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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
The patch notes listed below pertain to the Desktop version Desktop version.
Added entities are likely included in the Console version Console version and Mobile version Mobile version as well. Bug fixes for Console and Mobile can be found at Console history and Mobile history, respectively.

1.4.2 was an update for the Desktop version, which added Steam Workshop support to Terraria. It was released on March 29, 2021.


  • Added Steam Workshop Integration to Terraria, allowing the downloading and sharing of World Files and Resource Packs
  • Expanded Resource Pack Functionality to include Language Replacement and Music Replacement
  • Added a button to the Research and Bestiary Menus that lets you delete all current search text
  • Enemy Banners now also give increased player protection against enemy projectiles (previously they only applied to contact damage)
  • Added an option to change the name of characters and worlds

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a recurring issue with Rolling Cacti spawning on Demon Altars and causing crashes
  • Fixed an issue where seeds would not always generate identical worlds, depending on how many worlds had been generated in that play session
  • Fixed an issue where some falling tiles would fall through platforms instead of landing on them
  • Fixed an issue where Paper Airplanes did not drop in the quantities that the Bestiary said they should be dropping at
  • Fixed an issue where falling coins were no longer able to land on top of other coins
  • Fixed an issue where Trap Doors would not properly sync in multiplayer, allowing enemies to move through them
  • Fixed an issue where sitting players wearing the Gi outfit would be in a "jumping" pose
  • Fixed an issue where spreading Moss would not always use the proper frame when on servers
  • Fixed an issue where Smooth Marble Blocks would merge with Echo Blocks
  • Fixed an issue where Ale Tosser did not properly receive Frostburn effects from Frost Armor
  • Fixed an issue where Smoke Blocks did not stay hammered between gameplay sessions
  • Fixed an issue where some Ocean enemies could spawn even behind safe walls
  • Twinkle Popper's Twinkles no longer pick up money, as they would delete it forever during their explosion attack
  • Fixed an issue where Fossil Pickaxe, Tree Globe, and World Globe would fall through blocks forever when dropped
  • Fixed an issue where the Wall of Flesh can drop below the world's boundary
  • Fixed an issue where Sergeant United Shield was accidentally showing accessory dyes under some specific circumstances, even though it is a weapon
  • Fixed an issue where Resonance Scepter and Life Drain could only knockback enemies to the right
  • Fixed an issue where High Velocity Bullets could sometimes hit particularly large targets twice (does not apply to multi-segment enemies, this should still allow multiple hits)
  • Fixed an issue where Pupfish were sometimes spawning in the Ocean
  • Fixed an issue where Wand of Sparking's projectile was using Melee damage modifiers, not Magic
  • Fixed a rare issue where the game could freeze if it was literally impossible to spawn a meteorite
  • Fixed an issue where Wasp Gun had a tooltip that just said "Wasp Gun"
  • Fixed an issue where players who died, or Hardcore player ghosts, would interfere with Player Logic Sensors
  • Fixed an issue where Star Cannon's projectile could not land critical hits, and wouldn't always receive proper stat bonuses from player equipment
  • Fixed an issue where Star Cannon's projectile could not be fired through platforms
  • Fixed a certain duplication exploit
  • Fixed an issue where Spikes would not hurt the player from some angles at certain elevations
  • Fixed an issue where World Globe would skip some forest backgrounds
  • Fixed an issue where Amphibian Boots stacked with other Frog Leg variants, even though Frog Leg variants do not otherwise stack

Wiki pages patched

  • References