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El icono de JcJ cuando está activo y en el equipo rojo.

Jugador contra Jugador trae un modo único de jugar al mundo de Terraria. Este es un modo de juego donde un jugador o un equipo de jugadores puede derrotar a otro jugador o equipo de jugadores. Para hacerlo, hay que unirse a un mundo multijugador, y se habilita la opción JcJ al hacer un click en las espadas de la esquina superior-derecha de la pantalla. La única forma en que un jugador puede dañar a otro, es que los dos tengan habilitada la opción JcJ. También está la opción de unirse a otro equipo; los equipos están representados por los escudos de colores en la esquina superior-derecha de la pantalla. Una vez que se selecciona un equipo, aparecerá en los bordes de la pantalla una notificación acerca de los otros miembros del mismo equipo, como también, la vida restante de cada uno. Jugador contra Jugador no es un modo particularmente útil, ya que este no provee ayuda de ningún tipo, sin embargo, lo que si provee es una forma de juego muy divertida y desafiante, donde el trabajo en equipo es usualmente la clave en el combate JcJ, como también, la clave en Terraria! Abajo hay una guía general, algunos tips, trucos, y ayudas que pueden aportar al jugador promedio conocimientos sobre los factores JcJ en Terraria!


El daño en el combate JcJ es un poco diferente al que sucede cuando se pelea con monstruos. Cuando se ataca a un jugador, en vez de que el daño base sea reducido por la defensa del objetivo, el daño es multiplicado por dos y la defensa es reducida por la mitad. Por ejemplo, si atacaras con una Muramasa, teniendo de daño base 22, y golpeas a un jugador que tiene la armadura completa de Molten, dándole 38 de defensa; el daño seria 25, ya que el daño se incrementa a 44 y la defensa se reduce a 19. La mitad de la defensa siempre es redondeada hacia arriba, así que si el objetivo tiene un número impar de defensa, el daño seria redondeado hacia abajo.


El combate JcJ es siempre rápido y feroz; traer las mejores armas es una obligación, pero como puede uno decidir cuáles traer? Debería traer un mangual o una espada, un arma de fuego o un arco? Acá hay una breve descomposición de los kits de armas que son más convenientes (tengan en cuenta que solo las mejores armas serán incluidas y explicadas para no ocupar mucho espacio)!

Rango No-Magicas

Arco y Flecha: Molten Fury + Jester's Arrow 38 de daño, tiempo de uso de 25. (37 de daño con Unholy Arrow) Esta combinación permite a los jugadores algo de utilidad, ya que las flechas se arquean creando un amplio rango de tiro, sin embargo, el tiempo total de vuelo no es bueno. Con una tasa de daño máximo de 1.52 (O de una forma más fácil de llevar 1.44 usando solamente Wooden Arrows convertidas a Flaming Arrows). La mayor desventaja de este arma es que la munición de alto nivel es difícil de conseguir, y finalmente, se obtiene un índice de daño pequeño.

Arma de Fuego y Municion - 1: Phoenix Blaster + Meteor Shot 37 de daño, tiempo de uso de 10. (35 de daño con Musket Ball) Esta combinación permite al jugador causar rápidamente ráfagas de daño hacia su objetivo. Tiene un rango de impacto muy pequeño ya que viaja en línea recta; esto se debe a la gran distancia y velocidad promedio del proyectil. Con una tasa de daño de 3.7 es sorprendentemente bueno, pero la cantidad de munición usada al tratar de impactar en un jugador, puede ser muy costosa.

Arma de Fuego y Munición - 2: Star Cannon + Fallen Star, 155 de daño, tiempo de uso de 12. Esta combinación permite al jugador infligir una cantidad increíble de daño registrado en unos 12.92 contra un enemigo sin armadura (Sin confirmar). La desventaja es que la recolección de estrellas no es un proceso rápido comparado a la cantidad de munición que se consume en una pelea JcJ, ya que además, las estrellas no pueden ser reutilizadas. Sin embargo, hay una estrategia para la recolección de estrellas que requiere de un puente aéreo.

Bumerang - 1: Flamarang 32 de daño, tiempo de uso de 15. Este arma permite al jugador un espacio extra en el inventario ya que no consume municiones. La desventaja es que el proyectil tarda mucho en volver si no se acierta en el objetivo. Un lado positivo es que en la vuelta, el bumerang puede atravesar ladrillos permitiendo que el objetivo sea atacado desde una posición segura. La tasa de daño total es de 2.14, dejando a este arma como un arma de utilidad.

Bumerang - 2: Thorn Chakram 25 de daño, tiempo de uso de 15. El Thorn Chakrum hace un poco menos de daño que el Flamarang, con una tasa de daño de 1.7, pero tiene la habilidad de rebotar múltiples veces antes de regresar al usuario, haciendo de este arma una gran opción en espacios reducidos.

Cuerpo a Cuerpo

Espada - 1: Fiery Greatsword 34 de daño, tiempo de uso aproximado de 35-45. Este arma hace poco daño y tiene un alcance de unos 10ft. La tasa de daño total es aproximadamente .75-.95 haciendo de este arma muy difícil de usar efectivamente en JcJ.

Espada - 2: Blade of Grass 28 de daño, tiempo de uso aproximado de 20-30. Este arma tiene un alcance increíble de unos 12ft. Con una velocidad de ataque decente también. La tasa de daño aproximada es de .93-1.4 haciendo de este arma un poco más efectiva en combate.

Espada - 3: Muramasa 22 de daño, tiempo de uso aproximado de 10-15. Esta es probablemente una de las espadas más efectivas en JcJ a pesar de su bajo daño inicial. La Muramasa tiene una tasa de daño de 1.467-2.2 siendo actualmente la de mayor daño. Esta espada además tiene una cualidad muy particular; si la tecla de ataque se mantiene presionada, la espada sigue atacando. Esto hace que la espada sea muy poderosa con una combinación de artículos adecuados.

Mangual: Sunfury 40 de daño, tiempo de uso de 30. Es conocido como el mejor arma no-proyectil en el juego, mantiene una posición alta en el combate JcJ, debido al mecanismo del mangual. Con una tasa de daño de 1.33, este arma obtiene una gran consideración. Una propiedad útil del mecanismo del mangual es el daño constante, además de que atraviesa los ladrillos cuando regresa al usuario.


Magia - 1: Vilethorn 8 de daño (Se desconoce el intervalo de tiempo del daño, se asume que es 50), 5 de mana, tiempo de uso de 30. Este arma no es el ideal para hacer daño, pero puede ser extremadamente útil debido a que puede causar daño constante por una baja cantidad de mana y al mismo tiempo ser capaz de atacar a través de las paredes. Con una tasa de daño aproximado de .16, por lo general, debería ser usada solamente para esos dos fines.

Magia - 2: Flamelash 35x2 de daño, 20 de mana, tiempo de uso de 20. Esta es sin dudas la mejor arma mágica en JcJ debido a que su proyectil controlable es capaz de golpear dos veces. Con una tasa de daño de 3.5, este arma se destaca, pero sin embargo, consume mana y una desventaja drástica es que mientras se controla el proyectil, el jugador queda prácticamente indefenso.

Magia - 3: Starfury 15 de daño (además de 20 de daño por cada estrella), 11 de mana, tiempo de uso de 10. Este arma es una buena adquisición en el arsenal de JcJ, pero solo sirve cuando el personaje tiene mana (no funciona sin mana), y solo llega a su máximo potencial mientras se esté en el exterior o en un edificio sin techo. Con un uso rápido y estrellas, este arma puede lograr un interesante daño por segundo. Desde una distancia de cuerpo a cuerpo, el personaje puede hacer un máximo de 75 de daño o una tasa de daño de 7.5. Sin embargo, es poco probable que el objetivo se quede quieto mientras se lo ataca, y es por eso que la tasa de daño real esta aproximadamente en 3.5; ya que el arma no es viable en distancias cortas (-15) y el objetivo se va a estar moviendo todo el tiempo causando que el daño por las estrellas no se logre (-25).


La armadura es quizás uno de los aspectos más importantes del combate JcJ ya que será lo primero que alerte a un jugador acerca de qué tipo de personaje es cada uno. A continuación están los sets de armadura únicos que se encuentran en el combate JcJ; hay bonus especiales, habilidades y algunos detalles de uso. Por favor, hay que tener en cuenta que esto no es una discusión sobre armaduras, y que solo contiene armaduras de segundo nivel o superior.

Molten armor: Es el set con la defensa más alta y actualmente, la del nivel más alto de armadura en el juego; con una defensa base de 28 y otros 10 de defensa como bonus por usar el set completo. Este set debería ser usado por personajes que deseen aguantar grandes cantidades de daño. Usualmente, puede ser mezclado con otros accesorios de defensa como el Cobalt Shield y la Obsidian Skull que agrega +2 de defensa, que se acumula a un máximo de otros +10 de defensa. Obteniendo un máximo de 48 de defensa!

Jungle armor: Este set de segundo nivel de armadura, aporta al jugador una defensa base de 19, un bonus por set que reduce el costo de hechizos por un 25%, regeneración más rápida de mana y también, un incremento en la velocidad de ataque (confirmado) aunque no aparece en la descripción. Este set es útil para jugadores que quieren lanzar hechizos. Este set de armadura puede ser utilizado junto a cinco Band of Starpower para maximizar la regeneración de mana. También es muy útil cuando se utiliza el Space Gun.

Necro armor: Este set de segundo nivel de armadura, le brinda al jugador un incremento del 30% en la velocidad de movimiento, pero aportándole solamente 19 puntos de defensa. Debería ser usado por personajes parkour que deseen poder esquivar y ser agiles. Se puede obtener un máximo de 29 puntos de defensa si se usa junto a obsidian skulls o un incremento mayor en la agilidad y velocidad si se usa un Ivy Whip junto a 5 Anklet of the Wind para un bonus máximo de velocidad de 80%. Tambien puede ser combinado junto a 4 Anklets of the Wind y un Hermes Boots para incrementar fácilmente la velocidad máxima mientras se usa el Ivy Whip.

Shadow armor: Este set de segundo nivel de armadura, concede al jugador un incremento del 15% en la velocidad de ataque cuerpo a cuerpo. Shadow armor provee una defensa base de 19. Este set deberia ser usado por aquellos que deseen maximizar el daño por segundo en cuerpo a cuerpo, usualmente referido como “Glass Cannon” . Para lograrlo, se equipan cinco Feral Claws para obtener 50% más de incremento en la velocidad de ataque cuerpo a cuerpo, obteniendo un bonus total de 65% de en la velocidad de ataque. Esto hace que el jugador se convierta en un tornado de cuchillas; se aconseja que sea usado junto a la espada Muramasa.


Accessories vienen en cuatro tipos diferentes, de los cuales tres son usados en JcJ: Movimiento, Regenerativos y de Combate. Esta sección aborda varias ventajas, contras y alternativas de accesorios que pueden ser usados en JcJ, como también información muy útil de algunos como Hermes Boots y Band of Regeneration.

Parece que hay algunas ideas erróneas acerca de que muchas clases, particularmente las clases de asalto o las que suelen estar cerca del enemigo, reciben una mejor supervivencia con Bands of Regeneration que si usaran Cobalt Shields (u Obsidian Skulls), cuando en realidad ofrecen relativamente poca supervivencia en un combate rápido de JcJ.


Tobillera de vientoTobillera de viento: Útil para los personajes que deseen entrar y salir del combate rápidamente y para los que quieran esquivar más fácil o perseguir a otras personas. El bonus se acumula junto a otros Anklets, llegando a un máximo de 50%, y si se usa en conjunto con la Necro Armor, se llega a un máximo de 80%.

Nube embotelladaNube en una Botella: Útil para cambiar fácilmente de dirección en el aire, esquivar proyectiles estando en el aire, o para obtener una ventaja extra en la cantidad de tiempo antes de golpear el suelo en una caída, sin embargo, este objeto “NO rompe una caída”, y se obtendrá el daño por la caída. Shiny Red Ballon aumenta la altura del salto en general.

Botas de HermesBotas de Hermes: Boost does not stack with Anklets of the Wind or Necro Armor, however, both decrease the amount of distance required to reach the movement boost. (Picture/Confirmation coming soon) In a simple test it took 28 blocks for unaided Hermes Boots to activate. Stacking Anklets gave an average of ~9% decrease (alternating ~11% and ~7% per anklet) in distance per anklet(28-> 25-> 23-> 20). Necro armor reduced distance required by 25% (28-> 21), and with Anklets distance shortened further (21-> 18-> 16-> 13-> 11) for a max reduction of ~61% (25% + 4(9%)). Players looking for land speed should consider how far it will take them to activate Hermes. For example, Necro and 5 Anklets for an 80% boost, vs replacing one of the Anklets with Hermes for an 100% boost in just 11 blocks. A character that darts around near or past enemies should also sacrifice an Anklet for a Cobalt Sheild to keep the Hermes speed boost (that now takes 13 blocks to activate).

Herradura de la suerteHerradura de la suerte: This item is useful early in the game, however there are alternatives to using this, effectively freeing an accessory slot. Grappling Hook/Ivy Whip can be used to latch onto the ground/walls, and Rocket Boots can be used to reduce speed before hitting the ground. Cloud in a Bottle does NOT work.

Botas coheteBotas cohete: Keeps the speed boost from Hermes while in flight. Very useful for characters that don't use spells (that compete with rocket boots for mana), effectively giving them better jump than Cloud in a Bottle or Shiny Red Balloon as long as they have mana. When combined with Cobalt/Meteor Armor and Mana Potions, near infinite flight can be achieved. Its probably a good idea to keep Mana Potions or Lesser Mana Potions handy, in case you run out of mana when you suddenly need to get away.

Globo rojo brillanteGlobo rojo brillante: Increases jump height, thus also increasing length of gaps one can jump. Shiny Red Balloon's jump is higher than Cloud in a Bottle's double jump.


Banda de regeneraciónBanda de regeneración: It takes 800/400/266/200/160 seconds (for 1/2/3/4/5 bands) to fully regenerate max hp, whereas using two Healing Potions takes about 13 seconds. Although generally considered a survivability item, it helps relatively little in combat, for example in a fight 5 seconds can be an eternity, EASILY enough time to kill someone. In the example in the Damage section at the top of the page, someone in Molten Armor takes 25 damage from a Muramasa per hit, with 16 hits to kill them. In a 5 second fight someone wearing 2 Bands of Regeneration will have regenerated 5 hp, about 20% of a Muramasa attack. However someone instead wearing 2 Cobalt Shields with an extra 4 defense will negate 2 damage per Muramasa hit. This will not only block 32 damage (from the same 16 hits), but require an extra 2 hits to be killed, for a total of 36 damage blocked (144% of a Muramasa attack). This doesn't even consider that it will take much less than 5 seconds to be killed or the bonus of immunity to knockback that Cobalt Shield gives. Because of this Band of Regeneration is actually NOT a good survivability item and is only ideal over longer periods without combat, which will at best last a max of 30-60 seconds, only regenerating 30-60 hp with 2 Bands. Having a supply of Healing Potions or even Lesser Healing Potions handy provide a MUCH faster alternative, effectively freeing one or more accessory slots that one could use instead for actual survivability accessories. Not a recommended item for PvP.

Banda de polvo de estrellasBanda de polvo de estrellas: A nice item for mages, stacking with Cobalt/Meteor Armor. A possible consideration to other characters that are using Rocket Boots, however not at all required. Mana Potions and Lesser Mana Potions provide an excellent alternative

Don de la naturalezaDon de la naturaleza: Relatively useless in PvP since dying from another player already causes this, effectively wasting an accessory slot. Dying from lava (exact details unknown) in a fight may cause respawning with 100 hp, however it requires the player to actually die to work, so it is still useless in combat. Pick a different item.


Escudo de cobaltoEscudo de cobalto: An excellent item for most characters. The multiple knockbacks from fast hitting items like the Minishark and Muramasa can be devastating in tight areas. Nearly mandatory for characters that rush or dart around to prevent being focused and rendered far less-mobile or lose a Hermes Boots speed boost. A far more effective survivability item than Band of Regeneration.

Garras de bestiaGarras de bestia: Effectively increases DPS by 10%. An excellent accessory, the only one that actually increases your own damage output. Stacking these gives you an edge on other players in a sword fight.

Calavera de obsidianaCalavera de obsidiana: The bonus effect is not quite as useful as the Cobalt Shield in combat, however it does give good survivability and protects you from Hellstone traps and flooring. Avoid stacking unless you already have the Cobalt Shield also equipped. A far more effective survivability item than Band of Regeneration (read Band of Regeneration's section for more info on this).

ArgollaArgolla: Due to the way defense works in PvP, this item will only negate 1 damage when one is used with the Molten armor, 2 will be needed when using the second tier of armors. This item also does not give an extra benefit like Cobalt Shield and Obsidian Skull do. Therefore this item becomes far more useless.


There are various builds that function to complete certain play styles, below a few of these builds will be discussed. Maximum health and mana are assumed, preferably with the Ivy Whip, and health and mana potions. Editors are encouraged to add more. There are many unique variations with specific PvP niches! (Note: This is not Team Fortress Two please refrain from making comparision classes.)

By class name, armor type, weapon set and accessory load sets.

The Tank

Molten Armor, Blade of Grass or Sunfury with Flamarang.

x1 Cobalt Shield x4 Obsidian Skull - Maximum defense build. OR x1 Cobalt Shield x4 Band of Regeneration - Maximum survivability.

This build allows a character to either maximize their defense or increase their HP regen while not being knocked back. They as well have the maximum melee range and the ability to hit targets with the Flamarang. This is for players that like to bulldoze their way through targets suffering low hp damage.

The Gopher

Necro Armor, Vilethorn, Molten Pickaxe, Minishark, Meteor Shot, Orb of Light, Ivy Whip, and where use of terrain-deforming explosives is approved for pvp ONLY: Sticky Bomb

x1 Hermes Boots x1 Obsidian Skull x1 Cloud in a Bottle x2 Band of Starpower- Optimized for underground infiltration.

This build allows a character to move quickly and efficiently to an enemy's base without fear of detection. They can move effortlessly through the ground, digging a tunnel so that the whole raiding party may move literally under their noses. If equipped with the Minishark and Meteor shots, after using the stickies (or dynamite, if required) to blow a hole in the enemy floorboards, The Gopher can relentlessly fire on the enemy, causing a decent amount of damage. Also, if used for a hit-and-run manuever, The Gopher can use the Vilethorn to hit enemies fromm beneath them. If the enemies give chase, The Gopher can outrun them using the Hermes Boots and Necro Armor, or they can lay down some Hellstone or Meteorite, and use their Obsidian Skull to walk over it. They can also make large gaps, and use the Cloud in a Bottle or the Grappling Hook to cross them. While The Gopher is much like Spiderman, he is used for more fighting than The Saboteur.

The Caster

Cobalt Armor, Flamelash & Vilethorn in some cases Flower of Fire along with Muramasa and Space Gun or Phoenix Blaster.

x5 Band of Starpower - Maximum casting potential. OR x3 Band of Starpower x2 Band of Regeneration - High mana regen with better survivability.

This build allows players the ability to maximize their spell casting potential, and regen a lot of mana in downtime. In some cases Rocket Boots are suggested merely for better movement.

The Berserker

Shadow armor, Muramasa & Phoenix Blaster.

x5 Feral Claws - Maximum fast damage. OR x3 Feral Claws x2 Band of Regeneration - High damage with better survivability. OR x4 Feral Claws x1 Cobalt Shield - Suicide king, rush and rush.

This build allows a player to furiously hack away at their target dealing large quantities of damage. The later build that utilizes a cobalt shield isn't for players that want to stay alive long, it is meant as a rush and destroy tactic.

The Monk

Necro Armor, Muramasa or Blade of Grass and any high-tier ranged weapon.

x4 Feral Claws x1 Anklet of the Wind - Optimized +40% melee/+40% movement speed build

A variation of the Berserker, this build is designed to move fast and strike hard. This build can easily close the distance on ranged/magic players and deal damage fast while also keeping a safe distance from heavier tanks and easily dodging attacks. Any number of variations are possible including using Hermes Boots instead of AotW for better distance running, incorporating Rocket Boots, Shiny Red Balloon or Cloud in a Bottle for better vertical mobility, or using 5 Feral Claws for heightened damage. Using Blade of Grass is recommended for players who want to use more of a hit-and-run tactic as it allows you to keep a safer distance.

The Paratrooper

Cobalt Armor, Phoenix Blaster, or Star Cannon

x2 Band of Starpower x1 Rocket Boots x1 Cobalt Shield x1 Lucky Horseshoe - Air support, all day long.

This build is for players that like to pilot helicopters. It allows players to strap on the rocket boots and rain fire from the sky, without taking fall damage or suffering knockback. Other minor variations include switching the horseshoe and cobalt shield with Band of Regeneration. This build also allows the player to cast spells from the sky; however, this is difficult and drains mana rapidly.

The Scout

Necro Armor, Muramasa, Thorn Chakram &/or Grenade, Spiky Ball, Vile Powder - This build requires Ivy Whip as well.

x2 Anklet of the Wind x1 Hermes Boots, x2 Band of Regeneration - Good land speed, and ok survivability. OR x1 Cloud in a Bottle x1 Shiny Red Balloon x1 Hermes Boots x2 Anklet of the Wind - Best land speed and maneuverability.

This build is designed for quick in and out missions or PvP defeats. The idea is to run in dodging players attacks while dropping Grenades, Vile Powder or Spiky Balls to create mass confusion and damage. Some variations of this set use the Rocket Boots to escape faster. This class can also be used as a distraction using the Ivy Whip while jumping and dodging around while other players rush the initial pvp zone.

The Saboteur (Spiderman)

Necro Armor, Muramasa/Cobweb/Lava Bucket & Whoopie Cushion

x2 Anklet of the Wind x1 Hermes Boots, x2 Band of Regeneration - Good land speed, and ok survivability.

This build is designed for a quick in, quick out mentality with only one goal - hindering the enemy. Unlike his cousin the Scout, however, the Saboteur targets the environment. The idea is to quickly sprint into the enemy base and set webs or lava all around the enemy team, knock out torches, tear down doors, and create sapper tunnels under the enemy base. This causes the opposing team to either spend time repairing their base or become distracted taking down the Saboteur. While the opposing team is dealing with the webbing, lava, torches, or the Saboteur the rest of the team is given an opportunity to deal some nice damage using ranged weapons or break into the opposition's base.

TIP: Try to use web and lava in hard-to-see places to maximize the effect. Make sure to be quick at coming up with witty one liners as Spiderman usually does. The Whoopie Cushion is mostly for distraction and to anger the enemy team, but in many ways it is your most powerful asset.

The Demoman

Molten Armor, Blade of Grass or Sunfury, Grenade, Spiky Ball, Ivy Whip and where use of terrain-deforming explosives is approved for pvp ONLY: Bomb, Sticky Bomb, Dynamite

x1 Anklet of the Wind, x1 Shiny Red Balloon, x1 Cloud in a Bottle, x2 Band of Regeneration - Better survivability. OR x2 Anklet of the Wind, x1 Shiny Red Balloon, x1 Cloud in a Bottle, x1 Cobalt Shield - Better mobility.

This build is primarily for attacking from a distance while enduring a considerable amount of damage, and is useful both offensively and defensively. Explosives are excellent for damage, AoE and area denial. Where allowed the terrain-altering effects of some explosives can also be useful to alter the battlefield to your advantage and rapidly overcome defenses. Spiky Balls should be used in conjunction with explosives to limit the room your opponents have to maneuver. The Blade of Grass is a good, long-reach melee weapon to have if your opponents get too close to you, you (somehow) run out of consumable weapons, or explosives and spiky balls become impractical. The Sunfury is also useful for this purpose, but can be trickier and more cumbersome to use. The end purpose of either weapon should be to increase the distance between you and your opponent, making it easier to wield your explosives and Spiky Balls.

(Need confirmation on if Sticky Bombs can stick to players in multiplayer.)

The Bait

Necro Armor, Gold Bow+, Arrows, & Ivy Whip

x3 Anklet of the Wind, x1Hermes Boots, x1 Cloud in a Bottle - Good speed overall. OR x4 Anklet of the Wind, x1Hermes Boots - Best land speed. OR x1 Anklet of the Wind, x1 Cloud in a Bottle, x1 Rocket Boots, x2 Band of Starpower - Best air speed.

This build is mostly made for, as the title implies, bait. If you're someone who can't fight well but wants to contribute to the team, this is a good idea. The bow & arrows are for a sort of just in-case, just to annoy the enemy. While you're running around and confusing the enemy team, your team can strike them, and they'll be left boggled. Make sure not to have too many of these(Probably maximum is about 2 or so), or there won't be much team to actually attack after the enemy is confused.

The Aggressive Pedestrian

Necro Armor, Muramasa, Thorn Chakram, & Ivy Whip

x1 Anklet of the Wind, x1 Cloud in a Bottle, x1 Shiny Red Balloon, x1 Feral Claws, x1 Cobalt Shield

This build is considered a variation of the Berserker. It is currently under some scrutiny, but it's quite effective. The 10% boost in attack speed combined with the Muramasa creates an incredible DPS, while the Cobalt Shield enables you to take a bit more damage while getting up in your opponents face without taking knock back. The 40% speed boost allows you to avoid their ranged and melee attacks with genuine ease, and the Thorn Chakrum creates an amazing approach/retreat weapon. Since this class is based off of foot movement, it has been named the Aggressive Pedestrian.

The Heavy

Molten Armor, Minishark (optional), Phoenix Blaster, Space Gun (optional), Star Cannon, Meteor Shot

x1 Cobalt Shield, x2 Band of Starpower, x2 Band of Regeneration - For use with Space Gun. OR x1 Cobalt Shield, x4 Band of Regeneration - Maximum survivability. OR x1 Cobalt Shield, x1 Band of Regeneration, x1 Anklet of the Wind, x1 Cloud in a Bottle, x1 Shiny Red Balloon - Better mobility.

A variation of the Tank, this class is focused on controlling the flow of enemies whilst utterly annihilating them from a distance with its powerful and wide range of guns. The Minishark does very little damage and is usually only used to deter enemy traffic. This is usually only useful when the enemy is in large clusters, in which case you would use a Space Gun as well to maximize group damage. The Phoenix Blaster is your main weapon. The Star Cannon is to be used sparingly, due to the sheer rarity of the ammunition and quickly it is used up, but if the player knows how to control it and limit their usage accordingly, it can be used to revenge-kill (if not just flat-out destroy) several people.

The Artillery

Cobalt Armor, Starfury, Ivy Whip

5x Band of Starpower - Maximum mana regeneration OR 1x Rocket Boots, 1x Shiny Red Balloon, 3x Band of Starpower - Rain stars from the sky

This build is designed to stay out of attack distance, possibly in a small building, as you use Starfury to damage enemies. This allows you to do a moderate amount of damage whilst staying out of danger. The second set of accessories allows you to use Rocket Boots to stay out of range, allowing you to stay out of range but with lots more mobility.


Pit Traps

A Pit Trap is seen when a player digs multiple holes that are 4ft (2 blocks wide) and about 40ft (20 blocks) deep. At the bottom of the pit, spikes are usually placed. In some occurrence, lava may be placed at the bottom in small puddles. Alternatively, if a player gets trapped in a Pit Trap, the owner of the trap can drop mass amounts of sand on the trapped player to defeat them.

Sand Traps

A Sand Trap is seen when a player uses webbing to uphold sand. This may seem counter intuitive, but sand deals a lot of hp damage on contact with the player mesh. Because the webbing is so easy to destroy, the sand gains much more malleability in how it can be used. Often players can be led into a room and then blocked off by sand or encased in sand and then shot down with arrows, or more sand can be dropped on them, or a lava trap can be used to drop lava onto them.

Spike Traps

A Spike Trap is seen when a player has raided a dungeon of its spikes and mindfully put them in locations that are effective in whittling away health. These spikes can be used to damage other players. Spikes are often best used when they are out of sight of the player and placed on walls or ceilings. When a player puts spikes on the wall or ceiling a player will hesitate to grapple, leaving the target open for a sand trap.

Lava Trap

A Lava Trap is seen when a player takes lava from the -2100ft level and uses buckets to move it up to his fortress. This lava is then held in place in a funnel shaped container, which is corked off by a web/sand cork. This allows the quick release of lava onto an unsuspecting character. This technique coupled with the Sand Trap is a sure way to deal good amounts of damage.

Obsidian Padding

Obsidian Padding isn't really a PvP "tactic"; however, it makes a regular fortress immune to most explosive damage. Regular obsidian created when water touches lava is almost completely resistant to explosive damage, the same can be said of obsidian brick. This makes obsidian invaluable when protecting a base from explosive damage or keeping a player from tearing through your fortress with bombs.


Moats, while not only for PvP (also for goblin armies), are very effective. To build one you either need a lot of water, or better, lava. First, build a giant moat (as big as possible, the bigger the better), then fill it with water/lava. Build a bridge over it. Now, when you know that enemies are coming, mine out the bridge (while able to get back into your house, of course), and watch for them. If they attempt to re-build the bridge, either risk it by trying to mine the bridge out, or attempt to get behind them and knock them in the water/lava. This isn't the best tactic, but it can still add an extra line of defense to your base.

Lava Tubing

This technique is used to drown players; however, it is very hard to accomplish due to the amount of lava required. The player must first start off with a hallway that is tubed or water tight, then the top and bottom of the tube must be spaced 2ft apart (one block) and obsidian (brick/ore) will be placed, then the spacing between the brick and obsidian is filled with lava. This technique is done on both the top and bottom of the tube, then it must be filled with water. This technique, however difficult, yields a watery death for any traveling player.

Hellstone Flooring

Very, very simple. You just make the floor of your base hellstone, will deal continuous damage and (if without obsidian skull) make it extremely difficult to move through, as you will take knockback upon contact. However, it will require your entire team have an obsidian skull in their accessory slot.


Hello, good friends. I'd like to give you an easy, almost effortless way to hurt your enemies. Build large deposits of ebonstone, or, if you are ok with losing it, meteorite. If you put alot on, it will spawn either Eaters of Souls or Meteor Heads. But if you use meteorite, be careful if it's at night, because they might see the light created.

Thinking Ahead

It's me again. And please read the title. When you are making your base, think for a moment on this: What if they dig in, or have grappling hooks? I know all you experienced players have already thought of this, but, to either piss them off, or just slow them down, I suggest you put lava beneath your base. But, think about it. They either have to put blocks down to cover it, or scoop it out with buckets. And another thing: If making a moat, make it wide enough so that grapples or Ivy Vines cannot hook onto it.