voodoo Doll into lava will not work. He needs to die directly by standing in lava.
    Achievement Homicidal.png
    Homicidal • «You killed The Guide, you maniac!»
    Equip the Guide Voodoo Doll and kill the guide. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Terraria Expert.png
    Terraria Expert • «You have completed the tutorial!»
    Complete the tutorial. (Old-gen console version)
  • Versión móvil Antigua Versión de Móvil

    Achievements were available on the Apple App Store Apple App Store /  Google Play Google Play versions. There are a total of 12 achievements, for a total of 1000 points (Apple App Store) 100,000 XP ( Google Play). These achievements can no longer be unlocked by new players due to the ground-up recode in Mobile

  • Achievement Points (iOS & iPadOS) XP (Google Play) Notes
    Achievement Terraria Expert.png
    Terraria Expert • «You have completed the tutorial!»
    Complete the tutorial. (Old-gen console version)
    80 6,000
    Achievement Home Sweet Home.png
    iOS & iPadOS Home Sweet Home • «The Guide moved into your house»
    Have the Guide move into a house. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Home Sweet Home.png
    Google Play Home Sweet Home • «Get the Guide to move into your house»
    Have the Guide move into a house. (Old-gen console version)
    80 6,000
    Achievement All in the Family.png
    iOS & iPadOS All in the Family • «Every NPC moved into your house»
    All town NPCs are housed in your world. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement All in the Family.png
    Google Play Family Night • «Get every NPC to move into your house»
    All town NPCs are housed in your world. (Old-gen console version)
    80 10,000
    Achievement Rock Bottom.png
    iOS & iPadOS Rock Bottom • «Reach the bottom of the World»
    Reach the very bottom of The Underworld. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Rock Bottom.png
    Google Play Going Down • «Reach the bottom of the World»
    Reach the very bottom of The Underworld. (Old-gen console version)
    80 7,000
    Achievement Exterminator.png
    Exterminator • «You have defeated every boss!»
    Defeat every boss in the game. (Old-gen console version)
    80 12,000
    Achievement Maxed Out.png
    iOS & iPadOS Maxed Out • «Maxed out your health and mana»
    Max out your health and mana. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Maxed Out.png
    Google Play All Pumped Up • «Max out your health and mana»
    Max out your health and mana. (Old-gen console version)
    80 10,000
    Achievement Crowd Control.png
    iOS & iPadOS Crowd Control • «Defeated the Goblin Army»
    Defeat a Goblin Army for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Crowd Control.png
    Google Play Defeated The Mob • «Defeat the Goblin Army»
    Defeat a Goblin Army for the first time. (Old-gen console version)
    80 8,000
    Achievement Slimer.png
    iOS & iPadOS Slimer • «Kill every type of slime»
    Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Slimer.png
    Google Play King Of Slimes • «Kill every type of slime»
    Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Old-gen console version)
    80 7,000
    Achievement Is This Heaven.png
    iOS & iPadOS Is This Heaven? • «Found a floating island»
    Discover your first Floating Island. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Is This Heaven.png
    Google Play Could This Be Heaven • «Find a floating island»
    Discover your first Floating Island. (Old-gen console version)
    80 7,000
    Achievement A Knight in Shining Armors.png
    iOS & iPadOS A Knight in Shining Armors • «Obtain every type of armor available.»
    Equip every set of armor available. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement A Knight in Shining Armors.png
    Google Play Collector • «Obtain every type of armor available.»
    Equip every set of armor available. (Old-gen console version)
    90 10,000
    Achievement Red Moon Rises.png
    iOS & iPadOS Red Moon Rises • «Survived the Blood Moon»
    Survive your first Blood Moon. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Red Moon Rises.png
    Google Play When The Moon Turns Red • «Survive the Blood Moon»
    Survive your first Blood Moon. (Old-gen console version)
    100 7,000
    Achievement Crafty.png
    iOS & iPadOS Crafty • «Use every crafting station»
    Use every Crafting Station at least once. (Old-gen console version)
    Achievement Crafty.png
    Google Play Expert Crafter • «Use every crafting station»
    Use every Crafting Station at least once. (Old-gen console version)
    90 10,000
  • Notas

    • There is one enemy capable of completing five achievements at once:
      • King Slime (Slippery Shinobi, Slayer of Worlds, Sticky Situation, Vehicular Manslaughter, Gelatin World Tour.)
    • There are four enemies capable of triggering four achievements at once:
      • Wall of Flesh (Still Hungry, Slayer of Worlds, It's Hard!, and Vehicular Manslaughter)
      • Any mechanical boss (Buckets of Bolts, Slayer of Worlds, Mecha Mayhem, and Vehicular Manslaughter)
    • There is one enemy capable of triggering three achievements at once:
      • Pinky (Gelatin World Tour, Vehicular Manslaughter, and Pretty in Pink)
    • Old-gen console version Achievements for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Xbox 360 have different descriptions in terms of wording. PlayStation 3 refers to the player completing an action while Xbox 360 Xbox 360 simply states that the action was performed.
    • PlayStation 3PlayStation Vita The nine trophies without a corresponding achievement are: Appease the Volcano Gods, Back for Second, Completionist, Gone in 60 seconds, Hellevator, Homicidal, Is This Heaven?, Leap a tall building in a single bound, and Safe Fall.
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) As of version 1.3.4, there are six unimplemented achievements in the game code:
      • Behind The Mask – Slay the Insane Cultist, a mad magician with powerful spells.
      • Davy Jones' Locker – Defeat the Flying Dutchman, the sails of the plunderin' skies.
      • Winterhearted – Defeat the Ice Queen, wicked witch of the coldest nights.
      • Pumpkin Smasher – Defeat the Pumpking, the spooky lord of hallow's eve.
      • Independence Day – Defeat a Mothership, overminds of the martian invaders.
      • Hex Education – Defeat a Goblin Summoner, conjurers of the darkest flames.
    • With 1.4, it is possible to purchase the Minishark, obtain the achievement for obtaining it, and sell it back for full price so long as you don't close the Arms Dealer's shop window (if you have no intention to keep it).
    • Even if Ooo! Shiny!, Extra Shiny! and Photosynthesis ask you to mine the ore, you can also explode it or dig it with Digging Molecart to also get the achievement. However, only blocks mined with a pickaxe or a drill will count towards the Bulldozer achievement.


    • The unimplemented achievement Pumpkin Smasher is a reference to the American alternative rock band The Smashing Pumpkins.
    • The unimplemented achievement Independence Day is a reference to the 1996 American science fiction action movie Independence Day, where the military fights attacking aliens.
    • The unimplemented achievement Behind The Mask was left unused due to a similar achievement already being available.
    • The unimplemented achievement Hex Education is a pun on "sex education" and the Goblin Summoner's hex related powers (such as the Shadowflame Hex Doll it drops).
    • The icons for the Sick Throw and Throwing Lines achievements have the same appearance, but with different colors.
    • The Big Booty achievement does not include the Desert Key in its picture.

    Ver También

    • Limador, el Limo volador que comparte su nombre con el logro de la Old-gen console version Old-gen console version.


    • Desktop
      • Fixed a bug causing the Hot Reels achievement to unlock when fishing in any liquid.
      • Fixed a bug causing it to be much harder than expected to achieve the happiness required for the Leading Landlord achievement.
    • Desktop 1.4.1: Added 15 new achievements.
    • Desktop
      • Fixed certain achievements not being obtainable in multiplayer (you should now be able to get them all). (i.e. "Baleful Harvest" or "Ice Scream")
      • Fixed fishing achievements not being counted on Steam or resetting on startup.
      • "Dye Hard" now properly requires having all of the equipment slots include dye, rather than just armor/accessory slots.
    • Desktop
      • Fixed "event" achievements not being granted in multiplayer ("You can do it!", "It's Hard!", "No Hobo" and so on)
      • Fixed "Funkytown" achievement will no longer be granted after respawning from death in the glowing mushroom biome.
      • Fixed achievements menu slider bar hanging on top of screen if all filters are disabled.
    • Desktop Introduced 88 Steam achievements for Desktop players.
    • Console 1.0.933.1: Introduced Achievements. (Xbox One)
    • Console 1.0.750.0: Introduced Achievements. (PlayStation 4)
    Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version
    • Switch 1.0.732.3: Fixed a bug where the “Lucky Break” Achievement would unlock without fulfilling the given criteria.
    • Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced Achievements.
    • Mobile Introduced Achievements.


    1. Information taken from the Versión de PC PC source code, method Load() in Terraria.Initializers.AchievementInitializer.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Versión de PC Versión de PC is