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  • 困难模式这一游戏阶段,会在第一次击败血肉墙后进入。这个变化是永久的(除非使用第三方工具,在此指南中不考虑)。



    电脑版 电脑版上的一个小世界的初始困难模式地图。请注意由新爆发的腐化(深紫色)和神圣(浅桃红色)所组成的“V”字形,在打败了血肉墙后它们取代了原来存在的世界物块。


    (前代主机版、和3DS版)这种感染主要会威胁到丛林。泥块会受到腐化/猩红的影响(但不会受到神圣的影响),并会被永久转化为土块。虽然要感染一大片丛林花费的时间很长,但是这造成的损害很难修复,需要玩家人工将土换回泥。可以用长长的、3 格宽的隧道来保护生物群系。注意,摧毁恶魔祭坛/猩红祭坛有几率使地图上的一个随机物块腐化(也包括猩红化)或神圣化,这可能发生在丛林里面。









    在此之后摧毁祭坛,就会三个一循环,给予相同的矿石,但量上会有所减少。所以,总计摧毁 9-12 个祭坛就足够了。 (前代主机版、和3DS版) 每当一个祭坛被摧毁时,有 2/3 (66.67%) 几率将洞穴层中随机的单个石块转化为黑檀石块/猩红石块珍珠石块,在玩家不知情的情况下促进地下神圣之地地下腐化之地/地下猩红之地的蔓延。



    A much more time-consuming way to obtain Hardmode ore is from fishing crates. While much slower than other methods, this does not require the player to smash any altars, (前代主机版、和3DS版) which can help keep quarantined areas of the map safe from the new randomly-placed Hallow or Corruption/Crimson block that spawns when smashing each one.

    There are many different choices for every class:

    • Melee users can get an 冰雪悠悠球冰雪悠悠球(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) very early on, although alternatives such as the craftable 吉克球吉克球(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) will suffice until they do. The Amarok has a low chance to be dropped by any enemy in the Snow Biome, so with a quick farm they can easily (if perhaps not quickly) obtain it. The 钴剑 or 钯金刺矛 made from ores can be quickly obtained and they will get the job done until better weapons (e.g. a 红晶光刃晶光刃) are acquired. The 太极连枷太极连枷 is a good flail, reasonably easy to craft, and the only option of flail for a while.
    • Ranged users can buy a 霰弹枪霰弹枪 from the Arms Dealer as soon as Hardmode starts, which can then be upgraded to the 玛瑙爆破枪玛瑙爆破枪(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) , using the drops from the corrupted/crimson desert and underground crimson or corruption. The 发条式突击步枪发条式突击步枪 is also very strong and should definitely be used if the Wall of Flesh dropped it. A 钴连弩 or 钯金连弩钯金连弩 also gets the job done until better options (e.g. higher-tier-ore repeaters, 暗影焰弓暗影焰弓(电脑版、主机版、和移动版), or 代达罗斯风暴弓代达罗斯风暴弓(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)) are acquired.
      • Ranged users have many more ammo options in Hardmode, several of which are available right away with a little exploration or farming, although obtaining a better weapon is a higher priority than getting better ammunition. 水晶子弹水晶子弹, 诅咒弹诅咒弹 (in Corruption worlds), and 灵液弹灵液弹 (in Crimson worlds) are interesting options that require very few special crafting ingredients, while 爆破弹爆破弹 can be crafted entirely from purchased ingredients. Likewise, 圣箭圣箭, 诅咒箭诅咒箭 (in Corruption Worlds), and 灵液箭灵液箭 (in Crimson worlds) are special arrows which require few unusual ingredients. However, on (电脑版、主机版、和移动版), the dryad can sell the opposite evil seeds in a graveyard, allowing the use of Ichor and Cursed Flames, regardless of the world's evil.
    • A Magic user can quickly farm for the 裂天剑裂天剑(电脑版、主机版、和移动版), a weapon that is very useful even after Plantera is defeated. They can also fish for a 水晶蛇水晶蛇(电脑版、主机版、和移动版), but it can take longer to obtain. The 流星法杖流星法杖(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) is even easier to craft, however it is hard to use it underground. The 激光步枪激光步枪, if it dropped from the Wall of Flesh, will also be highly useful initially.
      • Other early-Hardmode options that should be high priorities are the 水晶风暴水晶风暴 (which has high DPS for early-Hardmode crowd control), the 诅咒焰诅咒焰 (in Corruption worlds, which has high-damage piercing projectiles that inflict a high-DPS debuff), and the 黄金雨黄金雨 (in Crimson worlds, which deals modest damage but inflicts an extremely useful, defense-lowering debuff which few enemies - not even the Moon Lord - are immune to).
        • These will require first locating the 巫师巫师 NPC, which is a critical priority for magic users.
      • Also be on the lookout for an abundance of enemy-dropped weapons, most crucially the 寒霜法杖寒霜法杖 (a good starting weapon), 剧毒法杖剧毒法杖 (a, upgradeable magic shotgun), and 雨云魔杖雨云魔杖 (a powerful, upgraded Crimson Rod).
      • The above weapons will help magic-using players be able to eventually obtain more powerful early-Hardmode weapons, such as the 暗影焰妖娃暗影焰妖娃(电脑版、主机版、和移动版), the 夺命杖夺命杖(电脑版、主机版、和移动版), and the 神灯烈焰神灯烈焰(电脑版、主机版、和移动版).
    • A Summoner will have to get the 蜘蛛法杖蜘蛛法杖(电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版) and the 蜘蛛女王法杖蜘蛛女王法杖(电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版). This is a problem because the 黑隐士黑隐士 can very easily kill a player in 3 to 4 hits. Since they can't go through blocks, it is recommended to farm the 蜘蛛牙蜘蛛牙(电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版) inside of a "box" while the minions kill the spiders from the outside. Make sure to have your 魔镜魔镜 (or, preferably, 手机手机(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)) ready in case a 巨型蠕虫巨型蠕虫 or another enemy spawns. Be sure to utilize any other, more easily-obtainable weapons for other classes to defend yourself as needed. Wall of Flesh drops can also be highly useful, especially if it dropped the 鞭炮鞭炮(电脑版、主机版、和移动版); if it didn't, you may consider farming for it.
      • The next whip upgrade requires defeating the highly-deadly 冰雪巨人冰雪巨人, which is not wise until you are fully geared-up with early-Hardmode equipment.
      • With the use of the above gear and a lot of luck, you might get the 海盗法杖海盗法杖(电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版), which has much higher damage but lacks any debuff.

    With these new weapons and a couple Mining and Spelunker Potions, getting the Hardmode ores will be a much easier task.

    Before bosses

    For a specific guide to the boss fights themselves, refer to Guide:The Destroyer strategies, Guide:The Twins strategies and Guide:Skeletron Prime strategies.

    The Mechanical Bosses can be very hard to kill for a new player, so using the best weapons, armors and accessories is advised. If you are up to it, Queen Slime can be fought to get better gear (Such as the Blade Staff ((电脑版、主机版、和移动版))) and/or practice fighting.

    Palladium and Titanium armors are very good with their defensive set bonuses, while Adamantite and Orichalcum armors are better for those looking for the maximum DPS. It is better to skip Cobalt and Mythril armor, as they don't have very good stats or a special set bonus to make up for it. There is also Frost and Forbidden armor, but they should only be used if the player wishes to mix different damage types, as they aren't strong enough by themselves. Another good armor set for all classes is the Crystal Assassin Armor(电脑版、主机版、和移动版), dropped by Queen Slime(电脑版、主机版、和移动版).

    If the player hasn't obtained them already, Wings are essential for the fights, as it's hard to dodge their attacks without them. The best ones available are the Frost Wings, but the Leaf Wings are easier to obtain at the cost of some speed.

    An Emblem of the player's class is also important, as well as defensive and mobility accessories like the Cross Necklace, Philosopher's Stone, Ankh or Obsidian Shield, and Frog Leg. Having good modifiers like Lucky, Menacing or Warding is also very important for the battles.

    Now that the player is well equipped, the only thing left to do is to make a good arena, since having one will make the bosses much easier to fight. Two to three rows of platforms will be enough space to move around. Additionally: 此内容转载自指南:实用技巧 § 战斗

    • 在太阳刚刚落山(下午 7:30)之后开始战斗会提供大量的时间来击败仅在夜间出现的 Boss。在困难模式下,月光护身符月光护身符和/或月亮石月亮石及其升级版在夜间也很好用。
    • 战斗开始前的准备足以决定 Boss 战的胜负。选择装备并准备好;找到和/或制作药水并放置增益;(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)食用现有最高级别食物;建造一个合适的 Boss 战斗场地;学习所面对 Boss 的策略。
    • 准备好 Boss 战斗场地,确保有足够的光源篝火篝火红心灯笼红心灯笼用于生命再生,如果使用魔法,星星瓶星星瓶可用于法力再生。巴斯特雕像巴斯特雕像(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)将提供一个可观的防御性提升。花园侏儒花园侏儒(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)和(在地下放置合适的火把能提高运气,可减少所受的伤害并提高造成的伤害。注意火把神的恩宠对此有所帮助。蜂蜜蜂蜜池也可以用来进行额外的生命值再生。
    • (电脑版、主机版、和移动版) 向日葵向日葵会给半径 50 个物块内的玩家施加快乐!快乐!增益,给予 +10% 的移动速度奖励并降低 17% 的敌怪生成率。
    • 至少始终携带一组最高级的治疗药水,仅仅依靠自然的生命再生并不明智。根据游戏阶段的不同,这包括蘑菇蘑菇蜂蜜鱼蜂蜜鱼等物品。在电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版、和移动版 移动版中,恢复药水恢复药水是冷却较短的治疗药水。
      • 同样,如果使用魔法,那就带上魔力药水
      • 也可以使用诡药诡药(电脑版、主机版、和移动版),治疗效果类似于治疗药水,但是饮用后有概率触发无敌时间。
      • 前代主机版 前代主机版任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版中,恢复药水可以省下一个栏位,但会同时触发两者的冷却时间。
    • 建议为在战场中的树妖树妖护士护士 NPC 建造房屋。前者可以施放树妖祝福树妖祝福(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) 增益,增加防御力, 并提供类似荆棘药水的效果,而后者可以即时治疗和消除减益,但需要花费一些 银币钱币
    • Boss 会显示在小地图上:在苦苦寻找的时候,可以按照 Boss 的图标来追踪它。可以通过查看其各自的 Wiki 页面,来识别 Boss 的图标。
    • 如果已经在地牢中救出了机械师机械师,可以使用电线电线来激活飞镖机关机关以及提供生命与法力回复的 心形雕像心形雕像星星雕像星星雕像。前者可以帮助攻击敌怪,但要注意摆放位置,以免在战斗中伤害到自己。后者可以分别连接心形雕像心形雕像星星雕像星星雕像来提供星星。把这些雕像连接到3秒计时器计时器来启动它。
    • 可以在挑战任何更难的 Boss 之前先召唤并杀死克苏鲁之眼史莱姆王,这样可以创造一个额外的一次性红心池。注意,这将阻止任何心形雕像产生新的心。
    • 在去探索、进行 Boss 战或入侵之前,记得使用利器站利器站(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)弹药箱弹药箱(电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版)水晶球水晶球施法桌施法桌(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)战争桌战争桌(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)蛋糕块蛋糕块(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) 。这些会给玩家带来有用的增益,前五种是特殊物品。它们分别提供锋利锋利(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)弹药箱(增益)弹药箱(电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版)灵视灵视着魔着魔(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)战略家战略家(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)糖果冲刺糖果冲刺(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)