近戰型武器 (Melee weapons/yue)

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近戰型武器可以大致分為劍、矛、連枷、回力標、騎槍同埋搖搖(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)。另外亦都有一部分嘅近戰型武器唔屬於上述任何一類。




物品 傷害 來源 備註
銅製短劍 銅製短劍 5 (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) / 7 (3DS version) 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 5 銅錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 7 銅錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
木劍 木劍 7 Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionOld-gen console version / 5 Nintendo 3DS version 製作:7 Wood ( @ Work Bench )
錫製短劍 錫製短劍 7 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 5 錫錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 7 錫錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
桃花心木劍 桃花心木劍 8 製作:7 桃花心木 ( @ Work Bench )
極北南木劍 極北南木劍(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 8 製作:7 極北南木 ( @ Work Bench )
棕櫚木劍 棕櫚木劍(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 8 製作:7 棕櫚木 ( @ Work Bench )
仙人掌劍 仙人掌劍 10 / 9 製作:10 仙人掌 ( @ Work Bench )
銅製闊劍 銅製闊劍 9 / 8 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 6 銅錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 8 銅錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
鐵製短劍 鐵製短劍 8 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 6 鐵錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 7 鐵錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
錫製闊劍 錫製闊劍 10 / 9 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 6 錫錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 8 錫錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
鉛製短劍 鉛製短劍 9 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 6 鉛錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 7 鉛錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
銀製短劍 銀製短劍 9 製作:6 銀錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
遮 10 喺箱仲有同埋珍木板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
蘆葦吸管 蘆葦吸管 10 喺水中箱仲有海洋(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋海濱板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
闇木劍 闇木劍 11 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 10 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:7 闇木 ( @ Work Bench )
腥木劍 腥木劍 11 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 10 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:7 腥木 ( @ Work Bench )
鐵製闊劍 鐵製闊劍 12 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 10 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:8 鐵錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
鎢製短劍 鎢製短劍 10 製作:6 鎢錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
鉛製闊劍 鉛製闊劍 13 / 11 製作:8 鉛錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
銀製闊劍 銀製闊劍 14 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 11 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:8 銀錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
鎢製闊劍 鎢製闊劍 14 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 12 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:8 鎢錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
金製短劍 金製短劍 12 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 6 金錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 7 金錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
喪屍條臂 喪屍條臂 15 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 12 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由喪屍掉落。
間尺 間尺(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) [1] 12 哥布林工匠(10 SC)度有得買。
帶刃手襪 帶刃手襪 14 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 12 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺萬聖節期間由較弱嘅敵怪掉落。
金製闊劍 金製闊劍 15 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 13 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:8 金錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
鉑製短劍 鉑製短劍 13 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 6 鉑錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 7 鉑錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
蟻蛉顎刃 蟻蛉顎刃(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 16 由衝鋒蟻蛉同埋(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)群翃蟻蛉掉落。
時髦鉸剪 時髦鉸剪(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 14 由髮型師掉落。
鉑製闊劍 鉑製闊劍 16 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 15 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:8 鉑錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
羅馬短劍 羅馬短劍(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 15 由重裝步兵掉落。
白骨劍 白骨劍 19 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 16 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由骷髏骨頭掉落。
打刀 打刀(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 18 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 16 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 旅行商人(10 GC)度有得買。
  • 異常高嘅暴擊機率(19%)。
拐杖糖劍 拐杖糖劍(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 19 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 16 (Old-gen console version) 喺聖誕節期間嘅禮物入面開出嚟。
寒冰刃 寒冰刃 17 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 13 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺冰箱仲有冰封(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋極北南箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • 發射一條冰錐。
  • 識發光。
噬光 噬光 16 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 17 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:10 魔腐錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
遠洋彎劍 遠洋彎劍(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 20 由染料商人掉落。
血屠 血屠 22 製作:10 腥紅錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
星忿 星忿 22(劍)/44(星) 喺凌天製箱仲有凌天(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋蔚藍板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • 召喚一粒從天而降嘅星星造成傷害。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
附上咗魔物嘅劍 附魔劍 23 喺附魔劍冢仲有(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋鈦金板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • 發射一串劍影。
  • 識發光。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
深紫揼魚 深紫揼魚 35 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 24 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺腐化之地度釣出嚟。
彎隼刃 彎隼刃 25 同埋秘銀板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
叢草之刃 叢草之刃 18 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 28 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 12 蜜蜂嘅刺 + 15 叢林孢子 + 3 藤枝 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 12 叢林孢子 + 15 蜜蜂嘅刺 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
  • 有25%機率導致中毒減益狀態。
Phaseblade 異相光刃 26 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 21 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 15 隕石錠 + 10 藍寶石 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 20 隕石錠 + 10 藍寶石 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )

  • 識發光。
熾炎巨劍 熾炎巨劍 製作:
  • 有50%機率導致着火啦!減益狀態。
  • 識發光。

{{:Melee weapons/row|Bee Keeper|由蜂后掉落。|

  • 召喚出蜂型嘅拋體。
  • 有90%機率導致混亂減益狀態。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
災厄遮 災厄遮(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 15 響墳場入面嘅服裝商人(10 GC)度有得買。
村正 村正 24 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 18 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺鎖咗嘅金箱同埋金製保管箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • 識發光。
夜稜 夜稜 40 製作:
噬光 + 村正 + 叢草之刃 + 熾炎巨劍 ( @ 惡魔祭壇 / 腥紅祭壇 )
血屠 + 村正 + 叢草之刃 + 熾炎巨劍 ( @ 惡魔祭壇 / 腥紅祭壇 )
噬光 + 村正 + 叢草之刃 + Volcano ( @ 惡魔祭壇 / 腥紅祭壇 )
血屠 + 村正 + 叢草之刃 + Volcano ( @ 惡魔祭壇 / 腥紅祭壇 )
  • 識發光。

搖搖(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

物品 傷害 來源 備註
木搖搖 木搖搖 9 製作:10 Any Wood + 20 蜘蛛網 ( @ Work Bench )
  • 困難模式搖搖斥嘅製作原料之一。
振奮 振奮 14 由巨型碌殼獸、龍蝦仔同埋大鯢掉落。
不協和 不協和 16 製作:12 魔腐錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
動脈 動脈 17 製作:12 腥紅錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
亞馬遜 亞馬遜 18 製作:8 桃花心木 + 12 蜜蜂嘅刺 + 藤枝 + 9 叢林孢子 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
代碼一號 代碼一號 21 旅行商人(5 GC)度有得買。
驍勇 驍勇 28 喺鎖咗嘅金箱同埋金製保管箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
層遞 層遞 27 由地獄層入面嘅敵怪掉落。
  • 有33%機率導致着火啦!減益狀態。

物品 傷害 來源 備註
短矛 短矛 8 喺地表同埋地底層嘅箱入面搵到。
風暴之矛 風暴之矛(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 12(矛)/15(風暴之矛條閃電) 喺沙岩箱仲有綠洲(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋蜃樓板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • 發射一細束閃電。
三叉戟 三叉戟 14 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 10 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺水中箱仲有海洋(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋海濱板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)拎喺手嘅時候會有無限嘅水底移動能力。
魔腐長叉 魔腐長叉 17 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 14 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由腥紅之心掉落;或喺腥紅(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋凝血板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
劍魚 劍魚 19 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 16 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺海洋度釣出嚟。
闇黑騎槍 闇黑騎槍 34 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 27 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺獄影箱同埋黑曜保管箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • 識發光。


物品 傷害 來源 備註
木製回力標 木製回力標 10 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 7 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺地表同埋地底層嘅箱入面搵到。
附魔回力標 附魔回力標 17 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 13 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 木製回力標 + 落星
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)喺地底層嘅金箱入面搵到。
  • 識發光。
菇芒回力標 菇芒回力標(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 23 由孢子蝙蝠掉落;或喺螢光菇生態圈附近嘅金箱入面搵到。
水果蛋糕偃月輪 水果蛋糕偃月輪(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 19 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 14 (Old-gen console version) 喺聖誕節期間嘅禮物入面開出嚟。
血色開山刀 血色開山刀 20 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 15 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺萬聖節期間由較弱嘅敵怪掉落。
寒冰回力標 寒冰回力標 21 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 14 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺冰箱仲有冰封(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋極北南箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • 識發光。
尖刺偃月輪 尖刺偃月輪 25 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 6 叢林孢子 + 9 蜜蜂嘅刺 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 6 叢林孢子 + 15 蜜蜂嘅刺 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
  • 撞到牆會反射。
  • 會導致中毒減益狀態。
火雷回力標 火雷回力標 49 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 37 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:10 火獄錠 + 附魔回力標 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
  • 有20%機率導致着火啦!減益狀態。
戰鬥用士巴拿 戰鬥用士巴拿(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 25 由機械師掉落。
  • 命中兩個目標之後先會返嚟。


物品 傷害 來源 備註
鏈刀 鏈刀 12 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
11 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
鏈錘 鏈錘(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 18 喺地底層嘅金箱入面搵到。
火燒鏈錘 火燒鏈錘(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 18 製作:鏈錘 + 99 Torch
  • 會導致着火啦!減益狀態。
苦痛鏈波 苦痛鏈波 30 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
15 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
由腐影暗珠掉落;或喺魔腐(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)同埋瀆褻板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
肉丸 肉丸 34 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 16 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:10 腥紅錠 + 5 腥肉樣本 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
蔚藍鏈月 蔚藍鏈月 54 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
23 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
喺鎖咗嘅金箱同埋金製保管箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
耀陽之怒 耀陽之怒 64 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 33 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 喺獄影箱同埋黑曜保管箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)入面搵到。
  • 會導致着火啦!減益狀態。


物品 傷害 來源 備註
泰拉之福 泰拉之福(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 17 喺附魔劍冢入面搵到。
  • 識發光。
亞喀莉斯 亞喀莉斯(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) [2] 25 !!Error: Invalid EICONS input!喺附魔劍冢入面搵到。
  • 識發光。


物品 傷害 來源 備註
珍木劍 珍木劍 30 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 11 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:7 珍木 ( @ Work Bench )
紳士拐杖 紳士拐杖(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 16 由稅吏掉落。
打人手板 打人手板(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 55 骷髏商人(25 GC)度有得買。
鈷劍 鈷劍 40 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 34 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 8 鈷錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 10 鈷錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
Phasesaber 晶相光劍[3] 48 製作:電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: Blue Phaseblade + 25 結晶碎 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: Blue Phaseblade + 50 結晶碎 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )

(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)嘅困難模式之前已經可以製作。
  • 識發光。
冰錐鐮刀 冰錐鐮刀 50 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 40 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由雪原入面嘅敵怪掉落。
  • 發射一條氹氹轉嘅冰錐鐮刀刃。
破毀劍 破毀劍 70 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 39 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由血肉之牆掉落。
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)對有九成以上生命值嘅敵怪做成雙倍傷害。
鈀劍 鈀劍 49 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 36 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 10 鈀錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 12 鈀錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
秘銀劍 秘銀劍 50 / 39 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 8 秘銀錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 10 秘銀錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
霜印劍 霜印劍 49 由冰藍寶箱怪掉落。
  • 發射一條冰錐。
  • 識發光。
海員短劍 海員短劍 53 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 51 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由大部分海盜掉落。
山銅劍 山銅劍 59 / 41 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 10 山銅錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 12 山銅錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
輝柱劍 輝柱劍 52 由裝甲骷髏掉落。
  • 發射一把劍型光柱。
  • 識發光。
脷刃 脷刃(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 55 喺腥紅之地度釣出嚟。
  • 打中嘢嘅時候發射破靈光束。
  • 會導致破靈減益狀態。
精金劍 精金劍 61 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 44 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:12 精金錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
鈦金劍 鈦金劍 61 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 46 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:13 鈦錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
腐臭虎爪 腐臭虎爪(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 60 由腥紅寶箱怪掉落。
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)近戰攻擊速度加成削弱75%。
  • 極低嘅使用冷卻(8)。
聖皇劍 聖皇劍 72 / 47 製作:12 聖潔錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • 喺揮舞途中玩家無法轉向。
  • 識發光。
烈獄之痕 烈獄之痕(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 95 由食人魔掉落。
  • 防禦攻擊可以作為次要攻擊手段。
天葬娜 天葬娜(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:聖皇劍 + 15 荒災之魂 + 15 精金錠 / 鈦錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • 會導致流血不止減益狀態。
真。夜棱 真。夜棱 70 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 夜稜 + 20 慌慄之魂 + 20 昂揚之魂 + 20 曠視之魂 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 夜稜 + 刮花曬嘅英雄之劍 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • 發射一把氹氹轉嘅大型劍型光柱。
  • 識發光。
  • 泰拉之刃製作原料之一。
種子彎刀 種子彎刀(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 50 由巨豹花掉落。
  • 發射細細粒同會爆炸嘅拋體。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
葉綠佩劍 葉綠佩劍 57 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 43 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:12 葉綠錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • 發射一細嚿孢子雲。
死神鐮刀 死神鐮刀 57 由死神掉落。
  • 發射一把會氹氹轉同穿牆嘅鐮刀。
  • 識發光。
真。聖皇劍 真。聖皇劍 72 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 聖皇劍 + 24 葉綠錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 聖皇劍 + 刮花曬嘅英雄之劍 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • 發射一把大型劍型光柱。
  • 識發光。
  • 泰拉之刃製作原料之一。
騎士之刃 騎士之刃 150 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 75 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由千面南瓜王掉落。
  • 召喚出會傷害目標、發光同埋自動鎖定嘅南瓜頭。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
鑰印 鑰印 105 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 55 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由深藍、火獄同埋鏽痕骷髏裝甲兵掉落。
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)隨住敵怪生命值減少造成最多150%傷害。
變態殺手菜刀 變態殺手菜刀(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 85 由變態殺手掉落。
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)近戰攻擊速度加成削弱67%。
  • 個人企定響度嘅時候會觸發隱身模式,增加武器嘅各種數值。
聖誕松柏劍 聖誕松柏劍 86 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 73 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 由常綠尖叫松掉落。
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)召喚出一粒聖誕樹頂嘅星星同埋四粒喺短暫延遲之後跌落地嘅聖誕樹掛件。
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)發射一粒會向下跌嘅聖誕樹掛件。
葉綠闊刃劍 葉綠闊刃劍 95 / 65 製作:12 葉綠錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • 發射一個會向下跌嘅波。
泰拉之刃 泰拉之刃 85 製作:真。夜棱 + 真。聖皇劍 + 刮花曬嘅英雄之劍 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • 發射一把大型劍型光柱。
  • 識發光。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
波流束刃 波流束刃(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 100 由火星飛蝶掉落。
  • 發射一把藍色嘅劍狀拋體。一旦命中目標,會再隨機攻擊附近嘅敵怪最多兩次。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
龍騰 龍騰(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 180 由啤茲掉落。
  • 發射一束會穿牆嘅罩狀拋體。
星耀 星耀(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 80 由光之女皇掉落。
星怒 星怒(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 110(劍)/220(拋體) 月帝掉落。
  • 召喚出三粒從天而降嘅拋體。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。
喵行段刃 喵行段刃(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 200 由月帝掉落。
  • 發射一隻同彩虹貓一樣會留低彩虹軌跡同周圍反彈嘅拋體
  • 識發光。
  • 凌聖劍製作原料之一。

搖搖(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

物品 傷害 來源 備註
格式:C 格式:C 39 Purchased from the Skeleton Merchant (20 GC).
漸變 漸變 49 Purchased from the Skeleton Merchant (20 GC).
斥 39 製作:木搖搖 + 15 結晶碎 + 10 晃朗之魂 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
獄—炎 獄—炎 41 Dropped by any enemy in The Underworld.
亞瑪狼 亞瑪狼 43 Dropped by any enemy in the Snow biome.
代碼二號 代碼二號 54 Purchased from the Traveling Merchant (25 GC).
葉列茨 葉列茨 60 Dropped by any enemy in the Jungle.
Red嘅一拋 Red嘅一拋 70 Found in Treasure Bags.
女武神搖搖 女武神搖搖 70 Found in Treasure Bags.
海怪 海怪 95 Dropped by any enemy in the Dungeon.
克蘇魯隻眼 克蘇魯隻眼 115 Dropped by Mothron.
泰拉之魂 泰拉之魂 190 Dropped by the Moon Lord.
  • Creates circular light green projectiles.

物品 傷害 來源 備註
鈷製薙刀 鈷製薙刀 44 / 29 製作:10 鈷錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
鈀製刺槍 鈀製刺槍 44 / 32 製作:12 鈀錠 ( @ 鐵砧 / 鉛砧 )
秘銀戟 秘銀戟 45 / 35 製作:10 秘銀錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
山銅戟 山銅戟 46 / 36 製作:12 山銅錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
精金偃月刀 精金偃月刀 49 / 38 製作:12 精金錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
鈦金三叉戟 鈦金三叉戟 48 / 40 製作:13 鈦錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
黑曜劍魚 黑曜劍魚 70 Fished in lava.
聖曳之槍 聖曳之槍 61 / 42 製作:12 聖潔錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • 識發光。
紫菇長矛 紫菇長矛 60 Purchased from the Truffle (70 GC).
  • Creates damaging mushrooms.
陰煞偃月刀 陰煞偃月刀(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 45 Dropped by Ogre.
  • Summons a dragon-head ghost.
蜻蛉切 蜻蛉切(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:聖曳之槍 + 15 荒災之魂 + 15 精金錠 / 鈦錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
葉綠闊頭槍 葉綠闊頭槍 49 製作:12 葉綠錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • Creates a spore cloud.
北戟 北戟 80 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 73 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Dropped by Ice Queen.
  • Shoots an icy projectile that rains damaging snowflakes.


物品 傷害 來源 備註
騎槍 騎槍(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 60 Purchased from the Zoologist (6 GC).
  • Retracts when the player takes damage.
聖潔騎槍 聖潔騎槍(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 90 製作:12 聖潔錠 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
暗影騎槍 暗影騎槍(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 130 Dropped by Giant Cursed Skull.


物品 傷害 來源 備註
飛刀 飛刀(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 40 Dropped by Hallowed Mimics.
  • Throws a reusable cursor-controllable projectile that whizzes around the cursor.
回力蕉 回力蕉 45 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 40 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Dropped by Clowns.
  • Can be thrown up to a max of ten.
合眾中士盾 合眾中士盾(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 80 Purchased from the Traveling Merchant (35 GC).
  • Homes in on nearby enemies and will chain its attack to 4 additional enemies.
光盤 光盤 60 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 35 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:
電腦版電子遊戲機版手機版: 20 聖潔錠 + 15 晃朗之魂 + 25 昂揚之魂 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
舊電子遊戲機版Nintendo 3DS版: 4 聖潔錠 + 3 晃朗之魂 + 5 昂揚之魂 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • Ricochets.
  • Can be thrown up to a max of five.
  • 識發光。
聖騎士之鎚 聖騎士之鎚 90 Dropped by Paladin.
  • Hits through enemies.
鬼斧神攻 鬼斧神攻 80 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 90 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Dropped by Golem.
  • Homes in on nearby enemies.


物品 傷害 來源 備註
鏈刃 鏈刃(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 59 Dropped by Corrupt Mimics.
揼人之道 揼人之道 100 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 49 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 製作:黑闇碎片 + 光明碎片 + 7 曭夜之魂 + 7 晃朗之魂 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
錨鏈 錨鏈 70 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 30 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Found in Wooden Crates or 珍木板箱(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
  • Continuous attack.
KO炮 KO炮 40 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 35 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Dropped by any enemy during a Blood Moon.
血滴戮敵鏈 血滴戮敵鏈(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 110 Dropped by Blood Eel.
揼人之花 揼人之花 130 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 52 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Dropped by Plantera.
  • Shoots petals at enemies.
巨魔像之拳 巨魔像之拳 90 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 60 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Dropped by Golem.
龍魚連枷 龍魚連枷 66 Dropped by Duke Fishron.
  • Releases homing bubble projectiles that damage enemies.


物品 傷害 來源 備註
影焰小刀 影焰小刀(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 38 Dropped by Goblin Summoners.
亞喀莉斯 亞喀莉斯(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 25 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Found in Expert Mode Treasure Bags.
  • 識發光。
好瞓八爪棒 好瞓八爪棒(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 50 Dropped by Ogre.
腐化者鞭槍 腐化者鞭槍 70 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 64 (Old-gen console version) / 57 (3DS version) Found in Corruption Chest.
噬血飛刀 噬血飛刀 29 Found in Crimson Chest.
  • Fires projectiles that heal the player upon hit.
天龍之忿怒 天龍之忿怒(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 140 Dropped by Betsy.
日耀噴發 日耀噴發(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 105 製作:18 旭日碎塊 ( @ 亙古操作器 )
破曉 破曉(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 150 製作:18 旭日碎塊 ( @ 亙古操作器 )
凌聖劍 凌聖劍(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 190 製作:
泰拉之刃 + 喵行段刃 + 星怒 + 波流束刃 + 騎士之刃 + 種子彎刀 + 星忿 + 馭蜂劍 + 附上咗魔物嘅劍 + 銅製短劍 ( @ 秘銀砧 / 山銅砧 )
  • Rapidly throws swords through blocks that arc towards the cursor before returning.
  • 識發光。

Boost gear

The following items will boost the stats of melee weapons.

Armor sets

Appearance Set Defense Bonuses / Effects / Notes Cost / Source / Crafted At
Head Chest Legs Total
暗影裝甲暗影裝甲 暗影裝甲 (Ancient) 6 7 6 19
  • 60 魔腐錠魔腐錠
  • 45 腐影鱗片腐影鱗片
  • Crafted at 鐵砧鐵砧 / 鉛砧鉛砧
Molten armor Molten armor 8 9 8 25
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+7% melee speed
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+7% melee damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+7% melee critical hit chance
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)Set Bonus: +17% melee damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Set Bonus: +10% melee damage (+17% total)
  • Set Effect: Flame particles when moving
  • 45 火獄錠火獄錠
  • Crafted at 鐵砧鐵砧 / 鉛砧鉛砧
鈷製裝甲 鈷製裝甲(with Helmet) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)11/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)12 8 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)7/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)8 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)26/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)28
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+3% critical strike chance
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+5% critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+12% melee speed
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+15% melee damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+3% damage
  • Set Bonus: +15% melee speed ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+27% total)
  • 45 鈷錠鈷錠
  • Crafted at 鐵砧鐵砧 / 鉛砧鉛砧
鈀金裝甲 鈀金裝甲(with Mask) 14 10 8 32
  • +5% damage
  • +3% critical strike chance
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+8% melee damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+12% melee damage
  • +12% melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Gives Rapid Healing buff for 5 seconds when you hit an enemy
  • 54 鈀錠鈀錠
  • Crafted at 鐵砧鐵砧 / 鉛砧鉛砧
秘銀裝甲 秘銀裝甲(with Helmet) 16 12 9 37
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+5% damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+7% damage
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+3% critical strike chance
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+10% critical strike chance
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+5% melee critical strike chance
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+8% melee critical strike chance
  • +10% melee damage
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)Set Bonus: +5% melee critical strike chance (+13% total)
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Set Bonus: +10% melee critical strike chance (+18% total)
  • 45 秘銀錠秘銀錠
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
山銅裝甲 山銅裝甲(with Mask) 19 13 10 42
  • +6% critical strike chance
  • +18% movement speed
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+7% melee damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+11% melee damage
  • +7% melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Flower petals will fall on your target for extra damage
  • 54 山銅錠山銅錠
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
精金裝甲 精金裝甲(with Helmet) 22 16 12 50
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+6% damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+8% damage
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+4% critical strike chance
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+7% critical strike chance
  • +5% movement speed
  • +7% melee critical strike chance
  • +14% melee damage
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)Set Bonus: +18% melee speed, +18% movement speed (+23% total)
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Set Bonus: +20% melee speed, +20% movement speed (+23% total)
  • Set Effect: Pulsating outline of player
  • 54 精金錠精金錠
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
鈦金裝甲 鈦金裝甲(with Mask) 23 15 11 49
  • +7% damage
  • +6% critical strike chance
  • +6% movement speed
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+8% melee speed
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+9% melee speed
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+8% melee damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+9% melee damage
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+8% melee critical strike chance
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+9% melee critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus: (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Gives Titanium Barrier buff for 10 seconds when you hit an enemy.
  • Set Bonus: (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Gives Shadow Dodge buff for 30 seconds when you hit an enemy, or until you take damage.
  • 59 鈦錠鈦錠
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
寒霜裝甲 寒霜裝甲 10 20 13 43
  • +16% melee and ranged damage
  • +11% melee and ranged critical strike chance
  • +8% movement speed
  • +7% melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Melee and ranged attacks cause Frostburn
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Set Bonus: +10% melee and ranged damage, melee and ranged attacks cause Frostburn with 25 damage per second
  • Set Effect: Snow trail when moving, ice shattering sound effect replaces pain sound
  • 46 鈦錠鈦錠 or 46 精金錠精金錠 ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions))
  • 46 聖潔錠聖潔錠 ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
  • 3 冰晶核冰晶核(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
聖潔裝甲 聖潔裝甲(with Mask) 24 15 11 50
  • +7% damage
  • +7% critical strike chance
  • +8% movement speed
  • +10% melee damage critical strike chance
  • +10% melee speed
  • Set Bonus: +19% melee speed (+29% total), +19% movement speed (+27% total)
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Set Bonus: Become immune after striking an enemy
  • Set Effect: After-image and pulsating effect
  • 54 聖潔錠聖潔錠
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
Squire armor.png Squire armor female.png Squire armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 012/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)13 027 017/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 18 0/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 58
  • +1 sentry capacity
  • +30% minion damage
  • +15% melee damage
  • !!Error: Invalid EICONS input!+20% melee critical strike chance
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+15% melee critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • Increased life regeneration
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+2 total)
    Ballista pierces more targets and panics when you take damage
Monk armor.png Monk armor female.png Monk armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 08 022 016 046
  • +1 sentry capacity
  • +30% minion damage
  • +20% melee damage
  • +20% melee speed
  • +15% melee critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+2 total)
    Lightning Aura can now crit and strikes faster
葉綠裝甲 葉綠裝甲(with Mask) 25/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 20 18 13 56/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 51
  • +5% damage
  • +15% critical strike chance
  • +5% movement speed
  • +16% melee damage
  • +6% melee critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus: Causes a leaf crystal to permanently appear over the player's head, attacking enemies for ~40 base damage
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Additionally grants 5% damage reduction
  • 54 葉綠錠葉綠錠
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
玄武裝甲 玄武裝甲 21 27 17 65
  • +14% melee damage
  • +12% critical strike chance
  • Enemies are more likely to attack you
  • Set Bonus: Melee attacking enemies receive damage inflicted equal to their damage value before your defense reduction (twice as much damage is dealt in 電腦版 電腦版電子遊戲機版 電子遊戲機版同手機版 手機版).
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Additional set bonus of 15% damage reduction
  • 54 葉綠錠葉綠錠
  • 3 龜殼龜殼
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
甲蟲裝甲 甲蟲裝甲(with Scale Mail) 23 20 18 61
  • +14% melee damage
  • +8% melee critical strike chance
  • +12% movement and melee speed
    • Set Bonus: Increases melee damage and speed in increments of 10%, up to 30%
  • 18 甲蟲殼甲蟲殼
  • Full Turtle armor set
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
甲蟲裝甲 甲蟲裝甲(with Shell) 23 32 18 73
  • +11% melee damage
  • +6% movement and melee speed
  • +5% melee critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: Starts at 15% damage mitigation and goes up to 45%
  • 18 甲蟲殼甲蟲殼
  • Full Turtle armor set
  • Crafted at 秘銀砧秘銀砧 / 山銅砧山銅砧
Dragon armor Dragon armor(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 26 20 14 60
  • +15% melee damage
  • +2% melee attack speed
  • +25% critical strike chance
  • +12% movement speed
  • Set Bonus: +21% melee attack speed (+23% total), +21% movement speed (+33% total)
Valhalla Knight armor.png Valhalla Knight armor female.png Valhalla Knight armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 014/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 20 030/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 24 020/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 24 064/(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 68
  • +2 sentry capacity
  • +60% minion damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+10% melee damage
  • +20% melee critical strike chance
  • +30% movement speed
  • Massively increased life regeneration
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Ballista effectiveness
Shinobi Infiltrator armor.png Shinobi Infiltrator armor female.png Shinobi Infiltrator armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 010 026 018 054
  • +2 sentry capacity
  • +60% minion damage
  • +20% melee damage
  • +20% melee speed
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+20% melee critical strike chance
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+25% melee critical strike chance
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)+20% movement speed
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+30% movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Lightning Aura effectiveness
耀陽裝甲 耀陽裝甲(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 24 34 20 78
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+29% melee damage
  • !!Error: Invalid EICONS input!+22% melee damage
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)+26% melee critical hit chance
  • !!Error: Invalid EICONS input!+17% melee critical hit chance
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Increased life regeneration(+3 HP/sec)
  • +15% movement and melee speed
  • Enemies are more likely to target you
  • Set Bonus: Solar shields generate over time protecting you, consume the shield power to dash, damaging enemies
  • Set Effect: After-image during motion.
  • 45 旭日碎塊旭日碎塊(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • 36 夜明錠夜明錠(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Crafted at 亙古操作器亙古操作器(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


Item Melee Boost(s)
Magma Stone Magma Stone
  • Causes the wearer's melee attacks to inflict the (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Hellfire / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) On Fire! debuff
Magma Skull Magma Skull(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Causes the wearer's melee attacks to inflict the Hellfire debuff
  • Grants immunity from blocks that inflict the Burning debuff
Molten Skull Rose Molten Skull Rose(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Causes the wearer's melee attacks to inflict the Hellfire debuff
  • Grants immunity from blocks that inflict the Burning debuff
  • Reduces Lava's base damage from 80 to 35
Warrior Emblem Warrior Emblem
  • +15% melee damage
復仇者徽章 復仇者徽章
  • +12% damage to all weapons
湮滅者徽章 湮滅者徽章
  • +10% damage
  • +8% critical strike chance
野化之爪 野化之爪
  • +12% melee speed
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Enable Autoswing for all Melee Weapons (whips included)
Titan Glove Titan Glove
  • +70% melee knockback
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Increases the size of (eligible) melee weapons by 10%
力量手襪 力量手襪
  • +12% melee speed
  • +70% melee knockback
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Enable Autoswing for all Melee Weapons (whips included)
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Increases the size of (eligible) melee weapons by 10%
機械手襪 機械手襪
  • +12% melee speed
  • +12% melee damage
  • +70% melee knockback
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Enable Autoswing for all Melee Weapons (whips included)
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Increases the size of (eligible) melee weapons by 10%
炎焚護手 炎焚護手
  • +12% melee speed (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 10% melee speed (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
  • +12% melee damage (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 10% melee damage !!Error: Invalid EICONS input! / 9% melee damage (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
  • +100% melee knockback
  • All melee weapons emit light particles during use
  • All melee weapons cause the (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Hellfire / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) On Fire! debuff
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Enable Autoswing for all Melee Weapons (whips included)
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Increases the size of (eligible) melee weapons by 10%
艷陽石 艷陽石

At daytime:

弦月石 弦月石

At night:

諸天石 諸天石
諸天星殼 諸天星殼(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Werewolf form: (added at night, while not underwater)

  • +2% melee critical hit chance
  • +5.1% melee damage
  • +5.1% melee speed
葾肨爛臭袋 葾肨爛臭袋(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


Item Melee Boost(s)
食飽咗 食飽咗
  • +5% increased damage
  • +5% increased melee speed
  • +2% increased critical strike chance
都幾滿足 都幾滿足(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • +7.5% increased damage
  • +7.5% increased melee speed
  • +3% increased critical strike chance
山珍海味食到滯 山珍海味食到滯(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • +10% increased damage
  • +10% increased melee speed
  • +4% increased critical strike chance
忿怒藥水 忿怒藥水
  • +10% increased damage
得意豬龍魚坐騎 得意豬龍魚坐騎(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • +15% increased damage while below 50% health, underwater, or 6 seconds thereafter
野畜咬噬 野畜咬噬(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • +20% increased damage
增傷星雲 增傷星雲(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Up to +45% (All) damage for 8 seconds
刀光劍影 刀光劍影(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • +12 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 4 !!Error: Invalid EICONS input! armor penetration for melee weapons
瘟瘟沌沌 瘟瘟沌沌
  • -4 defense
  • +10% increased melee damage
  • +10% increased melee attack speed
  • +2% increased melee critical strike chance
武器賦能—派對彩紙 武器賦能—派對彩紙
武器賦能—咒焰 武器賦能—咒焰
武器賦能—火焰 武器賦能—火焰
  • Melee attacks inflict On Fire! debuff on enemies
武器賦能—斂財 武器賦能—斂財
  • Melee attacks inflict Midas debuff on enemies
武器賦能—破靈 武器賦能—破靈
  • Melee attacks inflict Ichor debuff on enemies
武器賦能—納米機械 武器賦能—納米機械
  • Melee attacks inflict Confused debuff on enemies
武器賦能—毒藥 武器賦能—毒藥
  • Melee attacks inflict Poisoned debuff on enemies
武器賦能—酸毒 武器賦能—酸毒
  • Melee attacks inflict Venom debuff on enemies


  1. The Ruler is only a weapon on the 電腦版 電腦版電子遊戲機版 電子遊戲機版同手機版 手機版.
  2. The Arkhalis can only be found in Hardmode on the 電腦版 電腦版電子遊戲機版 電子遊戲機版同手機版 手機版, but can be found in pre-Hardmode on the no version.
  3. The Phasesaber can only be crafted in Hardmode on the 電腦版 電腦版電子遊戲機版 電子遊戲機版,舊電子遊戲機版 舊電子遊戲機版同手機版 手機版, but can be crafted in pre-Hardmode on the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS版版.