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注意:前代主机版 前代主机版和主机版共用历史。不过任何高于 1.09 版本的更新不适用于前代主机版。
任天堂Switch版 任天堂Switch版通常被视为主机版的一部分,但由于更新的不同在此 wiki 上历史章节中被单独区分。


DR Studios

版本 发布时间 更改
Xbox OnePlayStation 4任天堂Switch (Build 1081)
2023 年 10 月 02 日[1]
    • 修复了在 PlayStation 4 上游玩时,游戏有时会卡住的问题。
    • Fixed an issue where some Xbox players would not be able to access old save data after upgrading to
    • Fixed an issue where map exploration progress would reset between sessions for some PlayStation players.
    • Fixed M+K Multiplayer crash when holding a Chest's item while moving away from a Chest while an item is held then swapping into inventory.
    • Fixed M+K crash when attempting to fill an inventory slot by right clicking to take one duplicated item only (as opposed to a stack), then placing it in the slot freed by an Item Frame.
    • Fixed a crash in Splitscreen when player 1 saves and quits while a second+ player displays Syncing Files.
    • Fixed a crash In Splitscreen, when two players both have an empty Chest open and one player knocks it down with a pickaxe.
  • PlayStation 4 (Build 1050)
    2023 年 07 月 05 日[2]修复了若干崩溃问题。
    Xbox One (Build 1035)
    2023 年 05 月 31 日[3]
    • 修复了将“您可以通过语音、文本或邀请进行通信”权限设置为“阻止”时,玩家无法在 Xbox 上使用多人游戏的问题。
    • 修复了手柄输入在游戏中反应延迟的 Xbox 问题。
    • 修复了某些鼠标输入会阻止键盘在 Xbox 上工作的问题。
    • 修复了在不确定的游戏量后键盘断开连接的 Xbox 问题。
    • 修复了游戏在长时间游玩后停止响应键盘输入的问题。
    • 修复了游戏加载多人模式时崩溃的问题。
  • Xbox One (Build 1026)
    PlayStation 4 (Build 1016)
    任天堂Switch (Build 1015)
    2023 年 05 月 02 日[4]
  • Changes and additions
    • Improved the way backgrounds zoom in and out.
    • Massive internal systems upgrade in preparation for crossplay, bringing the latest APIs and a huge rework of the Xbox backend.
    • Fixed an issue where the game would crash after creating two small worlds consecutively.
    • Fixed an issue where the Aether Monolith was not giving off light.
    • Fixed an issue where the seaweed in ocean caverns would not be visible.
    • Fixed an issue where vanity accessories would disappear from the player selection screen when exiting a world immediately after death.
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4任天堂Switch (Build 993)
    Xbox OnePlayStation 4 2022 年 11 月 30 日[5]
    任天堂Switch 2022 年 12 月 06 日[5]
  • 参见 页面以查看更改的完整列表。

    • 在设置中添加了调整鼠标滚轮灵敏度的选项。
    修复 Bug
    • Fixed a crash issue that would occur when player died in a "getfixedboi" seed world and an then tried to load a "theconstant" world
    • 修复了当玩家退出大世界后加载小世界会发生崩溃的问题
    • 修复了在多人模式中,玩家可以在击败 Boss 后看到并拾取多个宝藏袋的问题
    • 修复了护士不会治疗玩家的问题
    • 修复了派对帽有时会在NPC所在图层的后面,而非前面的问题
    • Fixed a split-screen issue where player-1 could see player-2's block placement preview, but player-2 couldn't see their own
    • 修复了“氦苔藓钓鱼浮标”不会在物品栏中显示彩虹效果的问题
    • 修复了“史莱姆枪”和“水枪”不会显示它们的射弹效果的问题
    • 修复了“加长握爪”不会增加拾取/放置范围的问题
    • Fixed an issue where shimmerfalls would not display correctly
    • 修复了玩家在多人游戏中不能跳过撒旦军队波次间的冷却时间的问题
    • 修复了 NPC 处于微光状态时,NPC 的页面图标不会更新的问题
    • 修复了城镇史莱姆的派对帽在 NPC 的对话界面会偏离的问题
    • 修复了在多人游戏中,由再生之斧重新种植的橡实不会正常显示的问题
    • 修复了“史莱姆大分裂”成就不会正确触发的问题。
    • 修复了切换输入方法时,一些工具提示不会更新的问题。
    • 修复了护士会治疗“稍饿”减益的问题。
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4任天堂Switch (Build 977)
    Xbox OnePlayStation 4 2022 年 10 月 31 日[6]
    任天堂Switch 2022 年 11 月 09 日[6]
  • 参见 页面以查看更改的完整列表。

    修复 Bug
    • 修复了在多人模式专家模式中,使用日耀碑牌无法召唤日食的问题
    • 修复了多人模式进程中的本地服务器无法使用贝壳电话传送至出生点的问题
    • 修复了使用“精简”主题时,当在物品栏中使用手柄进行“研究”时,游戏会崩溃的问题
    • 修复了恐惧鹦鹉螺无法生成乌贼的问题
    • 修复了部分材料在堆石器面板中会相互覆盖的问题
    • 修复了在多人模式中,使用商贩背包时会召唤哥布林军队的问题
    • 修复了交叉的绳会显示在交叉的平台前面的问题
    • 修复了魔光剑的视觉效果是绿色而不是紫色的问题
    • 修复了嵌入的图标在 getfixedboi 世界生成文本中缺失的问题
    • 修复了光谱风筝的工具提示在使用触摸或手柄时不会更新的问题
    • 修复了向导书的工具提示在使用触摸或手柄时不会更新的问题
    • 修复了游戏有时会在困难模式转化中卡住的问题
    • 修复了饥荒的遮罩对世界生成 UI 不起作用的问题
    • 修复了导致生命条遮住魔力工具提示的小问题
    • 修复了玩家无法丢弃制作的、与制作的物品交换的和新拾取的物品的问题
    • 修复了玩家在 PlayStation 上无法解锁“Appease the Volcano Gods”纪念章的问题
    • 修复了特定情况下,玩家的地图数据无法保存的问题
    • 修复了玩家和世界名称中如果带撇号,那么两次打开游戏之间无法保留收藏状态的问题
    • 修复了部分世界名称包含撇号时,可能会产生视觉效果的瑕疵的问题
    • 骷髅王在 getfixedboi 种子中无法在白天召唤的问题
    • 修复了信息配饰的文本会在离按钮太近时改变位置的问题
    • 修复了制作时,如果按住“下”的按钮,会自动跳到下一个物品的问题
    • 修复了自然传播的腐化会摧毁丛林而非转化草的问题
    • 修复了地表和地下层之间的过渡是扭曲的黑条的问题
    • 修复了打开聊天时的铅笔图标在 K&M 屏幕上悬浮的问题
    • 修复了Rotten Fork、永恒之枪、和暗黑长枪在逆转重力下,外观会出现瑕疵的问题
    • 修复了 NPC 对话图标不能实时反应其嬗变状态的问题
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4任天堂Switch (Build 967)
    2022 年 10 月 19 日[7]
  • 参见 页面以查看更改的完整列表。

    • 添加了一个新成就
    • “经典”现在是新玩家的默认难度,而非“旅行”
    修复 Bug
    • 修复了将向导巫毒娃娃丢进 “Celebrationmk10” 的熔岩池,会杀死向导但无法生成血肉墙的问题
    • 修复了一些小动物笼子的图像瑕疵
    • 修复了在多人模式进程中,一些物品无法正常嬗变的问题
    • 修复了贝壳电话无法传送玩家,制作时也不显示工具提示的问题
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4任天堂Switch 1.4.4 (Build 960)
    (等价于电脑版 1.4.4
    2022 年 09 月 28 日[8]
  • 参见 1.4.4 页面以查看更改的完整列表。

    • 为 Xbox 和 PlayStation添加了三种纪念章
    • 为物品栏相机移动添加了新的设置,有三种位置设置:自动/总是/永不
    • 为钱币 & 弹药栏添加了图标,以使其更清晰
    • 世界生成时的加载条,现在背景不再透明
    • 在使用手柄时为自动选择添加了一个切换选项,以便与既有的触摸输入相一致
    • 更新了取消坐骑和电路的控制横幅
    • 更新了虚空袋中新物品的高亮效果
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4任天堂Switch (Build 887)
    Xbox OnePlayStation 4 2022 年 05 月 23 日[9]
    任天堂Switch 2022 年 05 月 30 日[9]
  • 更改
    • 将界面编辑器的布局变得更加用户友好。
    • 修复了 PS4 玩家无法解锁“Appease the Volcano Gods”成就的问题。
    • 修复了玩家在多人模式中无法打开宏伟蓝图和五彩扳手的弹出菜单的问题。
    • 修复了设置中的 UI 比例滑块会在玩家有三个页面组(每个角上一个)的情况下变得不可见,并将 UI 比例设置到最小的问题。
    • Fixed an issue where the Safe Region settings on Nintendo Switch would reset to default every time the game went from handheld to docked and vice versa.
    • Fixed an issue where some users were unable to navigate to the trash slot in the inventory when using a controller, with a specific UI page setup.
    • Fixed an issue where the weather would lock in a certain state after updating the game to the latest version.
    • 修复了公主 NPC 生成时没有名字的问题。
    • Fixed an issue where the Spinal Tap whip wouldn’t hit enemies correctly, which was especially visible when the player was wearing the Obsidian Armor.
    • 修复了阿比盖尔的花不会对敌怪造成伤害(除非是撞向它们)的问题。
    • 修复了玩家无法从染料商处购买团队染料的问题。
    • 修复了允许玩家利用人体模型/Womanequin或帽架复制物品的漏洞。
    • 修复了允许玩家不消耗材料无限制作物品的漏洞。
    • 修复了部分玩家在利用sleeping设置世界生成点后无法加入世界的问题。
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4任天堂Switch (Build 863) 同步更新
    2022 年 04 月 27 日[10]
  • 常规
    • You can now customize the color of your cursor - including the often-requested Rainbow Cursor!
    • 制作人员名单现在可以直接从主界面访问
    • 在设置中,您现在可以在 UI 页面的折叠,展开和关闭默认选项之间进行选择
    • 电路功能提升优化
    • We have improved the existing filter & search mechanics in Crafting and Duplication
    • Now you can reset settings on a tab level, without having to reset everything
    • World selection screen has been improved and displays some more info
    • Some UI pages such as the Reforge menu and some storage pets now have a dedicated icon
    • You can now toggle between Crafting and Duplication without having both menus associated to a page group
    • Expanded/Collapsed/Closed page statuses are saved between sessions
    • Fixed a crash issue when trying to open the Painter’s shop during Christmas
    • Fixed an issue where the game would crash during multiplayer when reopening a chest while the inventory was open
    • Fixed a crash issue when placing furniture while building from the inventory
    • Fixed issues where some world objects were incorrectly positioned when on reverse gravity
    • Fixed a minor issue where some text editing fields (such as Chest) would accept unlimited characters
    • Fixed an issue where the placement grid would disappear when cycling between non-grid to grid items
  • 任天堂Switch (Build 813)
    2022 年 02 月 02 日[11]
  • 新特性
    • You can now control the sun and the moon on the frontend menu by holding ZR + right stick.
    • Based on player feedback we've fixed the hotbar navigation when a Dynamic Hotbar item is bound to a hotbar slot, making it easier to jump through the Hotbar
    • Fixed mannequins losing items when placed by the host and not being able to be seen by other players
    • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where an item was lost if held when a chest was closed
    • Fixed player 2+ in split screen being immune to projectiles
    • Fixed issues where open menus interfered with joining multiplayer games
    • Fixed the issue where users were unable to navigate through the Options menu during multiplayer if their network connection was lost when a menu was open
    • Fixed the delay in picking up items when the host threw an item to another player
    • 修复了大量崩溃问题
    • Fixed the crash when the Painter's house is in a hallowed-snow graveyard biome and trying to open his shop
    • Fixed the issue where player's couldn't quick equip an item from a chest, as long as there isn't a conflicting binding for Use Item bound in the Settings
    • Fixed the controller binding for Research! You can now open the Research menu directly from an item in the Inventory. You can find this in Settings >> Controller >> Controller Bindings: Edit >> Inventory and bind Research Item!
    • Fixed an issue where the player was prevented from continuing to play if they died while a text input box was open
    • Fixed issue where sometimes when using a crafting station items could appear at a locked-on enemy's location
    • Fixed item pickup range in Journey mode to match PC. It's now possible to throw items from the inventory without immediately picking them back up!
    • Fixed a bug where the frame rate would drop when the housing menu was open and you had a lot of NPCs
    • Fixed the issue where the summons tag on enemies could disappear if you got too far away from the enemy, making it hard to know who your summons were targeted on
    • Fixed the issue where the biome artwork behind the map was incorrectly scaled depending on UI zoom level and especially in split screen
    • Fixed a graphical glitch in the tutorial dialog boxes
  • 任天堂Switch (Build 810)
    2022 年 01 月 18 日[12]
  • 修复问题
    • 保存在人体模型上的盔甲物品在升级至 1.4 后消失
    • 保存在物品框中的物品在升级至 1.4 后外观上有缺陷并消失
    • 名字中使用特定字符时游戏会在角色创建时崩溃
    • The game crashes if the player accesses the inventory while on a shop menu, then moves away from the shop range and then enters the inventory again.
    • World generated chandeliers (not placed by player) appear corrupted, but will show correctly if they are pickaxed and placed again.
    • The placement grid disappears if the player accesses the inventory and chooses a non-grid item and exits
  • 任天堂Switch (Build 787)
    2022 年 01 月 04 日[13]
  • 参见 页面以查看更改的完整列表。

    Switch 独有更改
    • 一系列新设置和选项,从图像质量到控制外观,还有更多更多!
    • 水平 vs 垂直方向分屏开关
    • Revised Gamepad mapping to account for the wide range of Journey's End controls - adjusted Defaults (Console Legacy, Advanced, Simplified) as well!
    • UI 更改以匹配旅程结束特性
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 (Build 803)
    2021 年 12 月 07 日[14]
  • 新特性
    • You can now control the sun and the moon on the frontend menu by holding RT/R2 + right stick.
    • It is again possible to use the Touch Pad on the PS4 Dualshock Controller to zoom in and out of the world and transition between the world and map!
      • In Settings >> Controller >> Pinch Zoom World and Pinch Zoom Map are now available
    • Based on player feedback we've fixed the hotbar navigation when a Dynamic Hotbar item is bound to a hotbar slot, making it easier to jump through the Hotbar
    • Improved mouse & keyboard support across the board. Keyboard bindings for inventory management are now closer to PC
      • Use Shift/Ctrl/Alt + click to quick deposit/sell, quick trash and favorite items
      • Press Alt + left click to toggle the vanity visibility on equipment (this differs from PC, pressing Alt changes the cursor to an eye and you can click anywhere in the slot)
      • In Settings >> Keyboard & Mouse >> Quick Trash can be set to Shift + click or Ctrl + click
    • 提高了世界生成速度!
    • Improved boot up time, the game now starts a little bit quicker!
    • Fixed mannequins losing items when placed by the host and not being able to be seen by other players
    • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where an item was lost if held when a chest was closed
    • Fixed player 2+ in split screen being immune to projectiles
    • Fixed a few issues where open menus caused navigation conflicts or problems navigating the game in split screen and multiplayer
    • Fixed issues where open menus interfered with joining multiplayer games
    • Fixed the issue where users were unable to navigate through the Options menu during multiplayer if their network connection was lost when a menu was open
    • Fixed the delay in picking up items when the host threw an item to another player
    • 修复了大量崩溃问题:
      • Fixed some player reported crashes when player encounters certain trees from their 1.3 worlds
      • Fixed the crash when the Painter's house is in a hallowed-snow graveyard biome and trying to open his shop
      • Fixed a bug on PS4 where some worlds are unable to be hosted, or cause a crash when they move to an area which was very built up (many items placed in one location).
    • 修复了一些玩家无法解锁宠物收藏家成就的问题。
    • Fixed! The housing menu should be easier to navigate/query/assign npcs now!
    • Fixed the issue where player's couldn't quick equip an item from a chest, as long as there isn't a conflicting binding for Use Item bound in the Settings
    • Fixed the controller binding for Research! You can now open the Research menu directly from an item in the Inventory. You can find this in Settings >> Controller >> Controller Bindings: Edit >> Inventory and bind Research Item!
    • 修复了大量 UI 视觉和图像问题
    • 修复了一种发型显示在发型列表菜单之外的问题。
    • Fixed an issue where the player was prevented from continuing to play if they died while a text input box was open
    • Fixed issue where sometimes when using a crafting station items could appear at a locked-on enemy's location
    • Fixed item pickup range in Journey mode to match PC. It's now possible to throw items from the inventory without immediately picking them back up!
    • 修复了 PS4 中标牌和墓石的多行输入
    • Fixed a bug where the frame rate would drop when the housing menu was open and you had a lot of NPCs
    • Fixed the issue where the summons tag on enemies could disappear if you got too far away from the enemy, making it hard to know who your summons were targeted on
    • Fixed the issue where the biome artwork behind the map was incorrectly scaled depending on UI zoom level and especially in split screen
    • Fixed a graphical glitch in the tutorial dialog boxes
    • Fixed a missing controller prompt on tutorial dialog boxes
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 (Build 765)
    2021 年 10 月 19 日[15]
  • 更改
    • "Classic" scheme has been changed to be the closest match Red's Pick from the Console 1.3 Era (though it retains the ability to remap/add all of the new functions available with 1.4)
    • D-Pad Cursor Snap feature from RL/PW can be achieved by binding dpad to Grid Snap
    • D-Pad Hotbar feature from RL/PW can be achieved by binding the four dpad directions to Dynamic Hotbar 1-4
    • Grapple is now bound to B again, along with Interact - Interact may be bound to whatever button players have assigned for Secondary Fire or Grapple, but not any others in order to avoid numerous conflicts and edge case issues.
    修复 Bug
    • Fixed an issue where the system was wrongly capping the maximum number of worlds at 10, but the UI was not recognizing this cap. The world/map cap is now 30 as originally intended, and the UI will enforce this (no New button if you have 30 or more worlds)
    • Fixed an issue with not being able to add more offline players to splitscreen on PS4
    • Fixed the mouse scroll wheel issues on PS4 and Xbox
    • Fixed lag spikes caused by the growth of Pumpkins
    • Fixed Player 2+ in split screen not being able to see the Traveling Merchant's wares
    • Fixed Thunderstorms in splitscreen causing blocks to become invisible
    • Fixed time being frozen in non-journey worlds when joining a MP session from the tutorial
    • Fixed the Angler's quests not being updated for Clients in a MP session
    • Fixed treasure bags only being dropped for one person in MP or Split screen
    • Fixed Dungeon Casters and other Projectile weapons' VFX not showing in the left hand side of the world
    • Fixed Geodes not being able to be thrown on the ground to open them
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 (Build 759)
    2021 年 10 月 07 日[16]
  • 修复 Bug
    • 修复了自动保存 bug
    • 修复了黑屏同步 bug
    • 修复了与光之女皇和月亮领主战斗时的一处崩溃
    • 修复了长时间游玩后的崩溃
    • 修复了保存旧世界时的崩溃
    • 修复了热键栏导航影响玩家移动的问题。
    • Fixed housing query controller bindings (Players will have to go into settings and rechoose from Classic, Advanced or Simplified again or bind the Housing Query setting)
    • 修复了研究不消耗选中的物品堆的问题
    • 修复了鼠标在分屏暂停菜单中的冲突问题
    • 修复了 PS4 屏幕外鼠标光标
    • 修复了 PS4 光之女皇的纪念章
    • 在屏幕上添加了更多手柄的绑定
    • 在游戏中添加了安全区的设置
    • 增加了对 PS4 触摸板按钮的支持
  • Xbox One (Build 756)
    2021 年 10 月 01 日[17]修复了与文件同步相关的一处问题
    Xbox OnePlayStation 4 (Build 753)
    2021 年 09 月 30 日[18]
  • 参见 页面以查看更改的完整列表。

    • 一系列新设置和选项,从图像质量到控制外观,还有更多更多!
    • 水平 vs 垂直方向分屏开关
    • Revised Gamepad mapping to account for the wide range of Journey's End controls - adjusted Defaults (Console Legacy, Advanced, Simplified) as well!
    • UI 更改以匹配旅程结束特性
  • Pipeworks Studios

    版本 发布时间 更改
    任天堂Switch 1.0.1168.9
    2020 年 09 月 10 日[19]
  • 修复 Bug
    • Along with this long-desired feature comes a solid handful of bug fixes - both for two-player Splitscreen and for the core Single Player experience. Let's take a quick moment to dive into the details so that you can get started today on your Splitscreen experience!
    • To start your Splitscreen adventure, you will need a second paired set of controls and each player will need their own user account on the Switch. With all of that in place, here is how you get going!
      • Player One should start up a Single Player game - choose their character and the world on which you want to play
      • Once the game has loaded completely, Player Two should pick up their controller and press the A button
      • This will bring up the User Account Selection Menu - Player Two then selects their Switch User Account
      • Upon selecting their account, Player Two will be able to select any Character files tied to that account (or create a new one if they do not have any)
      • Once Player Two picks their Character, they will load into the game... and off you and your buddy go on your Splitscreen Terraria adventures!
    • All other controls should work as per the normal game, just with a bit different viewport. Note that you can zoom in/out just as you can with Single Player (Pause, ZL/ZR) to allow for greater visibility.
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 1.21
    2020 年 08 月 13 日[20]
  • 多人模式生活品质
    • 会保存所加入的多人模式游戏的世界的地图数据(此前,每当客户端重新加入由其他玩家作为主机的世界时,地图数据就会重置)
    • 允许使用密码保护多人模式游戏
    • 允许刷新“加入游戏”列表
    • 允许指定左右摇杆的死区和光标速度
    • 允许设置图格网格是否在使用精确光标时可见r
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 1.20
    2020 年 05 月 21 日[21]
  • 修复 Bug
    • 修复了油漆不正常显示的问题(与透明物块相关的 Bug)
    • Grand Design现在可在多人模式中正常发挥作用
    • 水波现在可以正常地为所有分屏玩家显示出来
    • 其他多人模式以及性能的优化提升(很多很多提升,它们应该会有助于解决一些性能问题,特别是那些与撒旦军队事件相关的多人模式中的性能问题)
  • 任天堂Switch 1.0.1096.2
    派对、沙漠、地牢守护者 2 更新
    (等价于电脑版 1.3.5
    2020 年 05 月 21 日[22]
  • 修复 Bug:
    • 自从上次补丁更新以来,我们修复了一大堆的 Bug,这包括现存的编译版本(build)中的大量问题。如果有什么问题一直困扰着你,也许我们这次已经修复了。看看我们都做了什么吧!
    • 性能上(特别是与粒子相关的稳定性问题)得到了大范围的解决。
    • 加入了派对!你现在可以借助派对女孩的派对中心来开始一场自己的排队,城镇 NPC 也有可能会开始一场派对,但需要满足特定的条件。
    • 添加了一个新的天气事件:沙尘暴!这会带来新的敌怪、新的战利品、新的乐曲、以及沙漠生物群系的特殊体验!
    • 暴雪现在有了新的视觉效果
    • 沙漠和地狱现在有热变形视觉效果。
    • 现在可以在沙漠找到落沙的特效,并且可以使用魔法沙粒滴管在任何地方放置并呈现特效!
    • 添加了撒旦军队
    • 以敌怪、武器和游戏机制为特征的入侵事件,这些的灵感来自埃特尼亚: 地牢守护者 2 宇宙。
    • 此事件机制与泰拉瑞亚中的其他事件均不相同 - 以在特殊防御结构系统的帮助下,保护造物不受入侵的敌怪攻击这一全新机制为特色。
    • 这一多阶段事件允许玩家在游戏不同节点体验逐渐升高的难度,和与之相符的拾取物。
    • 享受盔甲、武器、宠物和更多形式的奖赏,全部直接来自地牢守护者 2 宇宙!
    • 来自地牢守护者宇宙的一位新 NPC 酒馆老板到来了。他会提供一系列埃特尼亚拾取物和装备,用于交换你手中通过游玩新的入侵获得的独有货币。
    • 完全重新设计了液体视觉效果。享受波纹和浪花吧,因为玩家、敌怪、和射弹现在进入和穿过水时会有视觉碰撞效果。
    • 召唤师玩家直接使其仆从攻击特定目标的能力。
    • 添加了禁戒盔甲.
    • 添加了禁戒碎片。
    • 添加了远古号角(蛇蜥怪坐骑)。
    • 添加了玛瑙爆破枪。
    • 添加了裂天剑。
    • 添加了颌骨剑。
    • 添加了神灯烈焰。
    • 添加了沙漠幽魂灯。
    • 添加了袖珍镜。
    • 添加了神灵诅咒。
    • 添加了拉弥亚服装。
    • 添加了远古套装和远古布匹。
    • 添加了魔法沙粒滴管。
    • 添加了八音盒(沙尘暴)。
    • 添加了若干种新旗帜。
    • 添加了派对气球束。
    • 添加了气球兔兔。
    • 添加了派对帽。
    • 添加了Silly Sunflower Vanity。
    • 添加了Silly Balloon Blocks and Walls。
    • 添加了呆萌丝带气球和气球束。
    • 添加了猪龙彩罐。
    • 添加了派对中心。
    • 添加了呆萌气球机。
    • 添加了饰带。
    • 添加了派对礼物。
    • 添加了齿轮墙。
    • 添加了落沙块和墙。
    • 添加了降雪块和墙。
    • 添加了雪云。
    • 添加了Pedguin的套装。
    • 添加了0x33的飞行员风镜。
    • 添加了学徒盔甲
    • 添加了学徒围巾
    • 添加了暗黑艺术家盔甲
    • 添加了女猎人盔甲
    • 添加了女猎人圆盾
    • 添加了武僧盔甲
    • 添加了武僧腰带
    • 添加了红色骑术盔甲
    • 添加了渗透忍者盔甲
    • 添加了侍卫盔甲
    • 添加了侍卫护盾
    • 添加了英灵殿骑士盔甲
    • 添加了Gato蛋
    • 添加了飞眼怪蛋
    • 添加了龙蛋
    • 添加了空中祸害
    • 添加了麦芽酒投掷器
    • 添加了双足翼龙怒气
    • 添加了恐怖关刀
    • 添加了飞龙
    • 添加了幽灵凤凰
    • 添加了地狱之剑
    • 添加了天龙之怒
    • 添加了瞌睡章鱼
    • 添加了无限智慧巨著
    • 添加了弩车魔杖
    • 添加了弩车手杖
    • 添加了弩车法杖
    • 添加了爆炸机关魔杖
    • 添加了爆炸机关手杖
    • 添加了爆炸机关法杖
    • 添加了爆炸烈焰魔杖
    • 添加了爆炸烈焰手杖
    • 添加了爆炸烈焰法杖
    • 添加了闪电光环魔杖
    • 添加了闪电光环手杖
    • 添加了闪电光环法杖
    • 添加了战争桌
    • 添加了战争桌旗
    • 添加了永恒水晶座
    • 添加了永恒水晶
    • 添加了护卫熔炉
    • 添加了护卫奖章
    • 添加了双足翼龙之翼
    • 添加了埃特尼亚魔力
    • 添加了音乐盒(撒旦军队)
    • 添加了 Leinfors 的和 Arkhayla 的开发者套装
    • 添加了水晶家具
    • 添加了若干种物品,以补全多种家具套装
    • 添加了若干种新平台类型
    • 添加了金宝箱和机关金宝箱变体
    • 添加了沙尘精。
    • 添加了戮血沙鲨。
    • 添加了水晶沙鲨。
    • 添加了噬骨沙鲨。
    • 添加了沙鲨。
    • 添加了愤怒翻滚怪。
    • 添加了埃特尼亚荧光虫
    • 添加了埃特尼亚标枪投掷怪
    • 添加了埃特尼亚飞龙
    • 添加了枯萎兽
    • 添加了小妖魔
    • 添加了小妖魔滑翔怪
    • 添加了德拉克龙
    • 添加了撒旦骷髅
    • 添加了埃特尼亚哥布林
    • 添加了埃特尼亚哥布林投弹手
    • 添加了食人魔
    • 添加了黑暗魔法师
    • 添加了双足翼龙
    • 雨云现在可以制作。
    • 爬藤怪法杖现在可以停留在平台上。
    • NPC 会试着避免掉到他们家园区域中的悬崖下。
    • 进入困难模式后,你现在可以在生成新世界时选择world's evil的类型。如果你已经进入过困难模式,那么只需加载任一现存的困难模式世界即可激活此特性
    • 改进了许多东西的视觉效果
    • 将 "James" 添加进可能给予服装商 NPC 的名字列表,作为对著名泰拉瑞亚 Youtuber,ChippyGaming (James Robert Benn)的致敬
    • 不合格房屋的新的错误信息
    • 对于手工分配房间的 NPC,如果之前那个被杀,其继任会尝试搬进同一间房间内
    • 新生成的地牢现在包含新的家具。
    • 将大多数主菜单中的设置添加入游戏内设置菜单
    • 将 UI 大小滑块添加至设置菜单(仅限有充电底座的版本)
  • Xbox One 1.0.1479.5
    PlayStation 4 1.19
    (等价于电脑版 1.3.5
    2020 年 04 月 20 日[23]请注意本 wiki 仅一致使用“主机版 1.19 ”,这包括了“主机版 1.0.1479.5”。
  • 新内容
    • 添加了 Leinfors 的和 Arkhayla 的开发者套装
    • 添加了水晶家具
    • 添加了若干种物品,以补全多种家具套装
    • 添加了若干种新平台类型
    • 添加了金宝箱和机关金宝箱变体
    • 改进了许多东西的视觉效果
    • 将 "James" 添加进可能给予服装商 NPC 的名字列表,作为对著名泰拉瑞亚 Youtuber,ChippyGaming (James Robert Benn)的致敬
    • 不合格房屋的新的错误信息
    • 对于手工分配房间的 NPC,如果之前那个被杀,其继任会尝试搬进同一间房间内
    • 新生成的地牢现在包含新的家具。
    • 将大多数主菜单中的设置添加入游戏内设置菜单
    • 将 UI 大小滑块添加至设置菜单(结果展示在下方的示例图中)
    修复 Bug
    • Title crashes when 4th split-screen is invoked
    • Title crashes for host on client joining the session
    • Trapped Crystal Chest has wrong "hover over" image
    • Title crashes upon adding split screen after modifying the zoom level
    • All "Hover Over" text has blue background boxes
    • Mini map is still present in-game and is graphically corrupt after disabling the map settings from main-menu
    • Order of Recipes for 1.3.5 items in Crafting Guide is not accurate
    • Graphical lines are displayed under the dropped copper coin
    • Tavernkeep npc quotes for selecting Eternia Crystal fails to appear in the order
    • Damage count is not displayed for the secondary player in the split screen session
    • Actuator design in the preview is inappropriate
    • Unable to trigger the second ability of certain staffs in build mode
    • Title crashes while exploring the bottom of the world using any wiring items
    • Informational stats are getting overlapped on Minimap after exiting a split-screen player from the session
    • Defender's forge closes instantly when interacted from below.
    • Trapped chests preview is displayed as normal chests in NPC shop inventory
    • Clothes art gets corrupted on re-entering the session after re-launch and changing the armor when strange dye is applied
    • FPS drop is observed while increasing or decreasing the UI scale while in-game
    • Title crashes on exiting any session
    • UI elements doesn't fit into the screen when the UI scale is set to its max percentage.
    • Zoom slider does not update dynamically
    • Grand Design will not lay wires or actuators over sloped blocks
    • Title crashes on signing out the profile and selecting the character immediately on character selection screen
    • 'The old one's army has been defeated' text is not localized in respective FIGS languages for client
    • Old Ones Army Event music cuts in and out when too many sound effects are playing at once
    • User is able to access the radial hot bar while in ghost
    • Guide Crafting slot is misaligned on interacting with guide NPC
    • World gets corrupted after signing out the profile being in a multiplayer session
    • Items description text overlaps on the crafting recipes preview screen in Splitscreen
    • User is unable to mute other players except himself via player list
  • 任天堂Switch 1.0.895.9
    电路 & 机械师更新
    (等价于电脑版 1.3.1
    2019 年 12 月 10 日[24]
  • 新特性:
    • Dart Traps & all Temple Traps can now be hammered to rotate 90 degrees at a time, revolutionizing arena building
    • Cannons (normal, bunny, confetti, Snowball Launcher) can now be controlled by wire and shoot fake projectiles!
    • New Combat Targeting/Lock On system - enable/map this to a button in the Settings Menu!
    • Tons of new Wiring/Mechanical items - from Logic Gates to Logic Sensors to Junction Boxes, Conveyor Belts, and more!
    • Yellow Wrench adds a fourth wire color
    • The Grand Design, once crafted, will place all of your cool wiring tools in one place for easy use
      • The Grand Design has had some special UI modification to work better with touch on the Switch!
    • Team Blocks and Platforms make for cool new aspects to your PVP games
    • Static Hook will allow you full control over your grappling
    • New Pressure Plates, including the Teal Pressure Plate (which can be triggered by pets and projectiles)
    • Trapped Chests can now be crafted to keep others from poking around in your stuff
    • Angler Tackle Bag will make fishing more efficient than ever!
    • 全新的小动物 & 怪物雕像
    • And of course, who could forget that you will now be able to pick up your very own Companion Cube from the Traveling Merchant!
    • Improved Wire drawing to look less fuzzy with multiple colors on the same tile.
    • New large gem over-head display
    • You can now use situational building accessories from your inventory and toggle their effects like info accessories
    • Decompressed sprite graphics for improved fidelity
    • 猪龙鱼公爵不再会那么轻易逃走
    • 你会在丛林中找到蜂巢 - 不要蜜蜂!
    • 火把可被放在致动的图格上
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 1.18
    2019 年 11 月 25 日[25]
  • 修复 Bug:
    • 修正了酒馆老板被杀死后可能不会重生的问题
    • 修复了专家模式的克苏鲁之眼在第二阶段中发出不正确的咆哮声的问题
    • 修正了对若干撒旦军队敌怪名称的不正确翻译
    • 修复了黑暗魔法师召唤的骷髅不会显示击杀计数或掉落旗帜的问题
    • 修复了许多声音一同被播放时,有的音效和音乐会被掐断的问题
  • Xbox One 1.0.1438.8
    PlayStation 4 1.17
    派对、沙漠、地牢守护者 2 更新
    (等价于电脑版 1.3.4
    2019 年 11 月 05 日[26]请注意本 wiki 仅一致使用“主机版 1.17 ”,这包括了“主机版 1.0.1438.8”。
  • 修复 Bug
    • 自从上次补丁更新以来,我们修复了一大堆的 Bug,这包括现存的编译版本(build)中的大量问题。如果有什么问题一直困扰着你,也许我们这次已经修复了。看看我们都做了什么吧!
    • 加入了派对!你现在可以借助派对女孩的派对中心来开始一场自己的排队,城镇 NPC 也有可能会开始一场派对,但需要满足特定的条件。
    • 添加了一个新的天气事件:沙尘暴!这会带来新的敌怪、新的战利品、新的乐曲、以及沙漠生物群系的特殊体验!
    • 暴雪现在有了新的视觉效果
    • 沙漠和地狱现在有热变形视觉效果。
    • 现在可以在沙漠找到落沙的特效,并且可以使用魔法沙粒滴管在任何地方放置并呈现特效!
    • 添加了撒旦军队
      • 以敌怪、武器和游戏机制为特征的入侵事件,这些的灵感来自埃特尼亚: 地牢守护者 2 宇宙。
      • 此事件机制与泰拉瑞亚中的其他事件均不相同 - 以在特殊防御结构系统的帮助下,保护造物不受入侵的敌怪攻击这一全新机制为特色。
      • 这一多阶段事件允许玩家在游戏不同节点体验逐渐升高的难度,和与之相符的拾取物。
      • 享受盔甲、武器、宠物和更多形式的奖赏,全部直接来自地牢守护者 2 宇宙!
      • 来自地牢守护者宇宙的一位新 NPC 酒馆老板到来了。他会提供一系列埃特尼亚拾取物和装备,用于交换你手中通过游玩新的入侵获得的独有货币。
    • 完全重新设计了液体视觉效果。享受波纹和浪花吧,因为玩家、敌怪、和射弹现在进入和穿过水时会有视觉碰撞效果。
    • 召唤师玩家直接使其仆从攻击特定目标的能力。
    • 添加了禁戒盔甲.
    • 添加了禁戒碎片。
    • 添加了远古号角(蛇蜥怪坐骑)。
    • 添加了玛瑙爆破枪。
    • 添加了裂天剑。
    • 添加了颌骨剑。
    • 添加了神灯烈焰。
    • 添加了沙漠幽魂灯。
    • 添加了袖珍镜。
    • 添加了神灵诅咒。
    • 添加了拉弥亚服装。
    • 添加了远古套装和远古布匹。
    • 添加了魔法沙粒滴管。
    • 添加了八音盒(沙尘暴)。
    • 添加了若干种新旗帜。
    • 添加了派对气球束。
    • 添加了气球兔兔。
    • 添加了派对帽。
    • 添加了Silly Sunflower Vanity。
    • 添加了Silly Balloon Blocks and Walls。
    • 添加了呆萌丝带气球和气球束。
    • 添加了猪龙彩罐。
    • 添加了派对中心。
    • 添加了呆萌气球机。
    • 添加了饰带。
    • 添加了派对礼物。
    • 添加了齿轮墙。
    • 添加了落沙块和墙。
    • 添加了降雪块和墙。
    • 添加了雪云。
    • 添加了Pedguin的套装。
    • 添加了0x33的飞行员风镜。
    • 添加了学徒盔甲
    • 添加了学徒围巾
    • 添加了暗黑艺术家盔甲
    • 添加了女猎人盔甲
    • 添加了女猎人圆盾
    • 添加了武僧盔甲
    • 添加了武僧腰带
    • 添加了红色骑术盔甲
    • 添加了渗透忍者盔甲
    • 添加了侍卫盔甲
    • 添加了侍卫护盾
    • 添加了英灵殿骑士盔甲
    • 添加了Gato蛋
    • 添加了飞眼怪蛋
    • 添加了龙蛋
    • 添加了空中祸害
    • 添加了麦芽酒投掷器
    • 添加了双足翼龙怒气
    • 添加了恐怖关刀
    • 添加了飞龙
    • 添加了幽灵凤凰
    • 添加了地狱之剑
    • 添加了天龙之怒
    • 添加了瞌睡章鱼
    • 添加了无限智慧巨著
    • 添加了弩车魔杖
    • 添加了弩车手杖
    • 添加了弩车法杖
    • 添加了爆炸机关魔杖
    • 添加了爆炸机关手杖
    • 添加了爆炸机关法杖
    • 添加了爆炸烈焰魔杖
    • 添加了爆炸烈焰手杖
    • 添加了爆炸烈焰法杖
    • 添加了闪电光环魔杖
    • 添加了闪电光环手杖
    • 添加了闪电光环法杖
    • 添加了战争桌
    • 添加了战争桌旗
    • 添加了永恒水晶座
    • 添加了永恒水晶
    • 添加了护卫熔炉
    • 添加了护卫奖章
    • 添加了双足翼龙之翼
    • 添加了埃特尼亚魔力
    • 添加了音乐盒(撒旦军队)
    • 添加了沙尘精。
    • 添加了戮血沙鲨。
    • 添加了水晶沙鲨。
    • 添加了噬骨沙鲨。
    • 添加了沙鲨。
    • 添加了愤怒翻滚怪。
    • 添加了埃特尼亚荧光虫
    • 添加了埃特尼亚标枪投掷怪
    • 添加了埃特尼亚飞龙
    • 添加了枯萎兽
    • 添加了小妖魔
    • 添加了小妖魔滑翔怪
    • 添加了德拉克龙
    • 添加了撒旦骷髅
    • 添加了埃特尼亚哥布林
    • 添加了埃特尼亚哥布林投弹手
    • 添加了食人魔
    • 添加了黑暗魔法师
    • 添加了双足翼龙
    • 雨云现在可以制作。
    • 爬藤怪法杖现在可以停留在平台上。
    • NPC 会试着避免掉到他们家园区域中的悬崖下。
    • 进入困难模式后,你现在可以在生成新世界时选择world's evil的类型。如果你已经进入过困难模式,那么只需加载任一现存的困难模式世界即可激活此特性
  • 任天堂Switch 1.0.732.3
    2019 年 07 月 15 日[27]
  • 多人模式修复
    • Fixed an exception error that occurred when trying to join a multiplayer session
    • Resolved a bug where Destroyer segments were desynced for non-host players after a respawn
    • Fixed a bug where infinite loading could occur when dismissing the connection lost prompt after enabling airplane or sleep mode on the system keyboard while renaming a chest
    • Fixed a bug where a character could sometimes spawn in the Crimson biome in the newly created world
    • Resolved a bug where the “Lucky Break” accomplishment would unlock without fulfilling the given criteria
    • Fixed a bug that caused the grid cursor to not move along with the player character
    • Resolved a bug where the Mana and Damage Booster buffs appeared infinite along with a negative timer
    • Fixed a bug where the Tombstone dialogue box could be observed when toggling between inventory slots
    • Resolved a bug where the Sniper Scope accessory caused precision mode to behave erratically
    • Fixed a bug where the player was unable to dismiss the keyboard after accessing the crafting wheel via touch while renaming the chest
    • Resolved a bug where crafted items were being duplicated
    • Fixed a bug where Two King Slime were triggered for a few seconds on the map after summoning
    • Resolved a bug where using the last summoning item from a stack of 20 deleted the highlighted hotbar item
    • Fixed a bug where the world zoom would be zoomed all the way out after zooming all way in or out on the map
    • Resolved a bug where the world would not properly update for the players after any of the non-host players re-joined the session
    • Fixed a bug where the stats of hardmode enemies (zombies) were different from their PC counterpart
    • Fixed an application crash that would occur for the client while exploring in the underworld biome
    • Resolved an application stall on world generation that occurred when settling liquids.
    • Fixed an issue where placed training dummies and item frames would prevent a saved world from loading
    • Resolved a bug where a momentary freeze would occur while performing basic actions in a newly created large world.
    • Adjusted the liquid wave flow while using heavy weapons in a multiplayer session with maximum players to improve performance
    • Fixed a bug that would cause the game to hang for several seconds after defeating the wall of flesh for the first time in a world.
    艺术 & 文本修复
    • Fixed a bug where vanity that were equipped would appear naked for the bottom of the character
    • Resolved a bug where duplicate hair style icons were displayed after interacting with the Stylist NPC
    • Fixed a bug where the inventory could become enlarged after switching between handheld and docked mode during the interactive start-up screens
    • Resolved a bug where the health bar flickered after consuming a life potion
    • Fixed a bug where the wrong lighting effect would trigger when firing a Laser Rifle
    • Resolved a localization where the “Refresh” text on the Join Game screen was not properly localized for all supported languages
    • Fixed a couple of other miscellaneous text strings in the game
    • Made a few minor adjustments to different parts of the UI that were not scaled correctly
    • Resolved a bug where the text input would not display while renaming a chest in tabletop and handheld mode
  • 任天堂Switch 1.0.711.6
    2019 年 06 月 27 日[28]
  • 主要特性
    • 所有 电脑版 电脑版 内容
    • Touch screen support to quickly navigate inventory and add more finesse in building, digging and combat (two joy-con controllers required per player)
      • Under Settings in the Main Menu, and in the in-game Settings Menu, you can access a list of Touch Controls you can use in Terraria, including:
        • While in-game, you can pinch the screen to zoom in and out
          • Fair warning - this also uses your currently selected item, so make sure you don’t have a consumable selected!
      • You can zoom all the way out to the full-screen map this way
      • 可以点击屏幕以使用 / 放置物品
      • There is also a zoom magnifier to help you see where you’re touching!
      • 你可以点击小地图以打开大地图
      • You can also tap and drag the fullsize map to pan around
      • You can tap and drag items around the Inventory and Equipment screen. Double-tapping an item in the inventory will enter build mode with it if applicable.
      • In build mode you’ll get a semi-transparent grid around your character for extra-precise placement, also a good reminder that you’re in build mode
      • 你可以双击热键栏以打开物品栏
      • 你可以双击切换配饰的可见性
      • You can tap buffs to cancel them, and most in-inventory/shop/chest functions are accessible with touch! Try tapping ‘Loot All’ instead of dragging the highlight all the way over there.
      • You can use touch to interact with the virtual keyboard as well.
    • HD Rumble, which can be deactivated by navigating to the Switch Settings menu -> Controllers and Sensors and turning off Controller Vibration
    • Up to 8-player online play (Nintendo Switch Online subscription required)
    • Note that local docked split-screen and local wireless multiplayer are not included and will be added in future updates
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 1.0.1372.7
    2019 年 06 月 04 日[29]
  • 修复 Bug
    • 修复了 3 处与特定的墙图格和油漆组合相关的崩溃。
    • 添加了一处有时会提高帧率的优化。
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 1.0.1372.5
    电路 & 机械师更新
    (等价于电脑版 1.3.1
    Xbox One 2019 年 05 月 11 日[30]
    PlayStation 4 2019 年 05 月 13 日[30]
  • 参见 1.3.1 页面以查看添加的完整列表。下方是 Bug 修复列表。

    • Resolved a crash that would occur after a non-host player would exit a multiplayer session
    • Fixed a bug where a crash could occur during the generation of a 2nd world using a fresh profile
    • Resolved a crash that would trigger from signing in and out of player profiles on Xbox One
    • Fixed a bug where menu functionality would fail after performing a sign-in change
    • Fixed a bug where all the players would get kicked out of a session when one of them was exploring the Underworld biome
    • Resolved a bug where the player was unable to exit the game session via save & exit after resuming the title from connected standby
    • Fixed a bug where the game would crash after invoking a chest after re-hosting the same world
    • Resolved a multiplayer bug where the player would get kicked out of the session after stepping on a land mine
    • Resolved several other crash bugs around console profile usage
    • Fixed a bug where a player was unable to host or join a multiplayer session after previously exiting from that session when a secondary player was in the character selection screen
    • Resolved a bug where the game would crash during world generation after deleting save data
    • Fixed a few other crashes related to network connectivity on the world generation screen
    • Resolved a bug where the Wormhole potion lacked functionality for the player in a multiplayer or cooperative session
    • Fixed a bug where graphical corruption was observed occasionally when using spears
    • Resolved a bug where the players were able to fire an infinite number of rockets after placing them
    • Fixed a bug where accomplishments that have the criteria to defeat bosses/enemies failed to unlock in multiplayer after fulfilling the criteria
    • Resolved a bug where the grapple functionality of “Lunar Hook’ was divided between the players
    • Fixed a bug where a Hardcore character failed to navigate back to the spawn point set by the player
    • Resolved a bug where certain weapons and tools would stop functioning while using them continuously
    • Fixed a bug where incorrect game behavior could occur after performing a connected stand-buy during world loading
    • Resolved a bug where information stats were carried over to the main menu after a LAN ejection or force closing a multiplayer session
    • Fixed a bug where the ‘Lock on Priority’ mark carried forward to the full-screen map
    • Resolved a bug where certain debuffs didn’t apply for the player when inflicted by the host in PvP
    • Fixed a bug where in some rare instances the player was unable to create a new character
    • Resolved a bug where multiplayer session invitations were sent incorrectly
    • Fixed a bug where graphical corruption was observed occasionally when using spears
    • Resolved a bug where Yoraizor’s spell became distorted over the character’s eyes while flying
    • Fixed a bug where the lava lamp caused highlighted doors to flicker
    • Resolved a bug where the avatars feet were missing from the dresser preview UI
    • Fixed a bug where multiple menus could be seen for a second after adding additional split-screen players
    • Resolved a bug where the Mushroom statue did not animate when activated
    • Fixed dozens of other art inconsistencies between the console and PC versions
    • Resolved a few instances of graphical corruption when zooming
    • 此次更新还包括了大量本地化修复
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 1.0.1229.15
    2018 年 12 月 11 日[31]
  • 多人模式 & 分屏修复
    • 修复了多人模式玩家会在主机强制退出后卡在加载界面的 Bug
    • 修复了若干在分屏及在线多人模式游玩时,在退出重进时遇到的 Bug
    • 修复了玩家无法为多人模式添加最大分屏玩家数的 Bug。
    • 修复了装备或卸下配饰不会在主机或其它玩家那里反映出来的 Bug。
    • 修复了主机有时会在多个玩家连续加入游戏时卡住的 Bug。
    • 修复了玩家作为多人模式游戏主机时,在接受邀请后无法前往多人模式进程的 Bug。
    • 修复了在主机版邀请时,出现的各种崩溃问题。
    • 修复了使制作菜单在玩家用尽材料并自动暂停时不更新的 Bug。
    • 修复了 Xbox One 若干与登录相关的 Bug。
    • 修复了装备加长握爪时,使得光标不连续移动的 Bug。
    • 修复了若干通过崩溃报告系统报上来的 PS4 崩溃
      • 包括对破晓之光武器崩溃的修复。
      • 包括对挖矿时发生的崩溃的修复。
      • 包括其他游戏崩溃。
    • 修复了最初的玩家离开并多次返回同一游戏进程时帧率会大幅下降的 Bug。
    艺术 & 文本修复
    • 修复了一处盔甲的防御数据会在装备时改变的 Bug。
    • 修复了若干本地化 Bug。
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 1.0.1147.9
    2018 年 09 月 18 日[32]
  • 多人模式 & 分屏修复
    • Fixed a bug where the game would become indefinitely unresponsive following an Xbox profile change during a multiplayer session
    • Resolved several instances of crashes that occurred when adding split-screen players
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when a non-host split-screen partner is navigating into the session after the primary player has rejoined the same session
    • Resolved a miscellaneous crash that occurred on Xbox One during multiplayer
    • Fixed a bug that would cause non-host players to be booted out of multiplayer while exploring the world
    • Resolved a crash that would cause a host or non-host player to crash during gameplay
    • Fixed a rare multiplayer instance where a non-host player failed to join a multiplayer session and received the message “A network error has occurred”
    • Resolved a bug where players were unable to join a multiplayer session after quitting it previously while that multiplayer session included the maximum number of players
    • Fixed a bug where the Buff Timer freezes when a non-host player rejoined a multiplayer session
    • Resolved a bug where using the Save and Exit function while dying in a split-screen game would cause the game to crash
    • Fixed a crash that would occur after 5-10 minutes with the maximum number of split-screen players with low bandwidth
    • Resolved a crash that would occur when hosting two different split-screen partners
    • Fixed a crash that would occur for the host when a non-host player joined a MP session via the ‘Play Together’ function while they were in their own hosted game
    • Resolved a bug where the host’s mini-map would appear corrupted after suspending and resuming the game while being in a split-screen game
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when the primary player in a split-screen game exited the game after disabling the map from the settings
    • Resolved a bug where split-screen players were unable to exit the session when both players had the map disabled and Autopause set to ON
    • Fixed a bug where enemies became invisible and invincible during multiplayer games for non-host players
    • Resolved dozens of instances of enemies, NPCs, and other content throughout the game flickering while in multiplayer
    • Fixed a bug where death animations of enemies fail to appear on non-host player screens when the host kills the enemy
    • Resolved a bug where players would get stuck while using Solar Eruption in a prolonged multiplayer session while having the minimum amount of players
    • Fixed a bug where certain trophies/achievements related to boss fights would fail to unlock for non-host players in a multiplayer session
    • Resolved several instances of players being unable to join a multiplayer session
    • Fixed several instances of freezing or crashes related to unforeseen internet disconnections
    • Resolved several Xbox One specific multiplayer crashes
    • Resolved several PS4 specific multiplayer crashes
    • Fixed several different multiplayer crashes that occurred during gameplay including places like the Underworld
    • Resolved a crash that would occur using the Drill Containment Unit in a split-screen game
    • Fixed a bug where a character took more than 30 seconds to respawn in multiplayer
    功能 & 设计/游玩修复
    • Resolved a bug that allowed 9 players to join multiplayer through split-screen
    • Fixed a bug where items by the player were not saved upon exiting via ‘Save & Exit’
    • Resolved a bug that would cause enemies to sometimes disappear and reappear during gameplay
    • Fixed a bug that would cause some menus to persist in circumstances where they shouldn’t be visible
    • Resolved a bug where the background would appear zoomed in after sign-in changes
    • Fixed a bug where an item engaged in build mode falls to the ground after getting slain
    • Resolved a bug where closing an object with either ‘B’ or ‘O’ would reopen that object
    • Fixed a bug where all potion durations would be a minute less than its intended duration
    • Resolved a bug that would not allow players to dismiss UI prompts
    • Fixed a bug that caused camera issues after returning from suspended console state in split-screen mode
    • Resolved a bug where the ‘Select’ button is not present for Direction Buttons Cursor Snap/Hotbar option within the ‘Controls’ menu
    • Fixed some exception errors related to the use of ‘Meowmere’
    • Resolved several other instances of bugs that occur in conjunction with Autopause set to ‘ON’
    • Fixed a bug where certain pet summoning items did not summon pets
    • Resolved a bug where the drop/throw animation was missing when the player dropped the item from the inventory
    • Fixed a bug where the crafting option failed to function via the Guide NPC
    • Resolved a bug where item names were not displayed for non-primary players in split-screen mode
    • Fixed a bug where the character preview failed to appear on character selection after controller disconnection
    • Resolved a bug where familiar clothes and the wig present in the Clothier NPC’s inventory did not update according to the player’s costume and wig color
    • Fixed dozens of player input bugs related to the D-Pad and inventory management
    • Resolved a bug where worlds could not be created immediately after committing sign-in changes and selecting a previously created world
    • Fixed a bug where a player was able to use two weapons at the same time
    • Resolved a few instances of duplicating doors being created
    • Fixed several bugs that were preventing players from switching between different menus immediately
    • Resolved an instance that prevented Skeletron from spawning after interacting with the Old Man NPC at night
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the player character from moving after interacting with any NPC multiple times
    • Resolved a bug where a secondary split-screen player was able to accept an invite
    • Resolved a bug that caused save data to become corrupted on adding a 3rd split-screen player after a prolonged session
    • Fixed a bug where save data would fail to appear after suspending and resuming the game
    • Resolved a bug where in certain circumstances the game did not save game progression when a player terminated the game in ‘Autosave’ mode
    • Made additional code changes to eliminate more issues related to save conversion from 1.0.7, 1.0.8, and 1.0.9
    • Fixed a softlock (and other related issues) that would occur when a player spent an extended time in the Ice Biome or Spider Cave minibiome while using endgame gear, even after exiting, that persisted until the game was closed and restarted. (Thanks to various community members including @Cyberra and @ED209 for their help in tracking down the root causes and reproduction steps on this!)
    • Fixed a crash that would occur if a player started the game in Turkish
    • Resolved a soft lock that would happen when players attempted to access their character Cloud Saves
    • Fixed a crash that would occur after idling in a fresh world
    • Resolved a bug where the game would become unresponsive after navigating to the main menu after performing a sign-in change while being in a multiplayer session previously
    • Fixed numerous other issues related to profile changes that caused instability during gameplay
    • Resolved a crash that would occur when a player stood idle in a house with many objects
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when toggling the D-Pad controls in Quick Navigation control settings
    • Resolved a random crash that would occur when invoking the inventory several times on Xbox One
    • Fixed a crash that would occur after mining continuously for 5-10 minutes with a high-speed pick or drill
    • Resolved a crash that occurred from mining and then immediately interacting with a tombstone
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when continuously creating new characters
    • Resolved a few crashes specific to the Stardust Dragon
    一般修复 & 添加
    • Fixed dozens of inconsistencies to bring console more in line with PC
    • 重新修复了若干其他 A.I 方面的 bug
    • 修复了许多平台的特定 bug
    • Resolved a few instances where accomplishments would not trigger in certain circumstances
    • Added a transparency slider to help with inventory visibility for those struggling with that.
    性能修复 & 改进
    • Resolved a bug where random hitches/freezes were observed by the host and a crash occurred for other non-host players
    • Resolved a performance issue where the framerate would tank when many particle effects persisted on screen
    • Fixed a bug that increased the load time to the main menu while having max characters and worlds
    • Resolved a bug where the framerate would dip between 10 to 15 with the maximum players in a multiplayer session
    • Decreased the overall time it takes to generate a small, medium and large world
    • Fixed a bug where the framerate dropped below 45 frames-per-section during all events if they were equipped with the mechanical ruler
    • Resolved several other instances of performance decreases related to items and other content within the game
    • Fixed a bug where background assets unique to events would not appear
    • Resolved a crash that would occur for player ShpongledMind during the pirate invasion within their arena
    • Fixed multiple errors that would occur for the host during the Frost Moon event
    • Fixed multiple errors that would occur during the Martian Madness event
    艺术、界面、声音 & 文本修复
    • Resolved a bug that caused menu opacity to increase while zooming in
    • Added a tooltip that specifies the changes to the D-Pad and Custom Controls in 1.3
    • Fixed a bug where the block placement cursor grid was too faint
    • Resolved a bug where the inventory would only show an item as 1 instead of the current stack amount
    • Fixed a bug where all event filters show a white flash any time they start or stop
    • Resolved a bug where the animation of short swords appeared offset
    • Fixed a bug where reflective dyes were missing their reflective shine
    • Resolved other instances of UI text pulsating
    • Fixed background animations when generating small, medium, and large worlds
    • Resolved a bug where buff icons in the equipment sub-menu would overlap with the menu
    • Fixed a bug where the ‘Leaf Crystal’ animation would appear to jitter when the character is equipped with ‘Cholorophyte armor’
    • Resolved a bug where the Buff/Debuff icons are nearly invisible
    • Fixed a bug where the Blood Moon and Lunar event background filters appeared overlapped
    • Resolved a bug where Yoyos appear invisible while a familiar shirt is equipped
    • Fixed a bug where Moon Lord’s hand movement animation would stutter while in combat during a multiplayer session
    • Resolved a bug where the VFX was missing for most of the weapons & pet projectiles while using certain dyes
    • Fixed a bug where the Stardust Dragon would flicker in split-screen
    • Resolved a bug where the UI would overlap in certain circumstances after a sign-in change
    • Fixed a bug where the rocket effect did not change after applying any dye on ‘Yoraiz0r’s Spell’ wing
    • Resolved a bug where the flow animation pattern of a character’s head in the Map/Mini-Map isn’t smooth after applying dye.
    • Fixed a bug where text on the hotbar would persist in certain circumstances when it shouldn’t have
    • Resolved a bug where the Twilight dye stars all draw as one blob instead of smaller stars spread out
    • Fixed a bug where the Nebula pillar shader shows the static lightning sprite instead of light beams
    • Resolved a bug that caused flashing for a moment every time the character moved within the monolith’s range
    • Fixed many other instances of dyes being inconsistent with the PC version
    • Dozens of additional fixes to shaders and dyes
    • Fixed dozens of other instances of the UI overlapping throughout different parts of the game
    • Resolved a bug where placeholder text would be displayed when the Tax Collector arrives
    • Fixed a bug where inconsistent dye animations were observed for Pets/Mounts when Primary and Secondary players crossed each other after equipping gradient dye
    • Resolved several issues related to dyes in relation to mounts
    • Fixed a bug where some animations for dyes would get altered/corrupted within the character preview on the character selection screen
    • Resolved a bug that would cause accomplishments to be displayed twice after performing sign-in changes
    • Fixed a bug where the mine cart preview is not displayed while the cursor is place on the mine cart track
    • Resolved several instances were menu highlights states could be difficult to distinguish for the player
    • Fixed several instances of equipment stuttering or flickering during gameplay
    • Resolved several instances of firing animations appearing in the foreground over a player’s sprite
    • Fixed a bug where incomplete hint text was displayed
    • Resolved several instances of equipment appearing offset
    • Fixed a bug where a gap was observed between paintings went placed side-by-side
    • Resolved several graphical issues related to paintings
    • Fixed a bug where enemy stats were displayed passing through enemies while being in Ghost form
    • Resolved a bug where certain weather effects like rain would persist for secondary players in split-screen
    • Fixed several localization bugs across different languages and parts of the game
    • Resolved dozens of other art bugs relating to the UI, animation, VFX, and much more
    • Fixed a few different instances of certain SFX not triggering properly
    • Resolved a few instances of certain objects being bound to the character upon being slain
    • 修复了几个缺失 SFX 的情况
    • Resolved multiple layering issues encountered when the Wall of Flesh is spawned in the underworld
    • Resolved several other instances of incorrect layering throughout the game
  • Xbox OnePlayStation 4 1.0.983.5
    Xbox One 2018 年 03 月 28 日[33]
    PlayStation 4 2018 年 03 月 22 日[33]
  • 多人模式 & 分屏修复
    • Fixed a bug where the host’s world would get copied and replaced by another player’s previously created world.
    • Fixed a bug where a player’s world would get replaced when they went from a single-player session to a multiplayer one and the host quit first.
    • Fixed a bug where the game would freeze after exiting the session with either a 3rd or 4th split-screen player.
    • Fixed a split-screen crash that would occur when the primary player used ‘Save and Exit’ from a 4-player multiplayer split-screen session.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur for players whose 2nd split-screen player exited a multiplayer session.
    • Fixed a freeze that occurred when a player selected multiplayer after being in a multiplayer game that the host quit.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when two or more split-screen players would access their cloud save on the ‘Select Player’ screen.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when a secondary player interacted with a chest during split-screen.
    • 修复了在海盗入侵中出现的多人模式的错误。
    • Fixed a bug where elements in the mini-map would be missing for other players in a multiplayer session.
    • Fixed a split-screen bug where secondary players would get kicked out of a multiplayer session after interacting with a chest.
    • 修复了接受邀请后出现的崩溃。
    • Fixed a bug that would cause infinite loading after losing connection to the internet while in a multiplayer session.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur if the primary player exited a split-screen session while the secondary player selected the ‘Edit’ option by interacting with a tombstone.
    • Fixed other stability bugs related to accepting invitations while in suspend mode.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur after the host added a split-screen player and another non-split-screen player joined simultaneously.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur for the host while fighting in a PvP multiplayer session.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur after exiting the split-screen players one by one while the players were zoomed in.
    • Fixed a bug that would prevent progression being saved when ‘Autosave’ was turned off, and the player exited via Save & Exit.
    • 修复了与自动保存相关的其他 Bug
    • Fixed instances of the game becoming unresponsive after signing in and out of profiles.
    • Fixed a bug where certain enemies (Blue Slime) and bosses would respawn despite being defeated.
    • Fixed an instance where players wouldn’t be taken to a multiplayer session after accepting an invite.
    • Fixed a bug where worlds couldn’t be created after performing sign-in changes after a previous world creation process.
    • 自动暂停现在仅在单人模式中,才在地图屏幕上可用。
    • Fixed a bug where save conversion wouldn’t progress past converting maps when the player has only played in multiplayer games previously.
    • Fixed a bug where saved worlds would disappear after save conversion when worlds had the same name, but a variation in capitalization.
    • 修复了若干与保存转换相关的 bug。
    • 修复了一处会在与月亮领主战斗时发生的崩溃。
    • 修复了在中等或大世界中,使用星尘之龙时,如果仆从大于等于 8 个,则在被击杀时游戏会卡住的 Bug。
    • 修复了处于单人模式游戏中时,接受邀请后出现的崩溃。
    • 修复了一处会在月亮领主被打败发生的崩溃。
    • 修复了其他杂七杂八的通过主机版崩溃报告系统报上来的崩溃
    • 修复了一处在移动时,放置一叠物品的最后一个时的复制 Bug。
    • 修复了打开建造模式后,有几种药水可以无限饮用的 Bug。
    • 修复了一处与宝箱有关的复制 bug。
    • 修复了染色的月钩在使用时会让游戏表现下降的 Bug。
    • Fixed a bug where animated dyes displayed in the player list would result in graphic corruption and slowdown when repeatedly starting and exiting gameplay.
    • 修复了哥布林军队事件本该自然生成时服务器出现的崩溃。
    • 修复了哥布林军队在出现事件讯息并满足条件时也无法生成的 Bug。
    艺术 & 文本修复
    • 修复了装备各种各样的带动画的染料,可能导致纹理消失的 Bug。
    • 修复了日食事件的背景对于其他玩家缺失的 Bug。
    • 修复了使用魔力染发剂后,玩家的发色在游戏中和小地图中无法实时更新的 Bug。
    • 修复了把染料放入染料栏后,天使光环物品的颜色在地图或小地图中不发生改变的 Bug。
    • 修复了可以在两片制作出的墙之间看到缝隙的 Bug。
    • 修复了武器架的工具提示会显示出“<right>”而非普通的按钮提示符的问题。
    • 游戏文本现在保持静止,而不会闪烁。
  • Xbox One 1.0.933.1
    重置 + 1.3 更新
    PlayStation 4
    Xbox One 2018 年 02 月 05 日[34]
    PlayStation 4 2018 年 01 月 25 日[35]
  • 注:

    到目前为止接收到本次更新的只有 PS4 与 Xbox One。
    Xbox One 是与 1.0.750.0 以及 1.0.760.0 内容更新一起接收到此次补丁更新的。PS3 与 Xbox 360 没有接收到这些更新。
    修复 Bug
    • 修复了另一个使得血月事件期间的分屏变得扭曲的问题。
    • 修复了移除会在用户在接近主世界的地牢时发生崩溃。
    • 修复了打开游戏并开启建造模式会删除被高光的物品的 Bug。
    • 修复了在分屏并开启建造模式时会删除热键栏物品的 Bug。
    • 修复了在建造模式中使用一堆物品的最后一个时,会修消耗一个高光的热键栏物品的 Bug。
    • 修复了非主机的玩家会在长时间的多人模式进程中被踢出的 Bug。
    • 修复了一处分屏中奇怪的相机相关的 Bug,它会使得第一个玩家的相机移动到外太空去。
    • 修复了旧世界中,如果有包含了特殊字符的墓石、标牌、或宝箱,就不会被更新的 Bug。
    • 修复了空气计的第一个泡泡不会消失的界面 Bug。
    • 修复了默认玩家的名字会作为聊天图标留在屏幕上的界面 Bug。
    • 修复了打开自动保存时,世界不能保存的 Bug。
    • 修复了其他与玩家生成时就带有石化减益相关的问题。
    • 修复了多人模式进程中会在存在大于等于 6 名玩家时发生的崩溃问题。
    • 修复了一处严重的路径 Bug,它会阻止世界被任何新的金属“赐福”。
    • 修复了会在游戏持续运行一段时间后发生的崩溃问题。
    • 修复了偶尔在世界转化时发生的崩溃
    • 修复了部分玩家在夜间的 Boss 战中死亡时偶尔会被“冻结”的问题。
    • 修复了与多体节的敌怪以及其他小怪(再加上星尘之龙)有关的崩溃 Bug。
    • 修复了分屏的玩家在游戏事件中,有时屏幕不正常显示的问题。
    • 修复了其他杂七杂八的稳定性问题。
  • PlayStation 4 1.0.756.0
    2017 年 12 月 19 日[36]
  • 修复 Bug
    • 修复了玩家在接受邀请时,游戏无法转换为在线模式的 Bug
    • 修复了玩家有时会在存档转换后变成石头的 Bug
    • 修正了可能让存档转换导致游戏崩溃的 Bug
    • 修复了玩家的第一个分屏有时会扭曲的 Bug
  • PlayStation 4 1.0.750.0
    重置 + 1.3 更新
    2017 年 12 月 14 日[37]
  • 常规

    参见 页面以查看更改的完整列表。

    • 全新的入侵和事件 - 包括火星暴乱和倒数第二的挑战:与邪教徒拜月教邪教徒天界柱的战斗,以及月亮领主本身!
    • 超过 800 种新物品 - 包括武器、盔甲、药水、建筑物品和更多 - 都可以找到或制作!
    • 专家模式 - 为财富和荣誉而战,孩子……重赏之下必有勇夫,你愿意接受挑战吗?
    • 新生物群系 - 地下沙漠空湖,以及其他供你发现的迷你生物群系
    • 大量生活品质更改以及新特性、新机制
    • 更新外观和艺术效果,以与电脑版 1.3.4 更新保持一致
    • 全新的手柄方案——包括 Red 之选(Red's Pick)以及传统手柄默认值——以及对手柄控制的全新映射方案,这样玩家就可以自定义相关的方案。
    • 单人模式与分屏的新 UI,与电脑版更加相符
    • 玩家和世界有了更多的存储栏位
    • 与电脑版上的世界尺寸更相匹配的大世界
    • 其他较小的视觉和调整


    • 游戏不再依赖 XNA 运作,而是被以 Unity 引擎重写。[39]
    • 主机版独有的敌怪被彻底移除。
    • 上述的大多数都是那些换皮/换色的、不适合版本、并且平衡性不高的敌怪。
      • 其中有一部分(比较有趣的),可能会在未来的版本中重新加入。
    • 主机版独有的宠物被从游戏中移除
    • 现存的每个独有宠物都会被替换为一个金兔
      • 其中有一部分,可能会在未来的版本中修改外观和/或 AI 后重新加入。
    • 奥库瑞姆及其相关的小怪被从游戏中移除。
    • 枯萎之魂被从游戏中移除。
      • 玩家每拥有一个枯萎之魂就会补偿 5 GC(枯萎之魂的当前售价)
  • Engine Software

    版本 发布时间 更改
    Xbox 360Xbox OnePlayStation 1.09
    2016 年 08 月 26 日[41]
  • 改进
    • 龙盔甲、灵能盔甲和泰坦盔甲现在可以用钛金制作
    • Tizona剑、蜻蛉切和火神连弩现在可以用钛金制作
    • 多人模式游戏稳定性提升
    修复 Bug
    • 修复了多个与边缘相关的崩溃 Bug
    • 重命名宝箱时不再发生崩溃,宝箱可以在联网游戏中正常发挥功能
    • 恶翅史莱姆成就现在解锁了
    • 买回的物品可以重铸了
    • 修复了许多钓鱼问题
    • 新的控制杆可以正确致动了
    • 幽灵套装奖励现在可以正常生效
    • 精灵弓箭手不再免疫炮弹火
    • 猪鲨链球、鲨鱼旋风的瑕疵被修复
    • 不再自动从商人购买第一件物品
    • 物品不再会意外的自动装备
  • Xbox 360Xbox OnePlayStationWii U 1.08
    Xbox 360 2016 年 07 月 11 日[42][43][44][45][46]
    Xbox OnePlayStation 2016 年 06 月 09 日[42][43][44][45][46]
    Wii U 2016 年 06 月 28 日[42][43][44][45][46]
  • 新机制
    • 平衡
      • 重新引入了重生计时器
      • 重新引入了钱币枪
    • 改进
      • 用电脑版自动挖掘的代码覆写了主机版的相应代码
    修复 Bug
    • 降低了矿石闪烁的亮度
    • 敌怪在黑暗中时不再显示其名字。
    • 每次按下按钮只自动放置 1 个火把
    • 水晶之心会在每次受击时播放破碎声,之前仅会在被挖掉时播放。
    • 图格的敲击数会被保存下来
    • Fix minion sacrificing code (bug: The Tempest Staff would fail to summon Sharknado if another minion was already present.)
    • 更新启动屏幕
    • 八音盒
      • 八音盒 – 南瓜月
      • 八音盒 – 地下备选曲
      • 八音盒 – 霜月
      • 八音盒 – 地下猩红之地
    • 染发剂
      • 生命染发剂
      • 魔力染发剂
      • 深度染发剂
      • 钱币染发剂
      • 时间染发剂
      • 团队染发剂
      • 生物群系染发剂
      • 派对染发剂
      • 彩虹染发剂
      • 速度染发剂
      • 染发剂清除剂
  • 图像
    • “北极潜水装备”现在可见。
    • 水母罐的动画循环不再那么快,与其他保持一致。
    • 放置的猩红斧旗的图像现在是正确的。
    • 激活“粘鞍”现在会得到正确的 SFX。
    • 激活某些法杖现在会得到正确的 SFX。
    • 在站立和飞行时披风的图像不会再和翅膀一起出现了。
    • “萤火虫瓶”中的萤火虫动画不再循环过快,看起来也不再是绿的。
    • “荧光虫瓶”物品动画不再循环过快。
    • The hand of 'Ancient Shadow Scalemail' no longer appears on user's character after equipping 'Spider Breastplate' in the 'Equip' section.
    • 不同类型的墙现在会在解封处相互融合
    • 猪龙鱼公爵的眼睛,在第二阶段中不再是红色,而是黄色。
    • 针叶树的颜色不再显得太亮。
    • 晶莹宝石块现在和它们所应该的一样亮
    • 摇晃的树不再在背景中出现。
    • 已修复:水落下的 SFX 只会在 2 分钟后才播放。
    • 所有已装备的配饰现在在人物形象上都可见。
    • Items such as 'Flare Gun' and 'Umbrella' no longer appear as floating textures when held in a minecart.
    • 未被邀请的玩家不再能够加入世界
    • 叶绿盔甲的射弹现在在 PVP 中会从叶状水晶射出。
    • 染料商现在会在多人模式服务器出售团队染料
    • 如果客户端满足了护士的生成条件,她也会生成。
    • 激活PVP时,不同团队的玩家不再显示在地图上。
    • 其他玩家的生命现在在 PVP 中会显示正确的大小。
    • 寒霜之花现在在 PVP 场景下会造成霜冻减益。
    • The "Wall Of Flesh" will no longer be invisible to the client if the host summons the boss while the client is at a moderate distance.
    • On the Host's screen, 'Blocks' and 'Doors' placed by Host at default spawn point no longer follow the Client's character if Client joins the Host's game.
    • The love potion and stink potion now applies the buff and the visual effect on the client when thrown.
    • Players are now able to see other users on the map if they are situated in unrevealed parts of the map.
    • The Host is now able to see the explosion of the fireworks launched by the client.
    • The client no longer remains in an online game where the host crashed (this had lead to various issues and potential exploits).
    • The invitation button is now present in game when the a profile has chat/messaging restriction turned on.
    • The player will no longer get an infinite loading screen if they suspend the game while creating an online session.
    • “甲虫耐力”增益在多人模式中不再需要静止就能激活。
    • The user will no longer continue into an Online world when a disconnection occurs in the loading (this had lead to a freeze when sending an invite).
    • Suspending the title during an online enabled world while having a splitscreen user no longer results in an error.
    • When two teams of 4 users are in-game simultaneously, the client's team will no longer lose connection to the game after a while.
    • 减益现在在 PVP 中会影响其他玩家。
    • 小怪/Boss 不再对客户端玩家不可见/部分不可见。
    • Specific combinations of walls, blocks and objects no longer cause corrupt or missing textures for client users.
    • 海盗 NPC现在出售“船帆”物品。
    • 齿轮现在可以作为物块放置。
    • 水叶草现在会在下雨时开放。
    • 武器架现在被破坏时会掉落保持的物品。
    • 丝绸最大堆叠不再是 99。
    • 粘鞍召唤物不再沉入水中。
    • The paintings no longer appear to be floating in the air and now fall on the ground if the user destroys the background walls.
    • Players can no longer pass through the locked Jungle/Lihzahrd Temple door without the key.
    • 石巨人不再能在击杀世纪之花前生成。
    • 放置火把时,图格比墙优先级更高。
    • 海洋生物群系不再与沙漠。
    • 橡实种在沙现在会长成树
    • 梳妆台现在可用于更改玩家的衣服。
    • 在商人处购物时现在可以看到你有多少钱。
    • 激活the King's statue不再传送派对女孩。
    • 激活the King's statue现在可以传送旅商。
    • 树现在可以作为放置平台的表面。
    • 挖矿药水现在可以像电脑版那样施加增益。
    • 掉落的电线现在会自行堆叠起来。
    • 灯现在可以用控制杆开关。
    • 控制杆现在能控制多重电线。
    • 洞穴探险药水现在会把矿石显示为金色,不再发光。
    • Rich presence information is now localized for all supported languages.
    • The sorting order of the entries in the leaderboard for all categories is now correct.
    • 粘性手榴弹的描述现在已经本地化。
    • 莫洛托夫鸡尾酒的描述现在已经本地化。
    • 法杖召唤物的描述现在已经本地化。
    • 快速发射射弹的武器,声音不再那么慢,以与开火速率匹配。
    • The wire cutters no longer only cut the wires in front of the character when in smart cursor.
    • 音乐不再随机停止。
    • The mini minotaur from the tartar sauce will now de-spawn when cancelling the buff.
    • The flames from the Flame Trap now extend 23 blocks instead of 46 blocks.
    • Actuators no longer leave areas deactivated after the actuator is removed and the blocks are replaced.
    • Switches, Levers, etc' no longer power the spaces surrounding them.
    • The "bomb", the "dynamite" and the "land mine" no longer deal almost twice the damage to players.
    • Platforms now consider spaces diagonal to valid surfaces to be legal locations for placement.
    • Auto Aim now functions with any (some?) form of minecart tracks.
    • 翅膀现在在用户在矿车中时也能防止掉落伤害。
    • 颠倒的slopes现在会在加载后正确存储。
    • Bushes no longer appear neon pink or purple on the map.
    • Necro Armor item descriptions now state they enhance ranged damage by 5% instead of 4%.
    • Up' and 'Down' no longer switch functionality with featherfall while the world is flipped.
    • Depressing the use button no longer causes seeds to be planted twice.
    • The cursor no longer becomes detached from the user when flipping gravity from falling into the sky.
    • Auto-aim now functions while upside down.
    • Auto placing walls no longer overshoot solid tiles. Can now make a wall inside a house without making a mess.
    • Tiles now save hits.
    • Subsequent waves after the first one are now localized when summoning the Frost Moon Event.
    • Fixed the misspelled tooltip when user kills The Twins.
    • The honey no longer appears pink on the map during day time.
    • Summoning the maximum amount of one type of minion when another type is active will no longer dismiss all the minions at once.
    • Demon Altar no longer shows in crafting menu instead of Crimson Altar while highlighting on the Demon altar item.
    • Vita - 商店现在可以适配触摸屏。
    • Vita - The 2.25 version of the publishing tools is now used instead of using version 2.21.
    • Vita - The inventory prompts no longer overlap with the Quick Stack option.
    • Vita - switch category button prompt no longer missing in crafting (in tutorial).
    • PS - The activity feed post now has an icon.
    • PS - TUS size no longer needs to be increased to allow cross save to work for all worlds.
    • PS3 - The message displayed upon receiving an invitation no longer appears cutoff in French.
    • PS3 - Fixed: The title asks for 17 MB when there is not enough space for a new save data even though its maximum size is 20 MB on the Fishing update.
    • PS3 - The system no longer crashes when quitting the game while downloading or uploading a world from the cloud.
    • PS3 - The application now terminates correctly when quitting the game immediately after boot.
    • PS4 – The 2.11 version of the publishing tools is now used instead of version 1.84.
    • PS4 - When idling in the world selection screen, the Web API calls no longer exceed the rate limit, are no longer infinitely retried, and no longer prevent the user from joining online sessions.
    • XB360 - The title no longer displays a connection error message when a profile without Xbox Live Gold attempts to upload data.
    • XB360 - The title no longer crashes when the user signs in at the title screen after signing out during an upload.
    • XB360 - The title no longer crashes when the host of a local multiplayer game signs out after failing to join an online multiplayer game.
    • XB360 - The title no longer crashes if a guest profile with the same name as a previously added guest tries to join the game session.
    • XBOne - The title now displays the user's Display Name when leaving a game.
    • XBOne - The title no longer enters an infinite loading upon suspending the title during the loading of an online session.
    • XBOne - When a host quits an online game, a message stating "has left." no longer appears at the bottom-left of the screen.
  • 主机版 1.07
    (等价于电脑版 1.2.4
    2015 年 12 月 15 日[45][47][48]
  • 基本更改

    • 更新了主机版/移动版独有宠物召唤物品的外观
    • 更新了一些药水外观
    • 门不再需要手动打开


    • 可以用锤将平台改造为楼梯
    • 更新八音盒的图像(每个八音盒现在都有其独特的设计了)
    • 为八音盒添加了音符动画
    • 更新了长袍的图像
    • 更新了钴护盾、黑曜石护盾、圣骑士护盾的图像
    • 自动开门
    • 添加了仙人掌的变体
    • 添加了生物群系特有的石笋
    • 为瀑布和熔岩瀑布添加了音效
    • 为小动物添加了音效
    • 早上鸟的生成率提高
    • 为鸟添加了不同的歌曲 sfx(sound effects的缩写)
    • 添加了上下颠倒的斜坡(可通过锤击实现,也可在世界生成时形成)
    • 可以放置钱币以创造钱币堆
    • 毁灭者 Boss 掉落物现在会在离玩家最近的体节出现
    • 所有非事件 Boss 现在都有几率掉落 Boss 面具(见物品)
    • [染料可以堆叠
    • 雨现在在血月期间会变红
    • 添加了鲨鱼雕像
    • 添加了地下猩红之地音乐
    • 渔夫 NPC 的任务系统
    • 更新了世界生成时的沙滩生成
    • 钓鱼


    • 渔夫 NPC
    • 旅商


    • 猪龙鱼公爵(Boss)
    • 爆炸泡泡(猪龙鱼公爵的射弹)
    • 鲨鱼龙


    • 青蛙
    • 蚱蜢
    • 蜗牛
    • 发光蜗牛
    • 蝎子
    • 黑蝎子
    • 萤火虫
    • 荧光虫
    • 帝王蝶
    • 黄粉蝶
    • 带凤蝶
    • 翠凤蝶
    • 珠袖蝶
    • 红蛱蝶
    • 紫蛱蝶
    • 帛斑蝶
    • 松露虫
    • 野鸭
    • 蠕虫


    • 兔兔坐骑
    • 猪龙坐骑
    • 海龟坐骑
    • 鲁道夫坐骑


    • 驯鹿铃铛 [召唤物品/坐骑]

    新物品(Boss 掉落物)

    • 猪龙鱼公爵面具 [时装]
    • 猪龙鱼公爵纪念章 [家具]
    • 泡泡枪 [武器]
    • 猪龙鱼之翼 [配饰]
    • 猪鲨链球 [武器]
    • 海啸 [武器]
    • 利刃台风 [武器]
    • 暴风雨法杖 [武器]
    • 驯鹿铃铛 [召唤物品/坐骑]
    • 史莱姆王面具
    • 史莱姆王纪念章
    • 克苏鲁之眼面具
    • 克苏鲁之脑面具
    • 世界吞噬怪面具
    • 蜂王面具
    • 骷髅王面具
    • 血肉墙面具
    • 毁灭者面具
    • 角神长袍 [时装,由毁灭者掉落,*主机版独有*]
    • 双子魔眼面具
    • 角神靴 [时装,由双子魔眼掉落,*主机版独有*]
    • 机械骷髅王面具
    • 角神头部件 [时装,由机械骷髅王掉落,*主机版独有*]
    • 奥库瑞姆面具 *主机版独有*
    • 世纪之花面具
    • 石巨人面具
    • 甲虫外壳 [由石巨人掉落 / 材料]


    • 绒毛胡萝卜 [坐骑召唤]
    • 渔夫帽 [时装]
    • 渔夫背心 [时装]
    • 渔夫裤 [时装]
    • 金钓竿 [钓竿]
    • 熔线钓钩 [钓竿]
    • 鳍翼 [配饰]
    • 鱼钩 [抓钩]
    • 优质钓鱼线 [配饰]
    • 渔夫耳环 [配饰]
    • 钓具箱 [配饰]
    • 美人鱼发夹 [时装]
    • 美人鱼饰品 [时装]
    • 美人鱼鱼尾裤 [时装]
    • 鱼装面具 [时装]
    • 鱼装衣 [时装]
    • 鱼装鳍裙 [时装]
    • 珊瑚石块
    • 声呐药水 [消耗品]
    • 钓鱼药水 [消耗品]
    • 宝匣药水 [消耗品]
    • 兔兔鱼纪念章 [家具]
    • 金鱼纪念章 [家具]
    • 鲨牙纪念章 [家具]
    • 剑鱼纪念章 [家具]
    • 宝藏地图 [家具]
    • 海草花盆 [家具]
    • 海贼像素画 [绘画作品]
    • 罗盘针 [家具]
    • 舵轮 [家具]
    • 救生圈 [家具]
    • 墙锚 [家具]
    • 船舶瓶 [家具]
    • 学徒诱饵 [消耗品]
    • 熟手诱饵 [消耗品]
    • 大师诱饵 [消耗品]


    • 机制
      • 机械师钓竿 [钓竿]
    • 油漆工:
      • 泡泡壁纸 [墙]
      • 铜管壁纸 [墙]
      • 黄鸭壁纸 [墙]
      • Fancy Grey Wallpaper [墙]
      • 浮冰壁纸 [墙]
      • 音符壁纸 [墙]
      • 紫雨壁纸 [墙]
      • 彩虹壁纸 [墙]
      • 烁石壁纸 [墙]
      • 星光天堂壁纸 [墙]
    • 商人:
      • 虫网 [工具]
    • 旅商:
      • 弹药箱
      • 砌砖刀 [配饰]
      • 天界磁石 [配饰]
      • 喷漆器 [工具]
      • 清酒 [消耗品]
      • 加长握爪 [配饰]
      • 水枪 [武器]
      • 吉普赛长袍 [盔甲]
      • 超亮火把 [光源]
      • 越南河粉 [消耗品]
      • 泰式炒面 [消耗品]
      • 圣餐杯 [家具]
      • 鳄鱼机关枪 [武器]
      • 脉冲弓 [武器]
      • 奥术神符墙 [墙/动态]
      • 稽古衣 [盔甲]
      • 魔法帽 [盔甲]
      • 精致餐具 [家具]
      • 和服 [时装]
      • 菲斯帽 [时装]
      • 武士刀 [武器]
      • 左轮手枪 [武器]
      • 便携式水泥搅拌机 [配饰]
      • 王朝木 [材料]
      • 红王朝瓦
      • 蓝王朝瓦
      • 斑马皮 [家具]
      • 豹皮 [家具]
      • 虎皮 [家具]
      • 冤大头钓竿 [钓竿]


    • 装甲山洞鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 大西洋鳕鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 鲈鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 蓝水母 [制作用品和鱼饵,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 混沌鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • Crimson Tiger Fish [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 雀鲷 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 双鳍鳕鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 黑檀锦鲤 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 闪鳍锦鲤 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 寒霜鲦鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 金鲤鱼 [用于赚钱的渔获,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 绿水母 [制作用品和鱼饵,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 血腥食人鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 霓虹脂鲤 [通过钓鱼获得]
    • 黑曜石鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 粉水母 [制作用品和鱼饵,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 公主鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 七彩矿鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 红鲷鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 三文鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 虾 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 镜面鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 臭味鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 鳟鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 金枪鱼 [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • Variagated Lardfish [制作用品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 旧鞋 [垃圾,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 海草 [垃圾,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 锡罐 [垃圾,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 金匣 [消耗品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 铁匣 [消耗品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 木匣 [消耗品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 蛙腿 [配饰,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 蜂蜜鱼 [消耗品,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 紫挥棒鱼 [武器,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 黑曜石剑鱼 [武器,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 掠夺鲨 [工具,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 岩鱼锤 [工具,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 锯齿鲨 [工具,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 带鳞松露 [坐骑召唤,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 剑鱼 [武器,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 和风鱼 [坐骑召唤,通过钓鱼获得]
    • 锚 [武器,可从木匣中得到]
    • 姜须 [时装,可从铁匣中得到]
    • 塔塔酱 [宠物召唤,可从铁匣中得到]
    • 猎鹰刃 [武器,可从铁匣中得到]
    • 硬鞍 [坐骑召唤,可从金宝匣中得到]


    • 许多家具物品都在引入玻璃窑、血肉克隆台、骨头焊机、生命木织机、天磨和蒸汽朋克锅炉等制作站后更改了配方。
    • 蓝地牢箱
    • 蓝地牢灯
    • 蓝地牢浴缸
    • 蓝地牢烛台
    • 蓝地牢沙发
    • 蓝地牢梳妆台
    • 蓝地牢钢琴
    • 骨头焊机
    • 骨头浴缸
    • 骨头书架
    • 骨头床
    • 骨头灯
    • 骨头吊灯
    • 骨头灯笼
    • 骨头烛台
    • 骨头钢琴
    • 骨头梳妆台
    • 骨头沙发
    • 骨箱
    • 骨头时钟
    • 仙人掌灯笼
    • 蘑菇沙发
    • 黑曜石吊灯
    • 黑曜石蜡烛
    • 黑曜石烛台
    • 黑曜石浴缸
    • 黑曜石灯笼
    • 黑曜石灯
    • 黑曜石箱
    • 黑曜石梳妆台
    • 黑曜石钢琴
    • 黑曜石沙发
    • 黑曜石时钟
    • 珍珠木灯笼
    • 珍珠木烛台
    • 珍珠木栅栏
    • 珍珠木沙发
    • 珍珠木时钟
    • 珍珠木书架
    • 珍珠木灯
    • 珍珠木蜡烛
    • 珍珠木浴缸
    • 珍珠木吊灯
    • 粉地牢灯
    • 粉地牢浴缸
    • 粉地牢箱
    • 粉地牢烛台
    • 粉地牢沙发
    • 粉地牢梳妆台
    • 粉地牢钢琴
    • 南瓜灯
    • 南瓜吊灯
    • 南瓜浴缸
    • 南瓜灯笼
    • 南瓜烛台
    • 南瓜床
    • 南瓜书架
    • 南瓜钢琴
    • 南瓜梳妆台
    • 南瓜沙发
    • 南瓜箱
    • 南瓜时钟
    • 南瓜蜡烛
    • 红木灯笼
    • 红木蜡烛
    • 红木吊灯
    • 红木浴缸
    • 红木灯
    • 红木大烛台
    • 红木时钟
    • 红木书架
    • 红木沙发
    • 红木栅栏
    • 暗影木浴缸
    • 暗影木灯
    • 暗影木书架
    • 暗影木吊灯
    • 暗影木灯笼
    • 暗影木烛台
    • 暗影木蜡烛
    • 暗影木栅栏
    • 暗影木沙发
    • 暗影木时钟
    • 天磨
    • 天域工作台
    • 天域平台
    • 天域时钟
    • 天域书架
    • 天域沙发
    • 天域梳妆台
    • 天域钢琴
    • 天域灯
    • 天域浴缸
    • 天域灯笼
    • 天域蜡烛
    • 天域吊灯
    • 天域床
    • 天域烛台
    • 史莱姆浴缸
    • 史莱姆床
    • 史莱姆书架
    • 史莱姆烛台
    • 史莱姆蜡烛
    • 史莱姆椅
    • 史莱姆吊灯
    • 史莱姆箱
    • 史莱姆时钟
    • 史莱姆门
    • 史莱姆梳妆台
    • 史莱姆灯
    • 史莱姆灯笼
    • 史莱姆钢琴
    • 史莱姆平台
    • 史莱姆沙发
    • 史莱姆桌
    • 阴森箱
    • 阴森蜡烛
    • 阴森书架
    • 阴森时钟
    • 阴森沙发
    • 阴森梳妆台
    • 阴森浴缸
    • 阴森吊灯
    • 阴森灯笼
    • 阴森大烛台
    • 阴森钢琴
    • 阴森床
    • 阴森灯
    • 蒸汽朋克锅炉
    • 蒸汽朋克蜡烛
    • 蒸汽朋克吊灯
    • 蒸汽朋克平台
    • 蒸汽朋克钢琴
    • 蒸汽朋克工作台
    • 蒸汽朋克箱
    • 蒸汽朋克时钟
    • 蒸汽朋克浴缸
    • 蒸汽朋克烛台
    • 蒸汽朋克灯笼
    • 蒸汽朋克灯
    • 蒸汽朋克沙发
    • 蒸汽朋克梳妆台
    • 蒸汽朋克书架
    • 沙发
    • 铁栅栏
    • 女性人体模型
    • 重型工作台
    • 铁匠架
    • 木工架
    • 头盔架
    • 长矛架
    • 剑架
    • 0字雕像 - 9字雕像以及 A字雕像 - Z字雕像
    • 葡萄酒杯 [家具]
    • Fishbowl [家具]
    • 泰拉饲养笼 [家具]
    • 松鼠笼 [家具]
    • 鸟笼 [家具]
    • 黑蝎子笼 [家具]
    • 冠蓝鸦笼 [家具]
    • 兔兔笼 [家具]
    • 红雀笼 [家具]
    • 蛙笼 [家具]
    • 发光蜗牛笼 [家具]
    • 蚱蜢笼 [家具]
    • 老鼠笼 [家具]
    • 企鹅笼 [家具]
    • 蝎子笼 [家具]
    • 蜗牛笼 [家具]
    • 蠕虫笼 [家具]
    • 蓝水母罐 [家具]
    • 绿水母罐 [家具]
    • 粉水母罐 [家具]


    • 熔岩瀑布块
    • 熔岩瀑布墙
    • 瀑布块
    • 瀑布墙
    • 铜护板
    • 铜护板墙
    • 锡护板
    • 锡护板墙
    • 石板
    • 石板墙
    • 沙岩板
    • 紫晶晶莹宝石块
    • 紫晶晶莹宝石墙
    • 黯淡紫晶晶莹宝石墙
    • 黄玉晶莹宝石块
    • 黄玉晶莹宝石墙
    • 黯淡黄玉晶莹宝石墙
    • 蓝玉晶莹宝石块
    • 蓝玉晶莹宝石墙
    • 黯淡蓝玉晶莹宝石墙
    • 翡翠晶莹宝石块
    • 翡翠晶莹宝石墙
    • 黯淡翡翠晶莹宝石墙
    • 红玉晶莹宝石块
    • 红玉晶莹宝石墙
    • 黯淡红玉晶莹宝石墙
    • 钻石晶莹宝石块
    • 钻石晶莹宝石墙
    • 黯淡钻石晶莹宝石墙
    • 琥珀晶莹宝石块
    • 琥珀晶莹宝石墙
    • 黯淡琥珀晶莹宝石墙


    • 超级魔力药水
    • 弹药储备药水
    • 建筑工药水
    • 镇静药水
    • 宝匣药水
    • 危险感药水
    • 耐力药水
    • 脚蹼药水
    • 拾心药水
    • 狱火药水
    • 生命力药水
    • 爱情药水
    • 挖矿药水
    • 暴怒药水
    • 臭味药水
    • 召唤药水
    • 保暖药水
    • 怒气药水
    • 传送药水
    • 泰坦药水
    • 寒颤棘种子
    • 寒颤棘


    • 玻璃钢钓竿 [钓竿,可在丛林神龛中找到]
    • 木钓竿(木材 x8)
    • 强化钓竿(铁锭 x8 或铅锭 x8)
    • 灵魂钓手(魔矿锭 x8)
    • 捕肉手(猩红矿锭 x8)
    • 甲虫头盔 [盔甲]
    • 甲虫铠甲 [盔甲]
    • 甲虫壳 [盔甲]
    • 甲虫护腿 [盔甲]
    • 甲虫之翼 [盔甲]
    • 毒液法杖
    • 蘑菇矿挖爪
    • 天界徽章
    • 天界手铐
    • 猩红种子
    • Peddlers Hat
    • Mine Carts
    • 矿车轨道
    • 增速轨道
    • Pressure Track
  • 主机版 1.06
    (等价于电脑版 1.2.3
    2015 年 06 月 04 日[49]
    • 增大了 NPC 名字在网络讯息中的大小
    • 为实心和非实心块创造了单独的纹理
    • 允许所有主机版(除 PSVita 外)交换 L1R1/L2R2 或 LTRT/LBRB 的功能
    • 重新为主机版独有的盔甲分配了头部和body部位的 ID
    • 冰雪女王射弹不在影响可被摧毁的图格(还修复了霜月的战利品 Bug 以及蜂王的生成)
    • 将手柄映射中的“丢弃”功能改为“快速增益”功能



    新 NPC:

    新物品(和物品 ID):

  • 主机版 1.05
    (等价于电脑版 1.2.2
    2015 年 02 月 19 日[50]
  • 新/更改机制/修复 Bug
  • 主机版 1.04
    (等价于电脑版 1.2.2,除了霜月
    2014 年 12 月 15 日[51]
  • 补丁:
    • 添加了 XB1 缩小/放大功能
    • 修复了 PS4 与 PS3 和 PS Vita 的跨平台联机
  • 主机版 1.03
    2014 年 05 月 20 日[52]
  • 修复 Bug:
    • 加载 1.2 前创建的世界,不再会使之遭到破坏(地面移动、世界会以奇怪的方式生成)
    • 物品放置在猪猪存钱罐或保险箱中的人物,不再会失去所有物品,或使物品被替换成其他物品
    • 你不再能使用斧钻挖掉门以便闯入丛林神庙
    • 修复了狱火恶魔/困难模式敌怪不总会在击败困难模式 Boss 后生成的 Bug
    • 机器侠不再使用派对女孩的名字和外观,也不再使用她的对话
    • 修复了蜘蛛洞不总会生成蜘蛛、蛛丝、宝箱和/或背景的 Bug
    • 修复了摧毁猩红生物群系中的心会召唤世界吞噬怪而非克苏鲁之脑的 Bug
    • 放置在物块上的火把如果被墙包围,不再会意外地连接到墙上而非希望连接到的物块上
    • 月光护身符现在正确地拥有 1.2 的功能
    • 修复了世界生成时,有时会略过讯息 “Making the world bloody...” 或 “Making the world evil...” 的 Bug
    • 血爬虫 AI 不再会在水中出问题。所有蜘蛛类型的 AI 都做了这项修复。
    • 血爬虫现在可以爬墙
    • 生命果 & 叶绿现在可以正常生成
    • 修复了进入困难模式时总会生成腐化(在猩红世界中也是如此)的 Bug
    • 暗影箱在hell生成不再如此频繁
    • 修复了金箱很少或不能在地下中生成、冰雪箱很少或不能在地下冰雪生物群系中生成的 Bug,以及世界生成时很少或不能生成地下小屋的 Bug。它们现在会以正常的生成率生成
    • 持有猩红魔杖时,光标不再离开屏幕
    • 修复了死亡讯息不出现的 Bug
    • 重铸过的武器的属性不再会在储存后消失
    • 暗影珠现在被摧毁时又会掉落拾取物了
    • 当猩红生物群系覆盖雪原生物群系时,猩红音乐现在会播放
    • 冰雪精向你射击时不再会杀死自己
    • 新人物开局默认会有 20 魔力
    • 生命木墙、血肉墙和骨头墙现在都被看做有效的房屋墙
    • 丛林孢子和其他丛林植物现在可以生长
    • 魔菇现在会掉落,不再像其他生长物一样会被打破
    • 哥布林弓箭手现在在过了近战距离之后会朝你射击
    • 有一组提桶时使用其中之一,不再会让整组都消失
    • 世纪之花球茎现在可以生成
    • 修复了喷气背包可以在按住跳跃键时无限飞行的 Bug
    • 现在可以在没有铁的世界中制作宝箱(现在可以用铅制作)
    • 普通仙人掌不再在腐化沙上生长
    • 猩红现在会传播
    • 叶绿弹不再追踪护士
    • 食人鱼枪现在可以正常生效
    • 从生命果处额外获取的 100 HP 现在会被保存
    • 修复了困难模式的代用矿石不会在摧毁恶魔祭坛时生成,而只会生成旧矿石的 Bug
    • 纪念章“Is this Heaven”不再是损坏的
    • 现在在地图左侧尽头使用环境改造枪时不再会造成崩溃
    • 泥沙块重新受重力影响
    • 修复了特定物品的总体掉落率太高的 Bug。这包括大自然的恩赐、宠物物品、旗帜、Boss 纪念章以及陨星。
    • 被愤怒雨云怪杀死时,游戏不再显示你被魔刺杀死
    • 熔岩靴现在会显示熔岩保护条
    • 饮用黑曜石药水并身处熔岩以下时,现在会出现氧气条
    • 内置了一个机制来自动摧毁那些玩家不应当拥有的物品:
      • Red的翅膀
      • Red的头盔
      • Red的胸甲
      • Red的护腿
      • 钱币枪
    • 雷管和其他若干物品现在有正确的售价
    • 修复了油漆门,然后开门再关门之后,只有一半有油漆的 Bug
    • 猪龙不再发出骷髅的声音,也不再像火焰小鬼那样行动
    • 背景不再会在暂停时切换为菜单背景
    • 在 1.2 前的世界中放在人体模型上的特定盔甲,在下载 1.2 后不再会转化成其他东西或者消失
    • 海草现在会出现在游戏中。
    • 修复了在线多人模式中客户端玩家使用礼袋不会得到物品,或者会使主机崩溃的 Bug
    • 访问多人模式世界时,地图数据现在保存在本地
    • 神圣和腐化的比例现在每 5 分钟而非 35 分钟更新一次
    • 不再能仅用神圣锭制作斧钻或镐斧
    • 八音盒不再能得到前缀
    • 修复了可以在白天使用 Boss 召唤物品的 Bug
    • 修复了拥有信号枪和照明弹时,会像手持火把那样站立的 Bug
    • 放置下红心灯笼时,其增益图标不再有一个不需要的倒计时
  • 主机版 1.02
    1.2 更新
    2014 年 04 月 17 日[53]
  • 修复 Bug:
    • 你不再能通过将物品放入丢弃的方式合成物品或钱了
    • 你不再能将金钱卖给 NPC
    • 八音盒/宝箱复制不再可行
    • 从雕像生成的兔兔/金鱼在血月期间不再会掉钱
    • 当把宝箱放在激活的物块上时,不再会将它们变为未激活状态
    • 修正了一个会导致合适的房屋变为不合适的 Bug
    • 修正了女王雕像会使游戏崩溃的 Bug
    • 修正了阅读标牌或墓石会使游戏崩溃的 Bug
    • 使用自动堆叠时不再会将钱币放入宝箱
    • 修复了藤蔓不在地下丛林生物群系中生长的问题
    • 修复了八音盒和计时器的高亮 Bug
    • 修复了土魔杖的 Bug
    • 修复了仙灵铃铛的计时器会显示为 59 秒的 Bug
    • 修复了死亡讯息只显示玩家姓名的 Bug
    • 你不再能够通过创造冰雪块来制造无线的火柴盒
    • 修复了花窗玻璃不被算作 NPC 房屋的有效墙的问题
    • 修复了与奥库瑞姆的碰撞框有关的 Bug
    • 奥库瑞姆的枯萎之魂不再落向地面
    • 修复了“隐藏”的物品栏栏 Bug(仅限 Vita 版)
    • 触控现在会在使用魔镜时禁用(仅 Vita)
    • 修复了 NPC 旗帜不会在缩放时重新定位的 Bug(仅 Vita)
    • 修复了与“Back for Seconds”纪念章/成就相关的 Bug
    • 修复了 1.2 的盔甲不被算作达成纪念章的一部分的问题
    • 修复了可以在教程期间获得纪念章的 Bug
    • 玩家现在可以选择重力药水效果的表现方式:反转世界、或反转玩家。
    • 玩家现在可以选择关闭 back touch 键的功能(仅 Vita)
    • 访问多人模式世界时,地图数据现在保存在本地
    • 优化了多人模式传输的包的大小
    • 提高了多人模式稳定性
    • 优化了纹理的压缩
    • 部分物品现在能堆叠到 999 或 99(包括矿石和提桶),与电脑版 1.2.3 相对应
    • 修改了女性初始服装
    • 若干种新发型
    • 宝箱容量翻倍
    • 你不再需要跳跃就能爬上单格物块了
    • 锤现在仅用于创造斜坡、半砖、摧毁墙
    • 斧头现在仅用于砍倒树和巨型蘑菇
    • 镐现在用于移除物块、可放置的物体和物品,例如生命水晶和宝箱
    • 你现在可以油漆任意实心图格或物品
    • 添加了染料栏
    • 你现在开局会有 10 魔力
    • 你现在可以制作游戏早期的魔法长袍和法杖
    • 砖、木材、石和玻璃现在全部会融合在一起
    • 魔力水晶现在制作要求的坠落之星从 10 个减少到 5 个
    • 如果水碰到了半砖,就会创造瀑布
    • 世界现在有几率生成铜、铁、银、和金的代用矿石
    • 你的世界现在可能会生成腐化之地的替换
    • 世界现在有几率生成钴、秘银、和精金的代用矿石
    • 世界现在在世界生成过程中有几率生成金字塔或生命树,包含它们独有的战利品
    • 有一座新的困难模式丛林神庙
    • 丛林中现在可以找到马蜂窝
    • 世界中现在有几率生成若干种新背景和树种类
    • 水现在会根据你所处的生物群系和地下的深度改变颜色
    • 绳现在可以在游戏早期找到,并可用于制作绳圈以探索世界
    • 链条现在可以放置并作为绳使用
    • 蘑菇草/种子现在可以在地面上生长蔓延
    • 电线现在有 3 种颜色
    • 现在可以用致动器来使实心图格在激活和致动状态之间切换
    • 丛林中现在可以找到一种新液体类型
    • 新增了几种放置在附近时可以改变水颜色的喷泉
    • 珍珠石砖不再传播神圣
    • 添加了雨和暴雪
    • 新增雪原生物群系,在困难模式前后都具有独特的宝藏和物品
    • 敌怪不再激活地下的压力板
    • 一种新的压力板,仅能被特定的事物触发(例如玩家、敌怪或二者)
    • 小丑不再会炸毁图格
    • 若干种新增益和减益
    • 游戏现在加入了夺取宝石的小游戏。你可以制作大宝石,它们绘制持有它们的玩家上方绘制出相应的宝石标记,如果相应玩家被击杀,那么大宝石会掉落在死亡玩家身边
    • 有 2 种新的困难模式事件
    • 狼人形态被加强,每晚都可激活
    • 破损盔甲减益持续时间从 5 分钟缩短至 2 分钟
    • 你现在可以用镐从人体模型上移除盔甲
    • 玩家在 pvp 中不再受到双倍伤害
    • 相同类型的物品,在相邻时会堆叠在一起
    • 现在你接触火块时不再能变得无敌了
    • 购买堆叠物品的速度有所提升
    • 添加了万圣节季节性事件
    • 添加了南瓜月事件
    • 对部分武器的伤害做了调整,以便与 电脑版 1.2.3. 更新保持一致
    • 对部分掉落率做了调整,以便与 电脑版 1.2.3. 更新保持一致(例如钥匙模具)
    • 对重铸的花费做了调整,以便与 电脑版 1.2.3. 更新保持一致(价格更便宜)
    • 太阳现在更亮了
    • 午夜现在更暗了
    • 天空现在具有渐变效果
    • 重制了许多物品的外观,包括宝石、有色火把、迷你鲨、村正、海蓝权杖和星怒等等……
    • 加入了石笋、冰柱、苔藓、植物、石堆和其他“堆”以增强环境效果
    • 新增了几种具有独特背景的迷你洞穴
    • 现在每种生物群系都将拥有独特图像的宝箱和罐子
    • 地牢现在有 3 种独特的纹理/颜色和家具
    • 重制了地狱房屋
    • 重制了漂浮岛
    • 每种生物群系现在都有独特的纹理和木材类型:
    • 腐化:乌木
    • 丛林:红木
    • 猩红:暗影木
    • 神圣:珍珠木
    • 每种砖现在都有其独特的材质
    • 每种砖墙现在都有其独特的材质
    • 火把现在具有动画,可以被放置在墙上
    • 若干种新墓石
    • 泰坦盔甲、灵能盔甲和龙盔甲现在有独特的外观
    • 大多数主机版独有的敌怪现在都有独特的外观
    • Tizona剑和蜻蛉切现在有独特的外观
    • 总计超过 1,000 种新物品
    • 有 10 种新矿石
    • 有 4 种新木材类型
    • 有 31 种新砖。
    • 你现在可以灌注近战武器
    • 若干种新箭和子弹类型
    • 若干种新制作站
    • 几种新的魔棒,用于制作新的砖和砖墙
    • 你现在可以用几种新材料制作砖、墙和家具:
    • 史莱姆、骨头、蘑菇、生命木、血肉、泥沙以及更多!
    • 现在你可以制作Jester Arrows了
    • 有 12 种翅膀类型
    • 若干种新时装套装
    • 为敌怪添加了大量新的稀有掉落物
    • 在困难模式中,现在有一个物品能让你改变生物群系的类型
    • 在困难模式中,现在有一个物品能让你提升最大生命
    • 有 29 种新的工匠作坊合成方案
    • 加入了若干种物品,用于制作染料
    • 星怒现在是近战武器,且伤害提升
    • 海蓝权杖被重置,造成的伤害略微增加,而消耗的魔力减少
    • 水矢被重置,造成的伤害略微增加
    • 魔刺造成的伤害增加,而消耗的魔力减少
    • 魔法飞刀被加强
    • 所有的“经典”版本的盔甲可以作为敌怪的稀有掉落物获得,且与现在的版本具有相同的属性并可提供套装奖励
    • 之前用于制作的称为染料的物品改名为线。
    • 宝箱现在有更多种拾取物
    • 你现在可以使用后期矿物制作镐或斧而非钻或锯了
    • 提高了魂的掉落率
    • 奥库瑞姆现在掉落更多魂
    • 超过 50 幅可以在世界各地随机生成的绘画作品
    • 丛林盔甲不再需要宝石
    • 奥库瑞姆的生成物品的配方现在需要更少的材料
    • 泰坦盔甲、灵能盔甲和龙盔甲现在需要更少的材料
    • 闪耀翅膀现在制作起来容易得多
    • 用于制作的陨石的量减少
    • 陨石盔甲具有更多防御,并可造成更多伤害
    • 泥沙和雪泥可被提炼为有用的材料、物品和钱币
    • 每个 Boss 都有罕见几率会掉落一个可放置的 Boss 纪念章
    • 钩爪现在可以用宝石制作
    • 深度计现在不可制作
    • 星星现在可以与玻璃瓶一起制成一样新的光源
    • 漂浮岛宝箱不再需要钥匙
    • 宝石和锭可以放置
    • 由狱石制成的物品现在需要较少的狱石
    • 几乎所有敌怪(包括主机版独有的敌怪)都有几率掉落旗帜
    • 主机版独有的宠物物品现在从敌怪处掉落
    • 有 8 种新的友方 NPC
    • 有 4 种新 Boss
    • 超过 100 种新敌怪
    • 友方 NPC 现在会根据一些条件,来出售不同的物品。这包括一天当中所处的时间,以及所居住的生物群系
    • 困难模式 Boss 有机会自行生成,以帮助玩家推进游戏进程
    • 现有的困难模式 Boss 现在制造的伤害轻微降低,它们的生命值也已调低
    • 在暴雪期间会少见地在地表冰雪生物群系生成一个小 Boss
    • 有超过 15 种新宠物,可以在宝箱中找到或稀有掉落自敌怪
    • 困难模式早期的敌怪现在造成更少的伤害,并且生命值和防御力也更低。
    • 骷髅王现在可以被召唤,拥有一个较小的拾取物列表
    • 主机版没有 10 个额外的物品栏栏
    • 引入了钱币枪,但未实现,因为主机版中处理货币的方式有所不同导致钱币枪随机发射各种面值的钱币。
    • 部分主机版独有的音乐被保留不变
  • 主机版 1.01
    2013 年 05 月 11 日
  • Xbox 360:

    • 巨大的性能提升(在生成新世界、多人游戏分屏以及创建小地图时尤为明显)
    • 改进了分屏模式的光照(更柔顺了)
    • 改进了朋友游戏搜索
    • 在分屏时,玩家现在可以在暂停菜单中驻留会话(而不必退出)
    • 当玩家登录到分屏的多人模式进程中时,他/她将无法再使用已登录的个人资料登录
    • 现在只允许朋友通过在线状态加入

    PlayStation 3:

    • 总体性能提升
    • 音效改进(音高和平移)
    • 国王雕像现在可以影响圣诞老人
    • 改进了讯息栏


    • 使用了 1.2 更新后的生物群系背景图像、新的太阳及月亮的图像
    • 引入了新的低级盔甲套装及其配方
    • 特定物品的堆叠数量由 250 提升至 999
    • 为水、水波、life crystals, shadow orbs, furnace and hell forge添加了动画*
    • 为僵尸和恶魔眼添加了随机大小
    • 添加了新的敌怪外观:中箭僵尸、史莱姆僵尸、女性僵尸、纤瘦僵尸、沼泽僵尸、蘑菇僵尸
    • 添加了闪耀翅膀

    修复 Bug:

    • 修复了玩家无法挖掘地牢块的地牢图格 Bug
    • 修复了八音盒存在的 Bug(可以摧毁八音盒,然后得到一个完全不同的物品)
    • 修复了铂金币堆叠 Bug
    • 修复了制作界面的 Bug(当拥有的材料改变时,若配方数量发生改变,那么当前配方会被切走)。
    • 修复了装备标尺物品时存在的网格渲染中存在的问题
    • 快速进入现在会被保存。
    • 对快速进入的 UI 进行了改进
    • NPC 的增益(和减益)现在会正确结束
    • 不再能以使用魔镜的方式击败世界吞噬怪
    • 新的人物选择 GUI,与世界选择 GUI 更加一致
    • 修复了从分屏切换至全屏(或者反过来)时出现的字体渲染 Bug
    • 不再能以加载电脑版数据的方式黑掉世界
    • 网络协议提升
    • 图像略有改进(图格现在可以无损压缩)
    • 排行榜 UI 现在与其他 UI 更加一致(现在是闪烁的黄色高亮,而非白色)
    • 修复了西班牙语的排行榜中存在的、一些小的本地化问题
    • 修复了特定死亡讯息无法正常显示的问题
  • Xbox 360 补丁
    Xbox 360 补丁
    2013 年 05 月 01 日龙盔甲在新生成的世界中不再生成于金箱中。
    主机版 1.00
    (等价于电脑版 1.1.2)
    2013 年 03 月 26 日


    1. Terraria - Console & Mobile Fixes Out Today 2023 年 10 月 02 日
    2. Terraria State of the Game - June 2023 2023 年 06 月 29 日
    3. Terraria State of the Game - May 2023 2023 年 06 月 05 日
    4. Terraria State of the Game - March 2023 2023 年 03 月 30 日
    5. 5.0 5.1 Terraria: Labor of Love is Out Now! 2022 年 11 月 30 日
    6. 6.0 6.1 Terraria: Labor of Love is Out Now! 2022 年 10 月 27 日
    7. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/114357/post-2786200
    8. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/114357
    9. 9.0 9.1 https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/111809
    10. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/111809
    11. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/109413/page-11#post-2599284
    12. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/109413/page-8#post-2587719
    13. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/109413
    14. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/109844
    15. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/107151/post-2521733
    16. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/107151/post-2513747
    17. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/107151/post-2508289
    18. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/107151
    19. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/97788
    20. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/96987
    21. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/89213
    22. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/89695
    23. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/87007
    24. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/84452
    25. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/84210
    26. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/83639
    27. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/81233
    28. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/80726
    29. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/80153
    30. 30.0 30.1 https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/79555
    31. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/74738
    32. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/72505#post-1632148
    33. 33.0 33.1 https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/67891
    34. https://twitter.com/pipeworks/status/960577634244669441
    35. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/65887
    36. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/64478
    37. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/64057
    38. "One Terraria"
    39. Meet The Team: Pipeworks Lead Engineer Eric Hope
    40. Leinfors 与旗帜有关的评论
    41. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/48508
    42. Xbox One online multiplayer is broken
    43. PS3, PS4, Vita: 17 June; Xbox: shortly after; Wii U: 28 June.
    44. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/42025
    45. 45.0 45.1 Missing from Holiday update
    46. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/44858
    47. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/40687
    48. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/37789
    49. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/19179
    50. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/10681
    51. https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/6874
    52. http://web.archive.org/web/20160603021913/http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/1-2-console-patch-notes.145322/
    53. http://web.archive.org/web/20160603021918/http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/1-2-for-consoles-change-log.137975/